
TOEFL ライティングIntegrated Tips③ タイピングスキルを磨け!

My beautiful picture TOEFL Integrated Essay Tip #3  – TYPING SKILLS

By: Rose Angelie Lapina

留学・ビジネス英語に強い オンライン英会話 マイチューター

▮ タイピングスキルを磨け!

TOEFL iBT ライティングは他のテストと違いパソコンでエッセイを書くことになります。 皆さんのタイピングスキルはいかがですか? 普段からパソコンを使っている方は問題ないとは思いますが、最近の若い方は、ケータイやスマホばかり使っていてパソコンのキーボードが苦手な人も多いと聞きます。



できればブラインドタッチまで極めると良いでしょう。 自分のタイプしたエッセイをスクリーンで見ながら解答できるので安心して解答できます。


When preparing for TOEFL, there are many books that can help you on how to make a good response, however, there is almost none that discusses about Typing Skills. Little do test takers know, Typing is the one that can make or break your TOEFL score. No matter how good you are in making your answer and how perfect your essay response is, if you have bad typing skills, it may still lead you to getting a low score.
Because in TOEFL Integrated Essay, you are required to type your response on the computer. Typing is the only way to answer the task so it is very important that you have good typing skills. You need to have high accuracy and good speed. Accuracy means you need to spell every word perfectly, place every punctuation mark correctly, and arrange every the sentence grammatically right. On the other hand, speed means you need to type your response in time. You don’t have to be a fast typist but it is important that you submit your complete response on time.
So how do you achieve acceptable accuracy and speed? First of all, you need to be comfortable in using a computer and be familiar with how it works. These days, it seems that desktop and laptop computers have been replaced by smartphones and tablets. Most of the people are typing on a keyboard screen instead of using actual computer keyboards. Also, there are some people that rely on few fingers when typing, which makes typing speed slow. So before taking the TOEFL test, you need to consider improving your typing skills first.

How to Improve your Typing Skills

1. Sit comfortably with good posture. It can make you feel relaxed and focused. You’ll have higher energy level and will make your fingers rest correctly on the home keys.
2. Type with both hands and position your fingers correctly. Left hand fingers will have A, S, D, and F, while the right hand fingers will have for J, K, L, and ;.
3. Everytime you have to type something, try not to look at the keyboard. Keep your eyes on the monitor when typing and try to memorize the keys while thinking of what you have to type. Take short quick glances if needed.
4. Take free online typing tests and play typing games that will encourage speedy improvement of your skills. There are many free typing websites that can check your accuracy and speed, and have many typing drills on different types of levels.
5. Instead of always relying on tablets or smartphones, prefer using actual keyboard on desktop computers or laptops when browsing online, sending emails, typing documents, and connecting socially.
6. Be patient and practice, practice, practice.

TOEFLライティングIntegrated Tips②

My beautiful pictureTOEFL Writing Tip #2

Written/edited by Venus Montebon

留学・ビジネス英語に強い  オンライン英会話  マイチューター


▮ TOEFL iBTとは?

TOEFL iB T  インターネット版 (Internet – Based Testing  ) TOEFL 試験です。 大学レベルの英語能力を測定するテストです。
toefl w2
Familiarize yourself with the TOEFL format
Most countries now offer the Internet based TOEFL (iBT). A few offer only the paper-based test (PBT). Make sure you find out which test you will be taking before you start studying for the TOEFL. You cannot choose to take the paper based test if your country offers the iBT. One reason people experience exam stress is because they don’t know what to expect before a test. Prevent stress on exam day by studying the format of the test in detail. ETS has very clear standards about the format of their test. This is why it is called a “standardized” test.

IBT Internet-based Test

Since its introduction in late 2005, the TOEFL iBT format has progressively replaced both the computer-based tests (CBT) and paper-based tests (PBT), although paper-based testing is still used in select areas. Although initially, the demand for test seats was higher than availability, and candidates had to wait for months, it is now possible to take the test within one to four weeks in most countries.[4] The four-hour test consists of four sections, each measuring one of the basic language skills (while some tasks require integrating multiple skills) and all tasks focus on language used in an academic, higher-education environment. Note-taking is allowed during the TOEFL iBT test.



Approx. time

Reading 3–5 passages, each containing 12–14 questions 60–100 minutes
Listening 6–9 passages, each containing 5–6 questions 60–90 minutes
Break 10 minutes
Speaking 6 tasks 20 minutes
Writing 2 tasks 50 minutes


Paper-based Test

The TOEFL PBT test measures reading, listening, grammar and writing skills and is currently offered only in locations where testing via the Internet is not available.

  1. Listening(30 – 40 minutes)

The Listening section consists of 3 parts. The first one contains 30 questions about short conversations. The second part has 8 questions about longer conversations. The last part asks 12 questions about lectures or talks.

  1. Structure and Written Expression(25 minutes)

The Structure and Written Expression section has 15 exercises of completing sentences correctly and 25 exercises of identifying errors.

  1. Reading Comprehension(55 minutes)

The Reading Comprehension section has 50 questions about reading passages.

  1. Writing(30 minutes)

The Writing section is one essay with 250–300 words in average.
How long are scores valid?

  1. 3 years
  2. 1 year
  3. 2 years
IELTSリーディング Tips⑧


Written/Edited by: Shanti Esther Bonachita

ielts reading 8

As you take the reading section, the IELTS test makers arrange tricky questions specifically to catch candidates who employ skimming and scanning techniques that make the student thinks that it is really difficult. However, scanning and skimming is not enough if you aim to get a band score of 6.5, 7.0, 7.5++. To be able to do this, one must read and understand the material, and use critical thinking to absorb the passage. Critical thinking in taking the IELTS must require the student to think clearly and critically about ideas and arguments. Through this, you will ‘train’ yourself to think carefully and understand what other people are trying write. Here are some steps to improve your thinking skills and to do this, as you read an article about something, think about the following questions…

  • What is the purpose of the article? Is the writer trying to sell a product, persuade the reader about something, raise awareness, give instructions….

  • What reasons does the writer give? What do I think about these reasons / Could I give better reasons?

  • What examples does the author give? What do I think about these examples / Could I give a better example?

  • What statistics does the author use? Are they effective?

  • What ‘experts’ does the author introduce? Should I believe a professor from Oxford more than a politician from Berlin?

  • If there is an experiment, are there enough samples? Was the experiment done in a thorough way?

  • How does the author use language? Does he / she use ’bad’ when perhaps ‘awful’ would be better? For example “The Chernobyl was bad.”

By doing this, you are now evaluating and criticizing what people write and how they write it. If you keep practicing these steps, you will realize that it is easier to improve your views in a more critical way when you give answers. Also, you will also pay more attention to the language, as the writer uses language to build their ideas. It will help you give convincing answers from the questions, give valid reasons and use persuasive answers and get a high mark.

So, grab an article now from the net and search for news or magazine, go to the ‘opinion’ section. Read articles as many as you can applying the steps you’ve learned today. And observe how authors write their ideas whether they are specific or general in their opinions.

Enjoy reading!


Can one successfully study for the test by themself?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

TOEFLライティングIntegrated Tips①

My beautiful picture

TOEFL Writing Integrated Task     Tips ①

Written/edited by Rose

留学・ビジネス英語に強い オンライン英会話  マイチューター

▮ TOEFLライティング総合問題  解答文章の書き方 


 IELTS ライティング総合問題(Integrated Task)では、パッセージを読んだ後、レクチャーを約2分聴いた後で、レクチャーの内容を要約することと、それがどうのようにパッセージの内容と関連しているか(多くは異なる観点)をライティングで表現するテストです。  


文の構成(Organization)といいますが、一体どんなことを言っているのでしょう。日本でよく「起承転結」といいます。アメリカではIntroduction, body, conculusion (序論、本論、結論)といいます。TOEFLはアメリカのテストですから、こちらに従います。

toefl guideline


    >Presents the topic of the essay. What the reading and listening are about.

    >Keep it brief, 1-2 sentences will do. Just give a general idea of what the topic is before getting into points of similarity or contradiction.


    If Contrasting ideas:

    The author explains that ______ (main idea of the reading). The lecturer, however, suggests that ______ (main idea of the lecture).


    Adding information:

    “The author explains that ______ (main idea of the reading), and the lecturer suggests that ______ (main idea of the lecture).


    “Both the reading and the listening talk about ______.”

  2. BODY:

    >Present the main points and supporting details/contrasting ideas on each point presented

    >the number of paragraphs depends on the number of main points and key details presented

    >Make sure to write accurate and important information

    USE: (Opposition) In contrast to, As opposed to, Directly/blatantly/clearly opposes, this point contradicts, It is the exact/polar opposite of, A conflicting statement, He/she denies this by, It is inconsistent with, on the other hand.

    (Similarity) Agrees with, It is consistent with, This supports/sustains, Offers further proof/arguments of the validity, He/she reinforces this idea by, Similarly, In the same manner, In the same context

    Also, while these connectors specifically address the “supporting” or “contrasting” themes, do not forget to use other such markers, such as: because, thus, hence, for instance, such as, besides, moreover, in addition, furthermore, however, as well as, first, second, third, etc.

  3. Conclusion

    >some TOEFL books say it’s not necessary to include a conclusion. But just to be safe, add it if you still have time.

    >Rephrasing of the Introduction. 1-2 sentences long, a general concluding sentence restating what you said in your introduction with more specifics.

USE: in conclusion, in summary, to sum up

Examples: “In conclusion, the reading passage offers an overview of the French Revolution. In the listening, the professor explains three possible causes of the Revolution: government debt, heavy taxation, and social unrest.”

Here’s another:

“In summary, while the reading claims that the French Revolution was brought about by the emergence of Enlightenment principles, the professor disagrees. The professor suggests that the Revolution was a result of economic turmoil and social unrest.”

IELTSリーディング Tips⑦ 設問に集中する

ShanIELTSリーディング Tips 7    

Written/Edited by: Shanti Esther Bonachita

 留学・ビジネス英語に強い オンライン英会話 マイチューター

 ▮ 読む前に設問に集中する !

IELTSリーディングセクションは英文読解力を試すだけのテストではありません。むしろ英文全部を読む必要がない問題も多いのです。 本文を読む前に必ず設問に目を通してください。 設問から本文のどこを読むべきかを知ることが大切です。

本、新聞、雑誌などを根気よく読み続けることで、知らぬ間に読解力は身についているはずです。 IELTSリーディングテストでは読解力に加え、速読テクニックである「スキャニング」と「スキミング」を試すテストとも言えます。


IELTSリーディングの問題は難解で長文です。 多くの受験者にとって全文を読むには時間が足りません。 また、全文を読む必要はありません。  初めに設問に集中し、問題文のどこを読むべきかを知ることが大切なんです。  設問から「スキャニング」「スキミング」を使い素早く解答を探し出してください。

IELTSリーディングで点数が低い方は特に設問に集中することです。 また、IELTSリーディングテストは設問のパターンもありますので事前に熟知してください。


After a severe reading of newspapers, magazines and books one must have improved the reading skills and speed. In this test, IELTS reading category does not asses your comprehension-not what you have understood, rather your skills in scanning and skimming.

The texts in IELTS are typically quite hard, so candidates spend as much time as possible reading the texts. One must focus on the question to avoid errors. Many candidates, especially for lower level, thinks that skimming through is more helpful when reading the questions first to get an idea of what to pay attention to in the reading passage.

During the preparation you must train yourself first and practice an “open book” tests where you can see the answers as you do the questions. Here are some points to remember:

  1. As advised, an IELTS taker must first read all the questions quickly to get an idea of what kind of information is required (whether scanning or skimming is needed). Focus exactly on what you are asked to do in ‘completion’ type questions. Make sure that you understand the questions and follow instructions carefully.


  2. Underline words in the text in the exam. As you read the questions, use a pencil to underline important information such as dates, places and names. Do not try and read every word; remember, you are reading for a purpose and do not worry if there is a word that you do not understand – you may not need to use it.


  3. Answer the questions one by one with the help of the underlined parts of the text. Having read the text once, you will find it easy to find specific information by scanning. If you do not know the answer to a question, attempt it but do not waste time; move quickly onto the next one.


  4. Check your answers.

When you practice, read the passage, answer the questions, compare your answers to the answers and pay attention to the mistakes. You need to understand why you got wrong answers and try to remember them so that you won’t make the same mistakes.


Is IELTS test the most difficult English test?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

エッセイが上達するたった4つの秘訣! 4Csって何だ?

▮ エッセイが上達するたった4つの秘訣  4 Cs とは?

IELTS ライティング インストラクター である私は生徒から 「エッセイを上手に書く 秘訣はないか?」とよく聞かれます。そんな時私はいつも「猛練習」「指導を受ける」「忍耐強さ」と答えています。 これを聞いた生徒は少しがっかりしますが、これは明らかに事実です。
そして、付け加えて、4Cs に従うことをアドバイスしています。 4Csって何のことって? これがIELTS ライティング スコアアップには大切になってきます。
4 Cs とは、 conciseness(簡潔さ), cohesion(文と文のつなぎ), coherence(首尾一貫性) 、composition(構成力)です。
この4Cs に従ってエッセイが書ければ、あなたのライティングスキルは上達すること間違いなしです。
それでは、 4つの秘訣 4Cs について詳しく解説していきますね!

1.  conciseness(簡潔さ)

英語以外の言語では、長くて手の込んだ文章こそが ” 称賛される ” 言語もあります。 しかしながら、英語は短い言葉で、多くを表現することを好む言語なのです。 時々、生徒の中で、残念ながら、長い文章の方が ”アカデミック ” に聞こえると信じてる方もいるのです。
あなたが、もし、長い文章で答えると、2つの問題が生じるでしょう。  1つ目の問題は、この次に紹介する” C ” 、coherence(首尾一貫性) が損なわれてしまうリスクです。 2つ目は、文が長くなることで grammar (文法)ミスが多くなる危険があります。 エッセイの採点をすると生徒は皆がっかりするのですが、 減点の多くは、文章が長いために発生した、 coherence (首尾一貫性)  と grammar (文法)ミスが原因なのです。

2. cohesion(文と文のつなぎ)

それでは、どの程度の文章が適切でしょう。 2番目の ” C ” に関連しますが、 cohesive phrases (文をつなぐ句) を入れても8〜15 語でしょう。
cohesion(文と文のつなぎ)はアイディアをつなぐ語句と言えます。  たとえば、
Because of this, …
As this shows, …
As can clearly be seen from this example, …
It is clear that…
Thus, the idea that…
To illustrate this, …
After analyzing both points of view, …
To provide a summary, …
Without a doubt, this causes…
是非とも、これらのつなぎフレーズ cohesion を覚え、 上手に使えるようにして下さい。 IELTS ライティングテストは時間との戦いです、cohesion を正確に覚えることは、時間の節約だけでなく、文法、スペルミスのリスクをなくします。

3. coherence(首尾一貫性)

3番目の ” C ” coherence とは、読者に簡潔にわかり易く、自分の考えを伝える「首尾一貫性」のことです。
IELTS ライティングの評価基準でも coherence は大切な要素です。  受験者のエッセイが、内容が明確で、なめらかに書かれているかが評価されます。 情報とアイディアと言葉を上手く操ってessayをまとめているか? 内容は論理的で、意味を成しているか? アイディアやポイントをつないで論旨を展開しているか?  構文や文脈づくりで多様なテクニックが使われているか? などが審査されます。
2 番目の cohesion も このcoherence の重要な要素になります。

4. composition(構成力)

最後に、4番目の ” C ”    composition  (構成力)の説明をします。 エッセイを書くには、読み手にわかり易い、明快な段落構成が必要です。パラグラフごとに1つのメイン・アイディアを盛り込み、各パラグラフの間を1行あけます。  そうすれば、いくつパラグラフがあるのか一目でわかるので、採点者がエッセイ全体の構成を理解し読みやすくなります。 IELTSライティング Part 2 では、全部で4〜5 つのパラグラフを書くことになります。
まず、エッセイのイントロダクション(導入部分)でトピックが何であるか短く述べます。加えて、トピックについて一般的な文章を1〜2 文添えましょう。 イントロダクション(導入部分)の最後の部分でthesis statement (意見表明)しておきましょう。 これがタスクの課題に対するあなたの意見や立場を伝える文章になります。 あるいは、この問題には2面あり異なる見解があると、簡単に触れておくこともできます。
これが、あなたのargument statement (議論紹介)となります。
本体パラグラフは2〜3つで構成されます。 各本体パラグラフは、常にトピック・センテンスで書き始めます。 トピック・センテンスは、そのパラグラフの主な主張を大まかに読み手に伝えるものです。 トピック・センテンスに続いて、アイディアを支える例証や理由、根拠を述べる2〜3つの文が必要です。
結論部分で、thesis statement (意見表明)に再び言及しますが、全く同じ表現ではいけません。 違う言葉を使って、少し強調します。 そしてエッセイを貫く自分の主張を支えるべく、最終的な結論にもっていきます。
トピックの将来や起こりうる結末について付け加えるのもいいでしょう。 できたら、エッセイの最後の文章は、読み手にインパクトを与えるべく工夫をしてみましょう。
ielts writing 28

IELTSリーディング Tips⑥ 時間を図る






Written/Edited by: Shanti Esther Bonachita  

ielts reading 6In the actual IELTS Reading test you are only given 60 minutes to perform the entire reading section (40 questions). Thus, doing a time limited exams can put a lot of pressure especially to slow readers. And there are times too that you lose your concentration on analyzing the questions. Once you have learned the techniques on how to skim and scan passages(tips #4 and #5) this is the perfect time to continue what you have learned. Practice and continue reading, skimming and scanning over the sample IELTS reading materials/articles and time your reading speed. Timing yourself will help you improve your reading skills and to keep motivated. Here are some ways to improve your speed reading.

  1. Take a stopwatch or a timer with you as you read, scan or skim a passage. First, find out how many number of words in the passage (e.g. 500-600 words) and observe your time as you read at a normal speed.

  2. As you read, understand what you are reading. It is important to understand that you only have to get the general meaning of a passage as you skim.

    -Do not read every word, one must read in groups of meaning.

    -Don’t stop reading once you read a difficult word but proceed.

    -And don’t read the same sentence twice just to be sure.

  3. For IELTS reading, you have to use your finger while reading. Though your eyes move quicker, your index finger will help you read easier. But don’t move your finger across the page, rather move it down the page slowly and steadily with your eyes moving quickly to keep up with your finger.

    Practice these steps over and over again with different passages and keep a record. Don’t allow yourself to use a dictionary and make a reading routine for pleasure and information. Make sure that the passages have similar amount of words (e.g. 500-600 words). If you find yourself reading with good comprehension and your record (time) is getting shorter, you are improving!


1. Who is the fastest reader in the world (2012)?


a. Maria Teresa Fabros Calderon

b. Howard Stephen Berg

  1. Barbara Blackburn

簡単なスコアアップのコツ! 自分のことをたずねてみる

 ▮ 自分のことをたずねてみる

IELTSスピーキングテスト Part1では、試験官は、受験者と挨拶を交わしてから、

氏名および本人を確認します。それが済と、 直ぐにテストが始まります。

Part 1では、質問の全てが短文です。 試験官はごく身近なことをたずねてきます。



Part2 では、試験官が選んだトピックについて、1〜2分、短いトークをします。




Part2では、 Part1と違いやや長いトークになりますので、話の構成一貫性






speaking 6

▮ 自分の中で重要なことを考える / 自分の人生で関心ある人物

Part 1では受験者自身の身近なこと(日常的なこと)について短く、

簡単に答えていきますが、Part 2では、 受験者自身についての、イベント、思い出、


あまり普段考えないことを英語ですらすらと話す問題ですか、 繰り返し練習が必要です。


Think of important   /  interesting people in your life:


Ask yourself:

When did you meet them?

How long have you known them?

Why are they important/interesting?

Can you remember something you did together?

What about a conversation you had with them?

Think of important events in your life:

Ask yourself:

What it was?

Where did it happen?

Who were you with at the time?

What else was happening in your life then?

What one thing stands out in your memory about it?

How well do you remember it?

Think of places you have been to:


Ask yourself:

Where it was?

How did you get there?

In what detail can you describe the place?

Can you describe the general area it is in?

Would you want to go back there?

Think of your possessions:

Ask yourself:

How long have you owned it?

Where did you get it?

Is it special or something normal?
How often do you use it?

どうでしたか? IELTSスピーキング Part 2では、試験官が選んだトピックについて、

短いトーク(約2分)をします。 試験官はあなたにトピックカードを渡しますが、






 2分間で話せる内容(約150語〜200 語)を書いて、それを繰り返し音読してください。

▮ IELTS 関連クイズにチャレンジ!



One of the 4 criteria the IELTS Speaking is assessed on is Grammatical Range & Accuracy .

What does this mean?

a. Use a variety of sentence structures

b. Show your knowledge of English vocabulary by using a range of words.

c. Use synonyms, instead of repeating the same word over and over again.

バイリンガルに学ぶ! 速読テクニック 〝スキャニング”

 ▮ スキャニングって?

「スキャニング」は、「検索読み」などと訳されることもあります。 例えば携帯電話でかけたい相手の電話番号を探すときに、「あ」からielts reading 24.png.jpg順番に見ていくようなことはしませんよね。 「田中」という人に電話をかける場合は、「た」から探し始めるか、あるいはグループ分けした電話帳の中からたとえば「会社」というグループを選び、そこから「田中」を素早く探し当てるはずです。
一方、「スキャニング」は、特定の除法断片を探します。 日付や数字、時間に関する表現や名前など、何を探すべきか知ったうえで読むテクニックです。

▮ スキャニング3つのポイント

1. ます、設問を読んで、設問の中に、解答に結びつくキーワードや関連するアイディアを探します。

2.  そして、パッセージ全体に素早く目を動かします。左から右に目を動かすのではありません。キーワードを探すために効率的に、上から下へ、前から後ろ、あるいは、真ん中から飛び回るように探しましょう。

3.  設問から推定されるキーワード、名前、番号、フレーズなど、特定の情報断片だけを探すことに集中します。 文章を読む必要はありません。


▮ それでは、問題を使いスキャニングを実践してみます。

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バイリンガルがこっそり教える勉強法  鏡の前で練習!?

Gladysグラディス | IELTSインストラクター

Written/Edited by Gladys Glenda   

留学・ビジネス英語に強い  オンライン英会話 マイチューター

▮ 一人でもできるスピーキング練習 鏡の前で話す効果は? 

スピーキングの上達はとにかく毎日話すことです。 そうは言っても 「話す相手がいない」ことも多いですよね。 相手がいなくてもスピーキングの練習ができる効果的な方法があります。 しかもこの練習法はIELTSスピーキングにも最適なんです。

鏡の前で何か身近なトピックを話してみてください。 話す時に注意することがあります。 必ずアイコンタクトボディーランゲージを気にしてください。  IELTSスピーキングは試験管と1対1の対面式で行われます。 鏡に映った自分を試験管に見立て目を見ながら話してみましょう。 もちろん、ずっと凝視する必要はありません。 話す時間の50%〜70%が妥当です。

また、ボディランゲージを使い身体で表現することも大事です。 身体を使うことで、あなた自身がリラックスでき、アイディアを言葉にするのが楽になります。 また、言いたいことが試験管にもよく伝わることで評価も上がります。


▮ 話す内容は身近なこと




  • Describe your family

  • Do you have a large or small family?

  • How much time do you spend with your family?

  • What do you like to do together as a family?

  • Do you get along well with your family?

  • Are people in your country generally close to their families?


  • What do you do?

  • What are your responsibilities?

  • How many hours do you work each day?

  • Do you enjoy your work?

  • Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

  • If you could change your job or profession, what would you do?

  • Describe the process of getting a job in your country.

  • Describe the company or organization you work for.

  • What is your position?

  • What do you like about your job?

  • What do you dislike about your job?


  • Describe your education.

  • What kind of school did you go to as a child?

  • Did you go to a co-educational school?

  • What was your favorite subject as a child?

  • Who was your favorite teacher?

  • What is the education system like in your country?

  • Do you think your country has an effective education system?


▮ 何度も繰り返し練習すること



「Fluency and  Coherence・・・話しぶりの流暢さ、首尾一貫」はIELTSスピーキング評価基準です。 上のトピックスを流暢にはなせるまで練習を続けてください。



This is a strange sounding piece of advice, but it can be very practical, talk to a mirror – especially if you don’t have a speaking partner. The idea is that when you practice speaking, you should sit in front of a mirror and speak to yourself. It can work because: eye contact is extremely important in all parts of the test. Examiners are influenced by candidates who make eye contact – even though they may not be aware of this. Typically, the candidate who makes good eye contact gets a more generous mark because they seem to be communicating better as body language. The other point is that, for most people, sitting and looking at themselves in a mirror is an uncomfortable experience. After that, the exam will seem easy!

The following are some sample topics and questions that are usually asked during the speaking part of the IELTS exam or the International English Language Testing System. You can use the following and practice your speaking skills in front of a mirror or with someone who knows the use of English language properly. Practice makes perfect and good luck!


  • Describe your family

  • Do you have a large or small family?

  • How much time do you spend with your family?

  • What do you like to do together as a family?

  • Do you get along well with your family?

  • Are people in your country generally close to their families?


  • What do you do?

  • What are your responsibilities?

  • How many hours do you work each day?

  • Do you enjoy your work?

  • Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

  • If you could change your job or profession, what would you do?

  • Describe the process of getting a job in your country.

  • Describe the company or organization you work for.

  • What is your position?

  • What do you like about your job?

  • What do you dislike about your job?


  • Describe your education.

  • What kind of school did you go to as a child?

  • Did you go to a co-educational school?

  • What was your favorite subject as a child?

  • Who was your favorite teacher?

  • What is the education system like in your country?

  • Do you think your country has an effective education system?

Speak Freely. This is easy to say but hard in practical, but try don’t be nervous during or before test. Examiners are friendly persons so try to converse them like friends.


One of the 4 criteria the IELTS Speaking is assessed on is Lexical Resource. What does this mean?

a. Show your knowledge of English grammar by using a range of words.

b. Show your knowledge of English vocabulary by using a range of words.

c. Show your knowledge of English pronunciation by using a range of words.