
ネイティブのリアル英語   in the pink 絶好調である


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!

ネイティブのリアル英語  in the pink  絶好調である


アメリカでは  in the pinkといいます。

欧米では、ピンク色の肌はとても健康な状態、最高なコンディションであることを指しています。そのため、in the pinkは精神的にも肉体的にもどちらの意味でも「絶好調」の意味で使うことができます。



My grandfather is in the pink of health.


She is in the pink today. I’m sure that she’s going to win the victory.


in the pink  絶好調である」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

My father is feeling much better. He’s finally in the pink again.


My father is feeling much better. He’s finally enjoying good health again.


My dad’s feeling much bedder. He’s fin’lly in the pink again.


to be enjoying good health

IELTS ライティング Task 2 基礎編  hypothetical situations 仮定条件

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic   hypothetical situations 仮定条件

IELTSのライティングTask 2では、問題文に対し hypothetical situations (仮定条件)


現実とは違うことを表したり、将来を推量するためにwould ,could





● 例文 (仮定法過去)

If I had a of of money, I would buy a Ferrari.



If I had enough time and money, I would travel around the world.



● 例文 (仮定法過去完了)

She would have died if the climber had not found her.



Study: 試験で使える! hypothetical situations 仮定条件 

▮ 例文

1. If the government spent money on hospitals, people would be healthier.

2. There could be a cleaner environment if local residents abide the laws that keep the surroundings pristine.

3. Solutions could (only) be achieved if the government and the citizens collaborate.


Sample Paragraph

Due to the growing number of cars, the amount of toxic gas emitted increases which could lead to the worsening of greenhouse gas effect. If the government improves the public transportation, the commuters would not only be able to relish the services of mass transport, but they could also give up using their private cars. When this is realized, the detrimental effects of greenhouse gas caused by heavy emissions of gaseous fumes would be lessened, and road congestion would also decline.

5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編 目的語になる名詞節

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic    Noun Clauses   Direct Object

IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Grammatical Range and Accuracy


複文(complex sentences)を使うことが必要です。

今回は目的語になる名詞節   (Noun Clauses   Direct Object )を使うことで複文を書くことを学んでいきます。 



主語 + 動詞 + 目的語(名詞節)

● Study: Definition


Explanation: Subjects will be green, the verbs in blue, and the objects in red.

For example:

The history book describes how England became the first industrialized nation.

Again, an NC has a subject and a verb (and possibly an object)

how England became the first industrialized nation.

● II. Study:  試験で使える! 接続詞 that  + 名詞節

that以下の文(=taxes on travel flights must be taxed heavily.)がこれだけで「渡航税に重税を課すべきだ」と S + V の構造になっていて完全な文になっています。

また、接続詞 that は省略することもできます。

1. Some people believe that taxes on travel flights must be taxed heavily.

2. Others think that increasing levy on these travel accommodations could not solve pollution problems.

3. In fact, a study from Harvard University shows that more people who work on shifts suffer from higher level of stress.

4. Most schools today claim that extra classes for students allow them to be helped in their weaker subject areas.

IELTS ライティング Task 2 基礎編  Synonyms 同意語

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic   Synonyms  同意語・類義語 

IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Lexical Resource  語彙の豊富さ  (25%)」でスコアが計算されますので、「Synonyms  同意語・類義語 」を使ってスコアアップにつなげましょう。



Engage: 問題を読んで、パラフレイズ(言い換え)を使ってイントロダクションを書いてみます。

▮ IELTSライティング Task2    問題

Intelligent machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.


As technology continue to evolve, the growth of industrial machines rapidly increases. This has been observed by the rise of robots that can do some human activities where these intelligent machines are now used across industries to replace workers. There can be advantages to this, but this also presents some major social issues.

1. widely applied – rise of robots, now used across

2. take place – replace

3. human beings – workers

Study:  Synonyms  同意語・類義語

There has been a heated debate whether computers will be integrated in classes or going back to traditional methods in teaching. Others argue that having computers in the class could impede student’s learning in reading and writing, while some explains that these modern technology aid in their overall academic learning. I partially agree with this argument that computers aid learners in their overall academic performance.

5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編  Noun Clauses 名詞節 (主語)

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic   Noun Clauses 名詞節 (主語)

IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Grammatical Range and Accuracy


複文(complex sentences)を使うことが必要です。

今回は名詞節(Noun Clauses)を使うことで複文を書くことを学んでいきます。 

名詞節とは、文章を名詞化することを意味します。節とは、主語と動詞を含んだ文章を言います 。

名詞節 (Noun Clauses) の種類

  1. What he told me was true.
  2. The problem is that we have no money with us today.
  3. I don’t know whether [if] John likes Japaneses food.
  4. He is proud of what he has accomplished.



① 主語 : (1) のWhat he told me

② 補語 : (2) のthat we have no money with us today.

③ 他動詞の目的語:(3)のwhether [if] John likes Japaneses food.

④ 前置詞の目的語:(4)のwhat he has accomplished.

Study:   How these sentences begins

関係代名詞、関係副詞で始まる名詞節(Noun clauses)

These are the words that commonly commences such a clause. 

Study:  試験で使える! 名詞節の種類

Study: 試験で使える! 名詞節 (主語)

ネイティブのリアル英語    bounce back 回復する



ネイティブのリアル英語  bounce back 回復する


アメリカでは  ”bounce back” といいます。


bounce back from illness  病気から回復する

Emma bounced back from her adversity,and started her own business.




Don’t worry about her. She will bounce back from a cold.


bounce back 回復する」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

Dan is taking a long time to bounce back from the flu. He must be really sick.


 Dan is taking a long time to recover from the flu. He must be really sick.


Dan’s taking a long time da bounce back fr’m the flu. He mus’ be really sick.


to recover

IELTS ライティング Task 2 基礎編  Adverbs 副詞

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic   Adverbs  副詞

IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Grammatical Range and Accuracy
文法の幅と正確さ  (25%)」でスコアが計算されますので、Adverbs  副詞を正しく使って








The car moved slowly.


She looks absolutely beautiful.


He played the piano extremely well.

Engage: 副詞を使って表現力豊かな文章を作ってみます。


▮パラグラフ 1   副詞を使わない文章

The degree of extreme weather conditions has been felt all over the world and this has been attributed to climate change. One known major cause of this unfortunate natural phenomenon is blamed on human activities. The use of private cars more in going to work, and the building of factories even city centers have contributed to the increase of carbon dioxide emission. In effect, the amount of greenhouse gas increases.

▮パラグラフ 2    副詞を使った文章

Recently, the degree of extreme weather conditions has been felt all over the world and this has significantly been attributed to climate change. One known major cause of this unfortunate natural phenomenon is fairly blamed on human activities. The use of private cars more frequently in going to work, and the building of factories even inside city centers have enormously contributed to the increase of carbon dioxide emission. In effect, the amount of greenhouse gas rapidly increases.

Study:  IELTS Writing でよく使われる 副詞

2/3 Kim先生がレッスン開始します

担当クラス:TOEFL IELTS 英検 TOEIC ビジネス会話 TEAP 小中学生クラス 日常会話 



TOEIC, TOEFL,IELTS ビジネスクラスを担当しますが、日本語も少し話せますので、小中学生にもお勧めの講師です。

コールセンターでは米国人顧客へのカスタマーサポートを担当し、発音もしっかりしています。 日本の文化に大変興味があり、気さくで明るく元気な性格です。

IELTS ライティング Task 2 基礎編  Adjectives 形容詞

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic   Adjectives 形容詞



しかし、“white dog” “big dog”といったように、“dog”の前に「形容詞」を付けるとどうでしょうか。“white dog” は白い犬、“big dog”は大きな犬という意味で、「形容詞」を付けることで、どのような犬なのかがわかるようになります。





Engage: 形容詞を上手く使うことで文章のクオリティUP!


パラグラフ 1

A number of people prefer to live in the city because getting a job is more available than in areas. The only drawback that a city life can bring is the lifestyle gives people a time to spend a conversation with their family. Living in the countryside, on the other hand, allows people to live a pace of life which encourages more life.

パラグラフ 2

A growing number of people prefer to live in the city because getting a decent job is more available than in rural areas. The only drawback that a city life can bring is the fast-paced lifestyle which gives people a little time to spend a meaningful conversation with their family. Living in the countryside, on the other hand, allows people to live a calmer and slower pace of life which encourages more social life.

Study:  IELTS Writing でよく使われる 形容詞

5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編  Relative Clauses 関係詞節

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic   Relative Clauses 関係詞節

IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Grammatical Range and Accuracy


複文(complex sentences)を使うことが必要です。

今回は関係詞節(Relative Clauses)を使うことで複文を書くことを学んでいきます。 

● 単文(simple sentence)

He lives in the city.  彼はその町に住んでいる

I visited the city ten years ago.  私はその町に10年前に行った。

The city had a terrible earthquake last year. その町は昨年ひどい地震に見舞われました

● 複文(complex sentence)

The city which I visited ten years ago had a terrible earthquake last year.

   Relative Clauses 関係詞節

Study:  Relative Clauses 関係詞節とは、

  1. 一つの主節と一つの従属節で構成されます。
  2. 述べられている人や物(名詞)を修飾したり、より詳しい情報与えます。

This is the book which I bought yesterday

関係詞節 which I bought yesterday (私が昨日買った)が、名詞のthe bookを修飾しています。

This is the office where I work

関係詞節 where I work(私が働いている)が、名詞のthe officeを修飾しています。





関係代名詞は、who, whom, whose,which,thatがありますが、when, where


People = who/that

Things = which/that

Places = where

Study: 試験で使える!IELTS ライティング エッセイの例 

1. Animal experimentation (noun), which is legal in most countries, should be banned. Animal experimentation should be banned. (independent clause) review lesson 5 which is legal in most countries (dependent clause – relative clause)

2. A library is a place where you can borrow books.

3. Global warming is a problem that must be solved.

4. Obesity, which is the condition of being overweight, affects millions

5. A person who breaks the law must face serious penalties.