
英検3級について  About EIKEN Grade3

出典: 公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会


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EIKEN Grade-4 Vocabulary Cards

サンプル教材 (Sample Material )

EIKEN Grade-5 Vocabulary Cards

サンプル教材 (Sample Material )

英検5級 試験内容  About EIKEN Grade 5




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IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法!  ディスコースマーカー 4  「因果関係」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法 ディスコースマーカー 4     「因果関係」Purpose、Result 

IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で









▮ディスコースマーカー 機能表現  因果関係 Purpose、Result

話しを論理的に展開するうえで、因果関係が重要です。A と B のどちらが原因でどちらが結果なのかに注意してください。


● Sample 1:

We don’t have a lot of green tea bags orders this month, on the contrary, many are buying coffee beans.

Explanation: There are opposing demands. Few people want green tea while many wants coffee beans.

● Sample 2:

It’s wrong to think that people who live in the countryside are poor; equally, people in the city are not all rich.

Explanation: It talks about two things that can be viewed the same.


 because / as / since(~だから)

now (that)(今や~なので)


after all(なにしろ~なのだから)

because of / due to / on account of / owing to(~だから)

The reason (why …) is that ~(理由は~)

This is because SV(これは~だからだ)※this が結果、SVが原因

as a result of A, B(A の結果として B)※A が原因、B が結果

This is evidenced by ~(これは~を根拠にしている)


so / therefore / thus / hence(よって、だから)

consequently / accordingly(その結果)

as a result / as a consequence / in consequence(その結果)

This is why SV(だから~)※this が原因、SVが結果

~ so that …(~である。その結果…)

so ~ that …(非常に~なので…)

such ~ that …(非常に~なので…)

This indicates that ~(これは~を示している)

Drill  ドリル 


1. My friend is getting married this weekend as a result I need to find a dress and take a leave to prepare for the occasion. 2. You’ve done such a great job, hence, the immediate promotion. 3. My children ate chocolate cake after dinner. For that reason, they weren’t able to sleep early. 4. The important papers that she sent to the immigration got there almost late. For some reason or another, they had to cram going to the embassy to settle the rest of the requirements. 5. John and Marge have won the dance competition because of their long hours of practice, dedication and creativity.


TOEFL ITP    Lesson Course Summary

準備中  2023年9月 中旬 レッスン開始を予定しています。

Preparing… Scheduled to start lessons in September 2023.

英検 CEFRとの対照表及びTOEFL Junior テストについて

TOEFL Junior ― 英検とのスコア換算

TOEFL Junior英検

TOEFL Junior Standard テスト構成 (Test Structure)

セクション (Section)問題数 (Questions)時間 (Minutes)
Listening Comprehension 
42 問約40分
Language Form and Meaning
42 問25分
Reading Comprehension 
42 問50分
Total 126 問約115分 (about 115 minutes)

★ スコアは5点間隔です。 (The scores are in intervals of 5 points)

● Listening Comprehension 


● Reading Comprehension


● Language Form and Meaning (文法・語彙)


テスト形式  (Test Format)

★ ペーパーベース・四択マークシート方式 ( Paper-based, four-choice marking sheet method )

★ CBT(Computer Based Testing)

TOEFL ITP Reading Comprehension 30

▮ レッスンコース名: TOEFL ITP Reading Comprehension 30

▮ レベル    :   CEFR A2~,  TOEIC  400~,  英検準2級~ 

▮ レッスン数  :    30 レッスン (25分/レッスン) 

  *「TOEFL ITP Reading Comprehension  50」のLesson1~30と同じ問題です。

▮ 特徴  :  ● Primary Testで自分の現在の能力と弱点をチェック
         ● 頻出問題の出題パターンを知り、読解問題を完全攻略するためのトレーニング

▮ レッスンの概要

  「Primary Test」で自分の現在の能力と弱点をチェックした後、「Reading Comprehension」
  最終的には、本番に向けた学習成果を確認する「Practice Test」,[Final test」と進みます。


▮ レッスン目次はこちら⇒


Tutor Only

▮ Course Name:      TOEFL ITP Reading Comprehension 30

▮ Level:          CEFR A2~, TOEIC 400 ~, Eiken Grade Pre-2 ~

▮ Number of Lessons:   30 Lessons (25 minutes/lesson)

*Same questions as Lessons 1 through 30 of [Reading Comprehension 50]

▮ Characteristics:

 ● Checking your current abilities and weaknesses with the Primary Test
 ● Training to understand the patterns of frequently appearing questions and to completely conquer reading comprehension problems

▮ Course Overview:

Please complete (pre-study) the materials (problems) to be used in the lesson in advance. In the lesson, you will review the problems with the instructor and learn how to answer the questions, focusing on important points and vocabulary in long passages. After checking your current abilities and weaknesses with the ‘Primary Test’, you will understand the patterns of frequently appearing questions in ‘Reading Comprehension’ and work on basic problems to fully master reading comprehension problems. Finally, you will confirm your learning outcomes for the actual test with the ‘Practice Test’, ‘Final Test’

Please refer to the course Contents here ⇒

TOEFL ITP Reading Comprehension 50

▮ レッスンコース名: TOEFL ITP Reading Comprehension 50

▮ レベル    :   CEFR A2~,  TOEIC  400~,  英検準2級~ 

▮ レッスン数  :    50 レッスン (25分/レッスン) 

  *Lesson1~30 は「TOEFL ITP Reading Comprehension 30」と同じ問題です。

▮ 特徴  :  ● Primary Testで自分の現在の能力と弱点をチェック
         ● 頻出問題の出題パターンを知り、読解問題を完全攻略するためのトレーニング

▮ レッスンの概要

  「Primary Test」で自分の現在の能力と弱点をチェックした後、「Reading Comprehension」
  最終的には、本番に向けた学習成果を確認する「Practice Test」、「Final Test 」、
  「Mock Test」 レッスンとなります。  

▮ レッスン目次はこちら⇒


Tutor Only

▮ Course Name:      TOEFL ITP Reading Comprehension 50

▮ Level:          CEFR A2~, TOEIC 400 ~, Eiken Grade Pre-2 ~

▮ Number of Lessons:   50 Lessons (25 minutes/lesson)

*Lessons 1 through 30 contain the same questions as [Reading Comprehension 30]

▮ Characteristics:

 ● Checking your current abilities and weaknesses with the Primary Test
 ● Training to understand the patterns of frequently appearing questions and to completely conquer reading comprehension problems

▮ Course Overview:

Please complete (pre-study) the materials (problems) to be used in the lesson in advance. In the lesson, you will review the problems with the instructor and learn how to answer the questions, focusing on important points and vocabulary in long passages. After checking your current abilities and weaknesses with the ‘Primary Test’, you will understand the patterns of frequently appearing questions in ‘Reading Comprehension’ and work on basic problems to fully master reading comprehension problems. Finally, you will confirm your learning outcomes for the actual test with the ‘Practice Test’, ‘Final Test’, and ‘Mock Test’ lessons.

Please refer to the course Contents here ⇒

TOEFL ITP Listening 30

▮ レッスンコース名:   TOEFL ITP Listening 30

▮ 対象レベル    :  CEFR A2~,  TOEIC  400~,  英検準2級~ 

▮ レッスン数  :     30 レッスン  (25分/レッスン) 

        *「TOEFL ITP Listening 50」のLesson1~30と同じ問題です。    

▮ 特徴  :  ● LEVEL 1 に対応した類似問題(音声付き)を使います。
         ● Part A (短い会話)、Part B(長めの会話)、Part C(長めの会話や講義)

▮ レッスンの概要

  「Primary Test」で自分の現在の能力と弱点をチェックした後、Part A(短い会話)、
  Part B(長めの会話)、Part C(長い会話や講義)それぞれに対する頻出問題の

▮ レッスン目次はこちら⇒


Tutor Only

▮ Course Name:   TOEFL ITP Listening 50

▮ Level:       CEFR A2 ~, TOEIC 400 ~, Eiken Grade Pre-2 ~

▮ Number of Lessons:   50 Lessons (25 minutes/lesson)

         *Same questions as Lessons 1 through 30 of 「TOEFL ITP Listening 50」

▮ Characteristics:
 ● Utilizes similar problems (with audio) corresponding to LEVEL 1.
 ● Training focuses on frequently appearing question patterns for each part: Part A (short   conversations), Part B (longer conversations), and Part C (long conversations or lectures).

▮ Course Overview:

Please complete (pre-study) the lesson materials (problems) before the lesson. The lesson will consist of checking the problems with the instructor, learning how to answer the questions, and focusing on important points and vocabulary in the passage. After checking your current ability and weaknesses with the 「Primary Test」, you will undergo training to master the answer patterns for frequently appearing questions for each part: Part A (short conversations), Part B (longer conversations), and Part C (long conversations or lectures). Ultimately, the lessons will serve to confirm your learning outcomes in preparation for the actual test.

▮ Lesson Contents