When you go to Paris for the week, just take a carry-on. That way you can avoid the long line at baggage claim.
When you go to Paris for the week, just take a small bag which you can easily carry with you on the airplane. That way you can avoid the long line at baggage claim.
When ya go da Paris fer the week, jus’ take a carry-on. That way you c’n avoid the long line ’it baggage claim.
carry を使ったイデオム
Carry the day : 勝利を収める、成功する
Despite the underdog status of the team, their determination carried the day. チームが不利と見られていたにも関わらず、彼らの決意が勝利をもたらした。
2.Carry a torch for someone :誰かに未練がある、誰かを長い間愛している He’s been carrying a torch for her since high school. 彼は高校時代から彼女をずっと愛している。
3. Carry the can : 責任を取る I’m not going to carry the can for mistakes that were made before I joined the team. 私がチームに参加する前に起きたミスの責任を取るつもりはありません。
4. Carry on : 続ける、頑張る Even though it was tough, she carried on and completed the project. 大変だったけれど、彼女は頑張り続けてプロジェクトを完成させた。
5. Carry out : 実行する、遂行する They carried out the plan without any hitches. 彼らは何の問題もなく計画を遂行した。
▮ Level: CEFR B2, TOEFL Jr. 800 and above, Eiken Grade-2 to Pre-1
▮ Number of Lessons: ● Language Form and Meaning: 122 pages, 20-30 lessons – Sample Material ● Reading Comprehension: 115 pages, 30-40 lessons – Sample Material ● Listening Comprehension: 97 pages, 20-30 lessons – Sample Material
Note: 1 lesson = 25 minutes. The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the lesson.
▮ Teaching material: The teaching materials will be provided by the tutor during the lesson time. For those who need to prepare or review, you will receive the materials for the next session (multiple sessions possible) at the end of the lesson, as instructed by the tutor. If you need all the materials at once, please contact customer support
▮ Lesson Overview
The TOEFL Junior® Master course is a highly effective curriculum designed to help students score highly on the TOEFL Junior® Standard Test by carefully studying its details. The learning curriculum is divided into three stages, from beginner to advanced. The TOEFL Junior Master Advance targets advanced students aiming for scores of 800 and above. It aims for a level where students can constantly understand complex sentences and expressions by utilizing their knowledge of complex word structures and vocabulary.
▮ Differences between the ‘TOEFL Junior’ and ‘TOEFL Junior Master’ Courses
You can start from either the ‘TOEFL Junior’ or ‘TOEFL Junior Master’ courses.
‘TOEFL Junior’ has materials created for two levels, ‘beginner’ and ‘intermediate-advanced’. If you prefer a lesson more tailored to your level, we recommend the ‘TOEFL Junior® Master’.
It’s also advisable to start from the ‘TOEFL Junior Master’, which is divided into three levels, and take the necessary subjects in ‘TOEFL Junior’ if you have extra time.
▮ Level: CEFR B1, TOEFL Jr. 730-800, Eiken Pre-2nd Grade to 2nd Grade
▮ Number of Lessons: ● Language Form and Meaning: 125 pages, 20-30 lessons – Sample Material ● Reading Comprehension: 119 pages, 30-40 lessons – Sample Material ● Listening Comprehension: 100 pages, 20-30 lessons – Sample Material
Note: 1 lesson = 25 minutes. The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the lesson.
▮ Teaching material: The teaching materials will be provided by the tutor during the lesson time. For those who need to prepare or review, you will receive the materials for the next session (multiple sessions possible) at the end of the lesson, as instructed by the tutor. If you need all the materials at once, please contact customer support
▮ Lesson Overview
The TOEFL Junior® Master course is a highly effective curriculum designed to help students score highly on the TOEFL Junior® Standard Test by carefully studying its details. The learning curriculum is divided into three stages, from beginner to advanced. The TOEFL Junior Master Intermediate targets intermediate students aiming for scores between 730 and 800. It aims to reach a level where students can understand somewhat complex sentences and expressions, as well as basic content, by utilizing their knowledge of basic word structure and vocabulary.
▮ Differences between the ‘TOEFL Junior’ and ‘TOEFL Junior Master’ Courses
You can start from either the ‘TOEFL Junior’ or ‘TOEFL Junior Master’ courses.
‘TOEFL Junior’ has materials created for two levels, ‘beginner’ and ‘intermediate-advanced’. If you prefer a lesson more tailored to your level, we recommend the ‘TOEFL Junior® Master’.
It’s also advisable to start from the ‘TOEFL Junior Master’, which is divided into three levels, and take the necessary subjects in ‘TOEFL Junior’ if you have extra time.
TOEFL Primary Step 1 Book 1 (125 pages) – 20 to 30 lessons
TOEFL Primary Step 1 Book 2 (125 pages) – 20 to 30 lessons
TOEFL Primary Step 1 Book 3 (125 pages) – 20 to 30 lessons
TOEFL Primary Step 2 Book 1 (128 pages) – 20 to 30 lessons
TOEFL Primary Step 2 Book 2 (128 pages) – 20 to 30 lessons
TOEFL Primary Step 2 Book 3 (128 pages) – 20 to 30 lessons
▮ Number of Lessons: 120 to 180 lessons [1 lesson = 25 minutes]
(Please take only as many lessons as you deem necessary.)
▮ Teaching material: The teaching materials will be provided by the tutor during the lesson time. For those who need to prepare or review, you will receive the materials for the next session (multiple sessions possible) at the end of the lesson, as instructed by the tutor. If you need all the materials at once, please contact customer support
▮ Characteristics: We use exam-like problems to provide easy-to-understand instruction from the basics, according to the student’s level.
▮ Lesson Overview: These are lessons using real-world problems. Preparing in advance will further enhance their effectiveness.
▮ Level: CEFR A2, TOEFL Jr. 655-725, Eiken 3rd Grade to Pre-2nd Grade
▮ Number of Lessons: ● Language Form and Meaning: 125 pages, 20-30 lessons – Sample Material ● Reading Comprehension: 111 pages, 30-40 lessons – Sample Material ● Listening Comprehension: 110 pages, 20-30 lessons – Sample Material
Note: 1 lesson = 25 minutes. The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the lesson.
▮ Teaching material: The teaching materials will be provided by the tutor during the lesson time. For those who need to prepare or review, you will receive the materials for the next session (multiple sessions possible) at the end of the lesson, as instructed by the tutor. If you need all the materials at once, please contact customer support
▮ Lesson Overview
The TOEFL Junior® Master course is a highly effective curriculum designed to help students score highly on the TOEFL Junior® Standard Test by carefully studying its details. The learning curriculum is divided into three stages, from beginner to advanced. The TOEFL Junior Master Basic targets beginners aiming for scores between 655 and 725. The course aims for a level where students can sometimes understand basic sentences, expressions, basic word structures, and vocabulary.
▮ Differences between the ‘TOEFL Junior’ and ‘TOEFL Junior Master’ Courses
You can start from either the ‘TOEFL Junior’ or ‘TOEFL Junior Master’ courses.
‘TOEFL Junior’ has materials created for two levels, ‘beginner’ and ‘intermediate-advanced’. If you prefer a lesson more tailored to your level, we recommend the ‘TOEFL Junior® Master’.
It’s also advisable to start from the ‘TOEFL Junior Master’, which is divided into three levels, and take the necessary subjects in ‘TOEFL Junior’ if you have extra time.