
ベネデッタ・ベルティとエヴェリーン :難民になるとはどういうことか?


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. Who are those people commonly referred as refugees?
  2. What is the modern definition of “refugee” drafted in the UN’s 1951 Convention?
  3. What is the difference between the term “migrant” and “refugee”?
  4. How do refugees usually travel to help them cross borders?
  5. Where is the usual first stop of a refugee who is fleeing from a conflict?
  6. What is the purpose of the Refugee Camps?
  7. How long do refugees usually remain in the camps?
  8. What is the first legal step of refugees once they are in a new country?
  9. What is the most basic obligation of host countries towards people they recognize as refugees?

10. What are the examples of inconsistent and discriminatory treatment frequently being experienced by refugees?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Are refugees welcome in your country?
  2. Where are most of these refugees coming from?
  3. What rights do refugees have that you know?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of welcoming refugees into a country?
  5. What other forms of support do you think can governments provide besides welcoming refugees to stay in the country where they are seeking asylum?
  6. Would you be willing to support (financially or otherwise) charities that help refugees in your country? Why / why not?
  7. Why do you think some refugees suffer from discriminatory treatment?
  8. What do you think you’d do if you suddenly lost your home, your job, your family and your country became extremely dangerous to live in?
  9. Would you be willing to share your home to a refugee so that the country can accept more?

キャロル・ファルボトコ :20年後に住むことができるのはどこか?


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. 1. How did the speaker define ” River Delta”?
  2. What impeded the farming and fishing of the residents of Mohammadpur lately?
  3.  Since 2000, what forced many villagers near Meghna River to move inland?
  4.  What other countries are impacted by the erratic weather, causing its people’s mobility?
  5. What did scientists agree according to the speaker?
  6. How did the speaker describe Bangladesh’s geographic feature?
  7. How have the citizens and government of Kiribati and Tuvalu resolved this problem since they couldn’t move inland even if they wanted to?
  8. What have these island’s governments repeatedly done to prevent this dilemma?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Are there any long-term climate changes apparent in your country?
  2. Has climate change affected the country in which you currently live?
  3. In your opinion, what do you think the world’s climate will be like 30 years from now?
  4. Are “eco-friendly” electrical and cars appliances really eco-friendly?
  5. Which firms and industries need to become cleaner and greener?
  6. In you view, is climate change the worst thing ever to happen to humankind?
  7. What kinds of pollution contribute to global warming?
  8. What human action do you think most adds to global warming?
  9. How does human consumption contribute to global warming?
  10. Do you think all countries are taking global warming earnestly?

ネイティブのリアル英語  get cracking さっそく始める


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!


 get cracking  さっそく始める


「  さっそく始める 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?

アメリカでは  ”   get cracking といいます。


A : We’ve got to finish this meeting by 5pm.



B : Okay. Let’s get cracking.






「get cracking 」とは、急いで取りかかるという意味ですが、


「 crack を使った表現」

  1. I see a tiny crack between you and him


2. That cracked me up


3. That was absolutely crack!


4. My voice tends to crack when I get nervous.


5. Her voice would crack as soon as she started speaking.


6. It starts at the crack of dawn.


7. I need someone to crack the whip.


 get cracking  さっそく始める 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

If you plan on finishing your assignment before you leave on vacation, you’d better get cracking.


 If you plan on finishing your assignment before you leave on vacation, you’d better start working.


 If ya plan on finishing yer assignment b’fore ya leave on vacation, ya bedder get cracking.


to start working.

▮ SLANGMAN  スラングマン  レッスンコース

アメリカ英語で使われるスラングとイディオム 習得カリキュラム


▮ News Course  レッスンコース


News Course の詳細はこちらから

TOEFL スピーキング(Intermediate) Question 2 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Intermediate)Question 2 学習ステップ

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Intermediate)」 カリキュラムでは、

Question 2  対策として、試験問題標準レベルで様々なトピックを使い、


目標スコアー 80点(Speakingセクション 20点)を目指す受講者に適した



ステップ   1 リーディング 学生生活に関する方針についての短い文章を読む

ステップ   2  チェックテスト リーディング内容の理解度をチェックするための質問に解答します。

ステップ   3  リスニング    関連する会話を聞き、主張と理由をメモ取りします。

ステップ   4   スピーキング  試験同様の質問に対し、解答へ導くため用された


ステップ   5   スピーキング  5つの解答を基に解答を作り上げます。

ステップ   6   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  

▮ Read

STEP 1    | Reading | Read the following passage about a campus situation.

University Tutoring System

The new university tutoring system begins on August 22. Students will no longer have face-to-face tutoring sessions. Instead, an online tutoring system will be implemented. The computer-based r tutoring system will allow students to receive tutoring help twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, instead of only during regular school hours, Students will benefit from expanded access to tutors. Also, the computer-based system will relieve students of stress from the crowded tutoring centers. Students will no longer need to be present on campus for tutoring. They will be able to access the computer-based system from any computer with an  Internet connection.

STEP 2   | Comprehending 読解力テスト | Answer the following questions to make sure you understand the reading

1 What is the notice about?

2  What is the first reason for the new tutoring system?

3  According to the notice, how will it benefit the students?

4  What is another reason for the new tutoring system?

5  According to the notice, how will it benefit the students?

1 Issue __________________________  

2  First reason __________________________ 

3  Details  ____________________     

4  Second reason ____________________      

5  Details  _________________________

Comprehending  解答例

1 . The notice is about how the university will change from

face -to-face tutoring to a computer-based tutoring


2. One reason for the changes is that only offering

tutoring services during regular school hours is not

enough for the students.

3. Students will have access to tutoring twenty-four

hours a day, seven days a week.

4. Another advantage for the change in the tutoring

system is that it will eliminate crowded, stressful

tutoring centers.

5. Students will be able to access the tutoring network

from any computer with the Internet connection.

▮ Listen

STEP 3 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a conversation on the same topic, and take notes.


M: This new tutoring system will be great.

W: I’m not so sure about that.

M: Really? What do you mean?

W: First of all, a lot of students don’t even know how to

type very fast. Some cannot even type at all. This will

make the tutoring sessions really slow.

M: Right. Typing skills will be really important.

W: Sure they will. When students are tutored face to

face, they don’t have to worry about typing though.

They can just focus all of their energy on what they’r

learning. I think that’s more efficient.

M: You may be right.

W: There’s something else, too. Students must have

a good computer at home in order to access the

computer-based system. Many students will have to

upgrade their current computer or even buy a new

one. I know a lot of students who don’t even have a

computer at home. It will be very expensive for a lot

of students to get access to tutoring now.

M: That’s a good point.

W: I think it might be better to stick with the old system.

Note-Taking メモ取り


● 質問

Q     The woman expresses her opinion of the new computer-based tutoring system. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

STEP 4 | Organizing  解答の組み立て | Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas.

1 What is the woman’s opinion of the new tutoring system?

2 What does the woman say about students’ typing skills?

3 Why is this important to the new tutoring system?

4 What does the woman say about computers?

5 Why does she think it will be difficult for some students to buy new computer?

1   Opinion ___________________________________________

2   First reason _________________________________________

3 Details_______________________________________________

4   Second reason _______________________________________

5 Details _______________________________________________


1. The woman does not think it is a good idea for the

university to switch to a computer-based tutoring


2. The woman says that some students either cannot

type or type very slowly.

3. She claims the lack of typing skills will make the

tutoring system slow.

4. The woman claims that students will either have to

upgrade their computers or else purchase n曲ones.

5. She thinks upgrading or purchasing new computers

will be too expensive for students.

▮ Speak

STEP 5   | Response 解答| Make your response using the above information

The notice describes____________      , The woman thinks_____________

______  One reason is___________________________________________

_____________ During the conversation, the woman says______________


______________________    Another reason is________________________

_________    The woman states that_________________________________


STEP 6  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

Sample Response 模範解答

The notice describes a new university tutoring system.The woman is against the university’s decision to replace face-to-face tutoring with a computer-based tutoring system. First, she believes that students will require excellent typing skills in order to take advantage of the new tutoring system. However, she states that many students lack the ability to type well enough, so the new tutoring system will be much slower than the face-to-­face system. To her, the inability to type well will hinder the learning process for some students. Second of all, she believes many students will have to upgrade their computers or even buy new ones. According to the woman, this will be very expensive for many students. She believes the former face-to-face method of tutoring is better for students than the new computer-based tutoring system.

News Course トピックが更新されました。



「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコ


■ 更新されたTOPIC

Scientists create living robots that can have babies.

Scientists say that a new kind of robot can reproduce – it can create baby robots. This is an example of science fiction becoming science fact. The scientists, from the Universities of Vermont, Tufts and Harvard, created the world’s first “living” robots. They are called “xenobots”. Scientists created them in 2020 from the stem cells of an African frog. Its scientific name – “xenopus laevis” – gave the xenobot its name. The xenobots are less than a millimetre wide. They can move, work together in groups and self-heal. Although they are not what we imagine robots to be, scientists say they are technically robots. They are a machine-animal hybrid. The scientists say xenobots are “an entirely new life-form”


科学者たちは、新しい種類のロボットが再現できると言います-それは赤ちゃんロボットを作ることができます。 これはサイエンスフィクションがサイエンスファクトになった例です。 バーモント大学、タフツ大学、ハーバード大学の科学者たちは、世界初の「生きている」ロボットを作成しました。 それらは「ゼノボット」と呼ばれます。 科学者たちは2020年にアフリカのカエルの幹細胞からそれらを作成しました。 その学名–「xenopuslaevis」–はゼノボットにその名前を与えました。 ゼノボットの幅は1ミリメートル未満です。 彼らは移動し、グループで一緒に働き、自己回復することができます。 それらは私たちがロボットであると想像するものではありませんが、科学者はそれらが技術的にはロボットであると言います。 それらは機械と動物のハイブリッドです。 科学者たちは、ゼノボットは「まったく新しい生命体」であると言います。 

「Scientists create living robots that can have babies. 」 レッスン・アクティビティはこちら

NEWS COURSE の詳細はこちらからご覧ください。

ベネデッタ・ベルティとエヴェリーン・ボルグマン :難民になるとはどういうことか?

What does it mean to be a refugee?  



TED オフィシャル動画   Transcript 機能付き


Where will you be able to live in 20 years?



TED オフィシャル動画   Transcript 機能付き

ネイティブのリアル英語   deadline 締め切り




 deadline 締め切り


「  締め切り 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?

アメリカでは  ”   deadline といいます。


I met  a deadline for submitting a report.







「 deadline を使った表現」

締切りに間に合う   meet the deadline

締切りに間に合わない miss the deadline

締切りよりも前に仕上げる    beat the deadline

締め切り日    deadline date

納税期限     deadline for payment of a tax

本注文の最終期限 deadline for this order

納入期限     deadline of the delivery

deadline  締め切り 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

The boss said that if I miss my deadline one more time, he’ll can me!


The boss said that if I miss my completion date one more time, he’ll fire me!


The boss said th’d if I miss my deadline one more time, he’ll can me!


completion date

▮ SLANGMAN  スラングマン  レッスンコース

アメリカ英語で使われるスラングとイディオム 習得カリキュラム


▮ News Course  レッスンコース


News Course の詳細はこちらから


英検1級 英作文 添削方法と添削サンプル

mytutor「 添削くん」では英検1級の採点基準に基づき添削及び採点をしています。


1級 32点(英検CSE:850点)

内容8点(CSE 212.5):課題で求められている内容が含まれているか

構成8点(CSE 212.5):英文の構成や流れが分かりやすく論理的であるか

語い8点(CSE 212.5):課題に相応しい語いを正しく使えているか

文法8点(CSE 212.5):文構造のバリエーションやそれらを正しく使えているか

英検1級英作文 添削サンプル

● 採点レポート

● 採点基準

● 採点・評価

● 投稿 回答文 原文

(投稿は キーボードタイピング 又は 手書きファイル送信どちらでも可能です)

● 原文をテキスト化

● 添削

● 添削後の完成文(投稿回答文を基に模範文を作ります)

News Course トピックが更新されました。



「レッスンアクティビティ + ディスカッション」して頂くことで実践的で最新のコ


■ 更新されたTOPIC

Omicron coronavirus variant spreading worldwide.

Omicron coronavirus variant spreading worldwide.

A new variant of the covid-19 virus is beginning to spread worldwide. The WHO named the mutation Omicron, after a letter of the Greek alphabet. It was first reported in Botswana on the 9th of November. Two weeks later, it was detected in South Africa and flagged as a “virus of concern”. Soon after this, cases were reported in Hong Kong, Israel, Madagascar and Belgium. Epidemiologists have warned that this new strain could be extremely infectious. They also said it may be able to evade protections afforded us by current vaccines. This has led to countries reinstating travel bans. Despite these, new cases have already been reported in the UK, Germany and the Czech Republic.

covid-19ウイルスの新しい亜種が世界中に広がり始めています。 WHOは、ギリシャ文字の文字にちなんで、突然変異をオミクロンと名付けました。 それは11月9日にボツワナで最初に報告されました。 2週間後、南アフリカで検出され、「懸念されるウイルス」としてフラグが立てられました。 この直後、香港、イスラエル、マダガスカル、ベルギーで症例が報告されました。 疫学者は、この新しい菌株は非常に感染性が高い可能性があると警告しています。 彼らはまた、現在のワクチンによって私たちに与えられた保護を回避することができるかもしれないと言いました。 これにより、各国は渡航禁止令を復活させました。 これらにもかかわらず、英国、ドイツ、チェコ共和国ではすでに新しい症例が報告されています。

「Omicron coronavirus variant spreading worldwide. 」 レッスン・アクティビティはこちら

NEWS COURSE の詳細はこちらからご覧ください。