
IELTS スピーキング  ディスコースマーカー 1  「追加」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+ 対策法 ディスコースマーカー 1      追加(adding more points) 

IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で



試験で使える文章  追加(adding more points) 

● Sample 1:

I don’t think it’s a good idea. She was very specific that the red chair on the left is awful. Besides, you don’t even like it.

Explanation: In the sentence, the idea is that she said about one red chair on the left. Then, use ‘besides’ to add another idea that the other person doesn’t like it too.

● Sample 2:

My family and I like to do quite a few things together. We like to go jogging as well as having dinner together on the weekends.

Explanation: The speaker tells about activities that he/she does with the family. The person mentions one activity and adds another using a discourse marker, as well as.

Drill  ドリル 


1. She is leaving her car to her sister when she migrates to another country. Also, her brother will have her house.

2. It’s part of her job to analyze the training needs of the company. Also, she needs to make sure that the training can create change and have good ROI.

3. This is given to the staff. Then, they also get a free mug and pen before they start.

4. It doesn’t matter if she took the TV with her to the new house. Besides, she already left her parents laptops.

5. Getting a job is important to us because I’d like to help out. But studying for my master’s degree is also important.


3/9 Bebu先生がレッスン開始します

担当クラス:TOEFL IELTS 英検 TOEIC ビジネス会話 TEAP 小中学生クラス 日常会話 




英語4技能全てを教える能力をもっており、IELT、TOEFL, TOEIC,英検など検定試験対策に信頼のおける熱意のある講師です。



IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法!  ディスコースマーカー 2  「順序」,「 要約」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法 ディスコースマーカー 2     「順序」,「 要約」

IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で







▮ディスコースマーカー 機能表現  順序(SEQUENTIAL ORDER) 


for starters 

first of all 




to begin/start with, 

in the first・second place 

next, then

for one・another thing de

let’s move on

let’s finish by

at the end 

▮ ディスコースマーカー 機能表現  要約(SUMMARY) 


In summary  

To wrap up

 As a result 

All in all

 In brief 



 In sum 

In the end


● 問題

1. What’s your typical weekday? Use ‘finally’ in your answer.

● 回答

My weekday routine can be described as monotonous. I follow the same schedule the whole time.

I start my day by taking a peek at my mobile phone for any important messages. Then, I rise to switch on my PC to get ready for work. Sometimes, if I wake up too early, I take time to make breakfast for me and my husband, but on most days, we just have brunch. I start work at 6:30 am until 11:00 am. After that, I take a break until 3:00 pm during which I do my house chores or catch some sleep.

Once my work ends in the late afternoon, around 5:00 pm, I begin preparing for supper. My husband and I eat and do the dishes together afterward. Then, either we’d go for a walk, try to watch a movie or catch up on our readings before finally hitting the sack.

It could get a little boring sometimes. When it does, there’s nothing a bottle or bottles of beer that can’t solve.

Drill  ドリル 


(1) Before we begin, we have to check some important details. (2) First, we have to name the people of the committee – their names, titles, and responsibilities. (3) Second, we need to get the exact date and time of the event. Let’s also double check if our venue is final. (4) Last, we have to get the program, the names of our guests and their background and credentials. (5) If we have all of these, let’s move forward.


IELTS ライティング Task 2 基礎編 譲歩・対象と場所の副詞節

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic     

Adverbial Clauses: Concession and Place Clause

IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Grammatical Range and Accuracy


複文(complex sentences)を使うことが必要です。

副詞節 (Adverbial Clause) とは

節とは、 S + V の関係を持つもので「文の中の文」とも言えます。節には文全体の主語とその述語動詞から成り立つ 主節 と、それに従属的な働きをする 従属節 があります。従属節は 名詞節・形容詞節・副詞節 の 3つに分類されたます。

副詞節とは、副詞の働きをする「節」のことで,普通、接続詞で導かれます。副詞節を導く接続詞には whenやif, because, thoughなどいろいろあります。

今回は譲歩・対象と場所の副詞節      (Adverbial Clauses: Concession and Place Clauses )で複文を書くことを学んでいきます。

although、  though 譲歩の副詞節

Although the operation is not without risk, he intends to have it done.


He isn’t greedy for money, though he is rich.


 while 対照の副詞節

He likes sports, while I like books.


wherever , where  場所の副詞節




You may sit wherever you want to.


Put the magazine back where you found it.


The book was not where she said it would be.


Study:  試験で使える! 例文 譲歩・対象, 場所の副詞節  

1. Although e-readers are popular, most people still prefer books.

2. The state wants to increase taxes though his party disagrees.

3. Internet usage increased, while phone usage decreased.

4. Even though the roads have been widened, heavy traffic has not been reduced.

5. Road sign warnings are placed wherever there is an accident-prone area.

6. Some taxpayers are uncertain of where their taxes go.

ネイティブのリアル英語   run a fever 熱がある



ネイティブのリアル英語  run a fever  熱がある

「 ずっと熱が続く」って英語ではどう言うんでしょうか?

アメリカでは  ”run a feverといいます。

He ran a fever and was absent from school. 


風邪などの原因で「熱が出る」状態となった場合「run a fever」と言います。

体温計で計る等の結果として、「熱がある」場合は「have a fever」になります。


● 例文

夫 : How’s the baby?

妻 : The baby is running a high fever. Let’s call the doctor.



run a fever  熱がある」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

If you start to run a fever, you should go see your doctor right away.


 If you start to get a high body temperature, you should go see your doctor right away.


 If ya start ta run a fever, you should go see yer doctor ride away.


to have a high body temperature, to be feverish.

IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法!  ディスコースマーカー 1  追加(adding more points)

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+ 対策法 ディスコースマーカー 1      追加(adding more points) 

IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で



試験で使える文章  追加(adding more points) 

● Sample 1:

I don’t think it’s a good idea. She was very specific that the red chair on the left is awful. Besides, you don’t even like it.

Explanation: In the sentence, the idea is that she said about one red chair on the left. Then, use ‘besides’ to add another idea that the other person doesn’t like it too.

● Sample 2:

My family and I like to do quite a few things together. We like to go jogging as well as having dinner together on the weekends.

Explanation: The speaker tells about activities that he/she does with the family. The person mentions one activity and adds another using a discourse marker, as well as.

Drill  ドリル 


1. She is leaving her car to her sister when she migrates to another country. Also, her brother will have her house.

2. It’s part of her job to analyze the training needs of the company. Also, she needs to make sure that the training can create change and have good ROI.

3. This is given to the staff. Then, they also get a free mug and pen before they start.

4. It doesn’t matter if she took the TV with her to the new house. Besides, she already left her parents laptops.

5. Getting a job is important to us because I’d like to help out. But studying for my master’s degree is also important.


IELTS ライティング Task 2 基礎編 理由・原因と目的の副詞節

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic     

Adverbial Clauses: Reason and Purpose Clauses

IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Grammatical Range and Accuracy


複文(complex sentences)を使うことが必要です。


 節とは、S + V の関係を持つもので「文の中の文」とも言えます。節には文全体の主語とその述語動詞から成り立つ 主節 と、それに従属的な働きをする 従属節 があります。従属節は 名詞節・形容詞節・副詞節 の 3つに分類されたます。


今回は理由・原因と目的の副詞節   (Adverbial Clauses: Reason and Purpose Clauses)



● because


I didn’t tell my father  because I was afraid of being punished.


Why did you choose those shoes? – (I choose them) Because I liked the color.

どうしてあの靴にしたの? - 色が気に入ったから。

● since


Since I was thirsty, I drank water.


Since it’s cold outside, you’d better put your overcoat on.

( 外は寒いからオーバーを着た方がいい。 )


 as は since よりも意味合いは弱く、話し手・聞き手とも既に事実として知られている原因や理由を表します。 as には他にも多くの意味があるため、原因や理由を述べる場合には基本的に because や since が用いられます。

As I am busy, I cannot go.


As you are sorry, I’ll forgive you this one time.



● so that   「 ~ するために 」「 ~ となるように 」

 口語では that が省略されることが多い。この用法の that 節には一般的に can, could, will, would may, might, should が助動詞として用いられます。

We eat so that we can live.


I spoke so slowly so that the children might understand me.


● in order that   「 ~ する目的で 」

 文語的表現で、口語では so that を用います。また、この用法の that 節にも can, could, will, would may, might, should が助動詞として用いられます。

I came early in order that I could get a good seat.


He did everything in order that he could get the prize.


Study:  試験で使える!例文 理由・原因と目的の副詞節

1. The problems on road congestion remains a matter of concern because some people are not cooperating with the government.

2. Since the government cut spending, poverty has increased.

3. Pollution is increasing as there are too many cars. (check the SVA – subject-verb agreement)

4. The government is encouraging people to take the public transportation in order to lessen the amount of road congestion on major roads.

5. Work from home must be permitted so that work attrition among workers will be reduced.

5分でわかる!ライティング Task 2 基礎編 譲歩・対象と場所の副詞節

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic     

Adverbial Clauses: Concession and Place Clause

IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Grammatical Range and Accuracy


複文(complex sentences)を使うことが必要です。

副詞節 (Adverbial Clause) とは

節とは、 S + V の関係を持つもので「文の中の文」とも言えます。節には文全体の主語とその述語動詞から成り立つ 主節 と、それに従属的な働きをする 従属節 があります。従属節は 名詞節・形容詞節・副詞節 の 3つに分類されたます。

副詞節とは、副詞の働きをする「節」のことで,普通、接続詞で導かれます。副詞節を導く接続詞には whenやif, because, thoughなどいろいろあります。

今回は譲歩・対象と場所の副詞節      (Adverbial Clauses: Concession and Place Clauses )で複文を書くことを学んでいきます。

although、  though 譲歩の副詞節

Although the operation is not without risk, he intends to have it done.


He isn’t greedy for money, though he is rich.


 while 対照の副詞節

He likes sports, while I like books.


wherever , where  場所の副詞節




You may sit wherever you want to.


Put the magazine back where you found it.


The book was not where she said it would be.


Study:  試験で使える! 例文 譲歩・対象, 場所の副詞節  

1. Although e-readers are popular, most people still prefer books.

2. The state wants to increase taxes though his party disagrees.

3. Internet usage increased, while phone usage decreased.

4. Even though the roads have been widened, heavy traffic has not been reduced.

5. Road sign warnings are placed wherever there is an accident-prone area.

6. Some taxpayers are uncertain of where their taxes go.

IELTS ライティング Task 2 基礎編 時&条件の副詞節

IELTS Writing Task 2 Basic     

Adverbial Clauses: Time and Conditional Clause

IELTSのライティングTask 2の採点基準「Grammatical Range and Accuracy


複文(complex sentences)を使うことが必要です。

句(Phrase)  と 節(Clause) とは

 句と節とは 2 つ以上の語が集まって 1 つの品詞と同じような働きをするもののことをいいます。 英文は 語( 8品詞 )、句、節 から成り立っているため、その 句と節 を理解することで長く複雑な文も書くことができるようになります。

● 節(Clause)の種類

 S + V の関係を持つもので「文の中の文」とも言えます。節には文全体の主語とその述語動詞から成り立つ 主節 と、それに従属的な働きをする 従属節 があります。従属節は 名詞節・形容詞節・副詞節 の 3つに分類されたます。

今回は時・条件の副詞節    (Adverbial Clauses: Time and Conditional Clause)


● 文中の名詞以外の語句(主に動詞や主節全体)を修飾する節を副詞節と呼びます。

I will call you if it rains tonight


We don’t know when the earthquake happens.


注意! 時・条件の副詞節 は後に続く文に「未来形」を使ってはいけません。

Study:  試験で使える! 例文 時・条件の副詞節  

1. The city has become overcrowded even before skyscrapers are built.

2. As the climate gets hotter, sea levels will rise.

3. Rates of obesity increase when too much junk food is eaten.

4. Since the plastic ban is implemented, the quantity of plastic in sea waters significantly decline.

ネイティブのリアル英語   raring to go 今か今かと待ち切れない



“in no time”(あっという間)!

ネイティブのリアル英語  raring to go  今か今かと待ち切れない

「 今か今かと待ち切れない」って英語ではどう言うんでしょうか?

アメリカでは  ”raring to go” といいます。





● 例文 1

I’m raring to go!


● 例文 2

The children are raring to go play


raring to go  今か今かと待ち切れない」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I know you feel blah right now but after a good night’s sleep, I’m sure you’ll be raring to go!


I know you feel blah right now but after a good night’s sleep, I’m sure you’ll be energetic!


I know ya feel blah right now bud after a good night’s sleep, I’m sher you’ll be rarin’ da go!


to be energetic (and ready to seize the moment).