
エッセイが上達する秘訣! Thesis Statement とは?

▮ Thesis Statement (主題文)とは?


Task 1 総合ライティングでは、リーディングとリスニングを行った後、






① Introduction   (序論)

② Body   (本論)

③ Conclusion   (結論)


そして、①Introduction (序論)を書く上で最も重要なものが

「Thesis Statement (ティースィス・ステートメント)」となります。

Thesis Statementは、エッセイの①Introduction (序論)で中心主題を表現し、


toefl writing 11


▮ Thesis Statementで、エッセイのアウトラインを示す

つまり、Thesis Statementを読めばエッセイのアウトラインが





という課題に対し、Introduction (序論)で、「私は生徒が学校に






評価の高いThesis Statementを書くには、簡潔に理由を述べて、





Subtopic 1:  緊急時の連絡に役立つこと
Subtopic 2:  セキュリティー上、親が安心すること
Subtopic 3 :   現代生活では必需品になっていること




▮ Task 1  でThesis Statementを書く


TOEFLライティングTask1では、エッセイのIntroduction (序論)部分で、

Thesis Statementとして、リーディング文章と、リスニングレクチャーについて、



◆ reporting  verb と transition words


それぞれのメインアイディア(言い分)を表現するために「reporting verb」が使われます。

相違点を表現するために「transition words」が使われます。

エッセイで重要なThesis Statementを書くために

「reporting verb」と「transition words」を上手く使うことで加点されます。


Reporting Verbs


Believe               think                   suggest                describe

Propose               assert                    tell                           warn
State                     say                          point out                explain

Compare (if both ideas support each other)

Like                                   similar to                          also
And                                    similarly                            likewise
In the same way               as                                      agree

Contrast (if both ideas oppose each other)

However                           on the other hand            but
Although                            in contrast                      disagree

▮ 「reporting verb」と「transition words」を使って書いてみる


それでは、「音楽ダウンロード」を課題としたThesis Statementでコツを掴んでください。


TOPIC: Music Download

Reading passage Main Idea: It is not a crime to download music

off the web and not pay for it.

Audio Lecture Main Idea: It’s illegal to download music

off the internet without paying.

Restatement of each point of view using Reporting Verbs:

The author thinks that it is not a crime to download music off the web and not pay for it.

The speaker warns that it’s illegal to download music off the internet without paying.


The author states that it is not a crime to download music off the web and not pay for it.

The speaker points out that it’s illegal to download music off the internet without paying.

Thesis Statement using Compare/Contrast Transition Words:
The author believes that it is not a crime to download music off the web and

not pay for it. However, the speaker warns that it’s illegal.


The author states that it is not a crime to download music off the web and

not pay for it. On the other hand, the speaker points out that it’s illegal.


▮ TOEFLテスト形式で練習してみましょう


それでは実際にTOEFLテスト形式で「reporting verb」の練習をしてみましょう。

「reporting verb」を使って、これから読むパッセージとレクチャーの


遠隔会議(TV会議) について述べられています。



toefl writing 16

「次にレクチャーを聴いてください― レクチャーはパッセージを見ながらメモを取ることができます。」

toefl writing 14

それでは、「reporting verb」を使って、パッセージとレクチャーの ” メイン・アイディア”を書いてみましょう。

toefl writing 15


SLANGMAN  Street Speak 3

SLANGMAN   Street Speak 3   (50 レッスン)


中級~上級者向け (英検準2級~1級 レベル)



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▮ Contents



Lesson 1 ~ Lesson 4


  1. That girl over there kept smiling at me, so I walked over to say hello but she ignored me! Maybe she’sjust playing hard to get.
  2. That guy over there is checking you out. I think he likes you!
  3. If you’re going to tell Earl you don’t want to see him anymore, try to let him down easy.
  4. I introduced myself to the new girl in our class and she blew me off!
  5. Carol’s husband was coming on to me! She’d be so upset if she found out!
  6. My brother fixed me up with his best friend last night. It was the best date I ever had!
  7. I can’t believe you used such an old pick-up line on that girl. No wonder she rejected you!
  8. Every time I ask a girl on a date, I strike out. Maybe I’m too aggressive.
  9. Bill and I hit it off the moment we met. We’ve been together ever since.
  10. Kim just ended a relationship and is on the rebound. She wants a boyfriend desperately!



  Lesson 5 ~ Lesson 8


  1. Is that a ring on your finger?! Did David finally pop the question?
  2. Brenda is dating a guy who’s twenty years younger than she is. She’s really robbing the


  1. I think Monica has a sugar daddy. She doesn’t have a job but she wears new expensive clothes and jewelry every day!
  2. Look at them kissing and touching like that in public. Get a room!
  3. Nancy and Dominic just got hitched. They’re spending their honeymoon in Hawaii!
  4. Fran is crazy about Dan. She thinks about him all the time.
  5. You and Mitch have been seeing each other for years. When are you finally going to

shack up?

  1. I heard that Kim had a baby! Who knocked her up?
  2. I just saw your brother and Jenny making out! I didn’t know they were dating!
  3. Tom and Patty are so different! How long have they been going together.


3   JANE AND MIKE BROKE UP !  Lesson 9 ~ Lesson 12


  1. When Ann found out that her boyfriend cheated on her, she dropped him like a hot potato.
  2. When Pam divorced Doug, she took Doug to the cleaners!
  3. John and Anne had a big fight, but I’m sure they’ll be able to patch things up.
  4. It’s a good idea to sign a pre-nup before getting married. It can make things a lot easier if the marriage doesn’t work out.
  5. Ted’s father has a mistress?! Does his mother know!? Doesn’t she mind sharing her husband?!
  6. Ginger goes to bed with a different guy every night. She’s such a tramp!
  7. After ten years of marriage, Vivian and Al broke up!
  8. Did you know Greg had an affair behind Cathy’s back?! I wonder who the other woman is!
  9. I’m not surprised Jim and Peg ended their relationship. Their marriage has been on the rocks for a long time.
  10. Scott was in bed with another woman when his wife came in and busted him!



4   TOM IS WAY OFF BASE !  Lesson 13 ~ Lesson 17


I was having the nicest dinner with Jason when suddenly he made a comment that came out

of left field!

  1. We need to tackle this problem before our next meeting.
  2. Bob told the boss that I come to work late every day just so that he would get the promotion

instead of me. That’s dirty pool!

  1. If you think I’d go on a date with you again after the way you behaved last time, you’re

off base!

  1. I just can’t seem to find a job anywhere. I’m ready to throw in the towl.
  2. Dan tries to score with all the new girls in our class. He’s such an animal!
  3. Al went shopping for a new home and bought the first one he saw right off the bat!
  4. I have to leave but I’ll touch base with you tonight. Talk to you later!
  5. Gilbert refuses to pay me the money he owes me. Well, I’m ready to play hardball. I’m

going to contact an attorney to help me!

  1. I apologized to Steve three times and he still won’t talk to me. I’m finished trying. The

ball’s in his court now.

  1. I thought Ted was going to give me good news. Instead, he told me he got fired. He really

threw me a curve!

  1. Chris cheated me! He’ll be sorry. I’m going to settle the score if it’s the last thing I do!



Lesson 18 ~ Lesson 22


  1. Sharon and Irv are gung-ho about their new house!
  2. My niece is already in kindergarten and she’s only three years old.
  3. Baking has always been Bertha’s forte. She bakes the most amazing cakes!
  4. My girlfriend works in a clothing boutique in Beverly Hills.
  5. You won’t believe what Ralph said to me today, and this is verbatim…
  6. Ever since Eric started bodybuilding, he thinks he’s super macho.
  7. Laurie is so blasé about everything. Nothing gets her excited any more.
  8. I felt tremendous angst during my job interview!
  9. Tina is such a prima donna. If she doesn’t get everything she wants, including everyone’s

attention, she gets upset.

  1. All three of us are best friends. There was camaraderie between us instantly.
  2. My uncle is such a klutz. He always has stupid, little accidents.
  3. Our new boss expects everyone to kowtow to him. He really enjoys that kind of power!



KNICK-KNACKS !   Lesson 23 ~ Lesson 27


  1. Frances told me the same story over and over about how she got robbed on vacation.
  2. If you look closely at my new dress, you can see a criss-cross pattern on it.
  3. After Don was told he won the lottery, he couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear!
  4. Did you see the party dress Mary is wearing? It’s so froufrou!
  5. I have a mishmash of reports I have to read by tomorrow morning!
  6. I met Karen on the Internet. Tomorrow we’re going to meet face to face.
  7. My uncle’s house is always spic-and-span. You’ll never find dirt in his house!
  8. My aunt’s house is filled with knick-knacks. It’s hard to find a place to sit!
  9. I never wear shoes to the beach. I always wear my flip-flops.
  10. Don’t believe everything a car salesperson tells you. They’re not always on the up and up.
  11. Every time I see Lucy, she goes on and on about how talented she is and how she wants to be an actress.
  12. Did you meet the new employee this morning? He’s an out and out idiot! He can’t do anything right.
  13. I saw Ernie at the office party last night. We chit-chatted for almost two hours.
  14. Carl eats ice cream and potato chips all day. He’s a real junk food junkie!



 Lesson 28 ~ Lesson 32


  1. Those are my favorite actors! I’m going to get their autographs!
  2. My sister is a flight attendant. She travels everywhere!
  3. If we’re not careful about protecting the earth, humankind could be in terrible trouble!
  4. Jack and Irene became husband and wife fifty years ago.
  5. George is a great comedian. He’s so funny!
  6. If anyone wants information about our company, Janice is our spokesperson.
  7. Al is a self-made person. He built a big company by himself.
  8. I just saw Brad on television reporting the news. He’s an anchor on a big television station.
  9. There’s a fire in that building! Call a firefighter! Hurry!
  10. My first day as a police officer, I arrested a major criminal!
  11. I’m only a frosh in college. I have another three years to go.
  12. I’m going to let you run the company while I’m on vacation.
  13. Where’s the mail carrier? I’m expecting an important letter.
  14. We don’t have enough personnel to finish all this work.



 Lesson 33 ~ Lesson 38


  1. Donna has been trying to become an actor for years. Well, today she finally got her big break! A producer offered her a big part in a movie!
  2. Why are you going to see that movie? I hear it’s a real dog!
  3. Alice didn’t get a big part. It was just a walk-on.
  4. My dad’s a performer. He’s been in show biz all his life.
  5. When the elephants came out dressed as movie stars, it was a show-stopper!
  6. I saw this episode already. It’s a rerun.
  7. My uncle loves watching his favorite series every Wednesday night.
  8. Although Al only has a oneliner, I know he’ll get a huge reaction from the audience!
  9. Many silent film actors were known for mugging since there was no sound.
  10. That television pilot was great! I hope it becomes a regular program!
  11. If a television show is really popular, oftentimes a spinoff is created.
  12. I love sitcoms because I love to laugh and be entertained.
  13. Did you see the spoof on Raiders of the Lost Arc last night? It was hilarious!
  14. John thinks he’s a great actor but he’s nothing but a ham!
  15. I don’t like slapstick comedies. I prefer comedies that rely on great dialogue to make you laugh!




 Lesson 39 ~ Lesson 44


  1. I need to leave. I have to meet Dan at noon. I’ll call you tonight. Late.
  2. Hi, Steve! What up? I haven’t seen you in a long time!
  3. You think Bob is smart? Hello! He’s the dumbest person I’ve ever met!
  4. Anne is telling lies about me?! Whatever. No one believes anything she says anyway.
  5. Did you see the new employee? What a hottie!
  6. I’m going to go home and kick it for a few hours.
  7. I’m tired of working 24-7. I need to find a new job. o’clock in the morning
  8. I didn’t realize it was so late. I need to bail.
  9. If Bob thinks he’s going to get an “A” on the final, he’s tripping! He hardly ever attended class!
  10. You should have seen the way Mindy dissed the teacher today! She’s the most disobedient student in our school.
  11. Hey, girlfriend! Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in such a long time!
  12. I can’t believe Jonathan forgot my birthday. I am so not speaking to him ever again!
  13. Charlie was upset to discover his blind date was tore up!
  14. When I saw Judy today, she was all, “It’s so good to see you!” I know that she doesn’t even like me!
  15. Did you hear the news? Susan is dating Sam? Why would she do that? He’s like so weird!



  Lesson 45 ~ Lesson 50


  1. Lie down on the ground and spread them!
  2. Stop running away! Freeze!
  3. You won the lottery? Give it a rest! You’re such a liar!
  4. I’m tired of you saying mean things about Carl all the time.

Can it!

  1. That guy who walked into the bank has a gun! It’s a stick-up!
  2. Is that a gold watch you’re wearing? Hand it over!
  3. This is the criminal we’ve been looking for. Cuff him!
  4. Get your hands in the air! Now don’t move!
  5. Stay where you are and no funny business! Do exactly as I say. suspicious
  6. I hear gun shots! Drop!
  7. If you don’t chill out, you’re going to get an ulcer! You need to learn how to relax.
  8. If you don’t give me your wallet right now, I’m going to let you have it!
  9. Stand over there! One false move, and you’ll be sorry!
  10. Show me where you keep your safe! Move it!
  11. Watch out! He has a gun!


SLANGMAN Street Speak 2

SLANGMAN   Street Speak 2   (50 レッスン)


中級~上級者向け (英検準2級~1級 レベル)



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▮ Contents


1  AT WORK      Lesson 1 ~ Lesson 4


  1. Earl got reprimanded by the boss for falling asleep at the wheel.
  2. The boss called me on the carpet for arriving late to work this morning.
  3. The new employee keeps talking to himself. I think he’s a wacko!
  4. My boss and I never see eye to eye on anything. Frankly, I think he’s just stubborn.
  5. Jerry didn’t know the answer to that simple math problem? He needs to get a clue!
  6. Stop goofing off and help me?
  7. How did the boss know you came in late? Did someone blow the whistle on you?
  8. If Bob thinks he going to have a peaceful morning, he’s going to have a rude awakening!
  9. Fido was caught in the act of stealing!
  10. Tom botched up the simple job I gave him to do! It was horrible!



2   AT THE MALL     Lesson 5 ~ Lesson 8


  1. May I use your computer? Mine is on the fritz.
  2. Do you have any aspirin? I have a splitting headache.
  3. I don’t trust that salesperson. He’s really slimy.
  4. I’ve had it! I’m never coming here again!
  5. He thinks he knows the answer to every question the teacher asks. What a know-it-all!
  6. You paid two hundred dollars for a shirt? I think you got burned!
  7. I lost my car keys for the third time this week! I’m such a birdbrain!
  8. I don’t believe her. Something seems fishy.
  9. When I lost my wallet, I was beside myself.
  10. I can’t afford these prices. They’re through the roof!



3   HOUSE GUEST      Lesson 9 ~ Lesson 12


  1. Bill’s health has been going downhill. I hope he gets better soon!
  2. Ted has been rich all his life. He has it made.
  3. My house guest is eating me out of house and home!
  4. Ernie is calm now, but I think he’s in for a shocker.
  5. I’m a nervous wreck today. I just can’t relax.
  6. I have to beat it or I’m going to be late for the movie.
  7. If I have just one beer, I’ll get plastered.
  8. I’m starving. Let’s go wolf down a hamburger before the movie.
  9. Tom has a huge appetite. At the restaurant, he ordered everything but the kitchen sink!
  10. I’m exhausted. I’m going home to crash.



4   AT THE PARK      Lesson 13 ~ Lesson 17


  1. Someone stole my bicycle! I’m really ticked off!
  2. Ernie is crazy about ice cream.
  3. Every time my cousin Sue visits, she kisses me. It grosses me out!
  4. You’re going to paint your entire house?! Knock yourself out!
  5. You didn’t know our next door neighbor is crazy?! Wake up and smell the coffee!
  6. Don’t got there. Let’s change the subject.
  7. I’ve had the nagging feeling all day that I forgot to do something.
  8. Todd got home in the nick of time!
  9. Jeff talks nonstop about chemistry. He’s the most boring geek I’ve ever met!
  10. Kirk went to the bar tonight to pick up girls.
  11. Jim insulted Greg and got a black eye for it!
  12. After our discussion, Pat is singing a different tune.



5  THE BIRTHDAY PARTY     Lesson 18 ~ Lesson 22


  1. Let’s leave the party. I’m bored big time!
  2. Naomi shouldn’t be allowed to drive. She’s as blind as a bat.
  3. Kevin is having a bad hair day!
  4. Mimi’s house is so artsy-fartsy. I prefer a home that’s plain and simple
  5. Roberta wasn’t invited to my party so she’s crashed it!
  6. Janet doesn’t spend much money on her furniture. That’s why it looks so cheesy.
  7. My parents are head over heels for each other!
  8. My brother and I had it out last night because he borrowed my new sweater and ruined it!
  9. Al is a millionaire?! I find that hard to swallow.
  10. Trying to get Bob to agree with me on anything is like pulling teeth!
  11. I have a bone to pick with you. Why did you lie to me about where you went last night?
  12. I don’t like Doug. He bugs me!



6  IN THE SUBWAY      Lesson 23 ~ Lesson 27


  1. Bill’s not playing with a full deck! I think he needs to see a psychiatrist.
  2. Lulu hates going to the doctor. She’s scared stiff of injections.
  3. Hand that over! It’s mine!
  4. My lawnmower can’t be repaired. I’m afraid it’s a goner.
  5. If you wear that to the party, everyone’s going to make fun of you! Your dress is just too small!
  6. I had no idea I was going to get a promotion. It came out of the clear blue!
  7. Hey! That crook stole my wallet!
  8. The thief held up the bank and stole one millions dollars!
  9. I didn’t see him take my purse. He swiped it right from under my nose.
  10. Laura doesn’t like to go out very often. She’s a homebody.
  11. I don’t think we should sleep in tents tonight. We’re sitting ducks if a bear walks by!
  12. I think that guy just made a pass at you. He’s cute! Go say hello to him!



7  ACHES & PAINS     Lesson 28 ~ Lesson 32


  1. I’m not myself today. Maybe I’m getting sick.
  2. Ernie is such a wimp. He needs to gain some muscle!
  3. David works out all the time. That’s why he’s so buff.
  4. Bob’s dreams went up in smoke since he lost his money.
  5. You want me to lift that for you? No sweat! It’s easy!
  6. I tweaked my back trying to lift too much weight.
  7. You need to work less. You’re really overdoing it.
  8. I’d never go see that doctor. I think he’s a quack.
  9. Hang in there. I’m sure you’ll feel better soon.
  10. Don’t let it get you down. You’ll do better next time.
  11. Bill has to go under the knife to get his tonsils removed.
  12. After being sick for a week, I’m finally up and at ’em


  1. At age 77, my mother is in tip-top shape.
  2. Earl does nothing but watch the tube all day.



8  BABYSITTING      Lesson 33 ~ Lesson 38

  1. When I found out that my car was destroyed, I lost it!
  2. Tom and his father are architects. Like father, like son.
  3. I know you’re upset, but try to keep your cool.
  4. Why are you bothering me? Cut it out!
  5. I think this gift will knock your socks off!
  6. You have to be home before midnight or you’re going to be punished. I’m laying down the law!
  7. Benny is already doing chemistry! He’s a real wiz kid.
  8. These kids are making me crazy. I’m in babysitting hell!
  9. I’m exhausted. I need a breather.
  10. My mother vacuums every day. She’s such a neat freak.
  11. I’m not sure if I want to go to the movies or hear a concert. It’s a toss up.
  12. Stop screaming your lungs out at me! Calm down!
  13. David works on the computer all the time. He’s turned into a real computer nerd.
  14. Ernie is always up to something. He can’t be left alone!



9  AT THE BAKERY     Lesson 39 ~ Lesson 44

  1. What’s wrong with this picture? I’m the only one wearing a tie here.
  2. Get off my back! I’m working as fast as I can!
  3. I need to go on a diet. I’m turning into a tub of lard.
  4. Maybe I need to take vitamins. I feel run down.
  5. Miss Pratt loves to eat junk food, especially chocolate.
  6. I’m feeling tired this morning. I could use a pick-me-up!
  7. David flips over sweets! He eats desserts every day.
  8. I’ve been home in bed sick and munching out all day.
  9. If Nancy doesn’t get enough sleep, she gets crabby!
  10. You may like Bob, but from where I sit, he can’t be trusted.
  11. –Where is Noah going? – Beats me. He left without saying anything.
  12. After watching the horror movie, Ernie was wide awake all night.
  13. Phyllis couldn’t make up her mind. She was torn between staying on her diet

and buying a chocolate cake.

  1. Earl is a couch potato. He never goes out and gets exercise.



10  ON THE PHONE     Lesson 45 ~ Lesson 50


  1. Greg is a scientist? I didn’t know he was such a brain!
  2. What’s eating you? You look worried about something.
  3. I’m in the dark about what happened last night!
  4. When you called Bob a liar, you hit the nail on the head.
  5. Dan kept me on hold for twenty minutes!
  6. What did you dig up about Cecily?
  7. A little birdie told me that Gina is dating Steve!
  8. I feel like a fish out of water here. I’m leaving.
  9. I think Karen has the hots for me but I don’t like her!
  10. The new boss is very strict. Now it’s sink or swim!
  11. Ed gave the boss a gift! He’s really trying to kiss up.
  12. Ann is weird. I don’t think she’s cooking on all four burners.
  13. If you lie, you may paint yourself into a corner.
  14. I have to work this weekend. My boss is a slave driver!
  15. I’m working like mad in order to leave on time today!


ネイティブのリアル英語 【get the show on the road】 さあ、始めよう!


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!



ネイティブのリアル英語 【get the show on the road】   さあ、始めよう!


“get the show on the road”








Let’s get this show on the road.




Once a girl makes up her mind, she wants to get the show on the road. 






He wanted to get the show on the road before he changed his mind.


「get the show on the road 」 習得・攻略



ネイティブのリアル 英語:


I can only stay at this meeting for thirty minutes, so let’s

get the show on the road.



I can only stay at this meeting for thirty minutes, so let’s

begin right away.



I c’n only stay at this meeding fer thirdy minutes, so let’s

get the show on the road.


SLANGMAN  Street Speak 1

SLANGMAN Street Speak 1  (50 レッスン)


中級~上級者向け (英検準2級~1級 レベル)



    ネット通販などでご購入いただけます。 Amazonで購入する



▮ Contents



1  AT THE PARTY      Lesson 1 ~ Lesson 4


  1. Don’t get so upset! Get a grip!
  2. What a great party! I’m having a blast!
  3. Rob seems a little upset. What’s up with him?
  4. That’s not his real hair. I think it’s a rug.
  5. That story can’t be true. You’re putting me on.
  6. Get a load of that dress. Isn’t it ugly?
  7. David exercises a lot. He’s a hunk.
  8. You drove down that one-way street against traffic?! No way!
  9. Why do you keep criticizing me?! Get off my case!
  10. I’m not inviting Diane to my party. I can’t stand her.


2   AT THE MARKET     Lesson 5 ~ Lesson 8

  1. Did you taste this blueberry pie? It’s to die for!
  2. Why did you pay so much for that TV? What a rip-off!
  3. If you’re ready, I can ring up your purchases.
  4. This store has rock bottom prices.
  5. The lines in this market are so long. They need more checkers.
  6. The market is slashing its prices.
  7. My mother always says I need to eat more veggies.
  8. These pastries are making my mouth water.
  9. My mother made a cake from scratch.
  10. I need to pick up some milk at the market.


3  AT THE MOVIES      Lesson 9 ~ Lesson 12


  1. What a horrible actor! He can’t act his way out of a paper bag.
  2. What a great movie! It’s going to be a real blockbuster!
  3. The critics loved the movie. They even gave it two thumbs up.
  4. That was the worst movie I’ve ever seen. What a bomb!
  5. The movie was supposed to start ten minutes ago. Let’s get this show on the road!
  6. Did you read the write-up? It’s supposed to be a great movie.
  7. There are no tickets left. It’s a sellout.
  8. The movie is going to be very popular. It’s being plugged all over the world!
  9. That unpopular movie surprised everyone. It turned out to be a sleeper!
  10. My role is too large! I have too many lines to memorize!


4   ON VACATION      Lesson 13 ~ Lesson 17


  1. Let’s go to dinner tonight then take in a movie.
  2. After working hard all week, it’s nice to go to the beach and hang out.
  3. Instead of a hotel, let’s stay in a B and B.
  4. Let’s go to the pool and take a dip.
  5. You’re so tan! Have you been soaking up some sun today?
  6. Let’s hit the town and go shopping.
  7. The hotel didn’t have any rooms left. They were booked solid.
  8. I hope we can find a hotel to put us up for the night.
  9. In New York, you can either take the subway or grab a cab anywhere.
  10. I’m tired because last night I stayed up till all hours of the night. ate
  11. I went sightseeing today. What a beautiful city!
  12. I usually get up early, but tomorrow I’m sleeping in.


5  AT THE AIRPORT     Lesson 18 ~ Lesson 22


  1. I hate taking the red-eye. I always arrive so tired.
  2. I don’t take a lot of clothes with me when I go on business trips. I prefer to travel light.
  3. Since I didn’t have a reservation, I was put on standby.
  4. I got bumped because I was late to the airport.
  5. I’m sorry I’m late. We had a three-hour layover in Texas.
  6. As a frequent flyer, I was given a free ticket!
  7. I got sick during the flight and needed a barf bag.
  8. After not sleeping all night, I’m wiped out.
  9. When I arrived in Paris, I was wired because I was so excited!
  10. When you fly from L.A. to New York, do you get jet lag?
  11. Lois lives way out in the boonies. I got lost five times on the way to her house!
  12. It’s easier to travel with only a carry-on.



6  AT A RESTAURANT      Lesson 23 ~ Lesson 27

  1. I eat too much. I need to cut down.
  2. Let’s order hamburgers and a side of fries?
  3. I’m going to skip the salad. I’ve eaten enough vegetables today.
  4. Let’s go Dutch today and just split the bill.
  5. I love desserts. I have a sweet tooth.
  6. You think you can eat all that?! Your eyes are bigger than your stomach!
  7. I’ll finish this sandwich tomorrow. I can eat the leftovers for lunch.
  8. Leave your money at home. Lunch is on me.
  9. I’m hungry. Let’s grab a bite before the movie.
  10. Irene ate a box of chocolates today. She’s a real chocaholic!
  11. What a meal! I really pigged out!
  12. I can’t eat any more. I need a doggie bag.



7  ON THE ROAD       Lesson 28 ~ Lesson 32

  1. I drove my car over a nail and got a blowout.
  2. My car was totaled in an accident. Now I have to buy a new one.
  3. Yesterday a driver ran a light and almost hit me!
  4. Would you like to go for a spin in my new car?
  5. I’m going to be late for work! I’d better punch it!
  6. I was in a fender-bender today. The car repairs shouldn’t cost very much.
  7. Yesterday, it took me an hour to drive home during rush hour, and I only live a mile away!

driving on the road

  1. I’ll be glad to drive you to the market. Hop in!
  2. Bob got hauled in for speeding! He may have to spend the night in jail!
  3. The bumper-to-bumper traffic made me late!
  4. The cop just arrested that man for bank robbery!
  5. I ruined my tires when I drove over those pot holes.
  6. I have to take the bus until my clunker gets fixed.
  7. I don’t drive with Dan because he has a lead foot!


8  AT SCHOOL      Lesson 33 ~ Lesson 38

  1. Tony cut class yesterday and went to the movies instead.
  2. My psych teacher is strange. I think she’s neurotic!
  3. I’m so excited! I aced the test!
  4. I pulled an all-nighter studying! I’m exhausted.
  5. The teacher surprised us all by giving us a pop quiz!
  6. This class is too hard. I think I’m going to drop it.
  7. My sister always gets straight A’s without even studying!
  8. If I don’t pass the final, I’m going to be in big trouble!
  9. I blew my test. I’m studying harder next time!
  10. What a killer test! It was really hard!
  11. Paul flunked the course because he never studies.
  12. I missed the test because I was sick. I hope the teacher is giving a make-up.
  13. You forgot about the test tomorrow? You’d better cram for it!
  14. I passed the mid-term! My parents will be so happy!



9  TO YOUR HEALTH       Lesson 39 ~ Lesson 44

  1. You’re warm. Are you running a fever?
  2. It takes weeks to bounce back from the flu.
  3. Joan got dizzy and almost passed out.
  4. I missed three weeks of work because I was as sick as a dog.
  5. After being sick for a week, I’m finally back in the pink.
  6. There’s nothing to do here. I’m bored out of my mind!
  7. Don’t work so hard. Take it easy!
  8. If I don’t get out of this house, I’ll go stir crazy!
  9. After a week of rest, you should be raring to go!
  10. I can’t sleep. I’m too antsy.
  11. Did your mother pull through after surgery?
  12. You don’t look well. Are you feeling under the weather today?
  13. There is no cure for a cold. You just have to let it run its course.
  14. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. I don’t really feel sick, just a little blah.



10  ON A DATE     Lesson 45 ~ Lesson 50


  1. They’re not old enough to know true love. It’s just puppy love.
  2. Cathy’s smiling at you. Maybe she has a crush on you!
  3. That’s your wife? When did you tie the knot?
  4. There are no strings attached to my invitation. I don’t expect anything in return.
  5. If you don’t want to go out with Bill, turn him down.
  6. John is definitely not a hunk. He’s the biggest nerd!
  7. My boyfriend dumped me for another girl!
  8. Ted was late, but he finally showed up.
  9. I waited an hour for him. He stood me up!
  10. When I met your father, it was love at first sight.
  11. Tessa is drop-dead gorgeous! Is she a model?
  12. Leonard and I planned on having dinner together last night, but he had to break

our date.

  1. If you don’t really like Martin, don’t go out with him. You’re just leading him on!
  2. If you want a date with Jennifer, just ask her out!
  3. I heard you went out on a blind date last night! Did you know what he looked

like before you met him?





「セブマネジャー Chat Support」 ご利用方法

「講師への連絡 チャット」 使い方




Member ID の探し方

マイページ ログイン パスワード変更

Action 「予約のキャンセル及び欠席」



ユーザー名の横にある数値 (月額制会員)


スカイプ( ZOOM ) IDの確認

スカイプ(ZOOM) ID変更方法

マイページ 写真の取込み

Business Phrases 1000  オリジナル教材のダウンロード







担任制-固定予約 講師空き状況

英語レベル(CEFR) 入力方法

英語レベル(CEFR)自己評価 参照表

受講目的 入力方法 (例:IELTS Speaking,Writing)


Time Manager ご利用方法

Multi Account (複数科目同時受講アカウント)ご利用方法

Mini Test ご利用方法

Request for lesson (レッスンへのご要望)


レッスンについて & Contents


< レッスン & Contents >

Lesson Course Summary (レッスンコース 概要一覧)

日本語対応(サポート)ができる講師 紹介

DAVAO ダバオセンター講師

CEBU セブセンター講師


How to be a Good Tutor | Qualities & Characteristics …

小中高生向けレッスンコース レベル別コース一覧

レッスンコース 英字表記一覧・講師への伝え方

レッスンコース名 英字表記一覧




最新開始 レッスンコース、追加教材、ミニテスト



ZOOM インストールからレッスン開始まで ( 一般会員様 )

ZOOM アプリ(通常)またはZOOM リンク(緊急時)どちらでもご利用できます。


ZOOM レッスン開始までの流れ


ZOOM チャットボックスの使い方

Zoom 登録内容を確認する(マイプロフィールの見方)

スカイプ 通話音声テスト

スカイプ  チャットボックスでファイルを受信

Skype IDは正しいのに、講師が検索しても表示されない原因と対策




「添削くん」入稿から添削結果 受領までの流れ

「添削くん」手書き 入稿から添削受領までの流れ


「添削くん」受講者自身が用意した問題を投稿する方法(例:TOEFL Task 2)

添削結果へのご質問ーINQUIRY 手順

添削くん 添削例 IELTS



添削くん — 回答文入力単語(Words)数

Multi Account (複数科目同時受講アカウント)ご利用方法

複数科目を同時に受講 -複数アカウント(1つのアカウントで1科目)

複数コースを同時に受講する方法 毎回連絡 まとめて受講 アカウントシェア





2科目(例:Speaking, Writing)を同時に受講する方法

3科目( 例 Speaking, Writing, Reading)を同時に受講する方法

4科目(Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading)を同時に受講する方法


Gmailで複数アカウント(メールアドレス)を作成・管理する方法 - エリアス


「お支払方法」 変更手続きについて

月額制プラン  ポイント追加したい

クレジットカードでお支払い (ポイント制プラン)

クレジットカードでお支払い  (月額制プラン)

月額制プラン― PayPalでお支払い

Personal Support Program (パーソナル・サポート・プログラム)






英語レベル(CEFR)自己評価 参照表

英語レベル(CEFR) 入力方法



各試験目標スコア達成に必要な時間 (Hours required to achieve target score)

Hours required to achieve target score


カウンセリング (Counselling)

ZOOM グループ機能を使った保護者レッスン観察

レッスン時間  海外からの見方



< トラブルシューティング >

「セブマネジャー Chat Support」 ご利用方法

「講師への連絡 チャット」 使い方


スカイプ コール アイコンからレッスンに参加する 

ZOOM コール アイコンからレッスンに参加する 


スカイプ 自分の声が講師に聞こえない 

セブマネージャーとレッスン前 スカイプ/ZOOM 接続チェック


ZOOM トラブルシューティング ― 講師の声が聞こえない


「Cebu Manager Chat Support」 Handling item



英検1級 二次試験(面接) レッスンの流れ


IELTS 対策 レベル別コースの選び方 (初級者)

IELTS 対策 レベル別コースの選び方 (中級者)

IELTS 対策 レベル別コースの選び方 (上級者)

IELTS Speaking Special Seminar 50(レッスンメニュー)

IELTS Speaking Special Seminar 100   (レッスンメニュー)

IELTS Writing Basic Task 1

IELTS Writing Basic Task 2

IELTS Speaking Writing 模範回答について

                                  < TOEFL>

TOEFL対策 レベル別コースの選び方(初級)

TOEFL対策 レベル別コースの選び方(中級者)

TOEFL対策 レベル別コースの選び方(上級者)

TOEFL Writing 「 特訓ゼミ」と「模試特訓ゼミ」の違い

TOEFL/IELTS/英検等 ライティング レッスンの進め方

Perfect Master Basic サンプル教材

Perfect Master Intermediate サンプル教材

Perfect Master Advance サンプル教材

Perfect Master (Basic) Question 2 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Intermediate) Question 2 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Advance) Question 2 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Basic) Question 3 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Intermediate) Question 3 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Advance) Question 3 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Basic) Question 4 レッスンの流

Perfect Master (Intermediate) Question 4 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Advance) Question 4 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Basic) Question 6 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Intermediate) Question 6 レッスンの流れ

Perfect Master (Advance) Question 6 レッスンの流れ

< TOEFL Junior >

TOEFL Jr. /英検 CEFRとの対照表

TOEFL Jr. Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Practice

TOEFL Junior® Master コースについて

TOEFL Primary® 対策コースについて


TOEIC Writing Course


Express Yourself 1(サンプル教材 & Contents)

Express Yourself 2 (サンプル教材 & Contents)



Debate is Fun ― Topics for Middle School

Debate is Fun ―Topics for High school Students

Debate is Fun ― Topics for College Students

Debate is Fun ― Universal Topics

SLANGMAN  Street Speak 1

SLANGMAN  Street Speak 2

SLANGMAN  Street Speak 3


New Children’s Talk 中高生向けレッスン


TEEN TALK (1), (2)

Teen 2 Teen シリーズ 総合案内 

中学入試 英語面接対策

Junior High School Entrance Exam English Interview Preparation Course ―Sample answer


JOB Interview 面接対策コース

ビジネス 重要フレーズ 1000本ノック インストラクター

Business Phrases 1000  オリジナル教材のダウンロード

TED Talk 字幕・スクリプトの見方 

TEDで英会話 担当インストラクター




ペイパル 受講料還元制度(5% 還元)のご案内 (2020年6月30日終了)

2022年4月15日(金) イースター(復活祭) 休校のお知らせ

1月16日(日)セブセンター講師 シヌログ祭の為休講となります


バイリンガルクラブ 『受講者新規入会手続き』

バイリンガルクラブ 「代行・振替について」


バイリンガルクラブ 予約の「欠席」方法

バイリンガルクラブ 「在宅受講ついて」

My Tutor for すらら>

MyTutor for すらら ご利用マニュアル

My Tutor for すらら 「代行・振替について」


レッスン中の通信障害―Mytutor for すらら

My Tutor for すらら 予約の「欠席」方法


< マイチューター 紹介サイト>


エッセイが上達する秘訣! 文章をつなぐ言葉

toefl writing 12


TOEFL, IELTS  ライティング  (エッセイ)問題では、

得点を上げるためには、” well organized ” (構成が整っている)が必要です。



” well organized ” (構成が整っている)にするために役立つのが

Transition word &phrasesです。



▮ Transition word &phrasesは段落、文章同士の接着剤

Transition word &phrasesとは、各文章や段落を結ぶ言葉やフレーズです。




序文(Introduction)で示したthesis statement(主文)の具体的な内容を、

本文(body)の中で、Transition word &phrasesを上手に使うことで、


つまり、Transition word &phrasesは”well organize” エッセイの構成に大変重要なのです。

以下に、代表的なTransition word &phrasesを紹介しますので、



▮ 代表的なTransition word &phrases


1. TIME – when explaining sequence of events

                      ( 事の経緯を説明するときに使います)

Before                         next                          then                    often
After                           during                       always                 sometime
Since                          at the same time        while                   meanwhile

2. DEGREE – when explaining why one thing is more or

less important than another thing



Most important             first                  primarily                 essentially
Less important             second             secondary                principally
Basically                      subordinate      lesser                      chiefly

3. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST – when explaining how two or

more things are similar or different



To Compare   (類似するときに使います)

Similar to                 similarly             like, alike                     either/or
Correspondingly      resemblance       almost the same as      at the same time as
As                          just as                 in a like manner           in the same way
Common in             than                      also                           neither/nor

To Contrast   (相違するときに使います)

Differ from              however             otherwise                 still
Nevertheless          even though       different from          less than
More than               unlike                in contrast to         on the other hand
Although                while yet             but                        instead


      – when explaining how something caused a change in something else


So                           thus                  consequently                     therefore
For this reason        as a result           because, because of         owing to
Since                      due to                 although                           so that


   – when explaining what something is by giving an example or

when restating something for emphasis



In other words            to clarify              to explain            to paraphrase
As                                like                   that is                 for example
Such as                   for instance             to illustrate         namely


    – when adding information to make your point stronger


In addition      besides             furthermore            as well as
Moreover        similarly            also                      what’s more

ネイティブのリアル英語 【bomb】 大失敗





ネイティブのリアル英語 【bomb】   大失敗




「That’s a bomb.」で「大失敗だ」「最悪だ」という意味になります。




上記の「a bomb」はネガティブなニュアンスでしたが、

「the 」が伴うときにはポジティブな意味になりますので注意してください。


「This shit is the bomb!(これマジで凄い!)」や



「I loved it! it was the bomb!(凄いクールで滅茶苦茶気に入った!)」など




They spent tens of millions of dollars on that movie, but it was a bomb.




I totally bombed my final exam. I wanna die!


「 bombr 」 習得・攻略



ネイティブのリアル 英語:


Poor Gina. She produced a movie with her own money

and it turned out to be a bomb.



Poor Gina. She produced a movie with her own money

and it turned out to be a complete failure.



Poor Gina. She praduced a movie with ’er own money ’n it

turned out ta be a bomb.





dud, fantastic


リスニング試験 必殺技! Note-Taking

▮ 試験中ノートが取れる!

TOEFL iBT では、リスニングに限らず全てのセクションで













▮ ノート活用のポイント! (note-taking)









聞き逃す/ 聞き取りの理解が下がる」可能性があることも心しておきましょう。





数学記号(+ – x = ‹› ≻≠)や 矢印(→ ↓)などを活用することで



  1. 大切だと思ったこと
  2. 主要な単語や表現・繰り返される表現
  3. 数字や日付
  4. 人名や地名や固有名詞
  5. はっきりとした重要な例
  6. 強調される普遍、一般化表現 (generally, always, usuallyなどを伴う表現)
  7. 話し手の態度 (曖昧‣動揺・感情的・確信・皮肉・ユーモアなど)
  8. 長めの息継ぎの前後 (主題文と要点文を捉える)