
Lesson 30. Languages You Want to Learn (学びたい言語)

Lesson 30.  Languages You Want to Learn (学びたい言語)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Learning a new language opens doors to understanding different cultures, making new friends, and expanding personal and professional opportunities. Everyone has reasons for wanting to learn a new language, whether it’s for travel, heritage, business, or personal growth. Discussing these aspirations can motivate you and others to take the first steps toward learning.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I’m interested in learning…
2. I want to learn… because…
3. My goal is to become fluent in…
4. Learning… would help me…
5. One challenge I anticipate is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I’m interested in learning Spanish to communicate with friends in Latin America.
2. I want to learn French because I love French cinema.
3. My goal is to become fluent in Japanese to work in Tokyo.
4. Learning Russian would help me understand my family’s heritage better.
5. One challenge I anticipate is mastering the different tones in Chinese.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the languages you are interested in learning and explain why. Talk about any specific goals you have related to language learning, such as traveling, understanding media in the original language, or enhancing your career. Mention any challenges you anticipate facing and how you plan to overcome them. Use the phrases and vocabulary introduced in this lesson to express your ambitions and concerns.

※ This lesson plan encourages students to explore their interests in language learning, providing a platform to practice expressing desires, reasons, and future plans. It also introduces vocabulary related to language study, which can be motivational for students embarking on the journey of learning a new language.

Lesson 29. Places You Want to Visit (訪れたい場所)

Lesson 29.  Places You Want to Visit (訪れたい場所)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Traveling allows us to explore new cultures, meet different people, and see the beauty of the world. Everyone has a dream destination they wish to visit someday. Talking about these places can inspire and motivate us to work towards making these dreams a reality. Sharing travel aspirations is also a great way to practice talking about geography, culture, and personal interests in English.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I dream of visiting…
2. One place I want to go is…
3. I’m fascinated by…
5. My top destination is…
6. I plan to visit… because…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I dream of visiting Japan to see the cherry blossoms.
2. One place I want to go is Paris to visit the Eiffel Tower.
3. I’m fascinated by the history and culture of Egypt.
4. My top destination is New Zealand for its breathtaking landscapes.
5. I plan to visit Italy because I love Italian food and art.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the places you want to visit and explain why. Describe what attracts you to these places, such as the culture, landmarks, nature, or cuisine. Share any specific plans or dreams you have about traveling there. Use the phrases and vocabulary introduced in this lesson to make your description as vivid as possible.

※ This lesson plan encourages students to use descriptive language and expressions of desire, helping them articulate their travel aspirations. It’s a great opportunity for cultural exchange within the classroom and for practicing the use of future tense in a fun and engaging way.

Lesson 28. A Hobby You Want to Start (始めたい趣味)

Lesson 28.

A Hobby You Want to Start (始めたい趣味)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Exploring new hobbies is a wonderful way to learn new skills, meet new people, and enrich your life. Whether it’s something creative, physical, intellectual, or just for fun, starting a new hobby can bring excitement and joy. Discussing hobbies you want to start not only helps you plan how to begin but also allows you to share and exchange ideas with others.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I’ve always wanted to try…
2. I’m interested in starting…
3. I plan to begin…
4. I think… would be fun because…
5. To start this hobby, I need to…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I’ve always wanted to try painting with watercolors.
2. I’m interested in starting yoga to improve my flexibility.
3. I plan to begin learning the guitar this summer.
4. I think gardening would be fun because I love being outdoors and growing my own food.
5. To start this hobby, I need to buy some basic equipment and find a good tutorial.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss a hobby you’re interested in starting. Describe what the hobby is, why you want to start it, and what steps you plan to take to begin. If you know anyone who already does this hobby, mention how they’ve inspired you. Use the phrases and vocabulary introduced in this lesson to express your thoughts and plans.

※ This lesson aims to inspire students to think about personal growth and interests outside their routine. It encourages the use of future tense and expressions of desire and planning, making it ideal for practicing speaking skills in a positive and forward-looking context.

Lesson 27. Your First Job (最初の仕事)

Lesson 27.  Your First Job (最初の仕事)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Your first job can be a memorable experience that teaches you a lot about responsibility, hard work, and the value of money. It might be a part-time position, an internship, or even a simple task for family or neighbors. Sharing stories about your first job can help you practice past tense verbs and job-related vocabulary in English.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. My first job was…
2. I worked as a…
3. I started working when I was…
4. My responsibilities included…
5. What I learned from this job was…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. My first job was delivering newspapers in my neighborhood.
2. I worked as a cashier at a local grocery store.
3. I started working when I was sixteen.
4. My responsibilities included stocking shelves and assisting customers.
5. What I learned from this job was the importance of punctuality and customer service.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your first job experience. Describe the job, your age when you started, what you did, and any significant lessons you learned. If you haven’t had a job yet, talk about a job you would like to have and why. Use past tense verbs to talk about your experiences and try to incorporate job-related vocabulary discussed in the lesson.

※ This lesson plan is designed to encourage students to share personal experiences while practicing important grammatical structures and vocabulary. It also provides an opportunity to discuss work ethics and personal growth, making it a comprehensive and engaging topic for language learners.

Lesson 26. Favorite Season and Why (好きな季節とその理由)

Lesson 26.

Favorite Season and Why (好きな季節とその理由)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Everyone has a favorite season, each with its own charm and set of activities. Some may love the warmth and outdoor activities of summer, while others prefer the cozy, indoor life during winter. Discussing your favorite season can reveal a lot about your preferences and lifestyle, and it’s a great way to practice descriptive language and reasons in English.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. My favorite season is…
2. I love… because…
3. One thing I enjoy about… is…
4. … is the best time for…
5. The weather is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. My favorite season is autumn.
2. I love spring because of the flowers blooming.
3. One thing I enjoy about winter is drinking hot cocoa by the fire.
4. Summer is the best time for swimming and outdoor barbecues.
5. The weather in fall is perfect for hiking and enjoying the changing leaves.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your favorite season and explain why you like it. Describe the weather, activities, and any festivals or holidays you enjoy during this season. Try to use the vocabulary and phrases introduced in this lesson. If you have photos or memories associated with this season, feel free to share them.

※ This lesson encourages students to explore and articulate their preferences using a range of descriptive language and reasons. It’s an opportunity to practice speaking skills in a structured yet personal context, allowing for both vocabulary development and cultural exchange.

Lesson 25. Plans for the Weekend (週末の計画)

Lesson 25.  Plans for the Weekend (週末の計画)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Talking about weekend plans is a great way to practice future tense verbs and share your interests with others. Whether you prefer relaxing at home, exploring outdoors, or trying something new, discussing your plans can help you connect with classmates and learn about activities you might enjoy.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. This weekend, I’m planning to…
2. I hope to…
3. I’m looking forward to…
4. If the weather is good, I’ll…
5. I’m going to spend time…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. This weekend, I’m planning to go hiking in the mountains.
2. I hope to finish reading my book.
3. I’m looking forward to visiting my family.
4. If the weather is good, I’ll have a picnic in the park.
5. I’m going to spend time practicing the piano.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your plans for the upcoming weekend. Describe what activities you plan to do, who you will be with, and why you are looking forward to these plans. If you don’t have any plans yet, talk about what you would like to do if you had free time. Try to use the future tense and include details that make your plans interesting to others.

※ This lesson aims to engage students in conversations about their leisure time, utilizing future tense constructions and vocabulary related to activities and planning. It encourages sharing personal interests and listening to others, fostering a communicative and engaging classroom environment.

Lesson 24. A Special Gift (特別なプレゼント)

Lesson 24.  A Special Gift (特別なプレゼント)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Gifts are a universal way to show appreciation, love, and thoughtfulness. A special gift doesn’t have to be expensive; it’s often the meaning behind it that counts. Whether it’s for a birthday, a holiday, or just a simple gesture, giving and receiving gifts can create lasting memories and strengthen relationships.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I received a… from…
2. The best gift I ever got was…
3. I gave… to… for…
4. It was special because…
5. This gift reminds me of…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I received a handmade scarf from my grandmother.
2. The best gift I ever got was a book signed by my favorite author.
3. I gave a photo album to my friend for her birthday.
4. It was special because it had pictures of all our adventures together.
5. This gift reminds me of the summer we spent at the lake.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss a special gift you have given or received. Describe the gift, who gave it to you or who you gave it to, and the occasion. Explain why the gift was special and how it made you feel. Share any particular memories associated with this gift.

※ This lesson plan encourages students to use English to share personal stories and emotions related to the theme of giving and receiving gifts. It helps build vocabulary related to gifts and celebrations, while practicing narrative skills in a meaningful context.

Lesson 23. Your Daily Routine (日常のルーチン)

Lesson 23.  Your Daily Routine (日常のルーチン)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Everyone has their daily routine, a set of activities they do from morning to night. These routines can include waking up, going to work or school, eating meals, and enjoying leisure activities. Sharing about your daily routine can help you learn useful vocabulary and practice talking about habits and time in English.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I wake up at…
2. I go to bed at…
3. Before I leave home, I always…
4. I spend my evenings…
5. On the weekends, I like to…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I wake up at 7 a.m. and make breakfast.
2. I go to bed at 11 p.m. after reading a book.
3. Before I leave home, I always check my emails.
4. I spend my evenings watching TV or chatting with friends.
5. On the weekends, I like to go for a hike or visit family.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your daily routine. Describe what you do from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. Include details about how you prepare for your day, your work or study routine, how you spend your free time, and any special activities you do on the weekends. Try to use the common phrases and vocabulary related to time and activities.

※ This lesson plan is designed to help beginner students talk about their daily lives, using simple and common phrases. It encourages students to practice speaking about habitual actions and preferences, which are fundamental topics in learning any language.

Lesson 22. Public Transportation (公共交通)

Lesson 22.  Public Transportation (公共交通)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Public transportation, such as buses, trains, and subways, is essential for city life. It allows people to travel easily from one place to another without the need for a personal vehicle. Using public transportation can be more economical and environmentally friendly. It’s also a great way to observe local life and meet people.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I usually take the…
2. The best way to get to… is by…
3. During rush hour, it’s better to…
4. You need to buy a ticket before…
5. Make sure to check the…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I usually take the subway to work.
2. The best way to get to the museum is by bus.
3. During rush hour, it’s better to avoid the main train lines.
4. You need to buy a ticket before boarding the tram.
5. Make sure to check the schedule before you leave.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the public transportation system in your city or a city you have visited. Describe what types of public transportation are available, how often you use them, and any tips for someone new to using them. Share any interesting experiences you’ve had while using public transportation.

※ This lesson plan includes basic concepts and phrases related to public transportation, which are accessible for beginner learners. It encourages students to share personal experiences and practical advice, making the learning process more interactive and engaging.

ネイティブのリアル英語    bored out of one’s mind 退屈でたまらない


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!

ネイティブのリアル英語  bored out of one’s mind 退屈でたまらない


アメリカでは  ”I’m bored out of my mind” といいます。

out of my mind = 気が狂う、といった意味なので「気が狂うほど退屈している」


you are out of your mind」というフレーズが、侮辱としてよく使われます。

You are completely out of your mind


ちなみに、「drunk out of your mind」は「とても酔っている」という意味になります。

He got drunk out of his mind.


bored out of one’s mind  退屈でたまらない」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I was bored out of my mind during the lecture! I couldn’t wait for it to end!


 I was terribly bored during the lecture! I couldn’t wait for it to end!


 I w’z bored oudda my min’ during the lecture! I couldn’ wait for it ta end!

bore を使ったその他のイディオム

1. Bored to tears / Bored to death :死ぬほど退屈している / 涙が出るほど退屈している

I was bored to tears at that lecture yesterday.

2. Bore the pants off someone:誰かをひどく退屈させる

His speech bored the pants off me.

3. Bore someone to bits:誰かを極度に退屈させる

The movie was so long and uninteresting, it bored me to bits.

4. Not to be bored with:〜にうんざりしていない、〜に飽きていない

Even after many years, I’m not bored with this view.

5. To bore a hole in someone’s head:誰かの頭に穴をあける(非常にうるさいか退屈させることによって)

His constant complaining is enough to bore a hole in someone’s head.


to be very bored