
Fast & EASY MINI DIALOGUE―English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Lesson Course Name:   Fast & EASY MINI DIALOGUE   Sample Material
▮ Level:           CEFR A1 TOEIC 120-200, Eiken Grade 4-3

▮ Number of Lessons:    40 lessons (Please take only the necessary ones)

▮ Teaching Material :     Original Material

▮ Lesson Features:

☑  Innovative training method using simple and short dialogues.
☑  Designed to make learning English enjoyable and natural.
☑  Enables you to speak English quickly (Fast) and easily (Easy) without overthinking.  

☑ Emphasizes repetition of the same words and sentences to reinforce learning.

▮ Lesson Activities:

● Checking the meaning, pronunciation, etc., of key vocabulary.
● Paraphrasing important phrases.
● Role-playing dialogues with the instructor.
● Discussing topics with the instructor.

IELTS バンドスコア 7+ 対策法!  ディスコースマーカー 7  「時」「判断」

IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+対策法 ディスコースマーカー 7     時 TIME, 判断 ASSESSMENT

IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で









▮ディスコースマーカー 機能表現  



● Sample 1:

Paul started his own business few years. Meanwhile, his wife is still in school and will graduate soon.

Explanation: Something is going on with Paul at the same time with his wife.

● Sample 2:

The picture on the wall is oddly painted.

Explanation: It explains that the painting is strange.

「時」の ディスコースマーカー 

After a while : 後に、少し間をおいて、少し間を置いて、しばらくしてから

After than         : ~よりも後に

Afterward              : のちに、あとで、その後

At the same time  : 同時に、(…と)同時に、そうではあるが

In the meantime  : (2 つのことが起こる)その間に、それまでは

Meanwhile      : (次のことが始まる)それまでは、(一方)その間、そうしている間に、

Previously         : 以前に、前もって

Simultaneously   : 同時に、(…と)同時に

Subsequently     : その後、後に、(…に)続いて


Astonishingly   驚くほど

Oddly      奇妙に、奇異に、奇妙にも

Importantly    重大に、大事そうに、(さらに)重要なことには

Incredibly    信じられないほど、非常に、

Inevitably    必然的に、必ず、当然

Ironically    皮肉に、反語的に、皮肉なことには、

Justifiably    正当に、当然に、当然なこととして

Regrettably   気の毒なほどに、残念にも、遺憾ながら、

Unremarkably  通常の状態で

試験で使える! ディスコースマーカーを使った回答文


1. How do you organize your time? 

Use ‘at the same time’ in the beginning of your answer.

● Sample Answer:

 I think that’s a really tough question. I love organizing my things, but sadly, I can’t seem to manage my time well. Anyhow, I have this plain notebook where I jot down everything I need to do that day and put how much time I need to spend on a particular task, or at least how much time I think I need to spend on it. At the same time, I avoid my phone by all means, especially if I’m working on an important chore. I also turn off my social media notifications so that I don’t get distracted.

Drill  ドリル 


1. We have to hurry up packing our bags. Our bus will be here in a while. 2. The project manager took care of everything – materials, workers, shifts, venue, but more importantly, medics and daily wage are all set. 3. The materials used in the car are strikingly elegant. 4. We tried to get the tickets, but, sadly, it was sold out in 10 hours. 5. You have to hold the stick and pull this rope at the same time so that it can reveal the painting.


EIKEN Lesson Course Summary―English Site

Japanese Site

Characteristics of the Eiken Curriculum

● Textbook Class(G-Pre1~G-5)―We have summarized the question trends and all the key points necessary for passing in a two-page spread. On the left page, the key points will be explained, and the instruction will be conducted in English. Subsequently, on the right page, practice questions will be solved together with the instructor.

● Past Exam Class (G-Pre1 ~ G-5) ―Past 5 attempts + additional attempts are also possible. Thorough guidance based on question formats, overcoming weaknesses, and acquiring answer techniques.

● Vocabulary Card Class (G-2~G-5)―We will learn the necessary vocabulary, phrases, and conversational expressions for each level while checking pronunciation, using example sentences and synonyms.

● Writing Class(G-1~G-3)―Skype lessons using practical exercises + 24-hour feedback-based correction service

● Preparation for the Second Stage Exam – Interview(G-1~G-3)―Comprehensive lessons using practical exercises

● Preparation for the Speaking Test(G-4,G-5)― From fundamentals to practical formats, including model answers

● Correction Service―In addition to My-ROOM and Skype (ZOOM) lessons, you can also make use of the correction service.

● Tutors: 全ての講師が担当します。
● Course Plans and Fees








Everyday Conversation Course (日常会話コース)

Lesson Course Summary (レッスンコース 概要一覧)

Basic ~ Pre-Intermediate  初級~準中級者向け

Intermediate   中級者向け

Pre-Advance~  準上級者向け

TEEN TALK (1), (2)―English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name:    Teen Talk 1-2

▮ Number of Lessons:   40 topics, 80 lessons (1 lesson = 25 minutes)

Teen Talk (1): 20 topics, 40 lessons
Teen Talk (2): 20 topics, 40 lessons
(The number of lessons may vary depending on the students’ level and the pace of the lessons.)

▮ Target Level:   High school students, intermediate to advanced, Eiken® Pre-2 to Pre-1

The new TEEN TALK maintains the highest quality and offers a wide range of vocabulary acquisition, new conversations, topics, perspectives, etc.

As you know, teenagers have a sophisticated worldview and speak clearly in their native language. However, unfortunately, they may lack confidence and only have a childish vocabulary when it comes to speaking English.

This book is designed to address that dilemma accurately. The overall objective is to present interesting “issues” that teenagers face, ask several important questions, and provide various different perspectives on the topic, allowing them to acquire freedom of thought and expression.

Students can respond in an appropriate manner, agree or disagree with the given tasks, and develop their own solutions and insights.

This material is not intended for teaching grammar. We believe that grammar is already taught quite well in regular English classes, so we do not focus on it here.

Instead, this material emphasizes developing open expression skills in English for non-native English speakers.

▮ Features of the lessons:

Teen Talk 1-2

There are 40 topics available. The estimated time for each topic is 50 minutes (2 lessons), but it may vary depending on the students’ level.

90   What – Does – it – Mean Quizzes

176  comprehension Questions

288  discussion Points

116  Opinion Samples

40   Reading Practices

Topics ― Contents

Teen Talk 1

Teen Talk 2


CHAT ROOM FOR TEENS 1〜3―English Site

Japanese Site

Chat Room 16

▮ Lesson Course Name:   Chat Room for Teens 1┃Chat Room for Teens 2┃Chat Room for Teens 3

▮ Number of Lessons:   1-3, each with 30 lessons; a total of 90 lessons (1 lesson = 25 minutes)

(The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the lessons.)

▮ Level:      Eiken® Pre-2 to 2nd grade

▮ Lesson Features:

● Over 500 diverse questions are provided.
● Topics that are familiar to middle and high school students.
● Practical vocabulary and expressions that engage interest can be learned.
● Develops English proficiency applicable in various situations.
● Consists of 1-3 topics, with each topic comprising 10 lessons. The estimated duration for each topic is approximately:
1 topic = 3 lessons = 75 minutes (25 minutes × 3), but it may vary depending on the student’s level.

CHAT ROOM FOR TEENS is the optimal learning material for middle and high school students to freely communicate with anyone around the world. It enables expressing oneself freely through a wide range of related topics. The abundance of questions and examples that resonate with the interests of middle and high school students fosters enthusiasm.

Especially, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers, so there is no need to be intimidating compared to discussing the same topics in one’s own language instead of English. This natural and continuously engaging method of learning English will help learners from around the world achieve their goals, gain confidence, and acquire language proficiency.

After all, English is the global lingua franca. When a German, French, Chinese, and Japanese meet in Moscow, they will undoubtedly converse in English. Among them, those who possess the ability to express themselves accurately and effortlessly are warmly welcomed by their peers.

CHAT ROOM FOR TEENS is a learning material designed for English learners worldwide to freely communicate in English.

MyTutor Textbook Course List by Level

▮ Chat Room for Teens 1     (Table of Contents)

Chat Room 1

▮ サンプル レッスン

Chat Room 2-2

Chat Room 3-3
Chat Room 4-4

Chat Room 5-5

Chat Room 6-6
Chat Room 7-7
Chat Room 8-8

Chat Room 9-9

Chat Room 10-10

Chat Room 11-11

Chat Room 12-12

Chat Room 13-13

Chat Room 14-14

Chat Room 15-15

Teen 2 Teen – Level (4)―English Site

Japanese Site

Teen 2 Teen (1) (2) (3) (4)➤

Teen 2 Teen Level (4)  12 Topics   30~60 Lessons(25分/1 lesson)

▮ Lesson Course Name:      Teen 2 Teen Level (4)
▮ Number of Lessons:     12 topics, 30-60 lessons (1 lesson = 25 minutes)

The pace of the lessons may vary based on the student’s learning progress.
If you have any preferences regarding the pace (such as faster or slower learning) regardless of the learning progress, please contact Customer Support.

▮ Target Level: Ages    13-19, CEFR B1-B2 / Eiken 2nd grade to Pre-1st grade

The pace of the lessons may vary based on the student’s learning progress.
If you have any preferences regarding the pace (such as faster or slower learning) regardless of the learning progress, please contact Customer Support.

▮ Features:
The aim is to enhance advanced proficiency in expressions, grammar, and communication skills. You will practice advanced English expressions used in various fields, such as business English and academic English.
Target Audience: This learning material is designed for teenagers with advanced English proficiency.

Table of Contents    


Teen 2 Teen – Level (3)―English Site

Japanese Site

Teen 2 Teen (1) (2) (3) (4)

Teen 2 Teen Level (3)  12 Topics   30~60 Lessons(25分/1 lesson)

▮ Lesson Course Name:      Teen 2 Teen Level (3)
▮ Number of Lessons:     12 topics, 30-60 lessons (1 lesson = 25 minutes)

The pace of the lessons may vary based on the student’s learning progress.
If you have any preferences regarding the pace (such as faster or slower learning) regardless of the learning progress, please contact Customer Support.

▮ Target Level:      Ages 13-19, CEFR B1 / Eiken Pre-2nd grade to 2nd grade

The pace of the lessons may vary based on the student’s learning progress.
If you have any preferences regarding the pace (such as faster or slower learning) regardless of the learning progress, please contact Customer Support.

▮ Features:
You will learn more advanced vocabulary and grammar, and practice the four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing at a higher level. Additionally, you will practice expressions required for more advanced communication, such as presentations and debates in English.
Target Audience: This learning material is designed for teenagers who have achieved a certain level of mastery in English

Table of Contents    


Teen 2 Teen – Level (2)―English Site

Japanese Site

Teen 2 Teen (1) (2) (3) (4) ➤

Teen 2 Teen Level (2)  12 Topics   30~60 Lessons  (25分/1 lesson)

Target Student Level: Ages 13 to 19, CEFR A2 / Eiken Level 3 to Pre-2

★ The pace of lessons will vary based on the learner’s level of mastery.
If you have preferences regarding the pace of progress (whether you wish to learn quickly or slowly regardless of your level of mastery), please contact Customer Support.

「Teen 2 Teen Level 2」

Level: Elementary to Intermediate (CEFR A2)

Features: The goal is to deepen the understanding of more complex grammar, expressions, and grammar rules. Practice expressions necessary for conversations and situations in daily life, and acquire practical English skills.

Target Audience: This material is intended for teenagers who have started learning English to some extent.

Table of Contents   


Teen 2 Teen Level (1) ―English Site 

Japanese Site

Teen 2 Teen (1) (2) (3) (4)👉

▮ Lesson Course Name:    Teen 2 Teen Level (1)
▮ Number of Lessons:    12 topics, 30-60 lessons (1 lesson = 25 minutes)

The pace of the lessons may vary based on the student’s learning progress.
If you have any preferences regarding the pace (such as faster or slower learning) regardless of the learning progress, please contact Customer Support.

▮ Target Level:   Ages 13-19, CEFR B1-B2 / Eiken 2nd grade to Pre-1st grade

The pace of the lessons may vary based on the student’s learning progress.
If you have any preferences regarding the pace (such as faster or slower learning) regardless of the learning progress, please contact Customer Support.

▮ Features:
The goal is to learn commonly used vocabulary and expressions in daily life and master simple grammar. Additionally, you can practice all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing equally.
Target Audience: This learning material is designed for teenagers who are beginning to learn English.

Table of Contents    目次
