
Questions: ジェイ・ウォーカーが語る世界の英語熱

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):

  1. What does the video shows about Sports Mania?
  2. What does the video shows about Religious Mania?
  3. What does the speakers opinion about manias?
  4. What is the term used by the speaker about the new mania of the world?
  5. What is the single word definition of English?
  6. What is the second language of the world?
  7. What is Mathematics?
  8. What is Music?
  9. How did the speaker define English?
  10. .How many Chinese Student study and wants to take the test in English. ?


Part 2  (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What is the main idea that Mr. Walker wants us to understand?
  2. Walker states that it is ‘not America pushing English but the world pulling it’. As learners of English do you agree?
  3. Do you think English is a difficult language to learn? Yes or no?
  4. Do you think that English will completely dominate all the other languages in the future? If yes, how will it affect the world?
  5. What is your mother tongue?
  6. How many languages do you speak?
  7. How did you learn your second language?
  8. What’s the best way to learn a foreign language?
  9. What methods do you use to remember vocabulary better?
  10. Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?
  11. Have you ever spoken English on the phone?
  12. How often do you practice your English?
  13. What is your favorite way to practice your English?
  14. What is the most difficult thing about English?
  15. Why are you learning English?
  16. What do you think you will be able to do in English in the future?
  17. Do you think that English will completely dominate all the other languages in the future? If yes, how will it affect the world?
  18. How much time do you spend looking out of the window during class?
  19. If you are really absorbed in lessons, do the classroom arrangements matter?
  20. How do you use the Internet to learn English?


Part 3   (Activity):    MULTIPLE CHOICE

ted 50
ted 51

Questions: ジュディ・マクドナルド・ジョンストン 「人生で良い終わりを迎えるためにするべきこと」

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What does the speaker talked about?
  2. What does she know about the topic? –
  3. Where did Jim and Shirley Modini spend their 68 years of marriage?
  4. How did Jim and Shirley spend their final years?
  5. Who died first?
  6. How many practices did the speaker show?
  7. What are those practices?


 Part 2  (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. What is your reaction after watching this video?
  2. Are you afraid to die? Why?
  3. In some cultures people mourn death and others celebrate it. Do you think death is a mournful cessation of life or a celebration?
  4. Which among death ritual is preferable: burial, cremation or mummification?
  5. What do you think happens after a person dies?
  6. Where do you want to be when you’re no longer independent?
  7. What do you want in terms of medical intervention?
  8. Who’s going to make sure your plan is followed?
  9. Do you think the grieving process is different for different ages?
  10. Do you know someone who has died from a from disease?
  11. What are some ways which you can help a family which has just experienced the death of a family member.
  12. How can you help someone who is dying?
  13. Are you ready to die?
  14. What are some useful euphemisms for telling someone that someone they know has died?
  15. How does it feel when your loved one dies and you were unable to see them for the last time?
  16. What Is End-of-Life Care?
  17. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
  18. How do you tell someone that someone they know has died?
  19. Why are so many people afraid of death, when it is unavoidable?
  20. What causes death?


Part 3  (Activity):   Vocabulary:  Multiple Choice

ted 51

Questions: エド・ヨン: 自殺するコオロギ、ゾンビ化するゴキブリ、その他の寄生生物にまつわる話

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. Why does the large groups of animals formed?


  1. How does the tapeworm infect the body of an Artemia?


  1. Why do the fellow writers of the speaker interested about the story of the parasites?


  1. What were the findings of Kevin Lafferty and the three Californian estuaries about the parasites?


  1. What was the chemical weapon found by Israeli Scientists


Part 2  (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Tell me about insects.
  2. What is the scariest insect for you?
  3. Do you have insect that you like?
  4. Do you think that insects have a role in our world?
  5. Do you know someone who have insect as a pet?
  6. If you have a chance to pet an insect, what type would it be?
  7. Do you have a pet?
  8. What is your pet’s name?
  9. What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?
  10. How do you take care of it?
  11. Do you think they can become a big part of our life?
  12. What influence do you think a pet can give to its owner?
  13. Tell me something about parasites?
  14. What would you do if you got infected with a parasite?
  15. Do you think eating shrimp is not a good thing?


Part 3  (Activity): VOCABULARY MATCH

ted 42

Questions: ジャレド・ダイアモンド: よりよく老いる社会とは?

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What does the speaker talk about?
  2. What is tribal societies?
  3. Where does people in U.S.end up when they get old?
  4. What are the two conditions conditions in society mentioned by the speaker?
  5. What is nomadic society?
  6. What is marginal and fluctuating environment?
  7. What did the speaker talk about about happy extreme?
  8. How many sets of reasons for the variation among societies in the treatment of old people mentioned by the speaker?
  9. What is the first reason?
  10. What is the second reason?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Does caring for grandchildren really suggest a better treatment to the elderly or does it imply the opposite one?
  2. Would it be worthy if we allow the society to grow in a traditional way of living?
  3. Does the situation of elderly people really have something to do with the advances of technology? If so, in what ways?
  4. In your own ways, how can you let the elderly people you know (or may notknow) feel that they are treated well and that they deserve good retirement lives?
  5. What other ways would you suggest on how our societies can support our elders better? 6. Are you afraid of getting old?
  6. What is your ideal old age to live to?
  7. Do you prefer to live in the retirement home or live with young people?
  8. Where do you wish to live when you are old?
  9. Why do you think people send their elders to nursing homes?
  10. Do you think sending your loved ones to nursing homes is a kind of abandonment? 12. Do you think we should take care of our parents when they grow old? Is it a family duty?
  11. Do you ever get tired of family duties?
  12. Does the government in your country care of people in their old age?
  13. Would you consider living in an retirement home when you’re older?
  14. What are the pros and cons of being in a nursing home? Do the pros outweigh the cons?
  15. Are your parents in a nursing home now?
  16. How much does it cost to keep your loved ones in a nursing home?
  17. What do you think is the best age to be?
  18. Many elderly people have disabilities which limit their mobility.Do buses, shops and public buildings in your country provide easy access for the disabled or are your towns and cities designed mainly for the young and able-bodied? Why is this?


Part 3   (Activity): MULTIPLE CHOICE

ted 34
ted 35
ted 36

Questions: パティ・マースによる 「第六感」デバイス のデモ。ゲームの流れを変える着用可能な技術

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What is the name of the device?
  2. How much is the cost of the device?
  3. What is the device look like?
  4. How does the device work?
  5. Who was the genius who implemented and designed the whole system?
  6. How does the camera works?
  7. What are the other features a device could recognize?
  8. How long does Pranav Mistry worked on the device?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Do you think that everybody will use this kind of technology?
  2. How useful is this to everybody?
  3. How completely that this device will be portable to used?
  4. What is seamless?
  5. What is your opinion about Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry that this technology can be a very seamless information to each and everyone?
  6. How does the SixthSense works?
  7. What do you think will happen if this technology will be use in the future?
  8. Does it shows relevance to the people?
  9. What do you think is the price of the device in the future?
  10. Do you think it’s convenient to use?
  11. What do you think is the negative sides of the device?
  12. Does professor Pattie Maes live demonstration of the technology?
  13. Do you think sixthsense technology is existing today?
  14. How does applied coding theory relate to SixthSense?
  15. Is SixthSense project a fraud?
  16. What famous inventors do you know?
  17. What are the best and the most useful inventions of the mankind in the 20th and 21st centuries?
  18. What do you think is the worst invention of the mankind?
  19. Can you name some inventions are you looking forward to?
  20. Are you looking forward for the SixthSense technology soon be available in the market?


Part 3   (Activity):  MULTIPLE CHOICE

ted 33

Questions : エイミー・カディ: ボディランゲージが人を作る

Part 1  ( Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What are those two (2) hormones to become high-power alpha males in primate hierarchies powerful and effective leaders?
  2. How our bodies change our minds?
  3. What is the meaning of social quicksand?
  4. How to manipulate the person with a minimal level?
  5. How to mediate the effect?
  6. What is ―power posing‖ by Amy Cuddy?
  7. What happened to Amy when she was 19?
  8. Who was that teacher of hers in college who encourage her to become an impostor of her own self?
  9. After all the hard work and pain, who is she now in the society?
  10. What is that very thing Amy is trying to persuade ?


Part 2  (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. How your body language influences other people’s perceptions of you?
  2. How it affects your mind and hormones?
  3. How ―power posing‖ can help you ―fake it till you become it.‖?
  4. Why do you think body language is important?
  5. How do you use body language in your daily life?
  6. How does body language help you to communicate?
  7. How can you misinterpret someone’s body language?
  8. Do you try to use body language when you communicate in English?
  9. What actions are friendly? 10. What actions are not allowed?
  10. How do you signal that you’re bored? tired? angry?
  11. What are some gestures that you used when you were a child that you don’t use anymore?
  12. What gesture in your culture do you think is unique from other cultures?
  13. Do gestures help you to understand others and express yourself, or are they sometimes confusing and distracting?
  14. Can you say anything in sign language?
  15. Do you think body language is important?
  16. Can you understand something about a person’s personality by looking at their body language?
  17. Does your eye contact change according to the situation?
  18. Is body language different between men and women?
  19. Some people say ―you can know a person by their handshake‖. Do you agree? Part


Part 3 (Activity):  Vocabulary Match

ted 21ted 22

Questions: 教師へのフィードバックでもたらせる変化-ビルゲイツ

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. Who is the bridge couch of the speaker?
  2. How many percent of teachers got the same feedback of satisfactory?
  3. In what rank does U.S. Is tied for reading, science and math?
  4. What province is considered as best academic performer?
  5. What is the key to Shanghai’s incredible success?
  6. What are their ways in keeping their teachers keep improving?
  7. What is the helpful diagnostic tool in improving teachers’ ways of teaching?
  8. What did Sarah Brown Wessling ideas after she took video in her class?
  9. Does the system require a considerable investment?
  10. What is the importance of having that system?


 Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Do you agree that teachers don’t receive real feedback? Explain.
  2. What do you think on Bill Gates’ presentation on video recording a class. Do you think it’s effective? Why or why not?
  3. In your opinion, what are the other ways on how can teachers improve their performance?
  4. How can we expect teachers (and therapists) to improve and provide the best for our students if they’re not receiving feedback (positive or negative) on their performance?
  5. Would you like to watch videos of yourself teaching or providing therapy?
  6. Does anyone ever observe you or provide you with feedback?
  7. Is it possible to develop reliable measures that identify great teaching?
  8. What different kind of teachers can you name?
  9. Do you enjoy spending time with your teachers?
  10. If you were going to be a teacher, where would you like to teach?
  11. Young people spend a lot of their “formative years” with teachers. On the whole, is this time well-spent?
  12. What kind of formal training do teachers need in your country?
  13. Would you rather learn from a young teacher or an older teacher?
  14. How are you a teacher to someone else?
  15. What do you think it takes to be a good teacher?


Part 3 (Activity):


 Vocabulary: Multiple Choice

1.  Systematic        a. Efficient b. Chaotic c. Confused d. Disorderly
2. Revamp            a. Break b. Damage c. Destroy d. Clean
3,  Satisfactory     a  Unacceptable b. Adequate c. Inappropriate d. insufficient
4,.  Variation       a. Agreement b. Harmony c. Uniformity d. Innovation
5.  Incredible      a Believable b. Plausible c. Ridiculous d. Sensible
6.  Effective        a.  Useful b. Unable c. Weak d. Helpless

Questions : ローレンス・レッシグ「皆で共和国本来の国民の力を取り戻そう」

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What is Lesterland?
  2. what can we say about democracy in Lesterland?
  3. There are three things that he wants us to see when he described Lesterland; what is the first one?
  4. How about the 2nd one?
  5. Now tell me about the 3rd one?


Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Have you tried attending and Election day?
  2. What do you think could have gone wrong during the election day?
  3. Have you ever thought about being a President of your country?
  4. How would you fix the country?
  5. What should be the qualification on becoming a president in your country?
  6. Do you think it is useful to ask the voters these questions?
  7. Do you want to cheat to win the election?
  8. Have you ever caught someone cheating to any situation?
  9. Is a good leader important for the country’s future?
  10. What in your view is the biggest and most urgent problem facing the country? How do you propose to address it?


Part 3 (Activity):  VOCABULARY

ted 20

Questions  マーガレット・グールド・スチュワート: あなたの(そして何十億人の)ための巨大なウェブデザインの方法

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):

  1. What was the speaker trying to talk about regarding the design?
  2. What is really hard about designing?
  3. What was the most favorite Tech Crunch headline of the speaker?
  4. What are the good practices for designing at scale?
  5. What does it mean to design at a global scale?


Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What is the purpose of the website?
  2. Describe the style of the website you want.
  3. Do you have specific company colors that need to be used?
  4. Are there any websites with designs that you like?
  5. What about those websites would you like to be incorporated into your website?
  6. What types of things do you see on other websites that you really like?
  7. What types of things do you see on other websites that you really hate?
  8. Name the 3 things that are most important in the design of your new website.
  9. Name the 3 things that are least important in the design of your new website.
  10. Who or how will you be managing website upkeep?
  11. Do you have a tagline you wish to use or do you need help creating one for your site?
  12. 12. Do you have any specific photos you plan to use?
  13. Do you require online chat features?
  14. Does your site need a blog or a forum?
  15. What features, sections or information do you want emphasized on the site?


Part 3  (Activity): VOCABULARY

ted 20

Questions 「情報の世界をめぐる、タイムマシンの制作」

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What does earth look like based on Frederic Kaplan’s speech?
  2. What is information mushroom?
  3. What is digitization?
  4. What are the two things we need to do if we construct a time machine?
  5. What is the project of the EPFL and the University of Venice Ca’Foscari?
  6. Tell me something about The Venice Time Machine.
  7. How should we communicate this new research to a large audience?


Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Tell me something you know about time machines.
  2. Do you believe we can make such thing?
  3. How would you know this machine works?
  4. Do you want to use the time machine?
  5. What time would you want to go back if you have a time machine?
  6. How about in the future what year would you want to travel?
  7. Do you think it can ruin our present life if we travel through time?
  8. What can you say about changing your destiny by going back to your past?
  9. Do you like to invent things?
  10. What do you want to invent?
  11. Do you love science?
  12. Is science that important to our world?
  13. If you have a messy life in the present would you go back in time? Or you’ll solve the solution to make things right without using time machine?
  14. What do you think are the disadvantage of having a Time machine?
  15. If you could change the world, how will you change it?


 Part 3  (Activity): VOCABULARY MATCH

ted 19