
EIKEN Grade 4 – Easy Pass/Lesson Curriculum

EIKEN Grade 4     Easy Pass     1st Exam.   

1,825 minutes      30.42  hours      73 Lessons (25 min/Lesson)

Lesson Curriculum


                                                   Minute    /    Number of Lesson

1         Check Test 1                                                        100          4

Check  Test  (Reading)                        50
Check  Test  (Listening)                      50

2         Textbook                                                            1,100        44

Explanation & Practice  1~34     25 × 34       850
More ! Grade 4                  5       12.5×5  62.5
Expected Test(Short)        5       12.5×5         62.5
Expected Test(Long)       1       25×1              25
Mock Test                      1                            100

3         5  Past exam. (2017-2 ~2016-1)                      525           21                                                  

  1. Sentence completion (1)~(15)   50


  1. Gap fill in dialogues(16)~(20)   50


  1. Word reordering (21)~(25)        50


  1. [A} Q&A based on passages

Poster, advertisement, or memo   (26) (27)       25
[B] Q&A based on passages
Letter or e-mail (28)~(30)                          50
[C] Q&A based on passages
Passage (31)~(35)                                       75
Listening Part 1
Conversation Completion  (1)~(10)                    75
Listening Part 2
Q&A based on dialogues (11)~(20)                    75
Listening Part 3
Q&A based on monologues (21)~(30)                 75

4         Check Test 2                                                     100                4

Check  Test  (Reading)                                        50
Check Test  (Listening)                                        50
                                                                                              1,825                73

EIKEN Grade 5 – Easy Pass / Lesson Curriculum

EIKEN Grade 5     Easy Pass     1st Exam.    

1,337.5  minutes      22.29  hours      53.5  Lessons (25 min/Lesson)

Lesson Curriculum


Minute    /     Number of Lesson

1         Check Test 1                                                                  50               2
Check  Test  (Reading)          25
Check  Test  (Listening)        25
2         Textbook                                                                     937.5             37.5
Explanation & Practice    1~29          25 × 29               725
More ! Grade 5                  6              12.5×6          75
Expected Test                    7              12.5×7                87.5
Mock Test                  1                                          50
3     5  Past exam. (2017-2 ~2016-1)                         300             12                                                   
Sentence completion (1)~(15)                                       50
Gap fill in dialogues(16)~(20)                                     50
Word reordering (21)~(25)                                             50
Listening Part 1 :
Conversation Completion  (1)~(10)                               50
Listening Part 2 :
Q&A based on dialogues  (11)~(15)                                50
Listening Part 3 :
Matching  (16)~(25)                                                       50
4         Check Test 2                                                           50                       2
Check  Test  (Reading)                                                     25
Check Test  (Listening)                                                    25
                                                                                  1,337.5            53.5


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. What is the speaker envious of?
  2. Who is that engineering manager who was rejected by both Twitter and Facebook before cofounding WhatsApp?
  3. What is WhatsApp?
  4. What are the three ideas the speaker is taking forward?
  5. According to the speaker, what should we highlight in looking for a job?


Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What are some of the worst jobs you can think of?
  2. What are some of the best jobs you can think of?
  3. How long do you want to work?
  4. Is it better to be a boss or an employee? Why?
  5. What would be the most satisfying job for you?
  6. What is one of the most exciting jobs you can think of? How about one of the most boring jobs?
  7. What kind of job do you want to get in the future? What kind of tasks will you have to do?
  8. Do you think what job someone has determines who they are?
  9. What is the most dangerous job?
  10. How difficult is it to get a job in your country?
  11. What company is the best to work for?
  12. What kind of jobs have you had (part-time and full-time)?
  13. Are there many good job vacancies for you in your country?
  14. What is your dream job?
  15. Are there jobs that are only for women or only for men?
  16. How many jobs do you think you’ll have in your life?
  17. Are there any jobs you would refuse to do, regardless of the pay?
  18. Who has the best job in the world? Why do you think so?
  19. Do you often check the jobs ads in newspapers or on the Internet?
  20. What kinds of jobs interest you most and least?
  21. Is the job market in your country growing?
  22. Does everyone have equal job opportunities in your country?
  23. What’s the best way to pass job interviews?

Part 3 (Activity):

Vocabulary Match

  1. folks  2. Dismay  3. DNA 4. Photosynthesis 5. Strategy
  2. frustrated 7. Scratch  8. Overlooked 9. Critic 10. Augmenting
  3. psychologist 12. Pinterest 13. Monopoly 14. Platform 15. Launch

A. the set of nongenetic traits, qualities, or features that characterize a person or thing
B.  A person trained and educated to perform psychological research, testing, and therapy.
C. people in general
D. having a feeling of or filled with frustration; dissatisfied
E, the starting place, starting time, or status of a competitor in a handicap who has no allowance and no penalty
F. the complex process by which carbon dioxide, water, and certain inorganicsalts are converted into carbohydrates by green plants, algae, and certainbacteria, using energy
from the sun and chlorophyll
G. to start (a new venture) or promote (a new product)
H. to make larger; enlarge in size, number, strength, or extent; increase

I. an exclusive privilege to carry on a business, traffic, or service, granted by a government
J. to break down the courage of completely, as by sudden danger or trouble; dishearten thoroughly; daunt
K. a body of principles on which a person or group takes a stand in appealing to the public; program
L. a person who judges, evaluates, or criticizes
M. a plan, method, or series of maneuvers for obtaining a specific goal or result
N.   The brand name of a photo-bookmarking website and mobile application, launched in 2010.
O.  to fail to notice, perceive, or consider



TED Talk オリジナル動画


TED Talk オリジナル動画


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. According to the speaker, how are tones transformed into thoughts?
  2. How many languages did she say are spoken globally?
  3. Who said this strong statement, “To have a second language is to have a second soul”?
  4. An Aboriginal community in Australia that was mentioned in the speaker’s talk.
  5. Where do they (Kuuk Thaayorre people) live?
  6. What do they (Kuuk Thaayorre people) use instead of words?


Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. How many languages can you speak “well”? How well can you read and write in those languages?
  2. How many languages can you speak “badly”? How well can you read and write in those languages?
  3. Is there any language which you don’t presently speak but which you would like to learn? Why does this language interest you?
  4. Can you think of any languages which you think sound aggressive, musical or have some other notable quality?
  5. How many languages are there in your country?
  6. It seems that languages are disappearing from the world every day and some people want to preserve them. What are your feelings about this?
  7. It is sometimes suggested that certain ideas can only be expressed in particular languages. Do you think this is true? Can you think of any examples?
  8. Do you think the world would be a better or a worse place if everybody spoke the same language? How would the world be better or worse in such a case?
  9. Does your language have many loan words from English? What are they?
  10. Do you know any loan words that English has acquired from your language?
  11. Apart from the vocabulary, in what ways does your language differ from English?
  12. How important is it to be able to speak English in your country?
  13. Why is it so easy for children to learn languages and so difficult for adults?
  14. Do you know anybody who learnt another language as a child? How? Why?
  15. When did you start learning your first foreign language?
  16. Which do you think is most important: thoroughly learning the grammar of a language or trying to use the language in real situations?
  17. Do you think you would be a good teacher of your native language? What skills do you think a language teacher needs?
  18. In your opinion, what is the best way to learn and practice a foreign language?
  19. Accents are very important in English culture. George Bernard Shaw once wrote: “It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman hate or despise him.” How associated are accents with social status in your country?

Part 3 (Activity):

Vocabulary Match

  1. hiss  2. Puff   3. Bizarre 4. Waltz   5. Quantum
  2. ancient  7. Aboriginal  8. Cognitive  9. Egocentric 10. Quirk

A. quantity or amount
B. to express disapproval or contempt by making this sound
C. a ballroom dance, in moderately fast triple meter, in which the dancers revolvein perpetual circles, taking one step to each beat
D.having or regarding the self or the individual as the center of all things
E.original or earliest known; native; indigenous

F. markedly unusual in appearance, style, or general character and often involving incongruous or unexpected elements; outrageously or whimsically strange; odd
G. a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism
H. of or relating to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes.
I. dating from a remote period; of great age
J. an act of inhaling and exhaling, as on a cigarette or pipe; whiff.


TED Talk オリジナル動画
アメリカでは皆さん納めた税金が公立大学の研究費に使われていますそれにそんなことに、その研究成果を読むには営利的雑誌に高い金を払わないではないでしょうか?エリカ・ストーンは、オープンアクセスと大衆と学者の間の新しい関係を支持し、学者はもっと身近な媒体で研究成果を発表すると主張しています。ストーンは言います。「民主主義が機能するには国民研究が有給サイトや煩雑なくらいの背後で行なわれるのは、なんかの目の前で展開されるほうが、良いとは思いませんか? 」


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. Based on the speaker’s talk; what does the new study say about drinking coffee?
  1. How much does the federal government spend on research every year?
  2. How many percent of that goes to public research universities as per National Science Foundation?
  1. In what year does she say that one of the companies made 1.5 billion dollars in profit?
  1. Who made an open-access research searchable and easier to find?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

1 What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘research’?
2 What would you like to research?
3 How important is research?
4 What are a few things you have researched recently?
5 Would you like to work as a researcher?
6 What would you like your government to spend more money on
7 What things do you think humans first started researching?
8 How many answers are there still to find and how many things still to
9 What are the biggest breakthroughs researchers have made recently?
10 Does research always lead to positive things?
11 What is market research? Do you like being surveyed by market
12 What are your views on stem cell research?
13 What do you think a medical researcher does on an average day?
14 What do you think about using animals for research?
15 Do you think that some research your government pays for is totally
16 Have you ever had to write a research paper?
17 Do you like online research?
18 A research project found out that teenagers were moody. What do you
think of people getting paid to find this out?
19 What piece of research would you like to do on your class/family/friends
20 Would you volunteer to be a guinea pig in laboratory research of new
medicines or medical treatments?

Part 3 (Activity):

Vocabulary Match

  1. blogger
  2. abstract
  3. legitimate
  4. pundit
  5. adjunct
  6. extraordinaire
  7. profit
  8. status quo
  9. paywall
  10. constituent

A. theoretical; not applied or practical

B.  a website containing a writer’s or group of
writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions,
etc., and often having images and links to other

C.  something added to another thing but not essential to it

D.  having power to frame or alter a political
constitution or fundamental law, distinguished
from lawmaking power

E. pecuniary gain resulting from the
employment of capital in any transaction

F. uncommon; remarkable

G.  a system in which access to all or part of
a website is restricted to paid subscribers

H.he existing state or condition

I.  n accordance with established rules,
principles, or standard

J.  a person who makes comments or judgments,
especially in an authoritative manner;
critic or commentator



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