Lesson 40. Future Technologies (未来の技術)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Technology is advancing at an incredible pace, shaping the way we live, work, and communicate. From artificial intelligence to space travel, the possibilities seem endless. Discussing future technologies not only fuels our imagination but also helps us consider the impact these innovations might have on society and the environment. This topic invites learners to explore the realm of what could be possible in the years to come.
▮ Common Phrases:
1. In the future, I believe we will see…
2. One technology I’m excited about is…
3. I wonder how… will change our lives.
4. A potential benefit of… is…
5. We need to consider the impact of… on…
▮ Example Sentences:
1. In the future, I believe we will see cars that drive themselves.
2. One technology I’m excited about is virtual reality.
3. I wonder how artificial intelligence will change our lives.
4. A potential benefit of renewable energy technologies is reducing our environmental footprint.
5. We need to consider the impact of advanced robotics on employment.
▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss what future technologies you find most interesting or important and why. Consider how these technologies could benefit or challenge society. If you have concerns about future technologies, share those as well. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to express your thoughts on how technology will shape our future.
※ This lesson plan encourages students to engage with the topic of future technologies, promoting the use of speculative language and expressions of possibility. It helps learners practice discussing predictions and hopes for the future, fostering a classroom environment that is both imaginative and critically engaged with upcoming technological advancements.