
EIKEN G-1 Writing Summary Task (英検1級英作文 要約問題)

English Site

▮ レッスンコース名: EIKEN Gade 1 Writing Summary Task 

▮ レッスン数  :   50 レッスン―50 問  [ 標準:1問=1レッスン(25分)]


▮ 特徴 :  オリジナル教材  試験類似問題を使います。

▮ レッスンの概要 

予習型: 受講者は予習で解答文を作り、レッスン時間では、受講者の解答文を基に、講師が添削、アドバイスをしながら模範回答を作り上げていきます。

実践型: 本番同様、予習をせず講師の誘導で解答文を作り、添削、アドバイスを受けるながら模範解答を作り上げていきます。

※ 解答は4つの観点(内容、構成、語彙、文法)で添削されます。

━━ レッスンの進め方 ━━

① 事前に予習されることをお勧めします。解答文をwordなどのファイルで作っておきましょう。

② 標準で1問を25分(1コマ)で完了となります。

③ レッスンでは、受講者が作った解答文を講師のチャットボックスに




④ レッスン中に完成できない場合、途中までの解答文を文書ファイル(word 又は

  OpenOffice Writer)で受講者に渡します。

⑤ 受講者は次のレッスンまでに回答文を完成させ、レッスン時間に講師へ渡します。

⑥ 2 回目のレッスンでは共有画面で講師が完成文を添削していきます。 添削、アドバイ


レッスン教材 一覧

● Instructions: Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.
● Suggested length :   90–110 words
● Write your summary in the space provided on your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.

「 解答のコツ 」







Lesson 1 (181 words)



Lesson 2 (187 words )


Lesson 3  (182 words )


Lesson 4  (230 words )


Lesson 5 (190 words )


Lesson 6 (193 words )


Lesson 7 (188 words )


Lesson 8 (202 words )


Lesson 9 (194 words )


Lesson 10 (197 words )


Lesson 11 (181 words )


Lesson 12 (180 words )


Lesson 13 (197 words )


Lesson 14 (212 words )


Lesson 15 (203 words )


Lesson 16 (193 words )


Lesson 17 (206 words )


Lesson 18 (188 words ) 


Lesson 19 (205 words )


Lesson 20 (197 words )


Lesson 21 (201 words )

Lesson 22 (185 words )


Lesson 23 (221 words )


Lesson 24 (221 words )


Lesson 25 (200 words)


Lesson 26 (200 words)


Lesson 27 (200 words)


Lesson 28 (218 words )


Lesson 29 (218 words )


Lesson 30 (197 words )


Lesson 31 (197 words )


Lesson 32 (197 words )


Lesson 33 (197 words )


Lesson 34 (197 words )


Lesson 35 (196 words )


Lesson 36 (196 words )


Lesson 37 (196 words )


Lesson 38 (194 words )


Lesson 39 (185 words )


Lesson 40 (185 words )


Lesson 41 (185 words )


Lesson 42 (185 words )


Lesson 43 (185 words )


Lesson 44 (185 words )


Lesson 45 (185 words )


Lesson 46 (185 words )


Lesson 47 (185 words )


Lesson 48 (185 words )


Lesson 48 (185 words )


Lesson 48 (185 words )

EIKEN Gade 1 Writing Summary Task ― English Site

Japanese Site

Lesson Course Name:   EIKEN Grade1 Writing Summary Task

Number of Lessons:   50 Lessons – 50 Questions [Standard: 1 question = 1 lesson (25 minutes)]

※ Depending on the learner’s level, one question may equal 2 lessons (50 minutes)   

(Please take as many lessons as you need based on your judgment.)

Features:      Original teaching materials will be used, with test-like questions.

Lesson Overview

Preparatory Type: Students are recommended to prepare their answer in advance. During the lesson, the instructor will revise and advise based on the student’s answer, working together to create a model answer.

Practice Type: Like in the actual test, without prior preparation, students create their answer with guidance from the instructor, receiving revisions and advice while forming the model answer.

The answers will be revised based on four criteria: content, structure, vocabulary, and grammar.

━━ How the Lesson Proceeds ━━

① It is recommended to prepare in advance. Create your answer in a file such as Word. (For those who prefer the tension of the actual test situation, please proceed without preparation.)

② The standard is to complete one question in 25 minutes (one session).

③ During the lesson, the student drops their written answer into the instructor’s chat box for revision.

The instructor will revise the answer paragraph by paragraph, sharing the screen with the student.

At the end, the instructor will give advice on the entire completed document.

④ If the answer is not completed during the lesson, the instructor will provide the student with the partially completed answer in a document file (Word or OpenOffice Writer).

⑤ The student is to complete the answer by the next lesson and pass it to the instructor during the lesson time.

⑥ In the second lesson, the instructor will revise the completed answer on the shared screen. The revision, advice, and completion of the answer will be tailored to the student’s level in this writing lesson.”

Sample Question and Answer

EIKEN G-1  Question Format Renewal – Summary Task― English Site

Japanese Site

EIKEN Grade 1  Writing     Added ‘Summary’ task to existing ‘Opinion’ task.

Sample question

●   Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.
●  Suggested length: 90–110 words
●  Write your summary in the space provided on your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.

「5 Tips for Answering Summary Questions」

① Identifying the Main Argument ⇒ After reading the entire paper, the author’s main argument is identified. The summary revolves around this main argument.

② Abstracting Specific Terms ⇒ Specific terms and proper nouns are paraphrased into more general or abstract expressions. For example, specific names like “Lake X” or “River Y” are changed to words like “water bodies” and abstracted.

③ Constructing Logical Structure ⇒ Care is taken to establish a logical structure, including causal relationships, to maintain the same logical flow as the original text. The summary simplifies the presentation of the main argument and the flow of the original text.     Paragraph One Summary → Paragraph Two Summary → Paragraph Three Summary

④ Eliminating Redundancy ⇒ Redundant information and repetitions are removed, focusing on essential information. By consolidating repeated sentences or similar words into more general terms, the summary is made concise.

⑤ Confirming Coherence ⇒ Checking if the summary conveys the author’s main argument without requiring prior knowledge.

▮ Sample Article (312 words )

 Poyang Lake is China’s biggest freshwater lake. Although people have fished it for generations, these days, a new resource is being removed-sand. Up to 10,000 tons of sand are dug up from the lake floor per hour, making this the world’s largest sand mine. Much of the sand is shipped to Shanghai—a city whose population has risen by 7 million since 2007-where it is used in the construction of high-rises, roads, and other structures. Massive mining operations exist not only in China but also in other nations, including Australia and the United States. GlobaJly, the largest importer of sand is Singapore, which has used the resource to increase its territorial landmass by 20 square miles.

 The consequences of sand mining are a major concern. Removing sand from water bodies increases water sediment,
blocking out sunlight; this interferes with underwater plants’production of oxygen, making survival for fish and other organisms difficult. ln the case of Poyang Lake, sand removal has made the channels leading out of the lake much deeper and wider, doubling the amount of water flowing out\var·d. Consequently, the lake’s water level has dropped dramatically. This
threatens the water supply to neighboring wetlands, which are home to numerous bird species and other wildlife.

 Many countries are becoming increasingly aware of the damage caused by sand mining. Demand for the resource has
taken a toll on Indonesia, Malaysia, and Cambodia, which have ba皿ed sand exports in efforts to preserve local ecosystems. However, increasing demand means that when mining stops in one area, other areas take on the burden of supply. China’s Yangtze River, for example, was fom1erly a major sand-mining site, but by the late 1990s so much had been removed that bridges collapsed along with large sections of the riverbank. When sand mining was banned on the Yangtze in 2000, operations
shifted to Poyang Lake.


▮ Sample Answer (96 words)

Sand is being mined in large quantities from bodies of water around the world to fuel the development of urban areas. Despite the various positive effects that may result from these activities, sand mining also has ecological consequences that endanger the lives of various organis1ns. ln response, some governments are trying to 1nitigate the harm that arises from this by enacting laws that prohibit the export of sand. Unfortunately, banning sand mining appears to only be a temporary solution in some locations as mining operations often end up simply moving to other sites.


Constructing Logical Structure ⇒ Care is taken to establish a logical structure, including causal relationships, to maintain the same logical flow as the original text. The summary simplifies the presentation of the main argument and the flow of the original text.     Paragraph One Summary → Paragraph Two Summary → Paragraph Three Summary

Sample Answer

Evaluation Criteria

Answers will be graded on four aspects: content, structure, vocabulary, and grammar.
Each perspective is evaluated on a 5-point scale from 0 to 8 points, with a maximum score of 32 points.

英検1級 2024年度 問題形式リニューアル― 要約問題

2024年度 実用英語技能検定(英検)  問題形式リニューアル


論理性の構築 ⇒ 因果関係等に気を付けて、本文と同じ論理的な構造を維持します。主張を中心に本文の流れをシンプルに提示していきます。 Paragraph One の要約 → Paragraph Two の要約 → Paragraph Three の要約

目的-TOEFL iBT 3科目 スコア履歴有り 無料体験予約中 講師への連絡未記入- ZOOM



受講目的:     TOEFL IBT Speaking, Writing, Listening (3科目)

テスコスコア履歴:  TOEIC L&R  800

TOEFL対策 レベル別コースの選び方(中級者) を参考にコースをお選びただくことをお勧めします。










体験レッスンでご希望のレッスンがございましたらレッスン内容を「講師への連絡」からお伝えください。 例:TOEFL Speaking Mock Test (英字で入力してください。)






渋幕中学 帰国子女枠入試-英語 面接試験 対策コース 開始




渋幕中学 帰国子女枠入試-英語試験 対策コースの詳細はこちらからご確認ください。

Shibumaku(渋幕) Junior High School Interview Course

渋谷教育学園 幕張中学 帰国子女枠入試-英語試験 面接対策コース

Makuhari Junior High School Returnee Students Quota Entrance Exam – English Test Interview

About Shibumaku Interview (渋幕の面接対策について)


Communication skills, proactivity, and the ability to clearly express one’s opinions are key factors evaluated. Although Shibumaku does not have group discussions, in situations where group discussions are present, it’s not only about expressing one’s opinion but also about listening to others’ opinions, and being able to draw out those opinions.

The content of interviews for returning middle school students generally falls into five patterns:

① Small talk
② General questions asking for an opinion
③ Group discussions
④ Current affairs
⑤ Questions about a pre-submitted short essay/essay

In particular, for Shibumaku interviews, the actual questions asked were 1. Small talk (normal conversation), 2. General questions asking for an opinion, and 5. Questions about a pre-submitted pre-essay. When I took the exam, it started with small talk, like ‘How did you get here today?’ This type of conversation is, I believe, to assess basic communication skills. Then, there were general questions, such as ‘Do you think time is important?’ or ‘Should wearing school uniforms be mandatory during commutes?’ The ability to express an opinion, and logically explain the reasoning is crucial. This is followed by questions about the pre-essay submitted with the application form. A pre-essay, for example, could be about ‘Writing about your favorite character, including the reasons why you like them.’ You might be asked why you chose that character and what you learned from them.

渋幕中学 帰国子女枠入試面接試験 対策コース

Course Name: Shibumaku Junior High School Interview Course 

― Contents ―

① Whom do you most admire?

② Do you enjoy watching movies?

③ What was the most important invention of the last decade?

④ How do you spend your free time?

⑤ What goals do you have for the future?

⑥ Which English books would you recommend to non-returnee students?

⑥ What club would you like to join?

⑦ What was the biggest difference between Japan and another country you
have lived in or visited?

⑧ 8Please tell us about your background.

⑨ What is a technological innovation you would like to see in your lifetime?

⑩ Which historical event should students know more about?

⑪ What recent news story has interested you most?

⑫ What other activities do you do in your free time?

⑬ What advice would you give to other returnees about returning to Japan?

⑭ What do you want to achieve in junior high school?

⑮ What books do you enjoy reading?

⑯ Which author’s style do you like?

⑰ If you were to give a title to your life story, what would it be?

⑱ What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

⑲ Who is someone who has had an impact on your life?

⑳ Who is a fictional character who has had an impact on your life?

㉑ What is your favorite quote?

英検準2級対策とTopic Discussion for Teenに関心がある

「Topic Discussion for Teen」と「英検準2級対策 (EIKEN G-Pre2 Textbook Class」へのご関心を承知しました。

※ EIKEN G-Pre2 Textbook Class(市販教材:英検準2級をひとつひとつわかりやすく(学研) )レッスン中は講師が教材を共有画面でお見せしながらになりますが、予習復習で必要になりますので、後日、受講者ご自身でご用意いただくようお願い申し上げます。 


例:Topic Discussion for Teen Lesson 1 (英字で入力してください。)



「Topic Discussion for Teen」と「英検準2級対策」2科目を同時進行で学ぶためには、各科目ごとにアカウントを作成することをおすすめします。そのため、2つのアカウントを作成いただくことが最適です。

Multi Account (複数科目同時受講アカウント)ご利用方法

EIKEN Gade Pre 1 Writing Summary Task ― English Site

Japanese Site

Lesson Course Name:   EIKEN Grade Pre 1 Writing Summary Task

Number of Lessons:   50 Lessons – 50 Questions [Standard: 1 question = 1 lesson (25 minutes)]

(Please take as many lessons as you need based on your judgment.)

Features:      Original teaching materials will be used, with test-like questions.

Lesson Overview

Preparatory Type: Students are recommended to prepare their answer in advance. During the lesson, the instructor will revise and advise based on the student’s answer, working together to create a model answer.

Practice Type: Like in the actual test, without prior preparation, students create their answer with guidance from the instructor, receiving revisions and advice while forming the model answer.

The answers will be revised based on four criteria: content, structure, vocabulary, and grammar.

━━ How the Lesson Proceeds ━━

① It is recommended to prepare in advance. Create your answer in a file such as Word. (For those who prefer the tension of the actual test situation, please proceed without preparation.)

② The standard is to complete one question in 25 minutes (one session).

③ During the lesson, the student drops their written answer into the instructor’s chat box for revision.

The instructor will revise the answer paragraph by paragraph, sharing the screen with the student.

At the end, the instructor will give advice on the entire completed document.

④ If the answer is not completed during the lesson, the instructor will provide the student with the partially completed answer in a document file (Word or OpenOffice Writer).

⑤ The student is to complete the answer by the next lesson and pass it to the instructor during the lesson time.

⑥ In the second lesson, the instructor will revise the completed answer on the shared screen. The revision, advice, and completion of the answer will be tailored to the student’s level in this writing lesson.”

「5 Tips for Answering Summary Questions」

① Identifying the Main Argument ⇒ After reading the entire paper, the author’s main argument is identified. The summary revolves around this main argument.

② Abstracting Specific Terms ⇒ Specific terms and proper nouns are paraphrased into more general or abstract expressions. For example, specific names like “Lake X” or “River Y” are changed to words like “water bodies” and abstracted.

③ Constructing Logical Structure ⇒ Care is taken to establish a logical structure, including causal relationships, to maintain the same logical flow as the original text. The summary simplifies the presentation of the main argument and the flow of the original text.     Paragraph One Summary → Paragraph Two Summary → Paragraph Three Summary

④ Eliminating Redundancy ⇒ Redundant information and repetitions are removed, focusing on essential information. By consolidating repeated sentences or similar words into more general terms, the summary is made concise.

⑤ Confirming Coherence ⇒ Checking if the summary conveys the author’s main argument without requiring prior knowledge.

※ Instructors, please receive the Answer Key from the manager.

Sample Question and Answer

EIKEN G-Pre1 Writing Summary Task (英検準1級英作文 要約問題)

English Site

▮ レッスンコース名: EIKEN Gade Pre 1 Writing Summary Task 

▮ レッスン数  :   50 レッスン―50 問  [ 標準:1問=1レッスン(25分)]

           ※ 受講者のレベルにより1問=2レッスン(50分)の場合もあります 


▮ 特徴 :  オリジナル教材  試験類似問題を使います。

▮ レッスンの概要 

予習型: 受講者は予習で解答文を作り、レッスン時間では、受講者の解答文を基に、講師が添削、アドバイスをしながら模範回答を作り上げていきます。

実践型: 本番同様、予習をせず講師の誘導で解答文を作り、添削、アドバイスを受けるながら模範解答を作り上げていきます。

※ 解答は4つの観点(内容、構成、語彙、文法)で添削されます。

▮ 教材(問題):  教材(問題)一覧はこちらからご覧ください

━━ レッスンの進め方 ━━

① 事前に予習されることをお勧めします。解答文をwordなどのファイルで作っておきましょう。

② 標準で1問を25分(1コマ)で完了となります。

③ レッスンでは、受講者が作った解答文を講師のチャットボックスに




④ レッスン中に完成できない場合、途中までの解答文を文書ファイル(word 又は

  OpenOffice Writer)で受講者に渡します。

⑤ 受講者は次のレッスンまでに回答文を完成させ、レッスン時間に講師へ渡します。

⑥ 2 回目のレッスンでは共有画面で講師が完成文を添削していきます。 添削、アドバイ


「 解答のコツ 」


① 主張の特定 ⇒ 論文全体を読んで、筆者の主張を特定します。要約文はこの主張を中心にまとめます。

② 具体的な用語の抽象化 ⇒ 具体定な用語や固有名詞は、総称的な言葉や抽象的な表現に言い換えます。例えば、「~湖、~川」のような具体名称は「水源 water bodies」のような言葉にし、抽象化します。

③ 論理性の構築 ⇒ 因果関係等に気を付けて、本文と同じ論理的な構造を維持します。主張を中心に本文の流れをシンプルに提示していきます。 Paragraph One の要約 → Paragraph Two の要約 → Paragraph Three の要約

④ 冗長部分の排除 ⇒ 冗長な情報や繰り返しをなくし、本質的な情報に焦点を当てます。繰り返される文や、似たような言葉を、総称的な言葉にまとめることで、要約を簡潔にします。

⑤ 完結性の確認 ⇒ 前提知識を要求せずに、要約文だけを読んで、筆者の主張が伝わっているかを確認する。