
ジョディー・スタニスロー :砂糖はご褒美ではない


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. What kind of doctor is the speaker?
  2. What is inside the pancreas, according to the speaker?
  3. Based on her speech, what is the responsibility of beta cells and insulin?
  4. What is scary about eating cake, ice cream, even highly-refined carbohydrate foods, like yogurt and granola, cereal, bread, pasta, alcohol- even in moderation?
  5. What was she diagnosed with when she was just seven years old?
  6. According to her speech, how many companies own the entire world’s food brands?
  7. If we keep consuming sugar and keep doing this over a lifetime, what kind of diseases can we possibly acquire as stated by the speaker?
  8. What did the speaker recommend her patient Pam to eat for breakfast before running all those expensive tests?
  9. According to the World Health Organization, how many people today have type 2 diabetes as claimed by the speaker?
  10. When working with her patients, what does she teach them?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

1.Are you afraid of diabetes?

2. Do you know someone suffering from diabetes?

3. What is your opinion to the lifestyle of people who are obese?

4. Do you think you can take eating only protein for breakfast?

5. Do you think it is really wrong to eat “sugar” as a treat?

6. Do you regularly check your blood sugar level?

7. Do you have a sweet tooth?

8. Do you love drinking soda or fruity drinks?

9. How often do you use sugar in a day?

10. What would the world be like without sugar?

ネイティブのリアル英語    Hit The Nail On The Head 的を得ている




Hit The Nail On The Head 的を得ている


「  的を得ている 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?

アメリカでは  ”  Hit The Nail On The Head といいます。


I think your latest thesis has hit the nail on the head.


hit the nail on the head、直訳すると”釘の頭を打つ”となりますが、





このことから口語的表現として、”exactly right”のように、「まさにその通り」、


Hit The Nail On The Head 的を得ている 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I think Ron is insecure about his height. You hit the nail on the head!


I think Ron is insecure about his height. You reached a correct conclusion!


I think Ron’s insecure aboud ’is height. You hit the nail on the head!


to reach a correct conclusion.

▮ SLANGMAN  スラングマン  レッスンコース

アメリカ英語で使われるスラングとイディオム 習得カリキュラム


▮ News Course  レッスンコース


News Course の詳細はこちらから


オンライン英会話  【TED】で英語学習!





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ビル・ゲイツ: もし次の疫病大流行(アウトブレイク)が来たら?

2014年、世界はエボラの恐ろしい更なるアウトブレイクを免れる事が出来ました。何千人もの自らの犠牲を惜しまない医療従事者達の努力により―そして、率直に言えば単にとても幸運だったお陰で。事態を振り返って、私たちにはもっとやるべきだった事が分かっています。アウトブレ イクのシナリオに沿った計画立案からワクチンの開発、そして医療従事者達のトレーニング―ビル・ゲイツは今こそがあらゆる最善の方法やアイデアを実現する時だと訴えます。 「パニックに陥る必要はありません―でも今、始めなければならないのです。」


ニュースで英会話 「夕食に虫を食べるわけとは? 」

オンライン英会話 Newsで学ぶ!


News Course


オンラインニュースから「トピック」を選んで頂き「トピック」の内容について講師と「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコミュニケーション能力が身に付きます。


過去10年間で、虫は夕食の席でよく見られるようになりました。 この理由の1つは、タンパク質の優れた供給源であるということです。 もう一つの理由は、人々が環境に関心を持っているということです。 伝統的な畜産は一般的に持続不可能であるため、環境に有害です。 昆虫を育てるのははるかに環境にやさしいです。 1キログラムの昆虫タンパク質は、同じ量の牛肉を生産するために使用される飼料、水、土地の約10パーセントを必要とします。 専門家は、家畜を飼育するよりも昆虫を飼育する方が環境に良いと言います。 私たちが昆虫を食べなければならないかもしれない最後の理由は、世界の人口の増加のためです。 2050年までに、これは現在の77億から98億になると予想されています。 

In the past decade, bugs have become a familiar sight on dinner tables. One reason for this is they are a great source of protein. Another reason is that people are concerned about the environment. Traditional livestock farming is detrimental to the environment as it is generally unsustainable. Raising insects is much more environmentally friendly. One kilogram of insect protein needs about 10 per cent of the feed, water and land used to produce the same amount of beef. Experts say farming insects is better for the environment than raising livestock. A final reason we may have to eat insects is because of the rise in the world’s population. By 2050 this is expected to be 9.8 billion, up from the current 7.7 billion.


今すぐ『News Course』 を インストラクターと一緒にレッスン!

ビル・ゲイツ: もし次の疫病大流行(アウトブレイク)が来たら?


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. What were they supposed to do when the nuclear attack came?
  2. According to Bill Gates, what was something people actually invested very little?
  3. What did they not had in order to see how far the virus had spread?
  4. What organization did a great job in orchestrating volunteers?
  5. What can be put back in people in order to protect them which was never tried, according to Bill Gates?
  6. What were the three reasons why Ebola didn’t spread more?
  7. Where and when was the last time germ game was done?
  8. What was the score in the said “germ game”?
  9. What was the World Bank’s estimation if the world would have worldwide flu epidemic?
  10. What could be one positive thing that can come out of the Ebola epidemic which Gates mentioned?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

1. What do you think you can do to prevent your chance of being infected in a pandemic?

2. What would you react if a colleague came in to work showed symptoms of being infected?

3. What is your opinion on how the government should or could do to reduce people’s chance of infection?

4. What difference do you foresee that closing borders would make?

5. Do you agree that wearing a mask makes much difference or does it just give psychological support?

6. How much difference do you think that sanitizing and washing your hands would make?

7. Do you share the same opinion that vaccinations are useful or dangerous?

8. Do you often receive a vaccination for flu in the winter? How is the vaccination given to you?

9. What is your stance about travelling to a country with a significant outbreak?

10. In what ways do you think a pandemic would affect the world’s economy?

グレアム・アリソン: 米中戦争は不可避か?


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. What is the challenge mentioned by the speaker on the impact of China’s rise?
  2. In the speaker’s pop quiz, he mentioned that China set out its march to market at 1978. What percentage of China’s population were struggling to survive on less than two dollars a day?
  3. According to the speaker, 40 years later, how much is the percentage of the citizens on the extreme poverty level?
  4. What is the challenge, according to the speaker, will shape our world?
  5. Who is Thucydides?
  6. What is Thucydides’s Trap, and its relevance to USA-China rivalry today, according to the speaker?
  7. What did the former Czech president say upon reacting to the China’s flipping of poverty pyramid, based on the speaker’s speech?
  8. How long did it take China to renovate the Sanyuan Bridge in 2015?
  9. What did the speaker say Chinese President Xi Jinping’s goal was when he became the president six years ago?
  10. What are the good news and bad news mentioned by the speaker about the Thucydidean dynamic?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

1. How is the country China perceived by the different media in your country?

2. What aspects of Chinese culture are found in your country?

3. What do you know about China’s politics?

4. Do you agree that China should get more involved in giving solution to the global problems?

5. What can other countries learn from China?

6. How do you personally feel about China?

7. Do you purchase products with the “Made in China” label?

8. In your opinion, do expect that China will become the strongest nation in the world?

9. What do you most appreciate about China?

10. What do you see to be China’s biggest dilemma?

受講者の声 英検

英検対策コース 受講者

山本巧 さん   高校1年生












Textbook classも先生と例文を考えて訂正を入れてもらったり、語彙語法の知








ネイティブのリアル英語    have the hots for 恋心を持つ


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!


have the hots for 恋心を持つ


「  恋心を持つ 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?

アメリカでは  ”  have the hots for といいます。


He has the hots for the new girl in the office.


形容詞hotの名詞はhotnessですが、the hots という形でのみ、恋愛感情としての魅力



よって、have the hots for で、(人)に強い魅力を感じる、


似たような表現で、「惚れる」には「have a crush on…」がよく使われます。


have the hots for 恋心を持つ」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

Carol keeps following me! I think she has the hots for me. What should I do? I don’t like her!



Carol keeps following me! I think she is romantically interested in me. What should I do? I don’t like her!


Carol keeps following me! I think she has the hots fer me. What should I do? I don’t like ’er!


to be sexually attracted to someone.

▮ SLANGMAN  スラングマン  レッスンコース

アメリカ英語で使われるスラングとイディオム 習得カリキュラム


▮ News Course  レッスンコース


News Course の詳細はこちらから

TOEFL スピーキング (Intermediate) Question 2 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master Question 2 学習ステップ

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Intermediate)」 カリキュラムでは、

Question 2  対策として、試験問題標準レベルで様々なトピックを使い、


目標スコアー 80点(Speakingセクション 20点)を目指す受講者に適した



ステップ   1 リーディング 学生生活に関する方針についての短い文章を読む

ステップ   2  チェックテスト リーディング内容の理解度をチェックするための質問に解答します。

ステップ   3  リスニング    関連する会話を聞き、主張と理由をメモ取りします。

ステップ   4   スピーキング  試験同様の質問に対し、解答へ導くため用された


ステップ   5   スピーキング  5つの解答を基に解答を作り上げます。

ステップ   6   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  

▮ Read

STEP 1    | Reading | Read the following passage about a campus situation.

University Tutoring System

The new university tutoring system begins on August 22. Students will no longer have face-to-face tutoring sessions. Instead, an online tutoring system will be implemented. The computer-based r tutoring system will allow students to receive tutoring help twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, instead of only during regular school hours, Students will benefit from expanded access to tutors. Also, the computer-based system will relieve students of stress from the crowded tutoring centers. Students will no longer need to be present on campus for tutoring. They will be able to access the computer-based system from any computer with an  Internet connection.

STEP 2   | Comprehending 読解力テスト | Answer the following questions to make sure you understand the reading

1 What is the notice about?

2  What is the first reason for the new tutoring system?

3  According to the notice, how will it benefit the students?

4  What is another reason for the new tutoring system?

5  According to the notice, how will it benefit the students?

1 Issue __________________________  

2  First reason __________________________ 

3  Details  ____________________     

4  Second reason ____________________      

5  Details  _________________________

Comprehending  解答例

1 . The notice is about how the university will change from

face -to-face tutoring to a computer-based tutoring


2. One reason for the changes is that only offering

tutoring services during regular school hours is not

enough for the students.

3. Students will have access to tutoring twenty-four

hours a day, seven days a week.

4. Another advantage for the change in the tutoring

system is that it will eliminate crowded, stressful

tutoring centers.

5. Students will be able to access the tutoring network

from any computer with the Internet connection.

▮ Listen

STEP 3 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a conversation on the same topic, and take notes.


M: This new tutoring system will be great.

W: I’m not so sure about that.

M: Really? What do you mean?

W: First of all, a lot of students don’t even know how to

type very fast. Some cannot even type at all. This will

make the tutoring sessions really slow.

M: Right. Ty ping skills will be really important.

W: Sure they will. When students are tutored face to

face, they don’t have to worry about typing though.

They can just focus all of their energy on what they’r

learning. I think that’s more efficient.

M: You may be right.

W: There’s something else, too. Students must have

a good computer at home in order to access the

computer-based system. Many students will have to

upgrade their current computer or even buy a new

one. I know a lot of students who don’t even have a

computer at home. It will be very expensive for a lot

of students to get access to tutoring now_

M: That’s a good point.

W: I think it might be better to stick with the old system.

Note-Taking メモ取り


● 質問

Q     The woman expresses her opinion of the new computer-based tutoring system. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

STEP 4 | Organizing  解答の組み立て | Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas.

1 What is the woman’s opinion of the new tutoring system?

2 What does the woman say about students’ typing skills?

3 Why is this important to the new tutoring system?

4 What does the woman say about computers?

5 Why does she think it will be difficult for some students to buy new computer?

1   Opinion ___________________________________________

2   First reason _________________________________________

3 Details_______________________________________________

4   Second reason _______________________________________

5 Details _______________________________________________


1. The woman does not think it is a good idea for the

university to switch to a computer-based tutoring


2. The woman says that some students either cannot

type or type very slowly.

3. She claims the lack of typing skills will make the

tutoring system slow.

4. The woman claims that students will either have to

upgrade their computers or else purchase n曲ones.

5. She thinks upgrading or purchasing new computers

will be too expensive for students.

▮ Speak

STEP 5   | Response 解答| Make your response using the above information

The notice describes____________      , The woman thinks_____________

______  One reason is___________________________________________

_____________ During the conversation, the woman says______________


______________________    Another reason is________________________

_________    The woman states that_________________________________


STEP 6  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

Sample Response 模範解答

The notice describes a new university tutoring system.The woman is against the university’s decision to replace face-to-face tutoring with a computer-based tutoring system. First, she believes that students will require excellent typing skills in order to take advantage of the new tutoring system. However, she states that many students lack the ability to type well enough, so the new tutoring system will be much slower than the face-to-­face system. To her, the inability to type well will hinder the learning process for some students. Second of all, she believes many students will have to upgrade their computers or even buy new ones. According to the woman, this will be very expensive for many students. She believes the former face-to-face method of tutoring is better for students than the new computer-based tutoring system.


Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent | Safwat Saleem



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