
ネイティブのリアル英語  layover  (乗り継ぎの)時間待ち


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!

ネイティブのリアル英語  layover   (乗り継ぎの)時間待ち













また、「乗り継ぎ便」のことをconnecting flightと言います。もしくはtransit/transfer flight


● a connecting flight


● Transfer passengers


 I am in transit here.



Where would you go during a layover in Tokyo



I don’t mind changing the airplanes, but I do mind a long layover at the airport. 


「 layover     (乗り継ぎの)時間待ち 」 習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

On our way to Paris, we had a three-hour layover in Amsterdam.


On our way to Paris, we had a three-hour stop in Amsterdam.


On ’ar way da Paris, we had a three-hour layover ’n Amsterdam.


● Bend over backwards: 四苦八苦する、可能な限り努力する
She bent over backwards to make sure her guests were comfortable.

● Hand over fist: 速くかつ容易に(特にお金を稼ぐ場合に使われる)
After launching the new product, the company was making money hand over fist.

● Over the moon: 大変うれしい、舞い上がって
He was over the moon when he found out he got the job.

● Cry over spilled milk: 済んだことをくよくよする、後の祭りで悔やむ
There’s no use crying over spilled milk. We just have to move on and find a solution.

● Pull the wool over someone’s eyes: だます、目をくらませる
You can’t pull the wool over my eyes; I know what you’re up to.

● Watch over: 保護する、見守る
My grandmother used to watch over me when I was a child.

TALK TALK TALK Book 1 & 2―English Site

Japanese Site

Back to Intermediate Page

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Name:    TALK TALK TALK Book 1 & 2,

       Sample Material for Book 1, Sample Material for Book 2

▮ Level:       CEFR A2~B2, TOEIC 500~850, EIKEN Pre-Grade 2 to Pre 1

▮ Number of Lessons: 30~50 lessons each (Please take as many lessons as you need)

▮ Teaching Material : Commercially available materials- During the lesson, the instructor will share their screen. If you need materials for preparation or review, please contact the instructor or customer support.

▮ Features of the Lessons

☑ You will learn real American English that cannot be learned from textbooks.
☑ You will learn everyday English conversation that can be used in various situations.
☑ You will develop communication skills from various effective lesson approaches.
☑ The text is designed for interactive dialogues with the instructor.

▮ Lesson Activities

● Read the assignment sample prepared for each lesson
● Answer questions/problems referring to the assignment sample
● Express thoughts and opinions in your own words in the questions
● Communicate with the instructor in the questions

Express Yourself 1&2―English Site 

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it 

▮ Course Name:   Express Yourself 1&2,
           Sample Material Book 1,   Sample Material Book 2

▮ Level:     CEFR A2~B2, TOEIC 500~850, EIKEN Pre-Grade 2~Pre1

▮ Number of Lessons:  50 lessons (Please take as many lessons as you need)

▮ Teaching Material : During the lesson, the instructor will share their screen. If you need materials for preparation or review, please contact the instructor or customer support.

▮ Features of the Lessons

☑ A lesson method that is sufficient and effective for improving speaking skills.
☑ You will express your thoughts on familiar and topical themes.
☑ You will receive checks and advice from the instructor on vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and ways of expression.
☑ 724 questions, 130 sample opinions, and 460 useful expressions

▮ Lesson Activities

● Read the topic
● Answer questions about the topic – express your own opinions
● Explain expressions (sentences) that appear in the topic in your own words

Please note: The lesson materials for this course are commercially available. Please ask the instructor or Customer Support about the materials.

100% Graphic Language (Basic & Intermediate)―English Site 

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Name: 100% Graphic Language (Basic & Intermediate)   Sample Material

▮ Level:     CEFR A1~A2, TOEIC 120~220, EIKEN Grade 5 to 3

▮ Number of Lessons:  50 lessons (Please take as many lessons as you need according to your level)

▮ Teaching Material :ENGLISH ICEBREAK Basic / ENGLISH ICEBREAK Intermediate

▮ Features of the Lessons

☑ Use of 100% graphic language materials – The entire material is expressed in pictures.
☑ The effect of images is ‘immediate comprehension upon viewing’ + ‘stimulating the right brain to reinforce memory’.
☑ Basic edition – 100 basic directive words + 200 essential words, and 1440 situations to immerse yourself in English.
☑ Intermediate edition – Practice expressing longer sentences by repeatedly using the vocabulary learned in Basic while adding new vocabulary.

▮ Lesson Activities

● Look at pictures with words or phrases and read aloud with the instructor 2-3 times.
● Look at the picture with the number directed by the instructor and answer the word or phrase.
● If you get stuck with the answer, the instructor will give gestures or phrases as hints.

TRAVEL ― English Site

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Name: TRAVEL

▮ Number of Lessons: 30 Lessons

▮ Target Level: CEFR A2~A2, TOEIC 200~500, Eiken 3rd grade~Pre-2nd grade

▮ Teaching Material : Original Material

▮ Course Features:

In this course, you will learn the English conversation skills often used during overseas travel through simple sentences and words in a fun and effective way. The lessons will primarily consist of ‘role-play’ based on practical scenarios. You will be able to practice with the instructor for situations you might encounter during your travels. Upon completing the ‘Travel’ course composed of 30 lessons, you will be able to enjoy overseas travel and solo travel using English.

Access our original teaching materials here⇒

DAILY LIFE ― English Site

Japanese Site

Back to Basic ~ Pre-Intermediate

Back to Intermediate Page

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Name:      DAILY LIFE

▮ Number of Lessons:    35 Lessons

▮ Target Level:     CEFR A1~A2, TOEIC 200~500, Eiken Grade 3 ~ Pre-2

▮ Teaching Material : Original Material

▮ Course Features:

In this course, you will learn English conversation from short articles based on daily life topics such as hobbies, friends, family, health, and environmental issues. By learning practical basic vocabulary and phrases often used in daily life and having free discussions with the instructor about these topics, you will acquire practical conversational skills.

Access our original teaching materials here⇒

Questions for Conversation―English Site

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it 

▮ Course Name:     Questions for Conversation

▮ Level:         CEFR A1~A2, TOEIC 150~220, EIKEN Grade 3

▮ Number of Lessons:   25 Lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Teaching Material : Original Material

▮ Characteristics of the Lesson:

☑ You’ll rapidly answer questions related to everyday topics.
☑ The questions are simple, with defined answers, helping you develop reflexive English skills.
☑ You’ll receive corrections and advice on vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure from the instructor.

▮  Lesson Activities:

● You’ll read a brief explanation about the topic.
● You’ll answer short and simple questions about the topic.
● You’ll have a simple conversation with the instructor about the topic.

Describe the Picture―English Site

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Lesson Course Name:   Describe the Picture   Sample Material

▮ Level:          CEFR A1-A2 TOEIC 150-220, EIKEN Grade 3

▮ Number of Lessons:   40 lessons (Please take only the necessary ones)

▮ Teaching Material : Original Material

▮ Lesson Features:

☑ There is an English proverb that says, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ Indeed, with pictures, various expressions can be mastered!
☑ You will be shown various images and will learn to express what you see in English.
☑ The instructor will correct your vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure, enabling you to learn practical English.

▮ Lesson Activities:

● Creating a minimum of five sentences based on the picture.
● Checking pronunciation, grammar, and sentence structure.
● Answering questions about the picture.


Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Lesson Course Name:   DIALOGUE-DAILY BASIC    Sample Material

▮ Level:           CEFR A1 TOEIC 120-200, Eiken Grade 4-3

▮ Number of Lessons:    60 lessons (Please take only the necessary ones)

▮ Teaching Material : Original Material

▮ Lesson Features:

☑ Basic daily conversation lessons starting with self-introductions conducted in a dialogue format.
☑ Through role-playing with the instructor, you will learn essential phrases thoroughly.
☑ Engaging in conversations with the instructor while answering topic-related questions naturally enhances conversational skills.

▮ Lesson Activities:

● Reading aloud (checking pronunciation, intonation, etc.)
● Learning basic phrases of daily conversation through role-playing
● Discussing topics with the instructor

Fast & Easy Story―English Site

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Lesson Course Name:   Fast & Easy Story    Sample Material

▮ Level:          CEFR A1 TOEIC 120-200, Eiken Grade 4-3

▮ Number of Lessons:    40 lessons (Please take only the necessary ones)

▮ Lesson Features:

☑ Innovative training method using simple and short stories.
☑ Designed to make learning English enjoyable and natural.
☑ Enables you to speak English quickly (Fast) and easily (Easy) without overthinking.
☑ Emphasizes repetition of the same words and sentences to reinforce learning.

▮ Lesson Activities:

● Reading aloud (checking pronunciation, intonation, etc.)
● Answering 10 simple questions in both WH and YES-NO formats.
● Changing sentence tenses for speaking practice.
● Transforming affirmative sentences into negative and interrogative forms, and vice versa.
● Direct speech ⇔ Indirect speech conversion.
● Instant English composition using key vocabulary.
● Discussing topics with the instructor.