Example: “The artist used a large canvas to portray the vastness of the ocean.” アーティストは海の広大さを表現するために、大きなキャンバスを使用しました。
Example: “The mural on the city wall brightens up the entire neighborhood.” 市の壁に描かれた壁画は、その近隣地域全体を明るくしています。
Example: “The painter’s palette was filled with a range of blues and greens.” 画家のパレットには、さまざまな青と緑の色が詰まっていました。
Example: “The modern art exhibition attracted thousands of visitors.” その現代アートの展覧会は、数千人の訪問者を引きつけました。
Example: “Abstract art allows for multiple interpretations by the viewer.” 抽象芸術は、視聴者による多様な解釈を可能にします。
Example: “The artist is known for his realism; his paintings look like photographs.” そのアーティストは彼のリアリズムで知られており、彼の絵は写真のように見えます。
Example: “Impressionism focuses on capturing the essence of a scene rather than its details.” 印象派は、シーンの詳細ではなく、その本質を捉えることに焦点を当てています。
Example: “The artist experimented with various mediums, from charcoal to watercolor.” そのアーティストは、木炭から水彩まで、さまざまな媒体で実験しました。
Example: “The drawing used a unique perspective to make the viewer feel like they were looking from above.” その図面は、上から見ているように視聴者に感じさせるためのユニークな視点を使用しました。
Example: “Before creating the final painting, she made several sketches to finalize her ideas.” 最終的な絵を作成する前に、彼女は彼女のアイディアを最終化するためにいくつかのスケッチをしました。
I don’t think I’m going to eat dinner tonight. I pigged out during lunch and I’m still full!
I don’t think I’m going to eat dinner tonight. I over ate during lunch and I’m still full!
I don’ think I’m gonna eat dinner tanight. I pigged out during lunch ’n I’m still full!
「pig」 を使ったイディオム
● Pig in a poke : 見ず知らずのものを買う 例文: Buying a used car without checking it first is like buying a pig in a poke.
● Make a pig of oneself : 食べ過ぎる、ほしい放題にする 例文: He made a pig of himself at the buffet, eating more than anyone else.
● In a pig’s eye : まさか、そんなことはない 例文: “You think I’m going to lend him more money? In a pig’s eye!”
● Cast pearls before swine: 無駄骨を折る、価値のわからない人に価値あるものを与える 例文: Giving him that rare book was like casting pearls before swine; he doesn’t appreciate its value.
● As happy as a pig in mud : とても幸せ 例文: After getting the promotion, he was as happy as a pig in mud.
● When pigs fly : そんなことは絶対に起こらない 例文: “Do you think he’ll ever clean his room?” “Yeah, when pigs fly!
This course offers easy dialogue-based lessons for business and daily conversations (intermediate level). Through role-play with the instructor, you will practice basic conversations thoroughly. In the process of answering the instructor’s questions, you will naturally acquire vocabulary and phrases related to the topics.