
Let’s Go Book 2― English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name:      Let’s Go Book 2
▮ Number of Lessons:   18 to 36 lessons (72 pages)
(The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.)
▮ Level:      Eiken Jr. Silver, Elementary to Junior High School Students

▮ Course Overview:

Time, third person, ‘s’ in third person singular, present continuous tense

Students will memorize things like greetings and the names of items used at school.

They will learn the usage and differences of expressions like ‘This/That’, the grammar of general verbs and telling time, things about food, daily routines, actions, and so on, to be able to express themselves about these topics.

Let’s GO Begin ~ Let’s GO Book 6  Sample Material

Table of Contents

Let’s Go Book 1― English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name:     Let’s Go Book 1
▮ Number of Lessons:  18 to 36 lessons (72 pages)
(The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.)
▮ Level:       Eiken Jr. Bronze, Elementary to Junior High School Students

▮ Course Overview:

Self-introduction, introduction of others, singular and plural forms.
The course content is designed for acquiring basic conversation skills and vocabulary, and students will memorize words such as names of objects, colors, and shapes.

Students will learn about singular and plural forms, weather and climate, wants and needs, and verbs like eating and drinking.

Expressions of likes and dislikes will also be learned

Let’s GO Begin ~ Let’s GO Book 6  Sample Material

Table of Contents

Let’s Go Begin― English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name: Let’s Go Begin
▮ Number of Lessons: 18 to 36 lessons (72 Pages)
(The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.)
▮ Level: Toddlers to Early Elementary School Students

▮ Course Overview:

‘Let’s Begin’ allows you to learn various English expressions, focusing on basic numbers, colors, and shapes. As it uses simple and familiar objects, it can be used effectively even by children from around 3 years old. Moreover, with cute songs, even little ones can enjoy learning.

It covers content like parts of the body and names of shapes, making it enjoyable even for adult beginners or those who have not taken middle school English very seriously and thus lack confidence in their English abilities.

You will be able to learn the very basics needed to start English conversation♪

Let’s GO Begin ~ Let’s GO Book 6  Sample Material

Let’s Go Level ・Guidelines for Taking the Eiken Test

Let’s GOEIKEN Age ・ Grade
Let’s BeginPreschool ~ Lower Elementary School
Let’s Go 1Eiken Jr. Bronz Elementary ~ Junior High School
Let’s Go 2Eiken Jr. SilverElementary ~ Junior High School
Let’s Go 3Eiken Jr. GoldElementary ~ Junior High School
Let’s Go 4Eiken Jr. Gold~ Eiken G-5Junior High School G-1
Let’s Go 5Eiken G-4Junior High School G-2
Let’s Go 6Eiken G-3Junior High School G-3

Let’s GO Begin Contents

● Unit 1 – Toys(おもちゃ)
Hi! What’s your name?お名前を聞く、答える、立つ、座る(Stand up/Sit down)の表現、ボールやおもちゃなど、身近なおもちゃの名前を学習します。

● Unit 2 – Colors(色) Hello!、Hi!、Good bey!などの挨拶、Come here. Turn around.の表現と動作、様々な色を学びながら、これは何色?ピンク!といった表現を学習します。フォニックスはAa, Bb, Cc, Dd

● Unit 3 – Shapes(形)
How are you today?I’m fine, thank you.の挨拶の受け答え、動作を表すWalk. Run.、ものの形、形について聞く、答えるなどの表現を学習します。フォニックスはEe, Ff, Gg, H

● Unit 4 – Numbers(数字)
May I come in? Sure! Please come in!の受け答え、動作を表す、Go. Stop.、1〜10の数字、How many?と質問し答える表現などを学習します。フォニックスはIi, Jj, Kk, Ll

● Unit 5 – Animals(動物)
Here you are. Thank you.のここにあるよ、ありがとうの受け答え、動作を表すJump. Skip.、動物の名前、動物の数を数え複数形にするなどの表現を学習します。フォニックスはMm, Nn, Oo, Pp

● Unit 6 – Food(食べ物)
How old are you? I’m 6.の年齢に関する受け答え、動作を表すMake a line. Make a circle.、様々な食べ物の名前、I like cake. Do you like fish? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.などの表現を学びます。フォニックスはQq, Rr, Ss, Tt

● Unit 7 – My Body(体)
Oops! I’m sorry.That’s OK.のごめんね、いいよの受け答え、動作を表すStamp your feet. Clap your hands.、体の部位の名前、単数形、複数形の表現、What can you do? I can touch my head.などの会話を学びます。フォニックスはUu, Vv, Ww

● Unit 8 – I Can(動作)
Let’s play.OK. Let’s play~の表現、動作を表す、Point to the board. Go to the board.自転車に乗る、歌を歌うなど、〜を〜するという動作に関する表現を学びます。フォニックスはXx, Yy, Zz

Starter English ―  English Site

   Japanese Site

▮ Course Name:     Starter English
▮ Number of Lessons:  22 lessons
(The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.)
▮ Level:        Elementary School Beginners, Short Conversations

▮ Course Overview: This course is designed for elementary school students starting English conversation for the first time. It is also compatible with the ‘Children’s English Test 「Jido EIKEN」” . Students will be able to use everyday greetings and have simple conversations in English

  ▮ Original Material

 Lesson 1.pdf

 Lesson 2.pdf

 Lesson 3.pdf

 Lesson 4.pdf

 Lesson 5.pdf

 Lesson 6.pdf

 Lesson 7.pdf

 Lesson 8.pdf

 Lesson 9.pdf

 Lesson 10.pdf

 Lesson 11.pdf

 Lesson 12.pdf

 Lesson 13.pdf

 Lesson 14.pdf

 Lesson 15.pdf

 Lesson 16.pdf

 Lesson 17.pdf

 Lesson 18.pdf

 Lesson 19.pdf

 Lesson 20.pdf

 Lesson 21.pdf

 Lesson 22.pdf

Jr. English ― English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name:   Jr. English (Junior Basic English 1)
▮ Number of Lessons:   Between 12 to 24 Lessons
(The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of progress.)
▮ Level:     Lower elementary school beginner, words + short greetings
This is a course for lower elementary school students who are just starting English conversation. Using flashcards, students will learn and pronounce simple greetings, numbers, animals, fruits, expressions of emotions, etc., and be able to answer simple questions.

▮ Lesson Overview:

Following the Flash Card Lessons, we have prepared our original course ‘Jr. English 1 12-24 Lessons’ for those who wish to take their learning to a slightly higher level than the Flash Card Lessons. The course focuses on learning the names of objects, expressions, greetings, etc., along with simple sentences using illustrations. The sentences used are very limited and simple, making it a lesson where you can get a little accustomed to English conversation.

  ▮ Original Material)














Flash Card Class―English Site

Japanese Site

Flash Card Class 

BC 43

More than 600 Essential English Words for Kids (Corresponding to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s English Notebook 1 & 2)

▮ Course Name:    Flash Card Class
▮ Number of Lessons:  Between 43 to 50 Lessons
(The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of progress.)
▮ Level:    Lower elementary school, first experience with English

▮ Lesson Overview:

A flashcard is a card with a picture, such as an apple, on the front and its English spelling on the back.

The key point of the lesson is to directly associate the image of the item with the English word in your mind, without translating it into Japanese.

Instructor: What is it? (Showing the student the flashcard with an apple)
Student: Apple.

Following that, we correct the student’s response to a full sentence, like ‘It is an apple’, and have the student repeat the pronunciation. It is important not to make them remember by translating into Japanese, such as apple = apple, but to directly recognize the picture of the apple = apple.

Flash Card Original Material

 1.) Alphabet (1).pdf

 1.) Alphabet (2).pdf

 2.) Numbers.pdf

 3.) Actions.pdf

 4.) Colors.pdf

 5.) Shapes.pdf

 6.) Family.pdf

 7.) Job’s.pdf

 8.) Buildings.pdf

 9.) Vehicles.pdf

 10.) Animals.pdf

 11.) Insects.pdf

 12.) Plants.pdf

 13.) Weather.pdf

 14.) Calendar.pdf

 15.) Day’s of the week.pdf

 16.) Four Seasons.pdf

 17.) Events (1).pdf

 17.) Events (2).pdf

 18.) Culture in Japan.pdf

 19.) Foods and Condements.pdf

 20.) Fruits (1).pdf

 20.) Fruits (2).pdf

 21.) Vegetables.pdf

 22.) Drinks.pdf

 23.) Snacks.pdf

 24.) Cuisine.pdf

 25.) Tableware.pdf

 26.) School.pdf

 27.) Subjects.pdf

 28.) Person’s in school.pdf

 29.) School Activities.pdf

 30.) School Facilities.pdf

 31.) School Supplies.pdf

 32.) School Zone.pdf

 33.) Flags.pdf

 34.) Adjective (Feelings).pdf

 35.) Adjective (Shape, Looks).pdf

 36.) Something belongs.pdf

 37.) Something to wear.pdf

 38.) Clothes.pdf

 39.) Verb (Music).pdf

 40.) Verb Breaktime Activities.pdf

 41.) Verb Daily Events.pdf

 42.) Verb Others.pdf

 43.) Verb Sports.pdf

ネイティブのリアル英語  jet lag   時差ぼけ



ネイティブのリアル英語  jet lag   時差ぼけ



英語で「時差ぼけ」のことをjet lagと言います。

 「ジェット機」を意味する jet と、「ずれ」を意味する lag から出来た言葉です。


ことから jet lag と呼ばれるようになりました。


I can’t sleep because of jet lag.



I still have a little jet lag from my New York trip.


Have a some coffee. that should help.

コーヒーを飲んだら。 良くなるんじゃない。

「 jet lag   時差ぼけ 」 習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I never get jet lag when I travel to Europe. But when I travel back home, I’m exhausted!


I never get tired from the time change when I travel to Europe. But when I travel back home, I’m exhausted!


I never get jet lag when I travel da Europe. B’t when I travel back home, I’m exhausted!

lag を使ったイディオム

● Lag behind: 進行が遅れる、後れを取る

Despite his efforts, he always seemed to lag behind in the race.

● Behind the lag: 遅れている、遅れている状態で

Our team is still behind the lag in adopting the new technology.

● Running a lag: 遅れを取り戻す、遅れを埋める
She’s been working overtime to run a lag and meet the project deadline.”

● Lagging indicator: 遅行指標(経済などで、変化が起こる前に発生する傾向を示す指標)

Unemployment rate is often considered a lagging indicator of economic health.

● Lag time: 遅れ時間、滞留時間

There’s a lag time between placing the order and receiving the product.

Everyday Conversation Course (日常会話コース)

Lesson Course Summary (レッスンコース 概要一覧)

Basic ~ Pre-Intermediate  初級~準中級者向け

Intermediate   中級者向け

Pre-Advance~  準上級者向け

EIKEN Gade 5 Lesson Course – English Site

Japanese Site

For preparation of EIKEN Grade 5, we offer four courses. The Textbook Class is the most standard lesson for the first exam preparation. If you need to improve on your weaker subjects, consider taking the Past Exam Class and Vocabulary Card Class. Although the speaking test in the second exam does not affect the pass/fail decision, we recommend taking it as it will boost your confidence in English expression and also prepare you for interview tests from Grade 3 onwards. Please note that it is not necessary to take all lessons. Take only the necessary lessons at your discretion. Moreover, it is possible to change courses midway.

● All instructors will be in charge.

Contents of the EIKEN Grade 5

There are four courses for English Proficiency Test Grade 5

▮ Textbook Class 【29 Lessons】    Most popular!

We have analyzed the trends of questions and summarized the key points to pass the test on a two-page spread. After explaining the key points on the left page (the class will be conducted in English), you will solve the exercises on the right page together with the instructor. This is a commercially available textbook. During the lesson, the instructor will show you the materials on a shared screen, but we ask that you prepare them yourself as they will be necessary for previewing and reviewing. Since there are exercises for each lesson, we recommend that you preview them in advance. Please contact customer support for inquiries about the materials. 

▮ Past Exam Class 【12-24 lessons】

This is a curriculum where Questions are organized by Question type, with the ability to review past 5 exams plus additional if desired. You can focus on the types of Question you struggle with (for example: filling in blanks in conversation sentences). Overcome your weaknesses and learn answer techniques in the lessons. The materials are prepared by us. If you need to preview or review, please contact the assigned instructor or customer support.

▮ Vocabulary Card Class 【40 lessons in total】   Sample Material

Sample Material: 587 words in 30 lessons + 25 phrases in 3 lessons + 84 conversational expressions in 7 lessons. The words, phrases, and conversational expressions necessary for Grade 5 are learned using ‘vocabulary cards’, through example sentences and synonyms. When learning words, we ensure that they are pronounced correctly with the pronunciation symbols. Understanding not only the meaning of the word but also its usage will allow you to derive words from the context in sentence rearrangement problems (English composition) and blank filling. The materials can be downloaded from the ‘Original Materials’ menu at the top of the My Page.

▮ Speaking Class (Preparation for Secondary Exam) 【20 lessons in total】 Sample Material

We guide the students towards model answers based on their responses to similar questions. Although the speaking test does not affect pass or fail, we recommend taking it as it will not only increase your confidence in English expression, but also serve as preparation for the interview exams from Level 3 onwards.

EIKEN Gade 4 Lesson Course – English Site

Japanese Site

We offer four courses in preparation for the EIKEN Grade 4 exam. The Textbook Class is the most standard lesson for the first exam. Consider enrolling in the Past Exam Class and Vocabulary Card Class to strengthen your weak subjects. Although the speaking test in the second exam does not influence pass or fail, it is recommended as it builds confidence in your English expression and also prepares you for the interview test from Grade 3 onwards. Please note, it is not necessary to take all the lessons. You can decide which ones to take based on your needs. Additionally, you can also change courses midway.

● All instructors will be in charge.

▮ Textbook Class 【30 Lessons】    Most popular!

We have analyzed the trends of questions and summarized the key points to pass the test on a two-page spread. After explaining the key points on the left page (the class will be conducted in English), you will solve the exercises on the right page together with the instructor. This is a commercially available textbook. During the lesson, the instructor will show you the materials on a shared screen, but we ask that you prepare them yourself as they will be necessary for previewing and reviewing. Since there are exercises for each lesson, we recommend that you preview them in advance. Please contact customer support for inquiries about the materials. 

▮ Past Exam Class 【130~200レッスン】

This is a curriculum where Questions are organized by Question type, with the ability to review past 5 exams plus additional if desired. You can focus on the types of Question you struggle with (for example: Gap fill in Dialogue). Overcome your weaknesses and learn answer techniques in the lessons. The materials are prepared by us. If you need to preview or review, please contact the assigned instructor or customer support.

▮ Vocabulary Card Class 【40 Lessons】 sample material

Include 542 words in 27 lessons,+ 91 idioms in 6 lessons, + 136 conversational expressions in 7 lessons. You will learn the words, idioms, and conversational expressions necessary for Grade 4 by using ‘Vocabulary Cards’ and understanding them through example sentences and synonyms. When memorizing words, always ensure to be able to pronounce them correctly along with their phonetic symbols. Understanding not just the meanings of the words, but also their usages, will enable you to derive words from the context in short sentence rearrangement questions (English composition) and blank filling. The materials can be downloaded from the ‘Original Materials’ option in the upper menu of your mypage.

▮ Speaking Class (Preparation for Secondary Exam) 【20 lessons in total】

Sample Material

We guide the students towards model answers based on their responses to similar questions. Although the speaking test does not affect pass or fail, we recommend taking it as it will not only increase your confidence in English expression, but also serve as preparation for the interview exams from Level 3 onwards.