
IELTS ライティング Task1 Map(地図) 問題攻略

今回はIELTS Wring Task 1 Map(地図)問題の書き方と表現について説明します。








▮ 地図の種類


● 2つの地図 : 過去と現在の地図の比較
● 2つの地図 : 現在と未来の地図の比較
● 1つの地図 : 現在の地図



The maps show the changed of Woodwards University spatial during 1985 until now.

左側が過去のWoodwards University、右側が現在のWoodwards University となっています。





  1. 地図問題独特の表現を使用する
  2. 過去形を主に使用する
  3. 受動態を多く使用する





▮ 段落と内部構成


つまり、4つのパラグラフで構成します :

Paraphrase Sentence(導入): 1文

Overview(概要): 1-2文

Detail 1 (詳細): 3文以上

Detail 2 (詳細): 3文以上


1文目- 質問のパラフレーズ

1文目- 大きな変化1
2文目- 大きな変化2

1文目- 大きな変化1の詳細
2文目- 大きな変化1の詳細
3文目- 大きな変化1の詳細

1文目 – 大きな変化2の詳細
2文目 – 大きな変化2の詳細
3文目 – 大きな変化2の詳細

▮ 方向性を説明する際に役立つ表現とその例文

地図上の物体や建物の位置関係を正確に説明できます。IELTS Writing Task 1の地図問題では、これらの表現を活用して、変化や配置の違いを明確に伝えることが重要です。

● North of – 「…の北に」

The library is located north of the main entrance.

● South of – 「…の南に」

The parking lot is situated south of the sports centre.

● East of – 「…の東に」

The student accommodation is found east of the cafeteria.

● West of – 「…の西に」

The science building is west of the library.

● Adjacent to – 「…に隣接して」

The swimming pool is adjacent to the gym.

● Directly across from – 「…の真向かいに」

The art gallery is directly across from the main square.

● To the north/south/east/west of – 「…の北/南/東/西に」

The tennis courts are to the east of the football field.

● Between…and… – 「…と…の間に」

The coffee shop is located between the bookstore and the library.

● In front of – 「…の前に」

There is a bus stop in front of the entrance.

● Behind – 「…の後ろに」

The bicycle parking is behind the main building.

▮ 街や都市の変化を説明する際に役立つ動詞とその使用例


● Expand (拡大する)

“The industrial area expanded to include a new manufacturing plant.”

● Develop (開発する)

“A new residential development was constructed on the outskirts of the city.”

● Transform (変形する)

“The old factory was transformed into luxury apartments.”

● Renovate (改修する)

“The city hall was renovated to restore its historical appearance.”

● Rebuild (再建する)

“The community center, damaged by the storm, was completely rebuilt.”

● Demolish (解体する)

“Several dilapidated buildings were demolished to improve city safety.”

● Restore (復元する)

“The ancient ruins were carefully restored for public viewing.”

● Modernize (近代化する)

“The school’s facilities were modernized to support new educational technologies.”

● Clear (撤去する)

“The land was cleared of trees to make room for the new park.”

● Plant (植える)

“Hundreds of new trees were planted along the city streets.”

● Erect (建設する)

“A new monument was erected in the city square to honor veterans.”

● Upgrade (アップグレードする)

“The airport’s runways were upgraded to accommodate larger aircraft.”

● Convert (転換する)

“The old warehouse was converted into a modern art gallery.”

● Enlarge (拡大する)

“The parking lot was enlarged to reduce congestion during peak hours.”

● Beautify (美化する)

“The riverbank was beautified with the addition of walking paths and gardens.”

● Pave (舗装する)

“New roads were paved to improve access to the remote areas.”

● Relocate (移転する)

“The zoo was relocated to a larger, more natural environment outside the city.”

● Refurbish (改装する)

“The old theater was refurbished, including new seating and lighting.”

● Construct (建設する)

“A new bridge was constructed to ease traffic between the city and the suburbs.”

● Excavate (掘る)

“Archaeologists excavated the site, uncovering a previously unknown historical settlement.”


The Woodwards University’s map portrays the changes from 1985 until now. The most significant change is the demolition of many buildings over 20 years. It can be seen the transformation of some buildings with open-space.

First of all, the Woodwards University replaced the largest car park with a shuttle bus terminal and there was no car park anymore.The small car park was altered to be the lecture theatre between the science libraries and admin building. In addition to this, the road was change into shuttle bus line which connected to all buildings except the farthest, science laboratories and passes by admin building.

There have also combined some buildings. Physics block, chemistry block and biology block in the north east became science laboratories behind the lecture theatre. A library which had been opposite the biggest car park in the past was extended and joined with the IT center which now was in front of the shuttle bus terminal.

Finally, admin building which has large building in 1980 has also altered to be long building in the east. Moreover, the remnants of space was built open-space, such as footpaths.   (187 words )

5分でわかる! Task1 Map(地図) 問題攻略

今回はIELTS Wring Task 1 Map(地図)問題の書き方と表現について説明します。








▮ 地図の種類


● 2つの地図 : 過去と現在の地図の比較
● 2つの地図 : 現在と未来の地図の比較
● 1つの地図 : 現在の地図



The maps show the changed of Woodwards University spatial during 1985 until now.

左側が過去のWoodwards University、右側が現在のWoodwards University となっています。





  1. 地図問題独特の表現を使用する
  2. 過去形を主に使用する
  3. 受動態を多く使用する





▮ 段落と内部構成


つまり、4つのパラグラフで構成します :

Paraphrase Sentence(導入): 1文

Overview(概要): 1-2文

Detail 1 (詳細): 3文以上

Detail 2 (詳細): 3文以上


1文目- 質問のパラフレーズ

1文目- 大きな変化1
2文目- 大きな変化2

1文目- 大きな変化1の詳細
2文目- 大きな変化1の詳細
3文目- 大きな変化1の詳細

1文目 – 大きな変化2の詳細
2文目 – 大きな変化2の詳細
3文目 – 大きな変化2の詳細

▮ 方向性を説明する際に役立つ表現とその例文

地図上の物体や建物の位置関係を正確に説明できます。IELTS Writing Task 1の地図問題では、これらの表現を活用して、変化や配置の違いを明確に伝えることが重要です。

● North of – 「…の北に」

The library is located north of the main entrance.

● South of – 「…の南に」

The parking lot is situated south of the sports centre.

● East of – 「…の東に」

The student accommodation is found east of the cafeteria.

● West of – 「…の西に」

The science building is west of the library.

● Adjacent to – 「…に隣接して」

The swimming pool is adjacent to the gym.

● Directly across from – 「…の真向かいに」

The art gallery is directly across from the main square.

● To the north/south/east/west of – 「…の北/南/東/西に」

The tennis courts are to the east of the football field.

● Between…and… – 「…と…の間に」

The coffee shop is located between the bookstore and the library.

● In front of – 「…の前に」

There is a bus stop in front of the entrance.

● Behind – 「…の後ろに」

The bicycle parking is behind the main building.

▮ 街や都市の変化を説明する際に役立つ動詞とその使用例


● Expand (拡大する)

“The industrial area expanded to include a new manufacturing plant.”

● Develop (開発する)

“A new residential development was constructed on the outskirts of the city.”

● Transform (変形する)

“The old factory was transformed into luxury apartments.”

● Renovate (改修する)

“The city hall was renovated to restore its historical appearance.”

● Rebuild (再建する)

“The community center, damaged by the storm, was completely rebuilt.”

● Demolish (解体する)

“Several dilapidated buildings were demolished to improve city safety.”

● Restore (復元する)

“The ancient ruins were carefully restored for public viewing.”

● Modernize (近代化する)

“The school’s facilities were modernized to support new educational technologies.”

● Clear (撤去する)

“The land was cleared of trees to make room for the new park.”

● Plant (植える)

“Hundreds of new trees were planted along the city streets.”

● Erect (建設する)

“A new monument was erected in the city square to honor veterans.”

● Upgrade (アップグレードする)

“The airport’s runways were upgraded to accommodate larger aircraft.”

● Convert (転換する)

“The old warehouse was converted into a modern art gallery.”

● Enlarge (拡大する)

“The parking lot was enlarged to reduce congestion during peak hours.”

● Beautify (美化する)

“The riverbank was beautified with the addition of walking paths and gardens.”

● Pave (舗装する)

“New roads were paved to improve access to the remote areas.”

● Relocate (移転する)

“The zoo was relocated to a larger, more natural environment outside the city.”

● Refurbish (改装する)

“The old theater was refurbished, including new seating and lighting.”

● Construct (建設する)

“A new bridge was constructed to ease traffic between the city and the suburbs.”

● Excavate (掘る)

“Archaeologists excavated the site, uncovering a previously unknown historical settlement.”


The Woodwards University’s map portrays the changes from 1985 until now. The most significant change is the demolition of many buildings over 20 years. It can be seen the transformation of some buildings with open-space.

First of all, the Woodwards University replaced the largest car park with a shuttle bus terminal and there was no car park anymore.The small car park was altered to be the lecture theatre between the science libraries and admin building. In addition to this, the road was change into shuttle bus line which connected to all buildings except the farthest, science laboratories and passes by admin building.

There have also combined some buildings. Physics block, chemistry block and biology block in the north east became science laboratories behind the lecture theatre. A library which had been opposite the biggest car park in the past was extended and joined with the IT center which now was in front of the shuttle bus terminal.

Finally, admin building which has large building in 1980 has also altered to be long building in the east. Moreover, the remnants of space was built open-space, such as footpaths.   (187 words )

TOEIC Writing 「Write a sentence based on a picture」2 – ALL Pictures

Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.

Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)


● Write one grammatically correct sentence.

● Use the given two words (phrases).

● The sentence should match the photo.

  (There’s no need to write a long sentence.

● When describing objects, the present tense is fine, but when it comes to people or animals, since it’s an action happening right now, please write in the present continuous tense

Picture 1

Library / Studying


Picture 2

Coffee Shop /  Customers


Picture 3

Library /  Reading


Picture 4

Classroom / Lesson


Picture 5

Train Station /  Commute


Picture 6

Park / Relaxation


Picture 7

presentation / strategy


Picture 8

Flip chart / Discussion


Picture 9

Lecture / Technology


Picture 10

Coffee / Conversation


Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.

Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)

Picture 11

Library / Study


Picture 12

Jogging /  Park


Picture 13

Meeting /  Office


Picture 14

City /  Pedestrians


Picture 15

Chef / Cooking


Picture 16

Teacher / Classroom


Picture 17

Family / Picnic


Picture 18

Construction / Machinery


Picture 19

Doctor / Consultation


Picture 20

Artist / Painting


Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.

Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)

Picture 21

Tourists / Landmark


Picture 22

Gardener / Flowers


Picture 23

Musician / Guitar


Picture 24

Yoga / Park


Picture 25

Fisherman / Lake


Picture 26

Baker /  Bread


Picture 27

Mechanic / Car


Picture 28

Florist / Bouquet


Picture 29

Bartender / Drinks


Picture 30

Pilot / Takeoff


Picture 31

Hikers / Exploring


Picture 32

Photographer / Sunset


Picture 33

Performer / Juggling


Picture 34

Chef / Gourmet


Picture 35

Architect / Blueprints


Picture 36

Children / Playground


Picture 37

Veterinarian / Examining


Picture 38

Librarian / Organizing


Picture 39

Farmer / Harvesting


Picture 40

Dancer / Practice


Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.

Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)

Picture 41

laptop / glasses


Picture 42

boat / beside.


Picture 43

scooter / against


Picture 44

leaf / falls


Picture 45

clock / ticking.


Picture 46

leaves / falling.


Picture 47

cat / sleeping


Picture 48

bird / perching


Picture 49

train / under


Picture 50

path / through


Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.

Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)

Picture 51

chimney / above


Picture 52

smartphone / beside


Picture 53

boat / floating


Picture 54

crops / growing


Picture 55

screen / displaying


Picture 56

pen / notebook


Picture 57

because / sit


Picture 58

boy / but


Picture 59

snow / over


Picture 60

camping / star


Picture 61

moon / above


Picture 62

shop / in front of


Picture 63

because / sit


Picture 64

dog / under


Picture 65

car / near


Picture 66

woman / beside


Picture 67

bike / against


Picture 68

cat / on


Picture 69

flowers / around


Picture 70

bird / above


Picture 71

people / between


Picture 72

train / through


Picture 73

tree / next to


Picture 74

river / across


Picture 75

rain / during


Picture 76

building / opposite


Picture 77

book / beside


Picture 78

guitar / against


Picture 79

dog / run


Picture 80

Sample Answer:

bus / next to


TOEIC Writing 「Respond to a written request」2 -ALL Questions

Directions:  In this part of the test, you will show how well
      you can write a response to an e-mail. Your
      response will be scored on

      ●the quality and variety of your sentences,
      ●vocabulary, and

      You will have 10 minutes to read and answer
      each e-mail.

▮ Assignment Overview

Read an email of approximately 25-50 words and compose a reply.
You will read an email displayed on the screen and write a reply according to the instructions given in the question.
The email will include tasks such as ‘ask a question,’ ‘provide information,’ ‘make a suggestion,’ etc., with three tasks instructed. Your reply must contain responses to all three instructed tasks.

※In the actual exam, two questions will be presented, and you must compose an email for each within 10 minutes.

Directions: Read the e-mail below.

Lesson 1.

FROM: Manager of Greenfield Business Park
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Office Renovation Update
SENT: July 15

We are excited to announce that the office renovation will commence next month, starting August 5th. The work will primarily focus on the main lobby and the first floor. Please be prepared for minor disruptions and noise during office hours. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee of Greenfield Business Park. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 2.

FROM: Head of Sales
TO: Sales Team
SUBJECT: Quarterly Sales Review Meeting
SENT: August 22

I’d like to remind everyone about our quarterly sales review meeting scheduled for September 1st at 10 AM. It’s essential that all team members attend as we will analyze last quarter’s performance, discuss targets for the upcoming quarter, and address any challenges faced. Please come prepared with your reports and insights.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a member of the sales team. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 3.

FROM: Customer Service Manager
TO: All Customer Service Representatives
SUBJECT: New Training Program Introduction
SENT: May 18

We are excited to introduce a new training program focused on advanced communication skills, starting June 3rd. The program includes interactive workshops and role-playing sessions, designed to enhance our service quality. Participation is mandatory for all team members, and a schedule will be shared soon.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a customer service representative. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 4.

FROM: Operations Manager
TO: All Department Leaders
SUBJECT: Office Relocation Update
SENT: November 4

We’re nearing the final stages of our office relocation plan. A detailed move schedule will be shared next week. It’s vital that each department begins preparing their files and equipment for the move, scheduled for December 1st. Please prioritize this in your upcoming department meetings.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a department leader. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 5.

FROM: Head of IT Department
TO: All Staff
SUBJECT: System Upgrade Notification
SENT: April 10

Please note that a major system upgrade is scheduled for next weekend, April 18-19. All company systems will be offline during this period. Ensure you save all necessary documents offline to avoid any work disruptions.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a staff member. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 6.

FROM: Facilities Manager
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Parking Lot Maintenance
SENT: August 1

Please be informed that the parking lot will be undergoing maintenance from August 10th to 15th. Alternative parking will be provided at the nearby Green Park area. Shuttle service to the office will be available.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 7.

FROM: Human Resources Manager
TO: All Staff
SUBJECT: Annual Health Checkups
SENT: September 5

We are pleased to announce free annual health checkups for all employees on October 3rd. Please sign up by September 20th to secure your appointment. Participation is highly encouraged for your wellbeing.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a staff member. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 8.

FROM: Office Administration
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Fire Drill Announcement
SENT: February 12

A mandatory fire drill will be conducted on February 25th at 11 AM. This drill is essential for ensuring workplace safety. Your full participation is required. Please prepare accordingly.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 9.

FROM: Training Coordinator
TO: All New Hires
SUBJECT: Orientation Session
SENT: June 14

Welcome to the team! Please remember to attend the mandatory orientation session on June 21st at 9 AM in Conference Room B. The session will cover essential company policies and procedures.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a new hire. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 10.

FROM: Project Manager
TO: Team Members
SUBJECT: Project Deadline Reminder
SENT: March 18

This is a reminder that the deadline for our current project is March 31st. Please ensure all your tasks are completed and submitted by this date for final review.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a team member. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 11.

FROM: Catering Manager
TO: All Staff
SUBJECT: Office Luncheon
SENT: April 4

We are organizing an office luncheon on April 20th to celebrate our company’s anniversary. Please RSVP by April 10th and mention any dietary restrictions.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a staff member. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 12.

FROM: IT Support Team
TO: All Department Heads
SUBJECT: Network Upgrade
SENT: July 15

We will be performing a major network upgrade on July 25th, resulting in intermittent internet outages. Please ensure all critical work is saved offline.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a department head. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 13.

FROM: Marketing Director
TO: Marketing Team Members
SUBJECT: Upcoming Product Launch Meeting
SENT: October 5

Reminder: We’re holding a detailed meeting about the upcoming product launch on October 12th at 2 PM in the main conference room. Attendance is crucial as we’ll discuss marketing strategies and assign roles. Please review the preliminary plan sent earlier and come prepared with ideas and feedback.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a member of the marketing team. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 14.

FROM: Wellness Committee Chair
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Health and Wellness Week
SENT: February 20

Next week is our annual Health and Wellness Week. There will be a variety of activities including yoga sessions, nutrition workshops, and stress management seminars. Please check the full schedule on the intranet and sign up for the sessions of your interest.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 15.

FROM: Chief Technology Officer
TO: All IT Staff
SUBJECT: Cybersecurity Training Session
SENT: October 10

We are conducting a mandatory cybersecurity training session on October 20th. This session will cover new protocols and threat prevention techniques. Your attendance is essential to ensure our network remains secure. Please confirm your attendance by October 15th.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an IT staff member. In your reply, make ONE request and ONE question.


Lesson 16.

FROM: HR Director
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Upcoming Health and Safety Training
SENT: September 5

We are conducting mandatory health and safety training on September 15th, focusing on emergency response and workplace safety protocols. Attendance is crucial. If you have prior commitments, please inform HR to arrange an alternative session. Stay informed and stay safe!

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a new employee, unfamiliar with the company’s procedures. In your reply, ask TWO questions about the training and make ONE suggestion regarding accessibility of training materials.


Lesson 17.

FROM: Facilities Manager
TO: All Staff
SUBJECT: Cafeteria Renovation
SENT: March 10

We are excited to announce that our cafeteria will undergo a renovation starting March 20th. During this period, the cafeteria will be closed. Alternative dining options will be provided in the adjacent building. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during these improvements.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a staff member. In your reply, ask TWO questions about the alternative dining options and make ONE suggestion to enhance staff convenience during the renovation period.


Lesson 18.

FROM: IT Department Head
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Upcoming Software Update
SENT: May 2

Our company will be undergoing a significant software update next week. This will require all computers to be offline for approximately two hours on May 10th, starting at 3 PM. Please ensure all your work is saved before this time.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee. In your reply, ask TWO questions about the software update and make ONE suggestion for minimizing work disruption.


Lesson 19.

FROM: Corporate Communications Team
TO: All Staff
SUBJECT: Employee Satisfaction Survey
SENT: July 8

We’re conducting an employee satisfaction survey to better understand your experiences and identify areas for improvement. The survey is anonymous and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please submit your responses by July 20th. Your feedback is vital for our continued growth.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee. In your reply, ask TWO questions about the survey and make ONE suggestion to encourage participation.


Lesson 20.

FROM: Project Manager
TO: Project Team
SUBJECT: Deadline Extension Request
SENT: September 18

Due to unexpected challenges, we are requesting a one-week extension for the project deadline. Please provide your input and feasibility assessment by September 22nd, and we will collectively decide on the new deadline.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a project team member. In your reply, make ONE request for additional information and ONE suggestion for managing the extended timeline.


Lesson 21.

FROM: HR Manager
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Upcoming Company Picnic
SENT: June 10

Our annual company picnic is scheduled for June 25th at the Green Park. We’ll have food, games, and team-building activities. Please RSVP by June 18th, and let us know if you have any dietary preferences or restrictions.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee. In your reply, ask TWO questions about the picnic arrangements and make ONE suggestion to enhance the picnic experience.


Lesson 22.

Sample E-mail
FROM: Marketing Manager
TO: Marketing Team
SUBJECT: Upcoming Product Launch
SENT: October 5

Our new product launch is set for October 20th. Please ensure all marketing materials are ready, and we’ll have a team meeting on October 15th to go over the final preparations. Your creativity and dedication are greatly appreciated.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a marketing team member. In your reply, ask ONE question about the product launch details and make ONE suggestion for promoting the new product.


Lesson 23.

FROM: Project Coordinator
TO: Project Team Members
SUBJECT: Client Meeting Preparation
SENT: December 3

We have an important client meeting scheduled for December 15th. Please ensure that all necessary documents and presentations are ready for review by December 10th. We need to make a strong impression.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a project team member. In your reply, ask ONE question about the client meeting and make ONE suggestion for a successful presentation.


Lesson 24.

FROM: HR Manager
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Holiday Office Closure
SENT: November 25

Our office will be closed from December 24th to January 2nd for the holiday season. Please ensure all pending work is completed before the closure, and make any necessary arrangements for remote access if required.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee. In your reply, ask ONE question about holiday procedures and make ONE suggestion for team coordination during the office closure.


Lesson 25.

FROM: Sales Manager
TO: Sales Team
SUBJECT: Upcoming Sales Presentation
SENT: February 12

Our next sales presentation is scheduled for February 25th. Please start preparing your pitches and presentations. We’ll have a team meeting on February 20th to discuss the details and practice our pitches.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a sales team member. In your reply, ask ONE question about the presentation logistics and make ONE suggestion to ensure a successful presentation.


Lesson 26.

FROM: Project Coordinator
TO: Project Team Members
SUBJECT: Project Update and Next Steps
SENT: April 15

We’ve made good progress on our project, and the next phase begins on May 1st. Please review the project timeline and be prepared for a team meeting on April 28th to discuss the upcoming tasks and responsibilities.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a project team member. In your reply, ask ONE question about the project timeline and make ONE suggestion to ensure smooth collaboration in the next phase.


Lesson 27.

FROM: Marketing Manager
TO: Marketing Team
SUBJECT: Marketing Campaign Launch
SENT: July 5

Our new marketing campaign is set to launch on July 20th. Please double-check all marketing materials and ensure they are error-free. We want to make a strong impression with this campaign.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a marketing team member. In your reply, ask ONE question about the campaign launch details and make ONE suggestion for maximizing the campaign’s impact.


Lesson 28.

FROM: HR Manager
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Employee Feedback Survey
SENT: September 10

We value your feedback! Please participate in our annual employee feedback survey, which will be open from September 20th to September 30th. Your input is essential in helping us make improvements. Watch for the survey link in your inbox.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee. In your reply, ask ONE question about the survey process and make ONE suggestion to encourage participation.


Lesson 29.

FROM: IT Department Head
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Scheduled Server Maintenance
SENT: December 15

We will be performing scheduled maintenance on our servers on December 28th, from 9 PM to 3 AM. During this time, there may be temporary disruptions in network access and email services. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee. In your reply, ask ONE question about the server maintenance and make ONE suggestion to minimize disruptions.


Lesson 30.

FROM: Sales Manager
TO: Sales Team
SUBJECT: Quarterly Sales Meeting
SENT: March 8

Our quarterly sales meeting is scheduled for March 20th. Please ensure all your sales reports are up-to-date and ready for presentation. We’ll have a team briefing on March 15th to prepare for the meeting.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as a sales team member. In your reply, ask ONE question about the meeting agenda and make ONE suggestion for an effective presentation.


Lesson 31.

FROM: Postville Public Library
TO: All members
SUBJECT: Tryouts for a new play
SENT: September 14

The Postville Players will perform “Gate 34,” an original play written and directed by member Mary Wilson, the evenings of November 13 and 14 and the afternoon of November 15. Tryouts for the play will be held on Saturday afternoon, September 19, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The play calls for five actors and seven actresses. Also, a chorus of 10 to 12 people and five or six backstage personnel are also needed. Rehearsals will be held weekday evenings.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as someone who wants to appear in “Gate 34” or work backstage. Ask ONE question about the play and ONE about the rehearsals.


Lesson 32.

FROM: Marketing Manager
TO: All Employees
SUBJECT: Charity Run Participation
SENT: October 5

Our company will be participating in the annual Charity Run on November 15th. We encourage employees to join and contribute to a good cause. Registration details and team formation will be shared soon.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as an employee interested in participating in the Charity Run. Ask ONE question about the event and make ONE suggestion for team formation.


Lesson 33.

FROM: Susan Chen, Community Outreach Coordinator
TO: Alumni of Greenfield College
SUBJECT: Annual Career Sharing Day
SENT: February 15

Dear Greenfield College Alumni,

We are excited to invite you to our Annual Career Sharing Day, scheduled for 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 20th, at the college auditorium. This event allows alumni to share their career experiences and insights with our current students. Each participant will give a ten-minute talk about their career journey, followed by a Q&A session. Your stories can significantly impact our students’ career choices and aspirations. We look forward to your participation.

Best regards,
Susan Chen

Directions: In your response, mention your occupation and brief job history. Also, make ONE request for additional information or clarification.


Lesson 34.

FROM: Laura Smith, Director of Innovation
TO: Research and Development Team
SUBJECT: Innovation Week Presentations
SENT: April 1

Dear Team,

We’re launching an “Innovation Week” from April 25 to April 29. It’s an opportunity for team members to showcase their current projects and innovative ideas. We encourage you to present your work. Please let us know if you’re interested in participating and what project you would like to present.

Laura Smith

Directions: In your response, express your interest (or lack thereof) in the initiative, provide a brief overview of your current project or work, and ask a question related to the initiative.


Lesson 35.

FROM: Emily Johnson, Project Manager
TO: Project Team Members
SUBJECT: Project Deadline Reminder
SENT: June 5


As a reminder, the deadline for the Phoenix Project is set for July 15. This timeline is crucial for our next phase. Please assess your current progress and let me know immediately if you foresee any challenges in meeting this deadline. Your prompt response is appreciated.

Emily Johnson

Directions: In your response, mention whether you can meet the proposed deadline, explain briefly any challenges you foresee in meeting it, and request any additional resources or support you might need.


Lesson 36

FROM: Thomas Green, Head of Marketing
TO: Marketing Department Staff
SUBJECT: Monthly Strategy Meeting
SENT: August 10

Dear Team,

Please save the date for our monthly strategy meeting on August 25 at 3:00 PM in the main conference room. This meeting is vital for discussing our Q4 marketing strategy. Let us know if you can attend and suggest any additional topics for the agenda.

Thomas Green

Directions: In your reply, confirm your availability for the meeting, suggest one topic you think should be included in the agenda, and ask a specific question about the meeting’s arrangements.


Lesson 37

From: Mark Borthwick
To: Simon Brown
Subject: Sales report deadlines
Sent: February 8, 8:59 A.M.

Dear Simon,

The accounting department has recently informed me that your sales reports have consistently been submitted after the deadlines. Please respond to this email with reasons as to why you have failed to meet the deadlines.


Mark Borthwick
Regional Manager

Directions: In your email, provide TWO reasons for the issue mentioned and make ONE request.


Lesson 38

From: Jane Dawson
To: Alex Martinez
Subject: Urgent Need for Project Update
Sent: July 15, 9:30 A.M.

Dear Alex,

I’ve noticed that there hasn’t been any update on the “Green Energy” project for the past two weeks. This is concerning as the project’s deadline is approaching. Could you please explain the reasons for this delay?

Best regards,

Jane Dawson
Project Coordinator

Directions: In your email, acknowledge the request, provide TWO reasons for the current situation, and suggest ONE possible solution.


Lesson 39

From: Lisa Nguyen
To: Department Heads
Subject: Quarterly Planning Meeting
Sent: March 3, 10:00 A.M.

Dear Department Heads,

Please be reminded of our upcoming quarterly planning meeting scheduled for March 10 at 2:00 PM in the main conference hall. We will discuss our strategies and goals for the next quarter. Let me know if you have specific topics to add to the agenda.

Best regards,

Lisa Nguyen
Chief Operations Officer

Directions: In your reply, confirm your attendance, mention one specific topic you would like to discuss, and ask a question regarding the meeting logistics.


Lesson 40

From: Emily Roberts
To: All Staff
Subject: Printer Malfunction in Office
Sent: May 20, 11:30 A.M.

Dear Team,

We’ve noticed recurring issues with the main office printer. It often jams and is causing delays in document processing. We’re looking for suggestions on how to address this problem. Please share your ideas.

Emily Roberts
Office Manager

Directions: In your reply, acknowledge the issue, offer two potential solutions, and ask for feedback on your suggestions.


ネイティブのリアル英語    bounce back 回復する



ネイティブのリアル英語  bounce back 回復する


アメリカでは  ”bounce back” といいます。


bounce back from illness  病気から回復する

Emma bounced back from her adversity,and started her own business.




Don’t worry about her. She will bounce back from a cold.


bounce back 回復する」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

Dan is taking a long time to bounce back from the flu. He must be really sick.


 Dan is taking a long time to recover from the flu. He must be really sick.


Dan’s taking a long time da bounce back fr’m the flu. He mus’ be really sick.

bounce を使ったその他のイディオム

● Bounce off the walls : 非常に興奮している
The kids were bouncing off the walls after eating too much candy.

● Bounce ideas off someone : 誰かにアイデアを提案してフィードバックを求める
Can I bounce some ideas off you for my next project?

● Bounce a check : 不渡りチェックを出す(口座残高不足でチェックが現金化できないこと)
He was embarrassed when he found out he had bounced a check at the grocery store.

● Bounce someone out : 誰かを力ずくで退去させる
The unruly customer was bounced out of the bar.


to recover

Topic Discussion for Daily   新コースが始まりました。


Topic Discussion for Daily


▮ レッスンの特徴・効果

☑ 日常生活で遭遇する可能性のあるシチュエーションをカバー                

☑ 様々なトピックについて英語で自分の意見・主張が話せるようになります。         

☑ レッスン時間は、トピックについてのスピーキングが中心になります。

目的 TOEFL Reading スコア履歴なし 体験予約これから(ZOOM)




受講目的:      TOEFL iBT   Reading

テスコスコア履歴:  記載なし

まずは TOEFL Reading Regularを受講いただくことをお勧めします。
TOEFL Reading Regular レッスン概要はこちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。









例:TOEFL Reading Regular (英字で入力してください。)


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Reading教材は コース概要から入手できます。 予習される場合は教材をダウンロードしてご利用ください。


Topic Discussion for Daily- English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name: Topic Discussion for Daily

▮ Level: Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate CEFR A2 to B1, EIKEN Grade 3 to Grade 2, TOEIC 400 to 700

▮ Number of Lessons: 50 Lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Features & Benefits of the Lessons

☑ Covers situations you are likely to encounter in daily life               ☑ Enables you to express your opinions and arguments in English on various topics   ☑ The lesson time will primarily focus on speaking about the topics

※ These topics cover situations that beginners are likely to encounter in their daily lives and provide students with opportunities to talk about themselves. This allows them to expand their vocabulary, practice grammar, and develop the ability to speak English with confidence.

▮ Lesson Activities

1. Read a short explanation about a topic
2. Learn five common expressions and vocabulary items used with the topic
3. Use expressions and vocabulary to create short sentences in English
4. Answer questions about the topic and then discuss it with the instructor

Lesson Course Table of Contents

Lesson 1. Your Dream Vacation (理想の休暇)
Lesson 2. A Day at the Park (公園での一日)
Lesson 3. Favorite Foods (好きな食べ物)
Lesson 4. Shopping Experiences (ショッピングの経験)
Lesson 5. Family Traditions (家族の伝統)
Lesson 6. Best Friends (親友)
Lesson 7. Childhood Memories (子供の頃の思い出)
Lesson 8. Learning English (英語を学ぶこと)
Lesson 9. Your Ideal Job (理想の仕事)
Lesson 10. Movies You Love (好きな映画)
Lesson 11. Music and Bands (音楽とバンド)
Lesson 12. Sports You Play or Watch (するまたは見るスポーツ)
Lesson 13. Your Hometown (故郷について)
Lesson 14. Pets and Animals (ペットと動物)
Lesson 15. Technology and Gadgets (技術とガジェット)
Lesson 16. A Book You’ve Read (読んだことのある本)
Lesson 17. A Memorable Trip (思い出深い旅行)
Lesson 18. Healthy Living (健康的な生活)
Lesson 19. Environmental Issues (環境問題)
Lesson 20. Festivals and Celebrations (祭りとお祝い)
Lesson 21. Learning to Cook (料理を学ぶ)
Lesson 22. Public Transportation (公共交通)
Lesson 23. Your Daily Routine (日常のルーチン)
Lesson 24. A Special Gift (特別なプレゼント)
Lesson 25. Plans for the Weekend (週末の計画)
Lesson 26. Favorite Season and Why (好きな季節とその理由)
Lesson 27. Your First Job (最初の仕事)
Lesson 28. A Hobby You Want to Start (始めたい趣味)
Lesson 29. Places You Want to Visit (訪れたい場所)
Lesson 30. Languages You Want to Learn (学びたい言語)
Lesson 31. Favorite TV Shows (好きなテレビ番組)
Lesson 32. Using Social Media (ソーシャルメディアの使用)
Lesson 33. Staying Fit and Exercise (フィットネスと運動)
Lesson 34. Important Life Lessons (人生の大切な教訓)
Lesson 35. Your Role Models (あなたの手本)
Lesson 36. Traditional Dishes from Your Country (あなたの国の伝統料理)
Lesson 37. The Importance of Family (家族の重要性)
Lesson 38. Online Learning Experiences (オンライン学習の経験)
Lesson 39. Managing Stress (ストレスの管理)
Lesson 40. Future Technologies (未来の技術)
Lesson 41. The Joy of Cooking (料理の喜び)
Lesson 42. Volunteering and Helping Others (ボランティアと他人を助けること)
Lesson 43. School and Education (学校と教育)
Lesson 44. Cultural Differences (文化の違い)
Lesson 45. Art and Creativity (芸術と創造性)
Lesson 46. Traveling Abroad (海外旅行)
Lesson 47. Personal Growth (個人の成長)
Lesson 48. Celebrating Successes (成功を祝う)
Lesson 49. Overcoming Challenges (課題を乗り越える)
Lesson 50. Dreams and Ambitions (夢と野望)





< 2024年2月開始 レッスンコース >

Topic Discussion for Intermediate & Advance  社会問題で自分の意見を伝えるスキル! 

DESCRIBE THE PICTURE (Intermediate) 写真描写   即興スピーキング能力の向上!

TOEIC Speaking Course 2 ― 問題形式別 (Course 1 と問題は異なります)

● Read a text aloud (音読問題)

● Describe a picture (写真描写問題)

● Respond to questions (応答問題)

● Respond to questions using information provided (提示された情報に基づく応答問題

● Express an opinion (意見を述べる問題

TOEIC Writing Course 2 ― 問題形式別 (Course 1 と問題は異なります)

 ● Write a sentence based on a picture (写真描写問題)   

 ● Respond to a written request (Eメール作成問題)     

 ● Write an opinion essay   (意見を記述する問題)  

TOEFL iBT 4科目を同時に受講する方法 現在Speaking受講中

TOEFL iBT 4科目を受講いただくためにご提案させていただきます。

Multi Account (複数科目同時受講アカウント)ご利用方法