
IELTS スピーキング Collocation / Phrasal Verb 「MONEY」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ
Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (16)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

名詞 + 動詞   Collocations 

以下3つの Collocation は 名詞 + 動詞 の組み合わせです。


Bank transfers

My parents are living in the rural area while I live in the metro as a student. The bank transfers my allowance to my account every week.

☑ Work pays

I take care of my job because this work pays for our meals and bills.

Entrepreneur ventures

Many young entrepreneurs venture into different businesses. Huge homebody

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「 MONEY 」

▮質問 1

Do you regularly save money?


Yes, I actually save money regularly. The bank automatically transfers fund from my paycheck monthly. But I also often spend what I’ve saved up for a few months because of emergencies and lack of funds So, it looks like I haven’t saved any money, when I actually did Still, I was able to buy something that I’m proud of from the money that I had set aside for months. I don’t want to pay by credit card since I believe I’ll be in more debt So, I had to stop eating out and be a lot more thrifty I don’t buy anything I don’t need just to gather money for something that I really want, which I think is actually a good thing I can discipline myself to save But I guess I should still restrain myself more to save for the future, especially for my retirement. It’s been a wish of mine to buy my own home and to build a business when I’m a little older so I can stop working and focus on earning while I’m at home I also want to retire earlier and travel the world . I have so many goals, but I still don’t have anything saved for the long term, so I’m kind of a little frustrated with myself. That’s why I told myself that this time around, I’d create another account where I’ll set aside some of my money, and it will be for future, long term goals instead of new stuff or new gadgets.

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▮質問 2

Describe a time that you save money for something expensive. You should say:

  • what the thing is
  • how much it cost
  • how you come up with the money

And why you want to buy it


One of the first times that I saved money for something was back when I wanted to get my own PlayStation.  I’ve always been a gaming fan ever since I was a kid, so I vowed to myself when I was younger that if I get a good job, I’ll set aside money to buy my gaming console It has also been such a long time since I was able to hold a game controller and relaxed and played for hours, and I wanted to try gaming again since I feel like it was able to help me when I was a little younger. When I’m stressed with school work, I will spend maybe a couple of hours playing, and it relaxes me I think it also helps me enhance my cognitive functions, as I have read that somewhere before Around that time, a PS 4 is still around 399 which was quite expensive So it was kind of a long while after I have collected enough money to get my own unit and a few games I have been dying to try I should also say that a game costs around 10 to 30 but it was a good thing that I was able to find second hand games, so I was able to save more money.  My work pays well, so I was able to set aside quite an amount I’ve also taken up freelance writing jobs since I liked to write a lot, and I figured I could use my talents and get paid.  Thinking back, I really made an effort to earn more I’d also do my best to be as thrifty as possible Instead of eating out, I’d cook my own food and do meal preps I also started to use energy saving light bulbs so I can save on my electricity bill.  I also didn’t go shopping for a long while I can’t help but be proud as I was able to restrain myself.

「Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 」をインストラクターと一緒にレッスン!

News Course トピック更新- 「カリブ海の島が「デジタル遊牧民に2年間の就労ビザを提供 」

オンライン英会話 Newsで学ぶ!

News Course


オンラインニュースから「トピック」を選んで頂き「トピック」の内容について講師と「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコミュニケーション能力が身に付きます。


カリブ海の島々は、仕事の場ではなく、贅沢な休暇で有名です。 しかし、アンティグアとバーブーダの2つの島国は、人々が2年間そこに来て住み、働くことを望んでいます。 政府は「デジタル遊牧民」に2年間の就労ビザを提供しています。 これらは、ラップトップコンピューターを介して世界中のどこでも作業できる人々です。 パラダイスで働きたい人なら誰でも、国の新しい「ノマドデジタルレジデンスプログラム」を利用できるようになりました。 ビザ(および太陽が降り注ぐビーチ)の資格を得るには、労働者は少なくとも年間50,000ドルの収入がなければなりません。 また、2年間プログラムに参加している家族の面倒を見ることができることを示さなければなりません。



Islands in the Caribbean Sea are famous for luxury holidays, not for being places of work. However the two-island nation of Antigua and Barbuda is hoping people will come and live and work there for two years. Its government is offering a two-year work visa for “digital nomads”. These are people who can work anywhere in the world via their laptop computer. The nation’s new “Nomad Digital Residence Programmer” is now available for anyone who wants to work in paradise. To be eligible for the visa (and the sun-drenched beaches), workers must have an income of at least $50,000 per year. They must also show they can look after any family members on the programmer for two years.


ネイティブのリアル英語   plastered  泥酔する


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!


plastered   泥酔する

「  泥酔する 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょうか?

アメリカでは  ”  plastered   ” といいます。


I accidentally got absolutely plastered on the weekend.




 plastered   泥酔する  」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

If I drink one glass of vodka, I get plastered!


If I drink one glass of vodka, I get extremely drunk!


If I drink one glass ’a vodka, I get plastered!


to be extremely drunk.

News Course トピック更新- 「地雷除去に貢献のネズミに金メダル」

オンライン英会話 Newsで学ぶ!

News Course


オンラインニュースから「トピック」を選んで頂き「トピック」の内容について講師と「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコミュニケーション能力が身に付きます。





A rat has been given a distinguished award for bravery for his services to humanity. The valiant rodent is called Magawa. He was awarded a gold medal for his seven years of duty sniffing out dozens of landmines in Cambodia. He was bestowed the award by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals charity. This is a veterinary charity based in the United Kingdom. The charity explained why Magawa was recognised for his courage. It wrote: “The PDSA…seeks to raise the status of animals in society and honour the incredible contribution they make to our lives. Magawa’s dedication, skill and bravery are an extraordinary example of this and deserve the highest possible recognition.”


IELTS スピーキング Collocation / Phrasal Verb 「HURRICANE」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ
Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (15)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

形容詞 + 名詞   Collocations 

以下3つの Collocation は 形容詞 + 名詞 の組み合わせです。


Huge homebody

You’ll rarely see him outside. He’s a huge homebody.

☑ Heavy typhoon

We need to go home as soon as possible. I heard there’s heavy typhoon coming

☑ Canned goods

We gave out canned goods to all people who were affected by the typhoon.

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「 HURRICANE 」

▮質問 1

Do you like rainy day?


In general, I like rainy days I’m a huge homebody and the type of person who gets incredibly happy when plans are canceled so I can just stay home and most of the time, I can cancel any plans I have of going out when it rains I also love the weather It’s cold, but not too much It’s the right temperature to wear sweaters and stay under the covers It’s a great time to be lazy since you can’t go out I live with my best friend, and we rent an apartment close to our jobs, so during rainy weekends, we stay most of the time and played board games like Monopoly and Scrabble But, while I do love a rainy day, it still sometimes bothers me Like, when it rains on a weekday, and I have to go to work It’s tough to go out and avoid getting wet I don’t have a robust immune system, so I get sick quite easily Plus, it’s even harder to commute I have to walk for a couple of minutes to the bus stop Light rains are okay, but if it’s pouring, I typically have to bring an extra pair of shoes or an extra skirt since I’ll definitely get well There’s also a limitation with my love for rainy days I’m not really fond of heavy rains and massive storms I feel anxious every time it rains for a long, continuous time, or when there’s a strong gust of wind that goes with it

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▮質問 2

Describe a time when you experienced heavy rain or typhoon. You should say

  • when it happened
  • where you were
  • who you were with

And how you felt during the typhoon.


The very last time I experienced a heavy typhoon was last Christmas. I live in the city close to my work as a writer for a magazine that focuses on the entertainment industry. It has been a few months since I was able to visit my home, so I was pretty excited to go home and spend the holidays with my family. I got there a day before Christmas eve, so I got a day to relax and just catch up with my family and relatives. The day before Christmas, we were all busy preparing our home for a little Christmas eve party we were hosting. We never really had time to check the TV, and the radio was pretty much for music only So, we didn’t know that the storm was on our way However, we did see signs that it’s going to rain It’s just we never expected such a torrential downpour and strong gusts of wind. Fortunately, we were able to have dinner, and the adults even had a few drinks and had fun before the storm came. Some of our guests were able to go home, too, so it was good that the typhoon came a little late. But as soon as it hit us, the electricity was out. We were in complete darkness as the heavy rain drummed on our roof, and the wind made even the biggest trees around us dance. We were pretty anxious since some of the trees have already fallen. Good thing we were all safe after the storm, but a lot of trees and plants around us weren’t so lucky. Basically, we spent Christmas day clearing our surroundings . Not the best celebration, but at least we were safe

「Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 」をインストラクターと一緒にレッスン!

News Course トピック更新- 「中国一の大富豪飲料水創業者」

オンライン英会話 Newsで学ぶ!

News Course


オンラインニュースから「トピック」を選んで頂き「トピック」の内容について講師と「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコミュニケーション能力が身に付きます。


ボトル入り飲料水を販売するビジネスマンは現在、中国で最も裕福な男性です。ビジネス誌のブルームバーグは、最新の億万長者指数で中国で最も裕福な人物としてZhong Shanshan氏を選びました。 同誌によると、Zhong 氏は580億ドル以上の価値があるという。 これにより、彼は以前のナンバーワンであるジャック・マーよりも20億ドルも裕福になります。  Ma氏は、小売インターネット大手のアリババを設立しました。  Zhong氏は農夫山泉のボトルウォーター会社から富を築きました。  その後、彼はワクチンの製造に進出しました。 彼はBeijingWantai BiologicalPharmacyと呼ばれるワクチンメーカーの会長です。  Zhong氏は現在、世界の豊富なリストで17番目です。 


A businessman who sells bottled water is now the richest man in China. The business magazine Bloomberg named Mr Zhong Shanshan as China’s richest man in its latest Billionaires Index. The magazine said Mr Zhong is worth over $58 billion. This makes him $2 billion richer than the previous number one, Jack Ma. Mr Ma founded the retail Internet giant Alibaba. Mr Zhong made his wealth from his Nongfu Spring bottled water company. He then branched out into making vaccines. He is the chairman of a vaccine manufacturer called the Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy. Mr Zhong is now 17th on the global rich list. It seems that he will move up that list in the future.


IELTS スピーキング Collocation / Phrasal Verb 「FAST FOOD」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ
Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (14)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

動詞 + 名詞   Collocations 

以下3つの Collocation は 形容詞 + 名詞 の組み合わせです。


Have lunch

It’s 12 noon now. The whole team will have lunch at the cafeteria.

☑ Pay the price

You’re late, you’ll pay the price. I’m sure your teacher will get angry.

Take a break

We have been working non stop for 12 hours. Let’s all take a break for a while.

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「 FAST FOOD 」

▮質問 1

Why do eat in a fast food restaurant?


I honestly love eating out at fast food restaurants, because I seriously love their food, maybe because I grew up with fried chicken, French fries, burgers, pizzas, and desserts I know it’s not healthy, but it’s not daily, so don’t worry What I meant was my parents would always bring my siblings and me out to the mall on some weekends, and we’d always have lunch at different fast foods, depending on our moods and what we wanted to eat I would then remember we would run towards the play area and play for nearly an hour or maybe even more after eating and our mom would always sit at our table and watch us from afar while our dad is responsible for dragging us out of the playground if we have played too much Although I can’t enjoy the mini playground inside some of the fast food restaurants here, I still have fun memories with my friends or even with my parents And have I said their food is actually delicious? Well, some places can’t get the taste of certain menus right, but other fast food restaurants do If you want to get the best pizza, there are few places for that, but if you want chicken, get it from another store At least that’s my opinion Still, I honestly do love eating fast food

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▮質問 2

Describe your favorite fast food. You

should say:

  • what it is
  • where do you usually eat
  • how often do you eat there

And why you like to dine there?


That’s a tough question! I actually love a few places that offer some excellent food but I guess I’ll go with KFC It’s an American fast food restaurant chain that has hundreds of stores around the globe I think each country gets its special menu, but the fried chicken recipe remains the same, and that’s what I love about it I actually prefer spicy fried chicken more than the original one It has a kick that isn’t painful but instead will make you want to eat more I can probably eat up an entire bucket by myself, but I do restrict myself most of the time because I know it’s not a good decision I don’t want to pay the price in the future Unfortunately, I don’t eat as much in any KFC store for quite a long time The last time I ate at one was around eight months, I guess? I was with a friend at that time, and we were just roaming around the mall We spotted a KFC and since we both love the place, we decided to eat there But really, that was the last time I ate at KFC or any fast food restaurant I’m really trying to watch my health and my body this year, so I haven’t had fast food for a while Still, I love KFC They have the best chicken for me, and chicken is one of my guilty pleasures But for now, we need to take a break so I can focus on my fitness goals!

「Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 」をインストラクターと一緒にレッスン!

ネイティブのリアル英語   have it made 成功間違いなし




have it made   成功間違いなし

「   成功間違いなし 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょうか?

アメリカでは  ”  have it made  ” といいます。


If you get into Harvard, you have it made for life.


 “have it made” は、”have got it made”とも言うイディオムです。




似たような表現で”make it work”「うまくいかせる」も一緒に覚えましょう。

Let’s make it work.


have it made   成功間違いなし 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

Stan’s parents buy him anything he wants because they’re so rich. He sure has it made.


Stan’s parents buy him anything he wants because they’re so rich. He sure has an easy life.


Stan’s parents buy ’im anything ’e wants cuz they’re so rich. He sher has it made.


to have an easy life.

News Course トピック更新- 「zero-emission aircraft」

オンライン英会話 Newsで学ぶ!

News Course


オンラインニュースから「トピック」を選んで頂き「トピック」の内容について講師と「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコミュニケーション能力が身に付きます。

zero-emission aircraftー 水素が主な動力源

エアバスは9月21日、世界初となるゼロエミッション旅客機「ZEROe」のコンセプト機を3種類発表した。 水素を主な動力源として飛行する旅客機で、2035年までのゼロエミッション飛行の実現に向け、それぞれ異なる方法を用いて開発する。 航続距離が2,000海里以上と大陸間飛行も可能で、120席から200席を設ける「ターボファンデザイン」は、後部圧力隔壁の後ろに設置されたタンクで貯蔵、供給される液体水素を改良したガスタービンエンジンで燃料して動力を得る。 水素は、合成燃料として、そしてまた民間航空機の動力源として使用されることで、航空業界が及ぼす気候への影響を大幅に削減する可能性があると私は信じています。このコンセプト機は、2035年までの実用化を目指し、世界初の気候ニュートラル、ゼロエミッション旅客機の設計や仕様の研究に大きく寄与するでしょう。


The airline manufacturer Airbus has unveiled ambitious plans for the world’s first zero-emission aircraft. The aerospace giant predicts its hydrogen-powered commercial airplanes could be in service by 2035. The concept revealed by company engineers shows a shift away from battery power. Many in the industry believe batteries are the way forward for carbon-zero airplanes. However, Airbus says batteries could prove impractical for large airliners and have opted for hydrogen propulsion. A company spokesperson said the transition to hydrogen would require “decisive action from the entire aviation ecosystem”. This means redesigned airports and significantly different refuelling infrastructure.


IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法!  語彙の豊富さ Collocation / Phrasal Verb (16)

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ
Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (16)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

名詞 + 動詞   Collocations 

以下3つの Collocation は 名詞 + 動詞 の組み合わせです。


Bank transfers

My parents are living in the rural area while I live in the metro as a student. The bank transfers my allowance to my account every week.

☑ Work pays

I take care of my job because this work pays for our meals and bills.

Entrepreneur ventures

Many young entrepreneurs venture into different businesses. Huge homebody

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「 MONEY 」

▮質問 1

Do you regularly save money?


Yes, I actually save money regularly. The bank automatically transfers fund from my paycheck monthly. But I also often spend what I’ve saved up for a few months because of emergencies and lack of funds So, it looks like I haven’t saved any money, when I actually did Still, I was able to buy something that I’m proud of from the money that I had set aside for months. I don’t want to pay by credit card since I believe I’ll be in more debt So, I had to stop eating out and be a lot more thrifty I don’t buy anything I don’t need just to gather money for something that I really want, which I think is actually a good thing I can discipline myself to save But I guess I should still restrain myself more to save for the future, especially for my retirement. It’s been a wish of mine to buy my own home and to build a business when I’m a little older so I can stop working and focus on earning while I’m at home I also want to retire earlier and travel the world . I have so many goals, but I still don’t have anything saved for the long term, so I’m kind of a little frustrated with myself. That’s why I told myself that this time around, I’d create another account where I’ll set aside some of my money, and it will be for future, long term goals instead of new stuff or new gadgets.

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▮質問 2

Describe a time that you save money for something expensive. You should say:

  • what the thing is
  • how much it cost
  • how you come up with the money

And why you want to buy it


One of the first times that I saved money for something was back when I wanted to get my own PlayStation.  I’ve always been a gaming fan ever since I was a kid, so I vowed to myself when I was younger that if I get a good job, I’ll set aside money to buy my gaming console It has also been such a long time since I was able to hold a game controller and relaxed and played for hours, and I wanted to try gaming again since I feel like it was able to help me when I was a little younger. When I’m stressed with school work, I will spend maybe a couple of hours playing, and it relaxes me I think it also helps me enhance my cognitive functions, as I have read that somewhere before Around that time, a PS 4 is still around 399 which was quite expensive So it was kind of a long while after I have collected enough money to get my own unit and a few games I have been dying to try I should also say that a game costs around 10 to 30 but it was a good thing that I was able to find second hand games, so I was able to save more money.  My work pays well, so I was able to set aside quite an amount I’ve also taken up freelance writing jobs since I liked to write a lot, and I figured I could use my talents and get paid.  Thinking back, I really made an effort to earn more I’d also do my best to be as thrifty as possible Instead of eating out, I’d cook my own food and do meal preps I also started to use energy saving light bulbs so I can save on my electricity bill.  I also didn’t go shopping for a long while I can’t help but be proud as I was able to restrain myself.

「Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 」をインストラクターと一緒にレッスン!