
ネイティブのリアル英語 : blue-chip stock 国際優良株




  blue-chip stock 国際優良株

国際優良株 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?

アメリカでは  ”     blue-chip stock   ” といいます。


Apple is widely regarded as a blue-chip stock due to its consistent

financial performance and strong brand recognition.



「blue-chip stock」とは、一般的に安定的な経営基盤を持ち、投資家にとって




つまり、blue-chip stockは、優れた企業が発行する安定的な株式を指し、


例えば、AppleやMicrosoftなどがblue-chip stockの代表的な例とされています。

色を使った株式に関連した 慣用句・表現」

● Red Chips :中国本土に本拠を置く企業の香港上場株式を指し、


● Pink Sheets :未上場の小規模企業や、上場しているが株式取引量が


● Green Stocks :環境に配慮したビジネスに取り組んでいる企業の株式を指し、


● Yellow Stocks :急激に変動する株式市場において、投資家がリスクを回避する



「Wrap up  勝つ」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

Pauline only invests in blue-chip stocks, but I like to take risks by investing in smaller, newer companies.


 Pauline only invests in well-established companies, but I like to take risks by investing in smaller, newer companies.


   Pauline only inves’ in blue-chip stocks, b’d I like ta take risks by investing ’n smaller, newer companies.


stock of a well-established company, usually having a reputation for good management.



Time Manager」、「受講目的(目標スコア)」、「テストスコア履歴」を入力しましょう!

★ カスタマーサポート(日本事務局)にデータ入力を依頼することもできます。


▮ マイチューター News Course  

▮ マイチューター TEDで英会話

IELTSスピーキング―試験官はここをチェックしている! 評価基準(1)

IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! ディスコースマーカー

Fluency and coherence 流暢さと首尾一貫性

まずは、評価基準最初のカテゴリーFluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性では、


● 長いポーズ(沈黙)や言葉のつかえなしに自然なスピードで話しているか。

● 考えを明確に、同じことを繰り返さずに、わかりやすく伝えられているか。

● ディスコース・マーカー(繋ぎ語)を適切に使って話に一貫性があるか。

Fluencyとは、”速すぎず遅すぎない” 自然なスピードです。 残念なことに、受験者の中で、








ディスコース・マーカー を使った回答例

質問: Does your name have a special meaning?

質問: What are some places of interest in your town?

質問: What are some places of interest in your town?



  • Well
  • Uhh
  • Mmm
  • Oh
  • You know
  • I mean
  • Now

■論理的・構成的に話を伝える / 話題展開

  • 一般的な文 (General Statement)
    • Generally, …
    • In general, …
    • Generally speaking, …
    • As a rule, …
    • On the whole, …
    • In many cases, …

  • 対比 (Contrast)
    • but
    • however
    • yet
    • nevertheless
    • instead
    • oppositely
    • although
    • even though
    • while
    • whereas
    • even if
    • in spite of

  • 比較 (Comparison)
    • in contrast
    • on the other hand
    • while
    • whereas
    • however
    • yet
    • similarly
    • likewise
    • In the same way
    • unlike

  • 理由 (Cause)
    • because
    • since
    • as
    • because of
    • thanks to
    • due to

  • 効果 (Effect)
    • now that
    • therefore
    • so
    • thus
    • hence
    • consequently

  • 付加/追加 (Addition)
    • in addition
    • besides
    • moreover
    • then
    • also furthermore

  • 再説明 (Explanation Rephrase)
    • in other words
    • that is to say
    • i.e.
    • namely
    • to put it differently
    • in short

  • 制限 (Limitation)
    • As far as I know
    • As far as I am concerned

  • 例 (Example)
    • for example
    • for instance
    • to illustrate

  • リスト (Listing)
    • First
    • Second
    • Third
    • To begin with

  • 要約 (Sum-up)
    • To conclude
    • To sum up
    • To summarize
    • In short
    • In brief
ネイティブのリアル英語 : wrap up 勝つ


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!


  wrap up 勝つ

勝つ 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?

アメリカでは  ”     wrap up   ” といいます。


Our team wrapped up the game in the last few minutes

with two quick goals.



“wrap up” が使われることがあります。


相手チームを抑えることを指して、「We need to wrap up the game


このように、競技において “wrap up” が “win” と同義語として使われることがあります。

また、“Wrap up” は、会議やイベントなどを終了することを意味でも使われます。

“Wrap up” は、直訳すると「包む、巻き上げる」という意味がありますが、




Let’s wrap up this meeting. (この会議をまとめましょう。)

The event was wrapped up with a closing ceremony. (閉会式でイベントが終了しました。)

このように、”wrap up” は会議やイベントを終了する際に、内容をまとめる、

整理するという意味合いが強く、“to finish” と同義語として使用されることがあります。

wrap  を使った 他の慣用句・表現」

● wrap it up – それを終わらせる、包む、まとめる

● wrap your head around something – 何かを理解する、受け入れる

● wrap someone around your finger – 誰かを操る、操作する

● wrap someone in cotton wool – 誰かをかわいがる、保護する

● wrap up warm – 暖かく着る、厚着する

 wrap something up in a nutshell – 要点を簡潔にまとめる、簡潔に述べる

● wrapped up in something – 何かに夢中になる、没頭する

● wrapped up in oneself – 自己中心的になる、自己陶酔に浸る

「Wrap up  勝つ」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

If Patricia Wrede does well in the debate, she will have this election wrapped up!


If Patricia Wrede does well in the debate, she will have this election won!


   If Patricia Wrede does well ’n the debate, she’ll have this alection wrapped up!


1. to win • 2. to finish.



Time Manager」、「受講目的(目標スコア)」、「テストスコア履歴」を入力しましょう!

★ カスタマーサポート(日本事務局)にデータ入力を依頼することもできます。


▮ マイチューター News Course  

▮ マイチューター TEDで英会話

Commerce [商業]  目次 サンプル教材

Commerce  [商業]

(15ユニット 45レッスン/25分) レッスン数は受講者のにより異なります。

市販教材:  Oxford English for Careers Commerce 1 Student Book   


 必要の際は ネット通販などでお買い求めください






1. The business environment

2. The company

3. Travel

4. Sport

5. Sales

6. Cultural awareness

7. Trade fairs

8. Advertising

9. Fashion and style

10. Technology

11. Job satisfaction

12. Market research

13. Bright ideas

14. Dealing with people

15. Getting a job

ネイティブのリアル英語 :  win by a landslide 圧勝する




   win by a landslide 圧勝する

圧勝する 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?

アメリカでは  ”     win by a landslide   ” といいます。


In the recent election, the incumbent president won by a landslide,

receiving over 70% of the popular vote.



“landslide” とは地滑りや山崩れのことですので、 “win by a landslide” 






いったイメージが強いので、「 勝利 」 といわれてもすぐにはピンときませんが、


「「landslide と 類似語の慣用句・表現」

● to face a landslide of criticism – 批判の嵐に直面する

● to cause a landslide of emotions – 感情の大波を引き起こす

● to ride the landslide to success – 圧倒的な勝利を成功につなげる

● to experience a mental landslide – 心の崩壊を経験する

● to be buried in a landslide of paperwork – 書類の山に埋もれる

● to cause a political landslide – 政治的地盤を変える、政治的な転換をもたらす

● landslide victory – 圧倒的な勝利

● landslide win – 圧倒的な勝利

「landslide  を使った 他の慣用句・表現」

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

Everybody loves our candidate. He’s going to win by a landslide!


Everybody loves our candidate. He’s going to win by an overwhelming number of votes!


   Ev’rybody loves ’ar can’idit. He’s gonna win by a lan’slide!


to win by an overwhelming number of votes.



Time Manager」、「受講目的(目標スコア)」、「テストスコア履歴」を入力しましょう!

★ カスタマーサポート(日本事務局)にデータ入力を依頼することもできます。


▮ マイチューター News Course  

▮ マイチューター TEDで英会話

英検準1級 二次試験(面接)攻略 ナレーション(2分)

英検準1級 二次試験(面接)とは

英検準1級 二次試験(面接)の合格率は2012年から



▮ イラストの展開には法則がある

4コマ イラストの展開には以下のような法則があります。



▮ 全て過去形を使う

「XX said」と前置きしてからそのまま引用します。
余裕のある方は「XX asked」など、

▮ 各コマ冒頭は時間表現がら始める

2~4コマめには A week later などの時間の推移

―― 問題例  ―― 

You have one minute to prepare.

This is a story about a married couple who worked in a big city.

You have two minutes to narrate the story.

Your story should begin with the following sentence:

One weekend, a couple was visiting the man’s parents’ farm in the countryside.

出典: 英検準1級二次試験 2017年度第2回


One weekend, a couple was visiting the man’s parents’ farm in the countryside. They looked concerned to hear that the parents thought they were getting too old for farming.

A week later, the couple was back at their apartment in the city. They were talking in the living room, and the man suggested that they quit their jobs and go to the farm to help with the farm work. The man’s wife looked unsure about whether that was a good idea.

The following year, the couple had returned to the farm. They were working outside, and the man was pleased to see that his parents were enjoying the opportunity to spend time with their grandchildren.

A few months later, however, the man’s wife told him that she missed city  life as they were sitting at the table.

英検準1級 二次試験(面接)対策 特訓ゼミはこちらから 

英検1級 面接対策 出題分野別表から選べるようになりました







(1) genre table (分野別表)から受講者が選ぶ方法

   受講者が事前にTOPICをgenre table (分野別表)から選び、「講師への連絡」

   からレッスン番号(例:genre table Lesson 3 )を伝えていただく形式

    genre table (分野別表)はこちらをクリック

(2)1 TOPIC chosen by tutor (講師が選んだ1トピックを使う)


(3) Mock test students select 1 TOPIC from 5 TOPICS

    (実際の試験同様、受講者が5 トピックスから 1トピックを選ぶ)

ネイティブのリアル英語 : waffle 曖昧な事を言う


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!


    waffle 曖昧な事を言う

曖昧な事を言う 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?

アメリカでは  ”     waffle   ” といいます。


The politician was waffling on their stance on the issue,

giving vague answers to the reporters’ questions.







使う際には「waffle on about ~」というパターンでよく使われています。











sweet を使った例文」

● The sweet smell of success” – 成功の香り
● Life is just a bowl of sweets” – 人生は美味しいものだらけ
● Too sweet to be true” – 本当にありえないほど素晴らしい
● A sweet tooth” – 甘いものが大好きな人
● Sweet dreams” – 甘い夢
● A sweetheart deal” – とても優遇な取引
● A sweet talker” – 話術がうまい人
● Sweet nothing” – うそぶき

    take a stand  態度を示す 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I asked Francine how she feels about abortion, but she always stalls or changes the subject. I hate it when she waffles!


I asked Francine how she feels about abortion, but she always stalls or changes the subject. I hate it when she evades an issue!


   I ast Francine how she feels aboud abortion, b’t she ahweez stalls ’er changes the subject. I hate it when she waffles!


to avoid an issue, to be vague and misleading



Time Manager」、「受講目的(目標スコア)」、「テストスコア履歴」を入力しましょう!

★ カスタマーサポート(日本事務局)にデータ入力を依頼することもできます。


▮ マイチューター News Course  

▮ マイチューター TEDで英会話

IELTSスピーキング Part2,3 よく出る質問とモデル回答 (2)

IELTS スピーキング 「パート2」では指定されたトピックについてのスピーチが求められます。


準備時間    1分
回答時間   1-2分
内容   トピックカードで指示された内容に関して1-2分のスピーチを行う





▮ IELTS スピーキング 評価基準 

(1) 流暢さ・一貫性     言葉に詰まることなくスムーズに回答できている・適切な接続詞を用いて一貫性のある回答ができる
(2) 語彙力
(3) 文法
(4) 発音正しい発音を生成できている・聴き取りやすく分かりやすい発音である

それでは、スピーキング「パート2」「パート3」のよく出る問題と モデル回答を紹介します。

IELTS Speaking 「Part2」  よく出る問題 (2)

Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in.

You should say:

  • where it is / Where it would be
  • what you would (like to) do there
  • who you would (like to) live therewith

and explain why you would like to live in this place.


I would like to describe my dream house, which would be located in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood in the countryside. It would be surrounded by lush green fields and rolling hills, providing a serene and tranquil setting for my family and me. The house itself would be a spacious and modern two-story design, with large windows that would let in plenty of natural light. It would have an open-plan living room, dining room, and kitchen, as well as a cozy den with a fireplace for colder evenings. On the second floor, there would be three bedrooms and two bathrooms, providing ample space for my family and guests. In my dream house, I would love to spend time gardening and growing my own vegetables and herbs in the large backyard. I would also enjoy spending time outside, either relaxing on the patio or playing with my children and pets. I would like to live in this place with my spouse and children, as well as our pets. We would create many cherished memories together in this beautiful and peaceful home, surrounded by the stunning natural beauty of the countryside. The reason I would like to live in this place is that it would provide a peaceful and relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. I would love the chance to live in a spacious and modern home that is surrounded by nature, where I can spend time with my family and connect with the beauty of the natural world. Additionally, the quiet and peaceful neighborhood would provide a safe and nurturing environment for my children to grow up in. Overall, my dream house would be the perfect place for me and my family to live, offering a serene and peaceful setting, ample space, and close proximity to nature. I believe that this would be the ideal home for us, providing a comfortable and happy environment where we can create many happy memories and enjoy a peaceful and fulfilling life.

IELTS Speaking 「 Part3」  「Part2」に関連する問題

➤ Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?


This is a question that many people face when it comes to choosing a place to live. There are pros and cons to both renting and buying, and the answer depends on a variety of factors, such as one’s financial situation, lifestyle, and long-term goals.   For some people, renting can be a better option as it offers more flexibility and requires less financial commitment. Renting allows people to move more easily if they need to change location, whether for personal or professional reasons. Additionally, renters do not have to worry about the costs associated with owning a home, such as maintenance, property taxes, and mortgage payments.  On the other hand, buying a home can provide a sense of stability and long-term investment. When you own a home, you have the freedom to make changes and improvements to the property, and the value of the home can appreciate over time, potentially providing a financial gain when it’s sold. Additionally, the mortgage payments you make each month contribute to building equity in the property, and once the mortgage is paid off, you will have a valuable asset that you can pass down to future generations.  In my opinion, the decision of whether to rent or buy ultimately depends on one’s individual circumstances and priorities. For those who value flexibility and have a more transient lifestyle, renting may be a better choice. For those who value stability and are looking to build long-term wealth, buying may be the way to go.  In conclusion, whether it’s better to rent or buy a place to live in depends on many factors and requires careful consideration of one’s financial situation, lifestyle, and long-term goals. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the decision will ultimately depend on each person’s unique circumstances.

➤ How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?


The ease of finding a place to live in my country can vary depending on several factors, including location, cost, and availability. In densely populated urban areas, finding a place to live can be quite challenging. Properties are in high demand, and competition for rental properties and homes for sale can be intense. It is not uncommon for people to wait on waiting lists for months, or even years, to secure a property in these areas. In more rural or suburban areas, finding a place to live is generally easier, but this can also depend on the local housing market. In some rural areas, there may be a limited supply of properties available for rent or for purchase, which can make it more difficult for people to find a place to live.                                In terms of cost, finding a place to live in my country can also be a challenge, especially for those on a limited budget. Housing prices can vary significantly depending on the location and type of property, and many areas have high housing costs. This can make it difficult for people to find affordable housing options.                             Overall, while finding a place to live in my country can be a challenge, there are resources available to help make the process easier. These include online property listings, real estate agents, and local government housing programs. With the right resources and persistence, it is possible to find a suitable place to live.

➤ Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?


The decision of when young adults should stop living with their parents is a complex and personal one, and there is no one right answer to this question. For some young adults, living with their parents into their 20s and even 30s is a practical and financially responsible choice. This can allow them to save money, gain stability, and focus on their education or career. For others, moving out at a younger age may be a necessary step towards independence and personal growth. Living on their own can provide young adults with a sense of responsibility, allowing them to develop important life skills and build their confidence.                       Ultimately, the right age for young adults to stop living with their parents is different for everyone and can depend on various factors such as financial stability, personal goals, and family dynamics. Some young adults may choose to move out earlier, while others may wait until they are more established in their careers or have built up a larger savings. In my opinion, the decision of when young adults should stop living with their parents should be based on what is best for the individual’s circumstances and goals. It is important for young adults to carefully consider their financial situation, personal goals, and family dynamics before making this important decision. In conclusion, there is no one right answer to the question of when young adults should stop living with their parents. The decision should be based on individual circumstances and what is best for the young adult’s personal and financial well-being.

➤ What options are available to young couples looking for accommodation in your country?

In my country, there are several options available to young couples looking for accommodation. These include renting a house or apartment, buying a property, and living in shared housing. For those who prefer a more flexible arrangement, renting a house or apartment is a popular option. Renting allows young couples to live in their desired location without the long-term commitment of purchasing a property. They can also easily move to a different property if they need to.                              For those who are looking to invest in property, buying a house or apartment is a common choice. This option provides the benefits of homeownership, such as building equity and having control over the property. However, buying a property also requires a significant upfront investment and long-term commitment. Finally, for young couples who are looking for a more affordable option, shared housing is another option. This involves sharing a house or apartment with others, which can significantly reduce the cost of housing. Shared housing can also provide a sense of community and support for young couples who are just starting out. In conclusion, there are several options available to young couples looking for accommodation in my country. These include renting a house or apartment, buying a property, and living in shared housing. The choice of accommodation will depend on the couple’s personal preferences, financial situation, and long-term goals.

➤ What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for ourselves?

Making a home for ourselves can bring a great deal of satisfaction and pleasure. Here are a few examples:Personalization: Creating a living space that is unique to our personal style and preferences can be extremely enjoyable. This includes choosing furniture, decor, and colors that reflect our individual taste and personality. Comfort: Making a home that is comfortable and cozy is a key part of the process. This includes ensuring that our home is well-heated and well-lit, and that it has all the amenities we need to feel comfortable and relaxed.Creativity: Making a home can also be an outlet for our creativity. Whether we enjoy DIY projects, gardening, or simply decorating, the process of creating a home can be a wonderful opportunity to express our creativity.Security: Making a home can provide us with a sense of safety and security. Having a place that is truly our own can be incredibly empowering and help us to feel more settled and at ease in the world.Connection: Finally, making a home can be a way to build deeper connections with our loved ones. Whether we are living with family, friends, or partners, creating a shared living space can bring us closer together and help us to build stronger relationships.In conclusion, making a home for ourselves can bring a wide range of pleasures, including personalization, comfort, creativity, security, and connection. Whether we are building a new home or simply renovating an existing one, the process of making a home can be incredibly rewarding and enjoyable.

IELTSスピーキング  使える表現・テンプレート(1)








┃Part 1 受験者自身に関する質問や日常生活に関する質問



I once 〜(私は一度〜)

I remember when 〜(私は〜したときのことを覚えています)

Back when I was 〜(私が〜だったとき)

I don’t remember exactly when, but 〜(いつ頃か定かではないですが〜)

Just the other day 〜(先日〜)

In my childhood 〜(私の子供の頃は〜)

be really into~(〜にすごくハマっている)


be satisfied with~(〜に満足している)

I hate~(〜が嫌いである)

major in~(〜を専攻する)

I’m not really a fan of~(〜はあまり好きではない)

~ is not to my taste.(〜は自分の好みではない)

prefer A to B(BよりAの方がいい)

~ is better option.(〜の方がいい)

once in a while(時々)



compared to~(〜と比べると)

a number of~(いくつかの〜)


rural area(田舎)


If I had a chance, I would ~(もし機会があれば〜するのですが)



be knowledge about~(〜に関して詳しい)


the majority of ~(多くの〜)

be likely to do(〜しそうである)

from an objective point of view(客観的に)

leisure time activity(趣味)

relieve stress(ストレスを和らげる)

increase one’s concentration on study(勉強への集中を高める)


night owl(夜型の人)

interpersonal relationship(対人関係)

have an aversion to~(〜が嫌いである)

logical reasoning(論理的推論)

sing out of tune(音痴である)

long-cherished dream(長く持ち続けていた夢)


detached house(一軒家)

study at my own pace(自分のペースで勉強する)

sit back and relax(リラックスする)


lead a stress-free life(ストレスがない生活を送る)

self-motivated — 意欲的な

affable — 話やすい、気さくな

personable ー 愛想のよい、感じのよい (= having a pleasant appearance and manner)

agreeable — 愛想のよい、人当たりのよい (= pleasant and try to please people)

 amiable — 友好的な

 polite — 礼儀正しい

likable — 好感の持てる、好ましい

gregarious — 人と接するのが好きな

extrovert — 社交的な (=social,outgoing ⇔ introvert 「内気な」)

considerate — 思いやりのある

sympathetic — 同情心のある

understanding — 理解力のある、物分かりのよい (sympathetic と同様、同情心の厚いという意味もある)

diplomatic — 外交的な、人付き合いの巧みな

impartial — 公平な (⇔ partial 「不公平な」)

straight-forward — 正直な、素直な

generous — 寛容な

helpful — 人助けになる

patient — 忍耐強い

Resourceful — (問題処理の手を)色々考えつく

Proactive — 率先的な

Practical — 現実的な

organised — 几帳面な

efficient — 効率的な

hardworking — 働き者の

diligent — 勤勉な

versatile — 多芸多才の

adaptable — 順応できる

dependable — 頼れる、頼もしい (= reliable)

trustworthy — 信頼できる

energetic — エネルギッシュな、元気旺盛な

adventurous — 冒険好きの

enthusiastic — 熱心な、熱狂的な

cheerful — 陽気な (=feisty 「元気旺盛な」)

chatty — 話好きな (talkativeは、 口数の多いというネガティブなイメージ)

non-judgmental —(個人的・一方的・断定的)判断を避ける

laid-back — リラックスした、のんきな (=easy-going)

determined — 決心の堅い

passionate — 情熱的な

decisive — 決断力のある (⇔ indecisive 「優柔不断な」)

courageous — 勇気のある

fearless — 恐れを知らない