
Lesson 3.  New Year’s Day 

Lesson 3.   New Year’s Day

Topic Question: How do Japanese people celebrate New Year’s Day?

No. 1

First, try answering the question yourself. – The instructor will provide advice on vocabulary, grammar, and expression corrections.

Sample Answer – Let’s read aloud – The instructor will check your pronunciation and accent.

New Year’s Day, or “Shogatsu,” is one of the most important holidays in Japan, celebrated with various traditions and customs. Japanese people typically start the celebrations by eating “toshikoshi soba” on New Year’s Eve, symbolizing the crossing over from the old year into the new and hoping for a long life. On New Year’s Day, many visit shrines or temples to pray for good fortune in the coming year, a practice known as “hatsumode.” Families gather to enjoy “osechi-ryori,” special dishes prepared for the New Year, each with symbolic meanings for health, happiness, and prosperity. Homes are decorated with “kadomatsu” and “shimekazari” to welcome spirits of ancestors and bring good luck. The New Year is also a time for giving “otoshidama,” money gifts to children, enveloped in special decorative pouches.

No. 2

5 Words to Learn and Their Meanings – Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly

1. Traditions (伝統): The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation.
We uphold our family traditions every Christmas by baking cookies and singing carols together.

2. Fortune (運命): Chance or luck as an external, arbitrary force affecting human affairs.
Many people wear lucky charms in hopes of improving their fortune.

3. Prosperity (繁栄): The state of being prosperous; wealth or success.
The country’s economy was booming, leading to greater prosperity for its citizens.

4. Ancestors (先祖): A person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.
I often wonder about the lives of my ancestors and the challenges they faced.

5. Pouches (袋): Small bags or sacks for carrying small objects.
I keep all my coins in a small leather pouch.

No. 3
Key Expressions and Example Sentences – Pronounce the Example Sentences of Key Expressions Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Key Expressions Instantly

1. Crossing over (越える)
The bridge represents crossing over from hardship to a place of safety and comfort.

2. Pray for good fortune (幸運を祈る)
At the beginning of each year, I pray for good fortune for my family and friends.

3. Symbolic meanings (象徴的な意味)
The ring is often seen as having symbolic meanings of unity and eternity in marriage ceremonies.

No. 4
Discussion and Exchange of Opinions on the Sample Answer
Instructor: Do you have a particular tradition that resonates with you?

Student: [Opinions of students]

No. 5

Free Discussion on the topic
Let’s talk about the importance of New Year celebrations around the world. How do different cultures reflect their values and hopes for the new year through their traditions? What unique New Year customs have you experienced or heard about that you find interesting or meaningful?

Speak Japan- General Topics

Lesson 1 :   Tea Ceremony

Lesson 2.   Samurai

Lesson 2. Samurai

Lesson 2.   Samurai

Topic Question: What is the historical background of the samurai?

First, try answering the question yourself. – The instructor will provide advice on vocabulary, grammar, and expression corrections.

Sample Answer – Let’s read aloud – The instructor will check your pronunciation and accent.

The samurai were the military nobility and officer caste of medieval and early-modern Japan. From the late 12th century, they became the highest-ranking social caste under the Japanese Emperor and the Shogunate. Originally, samurai were archers who fought on horseback, their role expanded over time to include leading battles and governing regions. They lived by the “Bushido” code, which emphasized virtues such as loyalty, honor, and discipline. The era of the samurai effectively ended during the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century when the samurai class was abolished in favor of a modern, conscripted army. However, the legacy and influence of samurai culture continue to be felt in Japan and around the world.

5 Words to Learn and Their Meanings – Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly

  1. Nobility (貴族): The group of people belonging to the noble class in a country, especially those with a hereditary or honorary title.

In medieval Europe, the nobility owned vast amounts of land and had significant political power.

  1. Archers (弓兵): People who use a bow and arrows.
    The archers took their positions on the castle walls as the enemy approached.

3. Bushido (武士道): The code of honor and morals developed by the Japanese samurai.
Bushido influenced the samurai’s conduct in both warfare and in peacetime.

4. Meiji Restoration (明治維新): The period in the late 19th century when Japan underwent rapid modernization and industrialization.
The Meiji Restoration transformed Japan from a feudal society into a world power.

5. Legacy (遺産): Something left or handed down by a predecessor.
The legacy of ancient civilizations can be seen in their art, laws, and structures.

Key Expressions and Example Sentences – Pronounce the Example Sentences of Key Expressions Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Key Expressions Instantly

  1. Military nobility (軍事貴族)
    The military nobility played a crucial role in the governance and defense of the realm.
  2. Leading battles (戦いを導く)
    Famous generals from history are celebrated for leading battles that changed the course of their nations.
  3. Abolished (廃止される)
    The practice was eventually abolished after widespread criticism and calls for reform.

Discussion and Exchange of Opinions on the Sample Answer
Instructor: How do you think the values of Bushido have influenced modern Japanese society? Are there aspects of samurai culture that are still relevant today?

Student: [Opinions of students]

Free Discussion on the topic
Let’s explore how the image of the samurai has been romanticized in films and literature. Do you think these portrayals accurately reflect historical reality? How do samurai movies or books impact your perception of Japanese culture?

Lesson 1 :   Tea Ceremony

Lesson 1 :   Tea Ceremony

Topic Question: Can you explain the significance of the tea ceremony in Japanese culture?

First, try answering the question yourself. – The instructor will provide advice on vocabulary, grammar, and expression corrections.

▮ Sample Answer – Let’s read aloud – The instructor will check your pronunciation and accent.
The Japanese tea ceremony, also known as “Chanoyu” or “Sado,” is more than just drinking tea. It is a spiritual and philosophical ritual that embodies harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. Originating in the 15th century, it reflects the Zen Buddhist principles and emphasizes the beauty of simple and transient things. The ceremony is meticulously planned and performed, involving specific utensils, attire, and procedures. Each element, from the preparation to the serving of matcha (powdered green tea), is symbolic, aiming to create a moment of harmony between the host and guests. It celebrates the art of hospitality and mindfulness, making it a profound cultural tradition in Japan.

5 Words to Learn and Their Meanings – Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly

  1. Spiritual (精神的な): Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul.
    Meditation is a spiritual practice that helps me find inner peace.
  2. Philosophical (哲学的な): Relating to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.
    We had a philosophical discussion about the meaning of life.
  3. Meticulously (細心の注意を払って): Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
    She meticulously planned her trip to ensure everything went smoothly.
  4. Symbolic (象徴的な): Serving as a symbol of something.
    The olive branch is symbolic of peace.
  5. Mindfulness (マインドフルネス): The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.
    Practicing mindfulness can greatly reduce stress and anxiety.

Key Expressions and Example Sentences – Pronounce the Example Sentences of Key Expressions Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Key Expressions Instantly

1. Embodies (を体現する)
This painting embodies the artist’s emotions during a difficult time in his life.

2. Zen Buddhist principles (禅仏教の原則)
The concept of simplicity in Zen Buddhist principles has influenced my lifestyle.

3. Art of hospitality (おもてなしの芸術)
Japanese culture is renowned for its art of hospitality and meticulous attention to guests’ needs.

Discussion and Exchange of Opinions on the Sample Answer
Instructor: What do you think about the philosophical aspects of the tea ceremony?

Do you see any value in incorporating such traditions into modern life?

Student: [Opinions of students]

Free Discussion on the topic
Let’s discuss how traditional rituals like the tea ceremony can play a role in today’s fast-paced society. Can adopting aspects of such ceremonies help improve our quality of life or mindfulness in the modern world?

ネイティブのリアル英語   in the pink 絶好調である


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!

ネイティブのリアル英語  in the pink  絶好調である


アメリカでは  in the pinkといいます。

欧米では、ピンク色の肌はとても健康な状態、最高なコンディションであることを指しています。そのため、in the pink は精神的にも肉体的にもどちらの意味でも「絶好調」の意味で使うことができます。



My grandfather is in the pink of health.


She is in the pink today. I’m sure that she’s going to win the victory.


in the pink  絶好調である」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

My father is feeling much better. He’s finally in the pink again.


My father is feeling much better. He’s finally enjoying good health again.


My dad’s feeling much bedder. He’s fin’lly in the pink again.

pink を使ったその他のイディオム

● Tickled pink: 大変喜んでいる、うれしくてたまらない
 She was tickled pink to receive the invitation to the party.

● To be in the pink of condition: 最高の状態である
  The athlete is in the pink of condition for the upcoming competition.

● A pink slip: 解雇通知
  After the company’s merger, many employees received the pink slip.


to be enjoying good health

目的-IELTS 4科目 -講師への連絡未記入 体験予約中 (ZOOM)




受講目的:    IELTS Speaking 6、Writing 6, Reading 6, Listening 6

テスコスコア履歴:  未記入

まずは IELTS Speaking (Mock Test) を受講いただくことをお勧めします。
IELTS レッスン概要はこちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。



4科目(Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading)を同時に受講する方法







体験レッスンでご希望のレッスンがございましたらレッスン内容を「講師への連絡」からお伝えください。 例:IELTS Speaking Mock Test(英字で入力してください。)






目的-IELTS 2科目 -講師への連絡未記入 体験予約中 (ZOOM)




受講目的:    IELTS Speaking 7、Writing 7

テスコスコア履歴:  Overall 5.0  

まずは IELTS Speaking (Mock Test) を受講いただくことをお勧めします。
IELTS レッスン概要はこちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。



2科目(例:Speaking, Writing)を同時に受講する方法







体験レッスンでご希望のレッスンがございましたらレッスン内容を「講師への連絡」からお伝えください。 例:IELTS Speaking Mock Test(英字で入力してください。)






目的-English for Careers Accounting テスト履歴なし-無料体験予約がこれからの方 (Skype)




受講目的:      English for Careers Accounting (会計英語)

テスコスコア履歴:  記載なし

English for Careers Accounting (会計英語)コース概要についてはこちらからご覧ください




Accoutingコース 担当インストラクターの中から講師をご予約ください。



例: English for Careers Accounting(英字で入力してください。)








目的-TOEFL iBT 2科目 スコア履歴 無し―予約中(スカイプ)



受講目的:      TOEFL iBT 2科目  Speaking 20 Listening 20

テスコスコア履歴:  未登録

TOEFL Speaking Mock Test から開始されることをお勧めします。

TOEFL iBT コース概要についてはこちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。


例: TOEFL Speaking Mock Test(英字で入力してください。)


レッスンコース 概要一覧はこちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。






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