Lesson 28 ”Tatami”
Topic Question: What is “Tatami” and How Does It Reflect in Traditional Japanese Homes?
No. 1: Introduction – First, try answering the question yourself.
The instructor will provide advice on vocabulary, grammar, and expression corrections.
Sample Answer-Let’s read aloud. Instructor will check your pronunciation and accent.
Tatami is a traditional Japanese flooring mat made from rice straw and covered with a soft, woven rush (igusa). It’s a quintessential element of Japanese architecture, reflecting the culture’s emphasis on nature, simplicity, and functionality. In traditional Japanese homes, rooms are often defined by the number of tatami mats they can fit, indicating the importance of tatami in determining space and design. Tatami mats also play a crucial role in the aesthetic and atmosphere of Japanese interiors, providing a natural look and feel that promotes tranquility and harmony. Their use exemplifies the Japanese principle of finding beauty in simplicity and utility, influencing not just home design but also ways of living and thinking.
No. 2: Vocabulary Building – 5 Words to Learn and Their Meanings
Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly
- Quintessential (典型的な, tenkeitekina): Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
“Tatami mats are quintessential to traditional Japanese homes, embodying the simplicity and elegance of Japanese design.”
- Emphasize (強調する, kyōchō suru): Give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing.
“Traditional Japanese architecture emphasizes harmony with nature, as seen in the use of natural materials like tatami.”
- Tranquility (静けさ, shizukesa): The quality or state of being tranquil; calm.
“The texture and color of tatami contribute to the overall tranquility and warmth of Japanese interiors.”
- Aesthetic (美的, biteki): Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
“The aesthetic appeal of tatami lies in its simplicity and natural materials, which reflect the Japanese love for nature.”
- Harmony (調和, chōwa): The combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect; in a broader sense, a state of agreement or concord.
“Tatami floors create a sense of harmony in Japanese homes by blending seamlessly with other natural elements.”
No. 3: Key Idiom and Example Sentences
“In harmony with nature” (自然との調和): Living or existing in a way that is balanced and respectful towards the natural environment.
“Traditional Japanese homes, with their tatami mats, sliding doors, and wooden frames, are designed to be in harmony with nature, fostering a close connection between the indoors and the natural world.”
“By incorporating tatami mats into their design, Japanese homes achieve a living space that is in harmony with nature, promoting peace and tranquility.”
No. 4 : Discussion and Exchange of Opinions on the Sample Answer
Instructor: Considering the sample answer, how do you think tatami mats influence the way of life and design philosophy in Japanese homes?
Student: [Opinions of students]
No. 5: Free Discussion on the Topic
Let’s explore further the cultural significance of tatami in Japan. Discuss how the production and craftsmanship of tatami reflect Japanese values. What changes are occurring in contemporary Japanese society regarding the use of tatami, and how do these changes reflect broader shifts in lifestyle and values? Additionally, consider the role of tatami in traditional ceremonies and events. How does the presence of tatami in these contexts underscore its cultural importance?