Scientists create living robots that can have babies.
Scientists say that a new kind of robot can reproduce – it can create baby robots. This is an example of science fiction becoming science fact. The scientists, from the Universities of Vermont, Tufts and Harvard, created the world’s first “living” robots. They are called “xenobots”. Scientists created them in 2020 from the stem cells of an African frog. Its scientific name – “xenopus laevis” – gave the xenobot its name. The xenobots are less than a millimetre wide. They can move, work together in groups and self-heal. Although they are not what we imagine robots to be, scientists say they are technically robots. They are a machine-animal hybrid. The scientists say xenobots are “an entirely new life-form”
A new variant of the covid-19 virus is beginning to spread worldwide. The WHO named the mutation Omicron, after a letter of the Greek alphabet. It was first reported in Botswana on the 9th of November. Two weeks later, it was detected in South Africa and flagged as a “virus of concern”. Soon after this, cases were reported in Hong Kong, Israel, Madagascar and Belgium. Epidemiologists have warned that this new strain could be extremely infectious. They also said it may be able to evade protections afforded us by current vaccines. This has led to countries reinstating travel bans. Despite these, new cases have already been reported in the UK, Germany and the Czech Republic.
STEP 1 | Reading | Read the following passage about a campus situation.
Additional Writing Course
Attention, science students. Starting next semester, the school will be offering two writing classes: Basic Writing for Science and Intermediate Writing for Science. These classes have been made in response to the recent complaints about the writing abilities of science students. Students who want to take either of these two classes should meet Professor Johnson first and get an application form.
STEP 2 | Note Taking | Take notes on the reading
① Topic: New writing courses for science students
② Reason: To increase science students’ writing abilities
STEP 3 |Organizing 解答の組み立て | Answer the following question using the above information.
Q : What is the school going to do?
A : The school will offer two writing classes to help improve its science students’ writing.
▮ Listen
STEP 4 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a conversation on the same topic, and take notes.
Opinion : Likes the classes
Reason : The classes will teach him how to write and be more persuasive, and they may help him get into graduate school.
Opinion: Dislikes the classes
Reason: These classes are a waste of time since she can already write.
M : Did you hear about the new writing class? I think this is a waste of time considering that all of us can already write. Why do we need to learn writing? We will become scientists,not writers!
W : Oh, do you think so? Well, I disagree with you. I think these new classes are great. I always hated English classes, so I never developed any writing skills. You know, these classes will not just be about writing but will also teach us how to be more persuasive. Hopefully, taking these classes can help me get into graduate school.
▮ Speak
STEP 5 | Response 解答| Make your response using the above information
Q The man expresses his opinion about the new classes the school will offer. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for having that opinion.
Your Response
The man thinks the new classes are great. Because he hated English class, he doesn’t have any skills. So he wants to take the class in order to go to graduate school.
STEP 6 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
the man likes the classes because he wants to improve his writing skills to get into graduate school. He always hated English classes, so his skills have not improved.
Chefs in the United Kingdom may soon have to change their cooking methods. They will no longer be able to boil seafood alive. The U.K. government is looking at research that accepts that sea life like lobsters, octopuses and crabs feel pain. The studies could change how people treat and kill these creatures. The research is part of the UK’s Animal Welfare Bill. This recognizes that all animals with a spine are “sentient beings”. Being “sentient” means being able to feel things like pain, distress and joy. Researchers at the London School of Economics (LSE) looked at 300 different studies to reach their conclusion that octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, crabs, lobsters and crayfish have feelings.
Foreign travel has been beyond most of us for the past 18 months because of restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. However, there are signs of hope for us to resume our sojourns to exotic and faraway places. The National Geographic magazine has released its list of the top 25 travel destinations for 2022. The list is split into five categories: adventure, culture and history, family, nature and sustainability. George Stone, Nat Geo’s executive editor for travel, explained the rationale behind the list and how covid-19 helped shape it. He said: “In many ways, the pandemic provided a moment for travellers and communities around the world to reflect and regroup on how we explore the world.”