
IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法! 文法の知識と正確さ 4 「EXERCISE」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  文法の知識と正確さ 4


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Grammatical Range and  Accuracy  文法の知識と正確さ」



● バンドスコア  7  レベル


が大事になります。  助動詞(would, could, should, may) も正確に使えることを


● バンドスコア  8  レベル


が求められます。 ”完了形” ”進行形” も積極的に使い、ネイティブスピーカーが


文法の種類と特徴 「 現在完了形」 

試験で使える!Q&A  「 EXERCISE 」

質問 1

How often do you exercise?



I used to be a workout buff, but my work life got busier. My schedule needed to change, still, I go to the gym regularly. I’m into CrossFit nowadays. I have done it for over a year now. It’s not often, but not less than thrice. It helps me physically. I think I focus better.


IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法! 文法の知識と正確さ 3 「CHILDREN」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  文法の知識と正確さ 3


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Grammatical Range and  Accuracy  文法の知識と正確さ」



● バンドスコア  7  レベル


が大事になります。  助動詞(would, could, should, may) も正確に使えることを


● バンドスコア  8  レベル


が求められます。 ”完了形” ”進行形” も積極的に使い、ネイティブスピーカーが


文法の種類と特徴 「現在進行形」 

試験で使える!Q&A  「 CHILDREN 」

質問 1

Do you like playing with children?



I’m fond of kids. In our family, we have a lot of young people. I have four 3 year old, one 6 year old and one 7 year old nephews, and, his twin, one 7 year old niece, the only flower among the thorns. Playtime is all the time. Whenever I go to my sister’s house on Wednesday, I play with them while my sister is preparing dinner. Then, it doesn’t end there. After dinner, we play simple games like eye spy while their mom is doing the dishes. I love playing with them because there’s no pressure it’s all fun and laughter. It encourages me to use my imagination and use sound effects. We’d play make believe. It’s just so much fun. It takes away the stresses and strains of the day.


IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法! 文法の知識と正確さ 2 「HANDWRITING」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  文法の知識と正確さ 2


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Grammatical Range and  Accuracy  文法の知識と正確さ」



● バンドスコア  7  レベル


が大事になります。  助動詞(would, could, should, may) も正確に使えることを


● バンドスコア  8  レベル


が求められます。 ”完了形” ”進行形” も積極的に使い、ネイティブスピーカーが


文法の種類と特徴 「過去形」 

試験で使える!Q&A  「 HANDWRITING 」

質問 1

Do you handwrite your notes or use the computer?



About 90% of my job is in front of the computer, so I use it to note everything down. It’s also very easy for me to categorize information, reports, and personal thoughts and feelings with the use of my colored sticky notes app. But few years back, I used to handwrite everything, I classified information using colored pens or colored memo pads. Though I extensively use my computer or smartphone to jot my ideas down, I still keep my pen and paper handy, in case I run out of battery.


IELTS スピーキング 文法の知識と正確さ 「URBAN LIFE」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  文法の知識と正確さ 1


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Grammatical Range and  Accuracy  文法の知識と正確さ」



● バンドスコア  7  レベル


が大事になります。  助動詞(would, could, should, may) も正確に使えることを


● バンドスコア  8  レベル


が求められます。 ”完了形” ”進行形” も積極的に使い、ネイティブスピーカーが


文法の種類と特徴 「現在形」 

試験で使える!Q&A  「 URBAN LIFE 」

質問 1

Do you have a lot of things to do in your hometown?



Yes, we do Our hometown is a metropolitan city. There are many popular places and many recreational areas My personal favorite is the hunted mansion that just opened last week It’s so scary and fun all at once


News Course トピック更新- 「「鬼滅の刃」は世界最高のオープニングウィークエンド 」

オンライン英会話 Newsで学ぶ!

News Course


オンラインニュースから「トピック」を選んで頂き「トピック」の内容について講師と「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコミュニケーション能力が身に付きます。



世界中の映画館が生き残るのに苦労している一方で、日本の映画ファンは興行収入の記録を破るのを手伝っています。 COVID-19の社会的距離のルールにもかかわらず、アニメーション映画は、日本の映画史上最大の興行収入の週末を見たばかりです。 映画「鬼滅の刃」は、日本で記録を更新しただけでなく、世界のどの映画でも最大のオープニングウィークエンドとなりました。 この映画は日本国内でのみデビューしましたが、以前の記録の2倍以上になりました。 先週末のチケット販売は、他のすべての国を合わせたものよりも多かった。 日本の映画館では、340万人以上の常連客がなんと4400万ドルのチケットを売り出しました。



While movie theatres around the world are struggling to survive, cinemagoers in Japan are helping to smash box office records. Despite COVID-19 social distancing rules, an animated film has just seen (by far) the biggest box office weekend in the history of Japan’s cinemas. The movie ‘Demon Slayer: Mugen Train’ not only broke records in Japan, it also had the biggest opening weekend for any movie anywhere in the world. The movie only debuted domestically in Japan but it more than doubled the previous record. Ticket sales last weekend were greater than those of all other countries combined. Japanese cinemas saw over 3.4 million patrons forking out a whopping $44 million on tickets


IELTS スピーキング Collocation / Phrasal Verb 「BIRTHDAY」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ
Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (20)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

副詞 + 動詞   Collocations 

以下3つの Collocation は 副詞 + 動詞 の組み合わせです。


☑ Fully appreciate

I heard you help me defend this project to our boss. I fully appreciate that.

☑ Greatly admire

Nelson Mandela is the man that I greatly admire.

☑ Thoroughly enjoy

If you do some selfless act, I think you will thoroughly enjoy it too.

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「 BIRTHDAY 」

▮質問 1

Do you celebrate your birthday?


In my family, we have a big celebration. My family, uncles, aunts, and cousins have dinner with us. Sometimes, some of our family members bring along our friends. I heard from my friends in other countries that they only bring home cake for the people at home. Not in my family, we have at least 4 different dishes, rice, cake, ice cream, and drinks to dig in It’s part of our culture and tradition that we celebrate the birth of a family member as part of thanking our creator of the life given. We also pray together, give gifts to the celebrant, and wish him or her well. Adults are pretty simple, but kids have more, like games, prizes, and all those It’s a day to celebrate, and I fully appreciate that my family and friends usually come to my birthday

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▮質問 2

Describe a birthday celebration that

you like. You should say:

  • where it is
  • what they did in the celebration
  • who the people were

And what you like about the celebration.


I like how one of my friends celebrated their mom’s birthday. She shared with me that in February, she, her mom and her brother have the same birth month. It usual for them to celebrate it with their birthdays but not their mom’s. This year, they’ve decided to surprise her. She gathered all her siblings to prepare the surprise Then, they kept it simple. They placed a cake on the table, but then, the other dishes were held by her and her siblings. As they enter the dining room, they greeted her and said something genuine and beautiful to their mom. They brought it off Their mom was very happy, she cried with joy. I like it because it’s simple and genuine, When I looked at their pictures, that they were very happy. I greatly admire that they take time to do all those for their mom.

「Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 」をインストラクターと一緒にレッスン!

ネイティブのリアル英語   crazy about  ~に夢中




crazy about  ~に夢中

「  ~   に夢中 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょうか?

アメリカでは  ”  crazy about   といいます。


He is crazy about soccer.


「crazy」の語源は中期英語「crasen(粉々にする, こわす)」です。

「be crazy about …」には「〜に夢中である」「〜にハマっている」


「be crazy about …」の後ろに人がくる場合、恋愛対象としてどれほど愛しているかを




「be crazy about …」は「狂おしいほど愛している」というニュアンスです。

 crazy about  ~に夢中 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

My parents have been married for thirty years and they’re still crazy about each other.


My parents have been married for thirty years and they’re still deeply in love with each other.


My parents’ve been married fer thirdy years ’n they’re still crazy aboud each other


mad/nuts/wild about (to be).

News Course トピック更新- 「A Zeptosecond 10億分の1秒の1兆分の1 」

オンライン英会話 Newsで学ぶ!

News Course


オンラインニュースから「トピック」を選んで頂き「トピック」の内容について講師と「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコミュニケーション能力が身に付きます。

A Zeptosecond   10億分の1秒の1兆分の1

今日の世界では、多くのものがどんどん短くなっています。 科学者たちは、信じられないほど短いものを測定したところです。 彼らはこれまでに測定された最短の時間単位を記録しました。 これはゼプト秒と呼ばれます。 これは、1秒のごくわずかです。 それは10億分の1秒の1兆分の1です。 これは小数点の後に20個のゼロが続き、次に1個です。科学者はドイツのゲーテ大学で原子物理学を研究しています。 彼らは特別なハイテク機器を使用して、光子が水素分子を通過するのにかかる時間を測定しました。 科学者たちは、これが起こるのに247ゼプト秒かかったと言いました。 これは人間の目では小さすぎて、人間が感知するには時間がかかりすぎます。



In today’s world, many things are getting shorter and shorter. Scientists have just measured something incredibly short. They recorded the shortest unit of time ever measured. It is called a zeptosecond. This is a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of one second. It is a trillionth of a billionth of a second. This is a decimal point followed by 20 zeros and then a 1. The scientists study atomic physics at the Goethe University in Germany. They used special high-tech equipment to measure how long it takes a photon to cross a hydrogen molecule. The scientists said it took 247 zeptoseconds for this to happen. This is too small for the human eye to see, and the time it takes is too fast for humans to sense.


IELTS スピーキング Collocation / Phrasal Verb 「GAMES」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法  語彙の豊富さ
Collocation /  Phrasal Verb  (19)


IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「 Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)  語彙の豊富さ」で

高い評価を得るために、 Collocation /  Phrasal Verb の習得が必須です。

● Collocation -  単語と単語のよく使われる組み合わせ

● Phrasal Verb - 「get up → 起きる」のように動詞と前置詞の組み合わせ

動詞 + 前置詞   Collocations 

以下3つの Collocation は 動詞 + 前置詞 の組み合わせです。


☑ Escape from (somewhere)

I think a lot of students are trying to escape from school reporting.

☑ Introduce something to

I will be introducing the new flag product of the company to our employees.

☑ Insist (up) on (something)

Stella must not insist up on getting the client from Lea because it’s unethical and annoying.

試験で使える!Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 「 GAMES 」

▮質問 1

Do you play any mobile games?


Yes, I do. My work can get very demanding, and I get stressed out . It’s difficult to just close my computer, and go home. I’ve got to press ahead . In times like this, I give myself a little space. I play mobile games . It helps me feel relaxed. I feel happy as if I’m like a child again. I try to enjoy it for a while, or until I feel like . I’m ready to get back. I have a child’s game. All I have to do is to combine at least 3 similar things. Then, I get a reward, and I’ll be able to design my garden. It’s my short escape from my stresses and strains.

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▮質問 2

Describe any game that you like to

play. You should say:

  • what it is
  • when you play it
  • how often you play it

And how you play it.


I really like to play tag. In order to play the game, we need at least 3 people to join the game. One person tries to catch the other two . If he touches one of them, he should say, tag your it. Then the next person shall run after the others. I know it doesn’t sound fun, but the bigger the group, the better I used to play this when I was a child In our neighborhood, children went to the playground to play, and we played this. There are a lot of children there, so I got to meet a lot of people. We used to play this almost every day. We’d start around 3 pm until dusk It was so much fun. I don’t get the chance to do that now because I’m an adult I think even though I’d press upon them, they would see it childish. Yet despite all the games online games, mobile games, etc. I hope to introduce this game to my children and their friends so they can try this old school game.

「Collocation /  Phrasal Verb 」をインストラクターと一緒にレッスン!

ネイティブのリアル英語   wolf down  がつがつ食べる


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!


wolf down  がつがつ食べる

「    がつがつ食べる 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょうか?

アメリカでは  ”  wolf down   といいます。


It’s a bad manner to wolf down your food at table.


これは獲物に群がる狼をイメージに由来し「〈食べ物〉を (1度にたくさん



 wolf down  がつがつ食べる 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I’m hungry. I think we have some time to wolf down a sandwich before we leave.


I’m hungry. I think we have some time to eat a sandwich quickly before we leave.


 I’m hungry. I think we have some time ta wolf down a sandwich before we leave.


to eat something quickly.