
5分でわかる。 採点者はここをチェックしている!評価基準 Coherence and Cohesion

IELTS Writing Task 1 採点者はここをチェックしている! Coherence and Cohesion

Coherence and Cohesion つながりと一貫性

IELTSのライティングTask1では以下4項目の採点基準によってBand Scoreが計算されます。

  1. Task Achievement タスクの完了 (25%)
  2. Coherence and Cohesion つながりと一貫性 (25%)
  3. Lexical Resource 語彙の豊富さ (25%)
  4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy 文法の幅と正確さ  (25%)

ブリティッシュ・カウンシルによって提供されている各Band Scoreの計算表


今回は、「Coherence and Cohesion つながりと一貫性」について説明していきます。

ここでは文章構成が論理的か・適切な順序で説明ができているか・接続詞(Linking words)と類義語の置き換え(Substitution)ができているかが評価されます。

Coherence とは、簡単に言うと、 ”文章構成” (パラグラフとエッセイの構成)のことです。

Task 1 の 文章構成は、




cohesion(文と文のつなぎ)はアイディアをつなぐ語句と言えます。  たとえば、

Because of this, …

As this shows, …

As can clearly be seen from this example, …

It is clear that…

Thus, the idea that…

To illustrate this, …

After analyzing both points of view, …

To provide a summary, …

Without a doubt, this causes…


Coherence and Cohesion つながりと一貫性

┃ 文章の内容に一貫性があるか


アイディアやポイントをつないで論旨を展開しているか?  構文や文脈づくりで多様なテクニックが使われているか? も評価されます。

┃ 論理的に書かれているか

文章構成が論理的か、適切な順序で説明が展開されているかどうかです。メインとなる主張の後に根拠となる事実や数字などをあげ、それがどうして主張を支持するのかを説明することで読み手が理解しやすい論理的な文章にすることができます。そのためTask1では「〇〇の割合は〇〇年に〇〇%にまで減った。」や「〇〇年から〇〇年の間に〇〇の割合に変化はない。」など、図表の特徴を具体的に表すことが大切です。また、論理的な文章を書くには、 “because” や “there are three reasons…” などの根拠を表す表現を文中で上手く活用することも大切です。

┃ 接続表現などを活用して、文章や段落に繋がりを持たせているか

論理的な文章とするためには、文と文、段落と段落が論理的に繋がっていることが条件となります。接続詞(”whereas”, “although”, “while”)や接続表現(”in contrast”, “on the other hand”)を意識的に用いることで主張の展開が明確となり、文章の論理性を高めることができます。

5分でわかる。 採点者はここをチェックしている!評価基準 Task Achievement

IELTS Writing Task 1 採点者はここをチェックしている! Task Achievement

Task Achievement タスクの完了

IELTSのライティングTask1では以下4項目の採点基準によってBand Scoreが計算されます。

  1. Task Achievement タスクの完了 (25%)
  2. Coherence and Cohesion つながりと一貫性 (25%)
  3. Lexical Resource 語彙の豊富さ (25%)
  4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy 文法の幅と正確さ  (25%)

ブリティッシュ・カウンシルによって提供されている各Band Scoreの計算表


今回は、「Task Achievement タスクの完了」について説明していきます。

Task Achievement (タスクの完了)チェックポイント!

☑ 主な特徴が3つあるか?  Identifying the key features





Band 7 : clearly presents and highlights key features. This means that the reader can clearly see which information is important and which is not.

Band 6 : presents and adequately highlights key features. This means that the writer can describe the key features but they may be irrelevant, inappropriate or inaccurate.

Band 5 : presents but inadequately covers key features. This means that some key features are missing. Band 4 attempts to address the task but does not cover all key features and may confuse key features with detail. This means that the writer misses one or more of the key features.

☑ 全てのカテゴリーに言及したか?


☑ 主な特徴それぞれについてデータによる補足はしたか? Supporting detai



そしてもちろん主な特徴に対する詳細の記述 “Provide sufficient detail“も必須です。重要な項目については詳細 detailを書かないと”減点“になります。

ただし、1つ注意が必要です。 ”not too much details, and not too little”、つまり書きすぎも書かなさすぎもダメということです。

☑ 概要(Overview) はあるか?




概要(Overview)  書き方の例 1

概要(Overview)  書き方の例 2


  • グラフや表をしっかりと読み取れているか
  • 正確かつ簡略にまとめられているか(無駄な情報がないか)
  • 150単語以上書いているか
    というような設問に適切に回答する上での基本的な部分が大切になります。例えば単語数不足の場合はその不足語数に依存してTask Achieventの点数から引かれていきます。


比較級・倍率、増減の表現等を使いながら対比の形(While, Although, Whereas、withを使った付帯状況等)に持っていくと表現の幅をアピールできるので、文法のポイントも稼げるかもしれません。

IELTSスピーキング  試験官はここをチェックしている! 完了形

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている!- 完了形

Grammatical Range and  Accuracy 文法力と正確さ

「 完了形」を使う  PERFECT TENSES 

IELTS Speakingは次の4つの基準で採点されます。

  • 流暢さと内容の一貫性(Fluency and Coherence)
  • 語彙力(Lexical Resource)
  • 文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)

ここでは、3つ目の採点基準『文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)』

 完了形 PERFECT TENSES について解説します。

▮ 完了形 の活用は IELTSスピーキングでは必須です!

IELTSスピーキング テストでは、試験官の質問に、過去から今まで継続している



問題・解答 例

Q: Do you enjoy going to museums?

A: Yes, I have been to many museums. When I lived in New York I went to a museum every week. When I went to Italy I also spent a lot of time at museums because they are famous there. I think it’s great to go to museums and see works of art that we don’t get to see every day.


 1. “I’ve always loved ~” - 現在完了形の使用

「have +過去分詞+名/動詞+ing」 “I’ve always/never enjoyed… “I’ve always/never been interested in…”.という表現で、過去のことが今でも続いている時に使う現在完了形です。

Q: What books do you enjoy reading?

A: I love reading books. I have always loved reading science fiction and horror. I have read every book by Robert Anson Heinlein . The last book I read by him was Stranger in a Strange Land. I read it and scared myself before I fell asleep every night.

2. “I’d never done it before.” 過去完了形の使用

“it was my first time”(初めてでした)という代わりに過去完了形が使えます。

Q: “What is the most important quality in a good teacher ?”

A : Well, my high school French teacher was just so passionate about the language. I’d never enjoyed French, but he changed my mind about it.


3. “I’ve been studying English for about three years.” 

- 現在完了進行形の使用


(今まで)ずっと~し続けている[いた] という意味になります。

Q : “Are you interested in sport?”

A: “Sure. I‘ve been playing football since I was a high school student…”

Q: “Do you work, or are you a student?”

A: “Actually, I quit my job last month. Since then I‘ve been studying English.”

Q: “Are you interested in the news?”

A: “Sure. I’ve been reading a lot about  science news recently…”

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master (Basic)

TOEFL  Speaking    Perfect Master (Basic)

Curriculum      Total   100 Lessons

  • Pert 1  Independent Speaking    17  Lessons
  • Part 2  Integrated Speaking I   50  Lessons
  • Part 3  Integrated Speaking II   25 Lessons
  • Actual Tests                      8  Lessons

Part 1   Independent Speaking                                                            Lesson

              Chapter 2      Personal Preference                  

              Sample Question                         1

                                          Unit 5  Education      

Practice 1-A                          2

                                                                      Practice 1-B                        

Practice 2-A         4

                                                                      Practice 2-B                          5

                                          Unit 6  Life       Practice 1-A                          6

                                                                      Practice 1-B                          7

                                                                      Practice 2-A                          8

                                                                      Practice 2-B                          9

                                          Unit 7  School  Practice 1-A                          10

                                                                      Practice 1-B                          11

                                                                      Practice 2-A                          12

                                                                      Practice 2-B                          13

                                          Unit 8  Multimedia    

Practice 1-A                 14

                                                                      Practice 1-B                          15

                                                                      Practice 2-A                          16

                                                                      Practice 2-B                   17

Part 2   Integrated Speaking 1                                                                      

              Chapter 3          Reading & Conversation                                                                  

                                                                      Sample Question                         18

                                          Unit 9  School Facilities         

Practice 1                        19

                                                                      Practice 2                             20

                                                                      Practice 3                               21

                                                                      Practice 4                               22

                                                                      Practice 5                               23

                                                                      Practice 6                               24

                                          Unit 10              Cafeterias & Computer Labs  

Practice 1                               25

                                                                      Practice 2                               26

                                                                      Practice 3                               27

                                                                      Practice 4                               28

                                                                      Practice 5                               29

                                                                      Practice 6                               30

                                   Unit 11     School Events & Policies  

Practice 1                            31

                                                                      Practice 2                               32

                                                                      Practice 3                               33

                                                                      Practice 4                               34

                                                                      Practice 5                               35

                                                                      Practice 6                               36

                                          Unit 12              School Systems             

Practice 1                               37

                                                                      Practice 2                               38

                                                                      Practice 3                               39

                                                                      Practice 4                               40

                                                                      Practice 5                               41

                                                                      Practice 6                               42

              Chapter 4          Reading & Lecture                                                              

                                                                      Sample Question                         43

                                          Unit 13              Psychology I    

Practice 1                               44

                                                                      Practice 2                               45

                                                                      Practice 3                               46

                                                                      Practice 4                               47

                                                                      Practice 5                               48

                                                                      Practice 6                               49

                                          Unit 14              Psychology II & Economies     

Practice 1                               50

                                                                      Practice 2                               51

                                                                      Practice 3                               52

                                                                      Practice 4                               53

                                                                      Practice 5                               54

                                                                      Practice 6                               55

                                          Unit 15              Architecture & Arts     

Practice 1                               56

                                                                      Practice 2                               57

                                                                      Practice 3                               58

                                                                      Practice 4                               59

                                                                      Practice 5                               60

                                                                      Practice 6                               61

                                          Unit 16              Biology Practice 1                        62

                                                                      Practice 2                               63

                                                                      Practice 3                               64

                                                                      Practice 4                               65

                                                                      Practice 5                               66

                                                                      Practice 6                               67

Part 3   Integrated Speaking II                                                                                  

              Chapter 6          Lecture                                         

Sample Question                 68

                                          Unit 21              Economies       

Practice 1                              69

                                                                      Practice 2                              70

                                                                      Practice 3                              71

                                                                      Practice 4                              72

                                                                      Practice 5                              73

                                                                      Practice 6                              74

                                          Unit 22              Biology

Practice 1                              75

                                                                      Practice 2                              76

                                                                      Practice 3                              77

                                                                      Practice 4                              78

                                                                      Practice 5                              79

                                                                      Practice 6                              80

                                          Unit 23              Psychology      

Practice 1                              81

                                                                      Practice 2                              82

                                                                      Practice 3                              83

                                                                      Practice 4                              84

                                                                      Practice 5                              85

                                                                      Practice 6                              86

                                          Unit 24              Others 

Practice 1                              87

                                                                      Practice 2                              88

                                                                      Practice 3                              89

                                                                      Practice 4                              90

                                                                      Practice 5                              91

                                                                      Practice 6                              92

              Actual Test 01 

                            Task 2                                                                       93

                            Task 3                                                                       94

                            Task 4                                                                       95

                            Task 6                                                                       96

Actual Test 02 

                            Task 2                                                                       97

                            Task 3                                                                       98

                            Task 4                                                                       99

                            Task 6                                                          Lesson  100

5分でわかる!  試験官はここをチェックしている! 発音(Pronunciation)

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! Pronunciation

Pronunciation  発音

IELTS Speakingは次の4つの基準で採点されます。

  • 流暢さと内容の一貫性(Fluency and Coherence)
  • 語彙力(Lexical Resource)
  • 文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)






● clarity  (試験官が容易にはっきり英語を聞き取れる)

● speed  (早すぎず、遅すぎない適度なスピード)

 word stress ( 一つの単語の中で最も強勢(アクセント)を置いて読む部分 

● sentence stress (一文中におけるアクセントの分配)

● intonation (話の内容や話し手の感情の動きによって現れる声の上がり下がり)

  chunking ( 文章の切れ目に短い間を置いて話す)




発音(Pronunciation)が苦手な方は、発音トレーニング Pronunciation Pairs


5分でわかる!  試験官はここをチェックしている! 評価基準3  完了形

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている!- 完了形

Grammatical Range and  Accuracy 文法力と正確さ

「 完了形」を使う  PERFECT TENSES 

IELTS Speakingは次の4つの基準で採点されます。

  • 流暢さと内容の一貫性(Fluency and Coherence)
  • 語彙力(Lexical Resource)
  • 文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)

ここでは、3つ目の採点基準『文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)』

 完了形 PERFECT TENSES について解説します。

▮ 完了形 の活用は IELTSスピーキングでは必須です!

IELTSスピーキング テストでは、試験官の質問に、過去から今まで継続している



問題・解答 例

Q: Do you enjoy going to museums?

A: Yes, I have been to many museums. When I lived in New York I went to a museum every week. When I went to Italy I also spent a lot of time at museums because they are famous there. I think it’s great to go to museums and see works of art that we don’t get to see every day.


 1. “I’ve always loved ~” - 現在完了形の使用

「have +過去分詞+名/動詞+ing」 “I’ve always/never enjoyed… “I’ve always/never been interested in…”.という表現で、過去のことが今でも続いている時に使う現在完了形です。

Q: What books do you enjoy reading?

A: I love reading books. I have always loved reading science fiction and horror. I have read every book by Robert Anson Heinlein . The last book I read by him was Stranger in a Strange Land. I read it and scared myself before I fell asleep every night.

2. “I’d never done it before.” 過去完了形の使用

“it was my first time”(初めてでした)という代わりに過去完了形が使えます。

Q: “What is the most important quality in a good teacher ?”

A : Well, my high school French teacher was just so passionate about the language. I’d never enjoyed French, but he changed my mind about it.


3. “I’ve been studying English for about three years.” 

- 現在完了進行形の使用


(今まで)ずっと~し続けている[いた] という意味になります。

Q : “Are you interested in sport?”

A: “Sure. I‘ve been playing football since I was a high school student…”

Q: “Do you work, or are you a student?”

A: “Actually, I quit my job last month. Since then I‘ve been studying English.”

Q: “Are you interested in the news?”

A: “Sure. I’ve been reading a lot about  science news recently…”

IELTSスピーキング  試験官はここをチェックしている!  比較級

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! 「比較級」

Grammatical Range and  Accuracy 文法力と正確さ


IELTS Speakingは次の4つの基準で採点されます。

  • 流暢さと内容の一貫性(Fluency and Coherence)
  • 語彙力(Lexical Resource)
  • 文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)

ここでは、3つ目の採点基準『文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)』


▮ 比較級の活用は IELTSスピーキングでは必須です!

IELTSスピーキング テストでは、しばしば、場所、グループ、時期など


このような比較・対照させる問題は、Part 1とPart3で質問されます。

┃IELTSスピーキングテスト ― 2つのことを比較・対照する問題の例

What are the differences between letters and emails?

Do you prefer live in a house or an apartment?

┃IELTSスピーキングテスト ― 2つの場所を比較・対照する問題の例

What are the differences between living in the city and the countryside?

What are the differences between the south and the north in your country?

┃IELTSスピーキングテスト ― 2つの時期を比較・対照する問題の例

  How are the houses today different from the ones in the past?

  What changes have you seen in the past few years in your town?                                             

┃IELTSスピーキングテスト ― 2つのグループを比較・対照する問題の例

Do men and women have the same attitudes to shopping?

Do young people and old people like listening to the same kind of radio programs?




● 解答例

An apartment building usually has more public amenities than a house such as gyms and conference facilities.

Sending letters is not as convenient as sending emails. 

A house has much more space than an apartment.

これだけは知っておきたい! 比較級 Comparative 





  1. 2者間の性質・程度が同じことを表す [原級による比較]

        Kate is as tall as her mother (is).

        I don’t go out as often as I’d like to.

        He’s almost as good as me.

2. 2者間の性質・程度の差があることを表す [比較級による比較]

  Tom is taller than his father (is).

       She works more effectively than anyone I know.

       Birmingham is smaller than London.

3.   3者以上の間で性質や程度が一番であることを表す [最上級による比較]

       Bill is the tallest in his family. 

       She is the most useful member of the team.

       Mexico City is one of the largest cities in the world.

高得点 7.0以上を目指す方! 必須の比較級


This room is twice as large as that one.

That room is half as large as this one.

● 「できるだけ・・・」を表す

Call the doctor as soon as possible!

The doctor came as quickly as he could

● 「抜群に・・・だ」を表す

She is by far [much] the best singer in this country.

● 「もっとも・・・でない」を表す

This is the least expensive computer in this store.

● 「もっとも・・・なものの1つ」を表す

This is one of the nicest rooms in the hotel.

●the + 比較級+ SV…, the + 比較級 + SV ~ 程度を増したり減じたりする

The more you read, the more you’ll learn.

The more I see him, the more I like him.

● 「~ほど・・・でない」

This car is less expensive than that one.

● 原級を使って「~ほど・・・なものはない」を表す

No (other) state in the United States is as [so] large as Alaska.

● no + 比較級 +than 「同じ程度にしか・・・でない」

The video camera is no bigger than my hand.


●no more …. than~ 「~と同じように・・・でない」共に否定する表現

Sleeping too much is no more healthy than eating too much (is).


● no less … than ~ 「~に劣らず・・・」共に肯定する表現

Relaxing is no less important than working (is).


● no more than + 数詞「(ほんの)~しか / (わずか)~にすぎない」

He paid me no more than 3,000  yen for the work.


● no less than + 数詞 「~ほど多く」 数量が多い表現

She paid me no less than 30,000 yen for the work.


● not so much A as B  「AというよりはむしろB」

The drama was not so much a tragedy as a comedy.

● Nothing is more A  than B (BほどAなものはない)

Nothing is more important than health.


例文:Nothing is more important than having a balanced diet.



● the A (最上級) in [of] B   B の中で最も Aだ

The years I spent working with the children’s home were the most rewarding of my life.


●the + 最上級 + 名詞 + (that) + 完了形 「これまで~した中で一番の・・・」

this is the very best wine I’ve ever tasted.


● all the + 比較級~  「それだけ・・・/ ますます・・・」

We respect him all the more for his honesty.


She works all the harder because she has a child.


● prefer A to B   「 BよりもAを好む」

I prefer playing sports to watching them.

5分でわかる!  試験官はここをチェックしている! 評価基準3 法助動詞

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている!- 法助動詞

Grammatical Range and  Accuracy 文法力と正確さ

「 法助動詞」を使う Modal Verbs

IELTS Speakingは次の4つの基準で採点されます。

  • 流暢さと内容の一貫性(Fluency and Coherence)
  • 語彙力(Lexical Resource)
  • 文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)

ここでは、3つ目の採点基準『文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)』

 modal verb  法助動詞について解説します。

▮  法助動詞 の活用は IELTSスピーキングでは必須です!

IELTS スピーキング テストでは、高得点を取る秘訣の一つに、Modal Verbs( 法助動詞)


Modal Verbs(法助動詞)とは、will,must,can,may,might,should などで、話し手の気持ちを述べる助動詞と言えます。

Modal verbsを使うと、現実や事実そのものではなく、頭の中で「できる/ありえる/そうしなくてはいけない」などと考えたことを表すことができます。

Modal Verbs はIELTSスピーキング Part3 の中でよく使われます

IELTS スピーキング Part 3 では以下のような質問に対し、受験者が英語圏の大学生のように話せるかが試されます。

● Do you agree that ...?

● How have ...changed recently? 

●  What are popular your country?

┃ 試験官がチェックしているポイント

☑ 推測する (例:将来について)

☑ 評価する (良いか、悪いか、そしてそれはなぜか)

☑ 物事について説明する(例: あなたの国で人気のある行事)

☑ 提案する (例:問題の解決策)

☑ 意見を述べる (賛成か、反対か、その理由)

☑ 比較対照する (例:男性と女性、若者と老人、過去と現在など)

☑ 詳細を述べる

☑ 例を挙げる(例:あなたの国で人気のあるスポーツなど)

受験者の考えや、予想、提案などを試験官に正しく伝えるために、Modal Verbsを


これだけは覚えたい Modal Verbs (法助動詞)

▮ 可能性・推量を表す補助動詞― 話し手の個人的な判断を述べる

● can / could の注意すべき用法

can と could には可能性・推量(~はありうる、~かもしれない)の用法があります。この用法では、canも couldも現在の可能性・推量を表すことができますが、canのほうが高い可能性を、could のほうが低い可能性を表すときに使います。

Anybody can make mistakes.


The light in the sky could be a plane.


● may / might の注意すべき用法

may / might  には推量(~かもしれない)の用法があります。might を使うと


We may have some rain tomorrow.


He might come to the party with his wife.


● will / would の注意すべき用法

will / would  には推測(たぶん~だろう)の用法があります。would を使うと


Joe will be busy now.


That would be the best solution.


 補助動詞 + have + 過去分詞  



● may [might ] have + 過去分詞 (~したかもしれない/~だったかもしれない)

You may have heard this joke before.


The keys might have fallen out of your pocket.


● could have + 過去分詞 (~したかもしれない/~だったかもしれない)

He could have left his umbrella in the shop.


● must have  + 過去分詞(~したに違いない/~だったに違いない)


He must have told me a lie.


● should[ought to] have + 過去分詞(きっと~したはずだ)

The game should[ought to] have started at noon.


● cannot[can’t] have + 過去分詞(~したはずがない/~だったはずがない)

He cannot have accepted your plan.


She couldn’t have noticed the difference.



●should have+ 過去分詞 ~すべきだったのに(実際はしなかった)

you should have got up at seven.


need not have + 過去分詞 ~する必要はなかったのに(実際にはしてしまった)

You need not[needn’t] have bought so much meat.


5分でわかる!  試験官はここをチェックしている! 評価基準3 比較級

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! 「比較級」

Grammatical Range and  Accuracy 文法力と正確さ


IELTS Speakingは次の4つの基準で採点されます。

  • 流暢さと内容の一貫性(Fluency and Coherence)
  • 語彙力(Lexical Resource)
  • 文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)

ここでは、3つ目の採点基準『文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)』


▮ 比較級の活用は IELTSスピーキングでは必須です!

IELTSスピーキング テストでは、しばしば、場所、グループ、時期など


このような比較・対照させる問題は、Part 1とPart3で質問されます。

┃IELTSスピーキングテスト ― 2つのことを比較・対照する問題の例

What are the differences between letters and emails?

Do you prefer live in a house or an apartment?

┃IELTSスピーキングテスト ― 2つの場所を比較・対照する問題の例

What are the differences between living in the city and the countryside?

What are the differences between the south and the north in your country?

┃IELTSスピーキングテスト ― 2つの時期を比較・対照する問題の例

  How are the houses today different from the ones in the past?

  What changes have you seen in the past few years in your town?                                             

┃IELTSスピーキングテスト ― 2つのグループを比較・対照する問題の例

Do men and women have the same attitudes to shopping?

Do young people and old people like listening to the same kind of radio programs?




● 解答例

An apartment building usually has more public amenities than a house such as gyms and conference facilities.

Sending letters is not as convenient as sending emails. 

A house has much more space than an apartment.

これだけは知っておきたい! 比較級 Comparative 





  1. 2者間の性質・程度が同じことを表す [原級による比較]

        Kate is as tall as her mother (is).

        I don’t go out as often as I’d like to.

        He’s almost as good as me.

2. 2者間の性質・程度の差があることを表す [比較級による比較]

  Tom is taller than his father (is).

       She works more effectively than anyone I know.

       Birmingham is smaller than London.

3.   3者以上の間で性質や程度が一番であることを表す [最上級による比較]

       Bill is the tallest in his family. 

       She is the most useful member of the team.

       Mexico City is one of the largest cities in the world.

高得点 7.0以上を目指す方! 必須の比較級


This room is twice as large as that one.

That room is half as large as this one.

● 「できるだけ・・・」を表す

Call the doctor as soon as possible!

The doctor came as quickly as he could

● 「抜群に・・・だ」を表す

She is by far [much] the best singer in this country.

● 「もっとも・・・でない」を表す

This is the least expensive computer in this store.

● 「もっとも・・・なものの1つ」を表す

This is one of the nicest rooms in the hotel.

●the + 比較級+ SV…, the + 比較級 + SV ~ 程度を増したり減じたりする

The more you read, the more you’ll learn.

The more I see him, the more I like him.

● 「~ほど・・・でない」

This car is less expensive than that one.

● 原級を使って「~ほど・・・なものはない」を表す

No (other) state in the United States is as [so] large as Alaska.

● no + 比較級 +than 「同じ程度にしか・・・でない」

The video camera is no bigger than my hand.


●no more …. than~ 「~と同じように・・・でない」共に否定する表現

Sleeping too much is no more healthy than eating too much (is).


● no less … than ~ 「~に劣らず・・・」共に肯定する表現

Relaxing is no less important than working (is).


● no more than + 数詞「(ほんの)~しか / (わずか)~にすぎない」

He paid me no more than 3,000  yen for the work.


● no less than + 数詞 「~ほど多く」 数量が多い表現

She paid me no less than 30,000 yen for the work.


● not so much A as B  「AというよりはむしろB」

The drama was not so much a tragedy as a comedy.

● Nothing is more A  than B (BほどAなものはない)

Nothing is more important than health.


例文:Nothing is more important than having a balanced diet.



● the A (最上級) in [of] B   B の中で最も Aだ

The years I spent working with the children’s home were the most rewarding of my life.


●the + 最上級 + 名詞 + (that) + 完了形 「これまで~した中で一番の・・・」

this is the very best wine I’ve ever tasted.


● all the + 比較級~  「それだけ・・・/ ますます・・・」

We respect him all the more for his honesty.


She works all the harder because she has a child.


● prefer A to B   「 BよりもAを好む」

I prefer playing sports to watching them.

IELTSスピーキング  試験官はここをチェックしている! Topic Word

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! Topic Word

Linking words and phrases 

Lexical Resource / Vocabulary  語彙の豊富さ

2つ目の評価基準は” Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ” です。




● Linking words and phrases 

   論理的でわかりやすい話の展開をするために、的確なLinking word と

phrases (繋ぎ語と熟語)が使われているかを試験官はチェックしています。

以下のLinking words and phrasesは必ず覚えて使えるようにしておきましょう。

● Topic vocabulary トピック別単語を知っているか



例えば、環境問題について話をするとき、climate change, pollution levels などの単語が




IELTS スピーキングで頻繁に出るトピックの例です。

  •   Music
  •   Environment
  •   Communication
  •   Art
  •   Education
  •   Shopping
  •   Sports
  •   Space 
  •   Transportation 
  •   Town and Cities
  •   Food
  •  Holiday
  •  Technology
  •  Clothes and Fashion
  •  Business 

Part2 サンプル問題  ~Music~

Describe a song you like to listen to

You should say

• What the piece of music is called

• How long you have liked it

• When you like to listen to it

And say why you like it so much.

ここでは、music のジャンル、classical, Rock, Reggae, Blues、Psychedelic



(Mystery novel, magazine, Gossip, fiction, non-fiction, Science fiction, Romance, Action, Adventure など)

その他 musical instrument, catchy tune, Lyrics, live music, smash hit なども覚えるといいでしょう。








Well, the word I want to describe it has just slipped my mind. (度忘れする), anyway, the tool to make musical sounds (musical instrument) と表現を変えて説明すればその場を切り抜けることができます。

IELTS スピーキング対策として、ライティングと同様に重要となってくる Topic-specific words


  Part 1 サンプル問題  ~ Environment  ~ 

試験官: Are there any environmental problems in your country?

受験者 A : Yes … we have a serious issue with pollution levels in some of our big cities …  exhaust fumes from cars and lorries are definitely one reason for the problem but we also have a lot of heavy industry in some areas and this also results in poor air quality  …

試験官 : Do you take an interest in nature?

受験者 B :  Well … I’m a city person through and through and don’t get back to nature very often I’m afraid … but like everyone else I’m fascinated by the natural world and I like watching documentaries showing wild animals in their natural habitat …

  • air quality: the cleanliness of the air we breathe
  • to become extinct: to no longer exist
  • to be under threat: to be in danger of becoming extinct
  • climate change: the change in worldwide weather patterns
  • to die out: see ‘to become extinct’
  • endangered species: categories of animals or plants that are in danger of becoming extinct
  • energy conservation: the careful management of energy resources to ensure they last as long as possible
  • environmentally friendly: behaviour and products that do not harm the environment
  • exhaust fumes: the toxic gases given off by vehicles powered by petrol
  • flash floods: floods that happen quickly
  • fossil fuels: energy resources like gas and oil that are produced deep below the ground over millions of years
  • future generations: the people who live after us
  • to get back to nature: to live a life that is closer to nature
  • global warming: the increasing temperature of the world brought about by gases such as carbon dioxide
  • heavy industry: the manufacture of heavy articles and materials in large numbers
  • humanitarian aid: the act of showing support to people struggling to survive
  • impact on: the effect on
  • loss of habitat: the decline in areas of land where animals and plants would normally exist
  • man-made disaster: widespread damage or loss of life brought about by the action of humans
  • natural disaster: an event such as an earthquake,  flood or hurricane which causes widespread damage or loss of life
  • natural environment: the place where animals and plants would normally be found in nature
  • the natural world: the world of nature
  • oil spill: waste usually deposited in the seas and oceans after an accident at sea
  • poaching: to hunt and kill wild animals illegally
  • pollution levels: the amount of toxic waste
  • pressure group: a group of people who try to raise awareness of issues and try to affect the views and actions of people and organisations
  • toxic waste: poisonous, unwanted rubbish often produced by industrial processes
  • wildlife conservation: to protect animals and plants and their habitats