Scientists are working on bringing back the woolly mammoth. The giant creature is an ancestor of the Asian elephant. It became extinct over 4,000 years ago, but scientists and entrepreneurs want to bring it back to life. The idea is like something from the movie Jurassic Park. Scientists will use the DNA from the bones of a mammoth found in Siberia to revive the mammoth. They will also use cloning techniques. It would be the first time since the Ice Age for a mammoth to walk on the earth. The lead scientist is professor George Church, a geneticist from Harvard Medical School. He is an expert in gene editing. An entrepreneur, Ben Lamm, said: “Our goal is to have our first calves in the next four to six years.”
STEP 1 | Reading | Read the following passage about a campus situation.
Additional Writing Course
Attention, science students. Starting next semester, the school will be offering two writing classes: Basic Writing for Science and Intermediate Writing for Science. These classes have been made in response to the recent complaints about the writing abilities of science students. Students who want to take either of these two classes should meet Professor Johnson first and get an application form.
STEP 2 | Note Taking | Take notes on the reading
① Topic: New writing courses for science students
② Reason: To increase science students’ writing abilities
STEP 3 |Organizing 解答の組み立て | Answer the following question using the above information.
Q : What is the school going to do?
A : The school will offer two writing classes to help improve its science students’ writing.
▮ Listen
STEP 4 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a conversation on the same topic, and take notes.
Opinion : Likes the classes
Reason : The classes will teach him how to write and be more persuasive, and they may help him get into graduate school.
Opinion: Dislikes the classes
Reason: These classes are a waste of time since she can already write.
M : Did you hear about the new writing class? I think this is a waste of time considering that all of us can already write. Why do we need to learn writing? We will become scientists,not writers!
W : Oh, do you think so? Well, I disagree with you. I think these new classes are great. I always hated English classes, so I never developed any writing skills. You know, these classes will not just be about writing but will also teach us how to be more persuasive. Hopefully, taking these classes can help me get into graduate school.
▮ Speak
STEP 5 | Response 解答| Make your response using the above information
Q The man expresses his opinion about the new classes the school will offer. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for having that opinion.
Your Response
The man thinks the new classes are great. Because he hated English class, he doesn’t have any skills. So he wants to take the class in order to go to graduate school.
STEP 6 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
the man likes the classes because he wants to improve his writing skills to get into graduate school. He always hated English classes, so his skills have not improved.
Cars are becoming more and more technologically advanced. In the past decade, we have seen improvements in electric car technology and driverless cars. The latest advance comes from Mercedes-Benz. The luxury carmaker has unveiled a car that lets you use your mind to control certain things. The car giant unveiled its futuristic car at the IAA Mobility show in Munich earlier this week. The car is called Vision AVTR. The four capitalized letters at the end of its name are to make people think of the movie Avatar. This movie was about using the brain to connect with nature. A Mercedes spokesperson said the car would not be available for purchase any time soon. It is currently in the concept stage of production.
The sportswear company Nike gave its office workers a holiday to help them de-stress from life’s challenges and worries caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The clothing giant gave its employees a week-long mental health break. It closed its offices from August the 23rd to the 30th so that its employees could “enjoy additional time off to rest and recover”. Nike said it wanted to focus on helping to combat “burnout”. Nike’s senior manager of global marketing science Matt Marrazzo said: “Our senior leaders are all sending a clear message – take the time to unwind, de-stress and spend time with your loved ones. Do not work.” Nike’s retail stores are still open and store workers are working as usual.
The man expresses his opinion about the students having to pay for the health club. State his opinion, and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Question 2 攻略
▮ リーディング
Read a short passage about a campus situation.
Health Club Fees
The university plans to charge a membership fee at its health club starting in January. The fee for using the facilities will be $20 per student. The university has made this decision in light of the deteriorating condition of the equipment and the poor state of the health club itself. Renovations will be made during the Christmas break. All fees will go toward the costs of renovation and the purchase of new equipment.
メモ取り Question 2 リーディング
▮ リスニング
Listen to a conversation about the same topic.
● スクリプト
W : Hey, Pete are you going to join the health club after Christmas?
M : If it were free, sure. But since it’s not, I guess I’m not.
W : It’s only twenty bucks.
M : Twenty bucks Is a lot of money to some people, Sue. These renovations and new equipment should be paid by the university.、We pay enough here already. They charge us for everything books, lab fees, photocopying, and late fees at the library. It’s too much.
W : Yeah, I guess so, but the health club really needs this. It’s in bad shape, and the equipment is ancient.
M : You know most of that equipment is less than two years old? I talked to a guy in the Athletic Department, and he said it was the football coach and team that pushed for the renovations. And they don’t have to pay since they are on a sports team.
W: No, that can’t be true. They won’t make us pay and have some others use it for free.
M: You’ll see. Wait until January. It’s not fair. If we pay. they-should pay also.
メモ取り Question 2 リスニング
▮ 質問と回答例
The man expresses his opinion about the students having to pay for the health club. State his opinion, and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Sample Response (回答例)
学生の意見 + 2つの理由 を述べます。
The man is not pleased that the students have to pay for admission to the school’s health club. (← Option) Even though the fee is small, he thinks it is a lot of money for him to
spend. Plus, he states that he doesn’t like the fact that the students have to pay
for things like books, late fees, and lab fees in addition to their tuition.
He feels that the school is charging them enough for lots of different things already. (←Reason 1) Finally, he believes that it is very unfair that members of the student body have to pay but members of the school’s sports teams do not,( ← Reason 2) especially because the football team and coach were the ones who wanted to have the changes made.