例えば、”it’s really good”や”everything is good”とは言わずに、”good の類義語(synonym)
を使って、”it’s spectacular”や”everything is tremendous” と言うことで
synonym ( 同意語、類義語) の 例
● a rage of words (paraphrasing 言い換え)
そこで、Paraphrasing (言い換え)を利用してください。
┃ Paraphrasing (言い換え)5つの法則
1. synonyms (同意語、類義語)を使う
2. 単語の全部を変えずに一部を変える
3. 間違いを避ける(自信のない単語は使わない)
4. 単語の形を変える(例 動詞→動名詞)
5. 構文を変える
例えば、”do you like to read” と聞かれたら、”yes, I love to read” と答えるのではなく、”yes, I love reading” のように、動詞の形を変えることで語彙力をアピールできます。”yes, I like to read” のように質問と同じ単語を使うと、試験官に語彙力不足と判定されますので注意してください。
▮ 語形の変更
● Many people are unhealthy because they fail to eat well and exercise.
● Many people have poor health because they are failing to eat well and
are not exercising enough.
1. unhealthy = poor health
2. fail = failing
3. exercise = exercising
● 語形の変更による paraphrasing の例
developing = the development of
increasing = an increase in
pollution = being polluted
explain = explanation
▮ 構文を変える paraphrasing
● Many people are unhealthy because they fail to eat well and exercise.
それでは、上の文で2つの句 ( ” Many people are unhealthy” と ” because they fail to eat well and exercise” ) を入れ替えてみます。
● Many people fail to eat well and exercise and , for that reason, they are unhealthy.
● Failing to eat well and not exercising are the reasons that many people have poor health.
IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で高い評価を得るために、ディスコース・マーカー(繋ぎ語)を適切に使って話に一貫性があることをアピールすることが必要です。
機能表現 追加(adding more points)
Sample Sentences
● Sample 1:
I don’t think it’s a good idea. She was very specific that the red chair on the left is awful. Besides, you don’t even like it.
Explanation: In the sentence, the idea is that she said about one red chair on the left. Then, use ‘besides’ to add another idea that the other person doesn’t like it too.
● Sample 2:
My family and I like to do quite a few things together. We like to go jogging as well as having dinner together on the weekends.
Explanation: The speaker tells about activities that he/she does with the family. The person mentions one activity and adds another using a discourse marker, as well as.
1. She is leaving her car to her sister when she migrates to another country. Also, her brother will have her house.
2. It’s part of her job to analyze the training needs of the company. Also, she needs to make sure that the training can create change and have good ROI.
3. This is given to the staff. Then, they also get a free mug and pen before they start.
4. It doesn’t matter if she took the TV with her to the new house. Besides, she already left her parents laptops.
5. Getting a job is important to us because I’d like to help out. But studying for my master’s degree is also important.