STEP 1 | Reading 読解| Read the following an academic subject.
Creative Categorization
Marketing experts do their utmost to induce customers to purchase their products. Often, when faced with a product that, for whatever reason, does not appeal to a large segment of the population,marketers merely change the category it is in. This process is called creative categorization. By doing this, marketers can increase the appeal of a product. The two most common methods of creative categorization are to change the cost or design of a product. By doing so, products may go from being ones purchased by a small number of people to ones with mass appeal.
STEP 2 | Comprehending 読解力テスト | Answer the following questions to make sure you understand the reading
1. What do marketers attempt to do?
2 What do some marketers do when their products do not appeal to many people?
3 What is creative categorization?
4 What are the two most common ways marketers use creative categorization?
5 According to the passage, what is often the end result of creative categorization?
1 __________________________
2 __________________________
3 ____________________
4 ____________________
5 _________________________
Comprehending 解答例
1. Marketers attempt to get people to buy their products.
2. Marketers change the category of their products in these cases.
3. Creative categorization is making a product more appealing by changing the category in which it is included.
4. Marketers often alter either the price of design of a product to change its category.
5. The end result of creative categorization is that the product often develops mass appeal.
▮ Listen
STEP 3 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture about the same topic, and take notes.
Imagine you’re a marketing executive and you have some products to sell. There may even be a huge section of society which doesn’t purchase your products. Well, there are a couple of ways to break into that market.You might try changing the price of your product. Did you know, for example, that watches were once regarded as expensive pieces of jewelry? Timepieces used to cost too much for most people. But most of you have watches, right? What happened? Well, one brilliant marketer started touting watches as fashion accessories. Sales of watches leaped dramatically. You can get watches for less than ten dollars nowadays, and they come in all kinds of styles. By changing the category into which watches fell, they began appealing to a greater number of people. Here’s another. Think about cell phones. At first, their use was limited, and only rich people or businessmen used them. However, companies began marketing them to the masses. Now you’ve got kids and grandparents with cell phones these days. Does a six-year-old kid need a phone? Not at all. But marketers have made it so that phones are no longer outrageously expensive. Likewise, they aren’t considered tools only for the rich or for businessmen anymore. They’re fashion devices now, almost like accessories for many people.
The professor describes how two different products began to appeal to a greater number of people. Explain how they are related to creative categorization.
STEP 4 | Organizing 解答の組み立て | Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas.
1 What does the professor say about a problem marketing executives may have?
2 According to the professor, what used to be true about watches?
3 How have people’s perceptions of watches changed today?
4 At first, who used to use cell phones?
5 What is true about cell phone usage today?
1 ___________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _______________________________________________
4 _______________________________________
5 _______________________________________________
1. According to the professor, people often need an explanation when they do not understand something
2. The professor wanted to save some numbers on his cell phone but did not know how.
3. The professor’s friend showed him how to save numbers on his phone step by step.
4. The show .talked about cell phones; however, ultimately, the professor still had no idea how to use his phone.
5. He knew the theory behind how cell phones work but could not put it into practice.
STEP 5 | Response 解答作成| Make your response using the above information.
The subject of the talk is ____________________________________
STEP 6 | Speaking 解答| Now say your response out loud, and record your time. While you are speaking, do not look at the written response.
Response time 45 seconds Your speaking time seconds
STEP 7 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
Sample Response 模範解答
The subject of the talk is how marketing executives can transform a product with low appeal to one that has mass appeal. The professor states that watches actually used to be very expensive and were considered jewelry. However, this changed when marketers began promoting them as fashion accessories, so now they’re both cheap and prevalent. The second example given is that of cell phones. The professor declares that they were once expensive and used exclusively by rich people and businessmen. However, once companies began marketing them to the masses, now even young children and the elderly have them, often as fashion accessories. As described in the reading, these are both examples of creative categorization. The reading mentions that this is putting an existing product into a new category, often by changing its price or design, in order to make it attractive to more people.
STEP 8 自己採点
1 How clearly did you speak your response?
Language Use
2 How well did you control language structures to convey your ideas?
3 How appropriately did you use vocabulary to convey your ideas?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The things we learn from our friends are more important than what we learn from our family.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
エッセイ(回答) 転換語(Transition)に注目!
When I think about the lessons I have learned in my life, I find many similarities in what I learned from my friends and from my family. There are also differences. Both kinds of lessons have been very important to me. However, when I consider them carefully, I know that the lessons from my family are more important.
While my friends have taught me to enjoy my life, my family has taught me to be strong. My friends have taught me how to feel independent. They have encouraged me to be myself, to have a lot of fun,andto find happiness in life. On the other hand, my mother has taught me to be independent in a very different way. When I was a child, she gave me advicesuch as “Fight your own battles.” She said that so I would be strong becauseshe could not always protect me. Sometimes this was very difficult for me when I wanted my mother to help me, even though I knew her advice was important.
Furthermore, my family has taught me compassion and forgiveness. My younger brother taught me these qualities. I will never forget that once I was cruel to him because I was angry. My brother was afraid of the dark, but I turned off
the lights to scare him. He was only six years old,andhe was afraid and cried.
Butlater he asked me to read a book to him until he fell asleep. It was his way
to forgive me. I can never forget how my little brother taught me how to forgive.
I believe that our family teaches us the most important things becausethe lessons from family last longer. My family has taught me to be independent and strong, and this will help me during my whole life. Moreover, they have taught me how to forgive, which is necessary for getting along with other people. In short, the lessons from my family were not always enjoyable, yet they are deeper in my heart.
Many of our favorite activities require us to spend money. Some important things in life, such as getting a good education and buying a home, cost a lot of money. However, it does not cost money to experience the best things in life: enjoying nature and being with our friends and family.
We can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature without spending money. Walking in the park, looking at the colorful leaves, and watching the snow falling are good ways to relax. Listening to the beautiful songs of birds does not cost money, but it can make us feel peaceful. Also, we can enjoy nature by having a garden. When I was a child, I helped
my grandmother in her vegetable garden. We pulled up carrots and ate them, and we watched the butterflies and birds. I have many beautiful memories of sunshine and happiness in my grandmother’s garden.
It does not cost money to spend time with our friends and family. We can visit friends and have a good time by talking and laughing. Sometimes we need a little money to go to a movie. However, our time together is more important than the money that we spend. We can do a lot of things that are free. For example, we can go to the library. When I was little, I used to walk to the library with my mother and sister every week to borrow books. When we got home, we sat on the porch and read to each other. Many of our best memories result from these simple things.
Money is necessary in our lives, but having a lot of money does not always lead to happiness. The most important things in life do not require a lot of money. If we learn to enjoy simple things, we will have many wonderful memories, and our memories are entirely free.
7. Body パラグラフ 1 : We can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature
without spending money.
Body パラグラフ 2 : It does not cost money to spend time with our friends and family.
8. 答えは様々で、以下のことが含まれています。
walking in the park; looking at the leaves; watching the snow falling; listening to the birds; having a garden; visiting friends; going to the library; reading; and spending time with family.