
ジョディー・スタニスロー :砂糖はご褒美ではない

Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard  

砂糖は今日広く受け入れられている食べ物の殆どに潜んでいます。しかし、現在の状況では悲劇的にも交通事故死より多い死をもたらしています。7歳の時に1型糖尿病と診断されて以来、砂糖についての負の効果について勉強して来た自然療法医ジョディー・スタニスロー先生の目を見張るようなお話しは、砂糖の負の効果がどのように私たちに影響を及ぼすか、そして私たちは何が出来るのかを教えてくれます。 ジョディー・スタニスロー博士は2007年に自然療法医学の博士号を取得。糖尿病指導師、1型糖尿病専門家、低糖質糖尿病学会の役員を努める。彼女は殆どの医師が知らない、人生を変える情報と1型糖尿病を患っている人々が知るべき事を教えてくれます。


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グレアム・ショー :絵が描けないと思い込んでいるのはなぜ? これで描ける

Why people believe they can’t draw – and how to prove they can | Graham Shaw 

自分は絵が描けないと思っている人は実に多いのですが、それはなぜでしょう? 私たちはいつから、そう信じ込むようになってしまったのでしょう? グレアム・ショーはとても実践的なやり方で、この幻想を文字どおり打ち砕きます。「描く」という単純な行為のもつ力が、いかに世界を良い方向に変えるかを、彼は示します。 グレアムはコミュニケーション技法の専門家で、重要なプレゼンテーションを行う何千人もの人々を手助けしてきました。マンガをさっと描きながらアイデアを伝える手法で彼を知ったという人が、おそらく一番多いでしょう。『The Art of Business Communication(ビジネス・コミュニケーションの技法)』の著者でもあります。 このビデオはTEDカンファレンスとは独立して運営されるTEDxイベントにおいて収録されたものです。


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グレアム・アリソン: 米中戦争は不可避か?

Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison



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ビル・ゲイツ: もし次の疫病大流行(アウトブレイク)が来たら?

Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready

2014年、世界はエボラの恐ろしい更なるアウトブレイクを免れる事が出来ました。何千人もの自らの犠牲を惜しまない医療従事者達の努力により―そして、率直に言えば単にとても幸運だったお陰で。事態を振り返って、私たちにはもっとやるべきだった事が分かっています。アウトブレ イクのシナリオに沿った計画立案からワクチンの開発、そして医療従事者達のトレーニング―ビル・ゲイツは今こそがあらゆる最善の方法やアイデアを実現する時だと訴えます。 「パニックに陥る必要はありません―でも今、始めなければならないのです。」


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test TED

キャロル・キャドウォラダー:ブレグジットにおけるFacebookの役割とは ― 民主主義に対する脅威

Carole Cadwalladr:Facebook’s role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy 




Ivan Poupyrev: Everything around you can become a computer



キャロル・キャドウォラダー:ブレグジットにおけるFacebookの役割とは ― 民主主義に対する脅威


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. What good facilities did the European Union fund in Ebbw Vale?
  2. How many percent of people voted to leave the European Union?
  3. What reasons did the man whom the lecturer met in front of the sports center say of why he voted to leave the European Union?
  4. Where did the entire referendum take place, according to the lecturer?
  5. Who did the parliament ask multiple times to come to Britain and to give the answers about the referendum that happened in Britain?
  6. What kind of lie was set as an example of misinformation found on Facebook about leaving the European Union?
  7. According to the lecturer, what was the biggest danger in South Wales 100 years ago?
  8. What seems to disrupts electoral laws?
  9. What affects the decisions of the people when it comes to leaving the European Union?
  10. What does the lecturer say about democracy in a technologically advanced world?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1.  Do you have a Facebook account?
  2. How often do you check your Facebook account?
  3. How many friends do you have on Facebook?
  4. What do you do on Facebook?
  5. What’s the best thing about Facebook?
  6. What’s something you don’t like about Facebook?
  7. What type of political system does your country have?
  8. Does the Internet promote democracy?
  9. What has been the impact of the Internet on the democratic process?
  10. What role does social media play in politics?
  11. How does social media affect public policy?
  12. Do you know any story about a problem because of Facebook?
  13. How do you protect your privacy on Facebook?
  14. How does facebook affect juveniles all over the world?
  15. How can facebook be a means for crimes?
  16. What do you think will happen if facebook will shut down suddenly and would never come back?
  17. Do you think people now are too obsessed on using social networking sites?
  18. How did facebook affect or change your life?
  19. What are the advantages of facebook in our society?
  20. What limitations should be set for using facebook?

Part 3 (Activity):

Vocabulary Match



Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. According to the lecture, what is so disappointing about the way people use computers?
  2. What was he title of the book that the lecturer read when he was a teenager?
  3. In the particular example of an orchid which can communicate to you through images and sounds, what didn’t it want?
  4. What was the idea called “Can a tailor make a wearable?” about?
  5. DO tailors who are traditionalists, particularly in Savile Row, use computers?
  6. What do traditionalist-tailors use?
  7. What was the example of wearable technology that the lecturer      presented and wearing?
  8. So, what have the audience and the lecturers proved after presenting the example of a wearable technology?
  9. When this technology happens, what would be the makers of things start to think about?
  10. How long have the lecturer and his team been working on this project?

 Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. How often do you use computers and what do you use them for?
  2. Are computers very important to people? Why?
  3. What are the common things you do with computers?
  4. How do you see computers 50 years from now?
  5. What are some of the greatest technological achievements you can observe in your city?
  6. What are the advantages of technology?
  7. What are the disadvantages of technology?
  8. Do you think technological advances are always good?
  9. How can they sometimes be bad and harmful?
  10. Does this technology prevent great “analog” thinking and learning?
  11. What do you think has been the most important new invention in the last  100 years?
  12. What is your favorite piece of technology you own?
  13. Give some examples of technology that have made the world worse.
  14. Talk about how technology has changed in your lifetime.
  15. How can countries help to create more inventors?
  16. Are there any new gadgets that you really want to get?
  17. What do you think will be the next biggest technological advance?
  18. Do you like new gadgets or do you prefer to use technology you are comfortable with?
  19. How have technological advances affected communication/ how we receive news/ the medical field/ education?
  20. Is there a piece of technology that you really want that doesn’t exist? (i.e. flying cars, teleportation, etc.)

Part 3 (Activity):

Vocabulary Match

デレク・シヴァーズ: 社会運動はどうやって起こすか



Derek Sivers: How to start a movement
