
TOEFL ITP Listening 30―Table of Contents

TOEFL ITP Listening 30

― Table of Contents ―

★ 25 minutes / lesson

★ 受講者のレベルやレッスンの進行速度によってレッスン数が変わる場合があります。

(The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the lesson)

Lesson NumberRole of the LessonCharacteristicsQuestions
Lesson 1Primary TestPart AQ1~Q10
Lesson 2Primary TestPart AQ11~Q20
Lesson 3Primary TestPart AQ21~Q30
Lesson 4Primary TestPart BQ31~Q34
Lesson 5Primary TestPart BQ35~Q38
Lesson 6Primary TestPart CQ39~Q42
Lesson 7Primary TestPart CQ43~Q46
Lesson 8Primary TestPart CQ47~Q50
Lesson 9Part A Strategy
Lesson 10Part A Strategy
Lesson 11Practice Test 1Part AQ1~Q9
Lesson 12Practice Test 1Part AQ10~Q19
Lesson 13Practice Test 1Part AQ20~Q30
Lesson 14Practice Test 2Part AQ1~Q9
Lesson 15Practice Test 2Part AQ10~Q19
Lesson 16Practice Test 2Part AQ20~Q30
Lesson 17Part B Strategy
Lesson 18Part B Strategy
Lesson 19Practice Test 1Part BQ1~Q4
Lesson 20Practice Test 1Part BQ5~Q8
Lesson 21Practice Test 2Part BQ1~Q4
Lesson 22Practice Test 2Part BQ5~Q8
Lesson 23Part C Strategy
Lesson 24Part C Strategy
Lesson 25Practice Test 1Part CQ1~Q4
Lesson 26Practice Test 1Part CQ5~Q8
Lesson 27Practice Test 1Part CQ9~Q12
Lesson 28Practice Test 2Part CQ1~Q4
Lesson 29Practice Test 2Part CQ5~Q8
Lesson 30Practice Test 2Part CQ9~Q12
TOEFL ITP Listening 50―mp3 Source

TOEFL ITP Listening 50

― Table of Contents ―

★ 25 minutes / lesson

★The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the lesson

Lesson NumberRole of the LessonCharacteristicsQuestionsmp3 Source
Lesson 1Primary TestPart AQ1~Q10Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 2Primary TestPart AQ11~Q20Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 3Primary TestPart AQ21~Q30Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 4Primary TestPart BQ31~Q34Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 5Primary TestPart BQ35~Q38Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 6Primary TestPart CQ39~Q42Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 7Primary TestPart CQ43~Q46Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 8Primary TestPart CQ47~Q50Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 9Part A StrategyComplete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 10Part A StrategyComplete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 11Practice Test 1Part AQ1~Q9Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 12Practice Test 1Part AQ10~Q19Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 13Practice Test 1Part AQ20~Q30Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 14Practice Test 2Part AQ1~Q9Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 15Practice Test 2Part AQ10~Q19Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 16Practice Test 2Part AQ20~Q30Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 17Part B StrategyComplete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 18Part B StrategyComplete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 19Practice Test 1Part BQ1~Q4Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 20Practice Test 1Part BQ5~Q8Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 21Practice Test 2Part BQ1~Q4Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 22Practice Test 2Part BQ5~Q8Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 23Part C StrategyComplete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 24Part C StrategyComplete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 25Practice Test 1Part CQ1~Q4Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 26Practice Test 1Part CQ5~Q8Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 27Practice Test 1Part CQ9~Q12Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 28Practice Test 2Part CQ1~Q4Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 29Practice Test 2Part CQ5~Q8Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 30Practice Test 2Part CQ9~Q12Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 31Mock Test 1Part AQ1~Q10Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 32Mock Test 1Part AQ11~Q20Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 33Mock Test 1Part AQ21~Q30Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 34Mock Test 1Part BQ31~Q34Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 35Mock Test 1Part BQ25~Q38Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 36Mock Test 1Part CQ39~Q42Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 37Mock Test 1Part CQ43~Q46Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 38Mock Test 1Part CQ47~Q50Complete Mastery Book 1
Lesson 39Mock Test 2Part AQ1~Q10Complete Mastery Book 2
Lesson 40Mock Test 2Part AQ11~Q20Complete Mastery Book 2
Lesson 41Mock Test 2Part AQ21~Q30Complete Mastery Book 2
Lesson 42Mock Test 2Part BQ31~Q34Complete Mastery Book 2
Lesson 43Mock Test 2Part BQ25~Q38Complete Mastery Book 2
Lesson 44Mock Test 2Part CQ39~Q43Complete Mastery Book 2
Lesson 45Mock Test 2Part CQ44~Q46Complete Mastery Book 2
Lesson 46Mock Test 2Part CQ47~Q50Complete Mastery Book 2
Lesson 47Mock Test 3Part AQ1~Q10Complete Mastery Book 3
Lesson 48Mock Test 3Part AQ11~Q20Complete Mastery Book 3
Lesson 49Mock Test 3Part AQ21~Q30Complete Mastery Book 3
Lesson 50Mock Test 3Part BQ31~Q34Complete Mastery Book 3
TOEFL ITP Listening 50―Table of Contents

TOEFL ITP Listening 50

― Table of Contents ―

★ 25 minutes / lesson

★ 受講者のレベルやレッスンの進行速度によってレッスン数が変わる場合があります。

(The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the lesson)

Lesson NumberRole of the LessonCharacteristicsQuestions
Lesson 1Primary TestPart AQ1~Q10
Lesson 2Primary TestPart AQ11~Q20
Lesson 3Primary TestPart AQ21~Q30
Lesson 4Primary TestPart BQ31~Q34
Lesson 5Primary TestPart BQ35~Q38
Lesson 6Primary TestPart CQ39~Q42
Lesson 7Primary TestPart CQ43~Q46
Lesson 8Primary TestPart CQ47~Q50
Lesson 9Part A Strategy
Lesson 10Part A Strategy
Lesson 11Practice Test 1Part AQ1~Q9
Lesson 12Practice Test 1Part AQ10~Q19
Lesson 13Practice Test 1Part AQ20~Q30
Lesson 14Practice Test 2Part AQ1~Q9
Lesson 15Practice Test 2Part AQ10~Q19
Lesson 16Practice Test 2Part AQ20~Q30
Lesson 17Part B Strategy
Lesson 18Part B Strategy
Lesson 19Practice Test 1Part BQ1~Q4
Lesson 20Practice Test 1Part BQ5~Q8
Lesson 21Practice Test 2Part BQ1~Q4
Lesson 22Practice Test 2Part BQ5~Q8
Lesson 23Part C Strategy
Lesson 24Part C Strategy
Lesson 25Practice Test 1Part CQ1~Q4
Lesson 26Practice Test 1Part CQ5~Q8
Lesson 27Practice Test 1Part CQ9~Q12
Lesson 28Practice Test 2Part CQ1~Q4
Lesson 29Practice Test 2Part CQ5~Q8
Lesson 30Practice Test 2Part CQ9~Q12
Lesson 31Mock Test 1Part AQ1~Q10
Lesson 32Mock Test 1Part AQ11~Q20
Lesson 33Mock Test 1Part AQ21~Q30
Lesson 34Mock Test 1Part BQ31~Q34
Lesson 35Mock Test 1Part BQ25~Q38
Lesson 36Mock Test 1Part CQ39~Q42
Lesson 37Mock Test 1Part CQ43~Q46
Lesson 38Mock Test 1Part CQ47~Q50
Lesson 39Mock Test 2Part AQ1~Q10
Lesson 40Mock Test 2Part AQ11~Q20
Lesson 41Mock Test 2Part AQ21~Q30
Lesson 42Mock Test 2Part BQ31~Q34
Lesson 43Mock Test 2Part BQ25~Q38
Lesson 44Mock Test 2Part CQ39~Q43
Lesson 45Mock Test 2Part CQ44~Q46
Lesson 46Mock Test 2Part CQ47~Q50
Lesson 47Mock Test 3Part AQ1~Q10
Lesson 48Mock Test 3Part AQ11~Q20
Lesson 49Mock Test 3Part AQ21~Q30
Lesson 50Mock Test 3Part BQ31~Q34
RIDDLES―English Site

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Name:      RIDDLES

▮ Number of Lessons:  40 Lessons, 25 minutes per lesson (Please take as many lessons as you need)

▮ Target Level:      CEFR B2C1, TOEIC 750980, Eiken Pre-1st grade~1st grade

▮ Teaching Material : Original Material

▮ Course Features:

In each lesson, you will encounter unique ‘riddles’ and several comic panels. By solving the ‘riddles’, you will gain problem-solving skills, and by creating your own story from the comic panels, you will enhance your imagination and English conversation construction abilities.

Access our original teaching materials here⇒

Debate is Fun―English Site

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Title: Debate is Fun

▮ Level: CEFR B2 ~, TOEIC 800 ~, EIKEN Pre-1 ~

▮ Number of Lessons: 119 Lessons (Take as many as you need)

● Debate is Fun – Topics with Idea Generator –    40 Lessons

 Debate is Fun – Topics for Middle School –     15 Lessons
 Debate is Fun – Topics for High School Students – 14 Lessons
 Debate is Fun – Topics for College Students -    15 Lessons
● Debate is Fun – Topics for Universal –        35 Lessons

▮ Teaching Material :Original Material

▮ Features of the Lesson

☑ Debate with the teacher on familiar or social issues from either a pro or con stance.
☑ Construct and develop reasons for your stance.
☑ Cultivate flexible response skills as the teacher poses ‘questions’ and ‘rebuttals’ from the opposite position.
☑ You will not only become good at debating in English, but also learn the basics of speaking.

▮ Lesson Activities

● Debate on familiar or social issues from either a pro or con stance.
● Respond to the ‘questions’ and ‘rebuttals’ posed by the teacher during the debate.
● Correct vocabulary, grammar, and syntax errors during the debate.

Agree or Disagree―English Site

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it 

▮ Course Name:   Agree or Disagree   Sample Material

▮ Level:       CEFR B2 onwards TOEIC 800 onwards, EIKEN Grade Pre 1 onwards

▮ Number of Lessons:  40 lessons (Please take as many lessons as you need)

▮ Teaching Material : Here are the materials we have prepared. During the lesson, the instructor will share their screen.

▮ Features of the Lessons

☑ Choose whether to agree or disagree with English proverbs or maxims, and state your reasons and your opinion.
☑ You will gain proficiency in sentence construction, vocabulary, and usage of words.

▮ Lesson Activities

● You will hear English proverbs or maxims.
● You will think about the meaning of the proverbs or maxims.
● You will choose whether to agree or disagree with the proverbs or maxims, and explain your reasons.
● Corrections will be made for mistakes in vocabulary, grammar, and syntax during your explanation.


Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it


▮ Number of Lessons:     30 Lessons  (1 lesson 25 min )

▮ Target Level:       CEFR A2B1, TOEIC 350600, Eiken Pre-2nd grade~2nd grade

▮ Teaching Material : Original Material

▮ Course Features:

This is a listening course based on daily life themes. After listening to a short conversation of about 30-40 seconds, you will answer questions about the content. Then you will role-play the conversation with the instructor, practicing pronunciation and tempo. Learn the important vocabulary used in the conversation and, finally, challenge yourself with fill-in-the-blank questions about the conversation. Please note that the files may take some time to download due to the included audio.

Access our original teaching materials here⇒

Narration using Comic Strips ―English Site

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Name:   Narration using Comic Strips  Sample Material

▮ Level:       CEFR A2~B2, TOEIC 500~850, EIKEN Grade Pre 2 ~ Pre 1

▮ Number of Lessons:   40 lessons (Please take as many lessons as you need)

▮ Features of the Lessons

☑ You will look at sequential comic strips and narrate the story.
☑ You will learn how to construct and develop English sentences, and the usage of vocabulary.

▮ Teaching Material : Here are the materials we have prepared. During the lesson, the instructor will share their screen.

▮ Lesson Activities

● After looking at the sequential comic strip for 3 minutes, you will narrate the story using the instructed sentences.
● You will correct vocabulary, grammar, and syntax mistakes in the story.
● You will answer the instructor’s questions about the sequential comic strip. 

100% Graphic Language (Advance)―English Site

Japanese Site

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Name:  100% Graphic Language (Advanced)   Sample Material

▮ Level:     CEFR A2~B2, TOEIC 500~850, EIKEN Grade Pre 2 ~ Pre 1

▮ Number of Lessons:   28 lessons (Please take as many lessons as you need)

▮ Teaching Material : ENGLISH ICEBREAK Advanced

▮ Features of the Lessons

☑ Use of 100% graphic language materials – We use materials that express everything in pictures. The effects provided by the pictures are, ‘Understand the content immediately upon seeing it’ + ‘Stimulate the right brain to fix memory’.
☑ Vocabulary learned in the Basic and Intermediate courses is used repeatedly, while new vocabulary is added, and longer sentences are used. You will practice expressing the content of the pictures in English.

▮ Lesson Activities

● You will read aloud with the instructor 2-3 times while looking at pictures with words and phrases.
● You will answer with words and phrases just by looking at the picture of the number instructed by the teacher.
● If you get stuck in your answer, the instructor will give you hints in the form of gestures and phrases.

Questions for Discussion―English Site

Japanese Site

Back to Intermediate Page

★ All tutors will handle it

▮ Course Name:   Questions for Discussion  Sample Material

▮ Level:       CEFR A2~B2  TOEIC 500~850, EIKEN Grade Pre2 ~ Pre1

▮ Number of Lessons:   25 lessons (Please take as many lessons as you need)

▮ Features of the Lessons

☑ You will not only answer questions about familiar things and social issues but also express your own opinions.
☑ You will be able to express your opinions and claims in English on various topics.
☑ The lesson time will primarily focus on speaking about the topic.

▮ Lesson Activities

● Read a short explanation about familiar things and social issues.
● Answer questions about the topic and express the reasons and your own opinions.
● Correct any grammatical or expressive mistakes in your answers.
● Discuss the topic with the instructor