
ベネデッタ・ベルティとエヴェリーン・ボルグマン :難民になるとはどういうことか?

What does it mean to be a refugee?  



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Where will you be able to live in 20 years?



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3 rules for better work-life balance 

私達の多くは 私自身も含めて 無数のちょっとした中断で 毎日が溢れていると感じています。 休日でさえ そう感じるのです 。ビーチで仕事の電話をとってしまったり、 スーパーから上司にテキストを送ったり 家族とピクニックをしている時に 同僚にEメールを送ったり このような行動は大した事ではないと 私達は自分達に言い聞かせています。 たった1通のEメールですからね でも これらの行動には 高い代償が付きものですし、 自分の時間を上手く守るための 賢い戦略も 存在するのです 。


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Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. What examples of small interruptions during our days-off did the speaker provide?
  2. What was the result of the researchers’ study of the recruited parents who were asked to visit a science museum with their kids?
  3. What was the result of another study of the tourists who were asked to have their phones out while visiting an iconic church?
  4. What are the usual causes of some companies losing 32 days of productivity each year?
  5. According to the speaker, what is the first step to remake and create a new culture that respects time?
  6. What are the worries the speaker immediately had in her mind when she heard the word “rest”?
  7. What one strategy did the speaker mention in spending our weekend?
  8. Instead of saying “I’m out of the office. Feel free to Slack me whenever,”, what alternative statement should we say to create clear boundaries as quoted by the speaker?
  9. To uphold the workers’ personal goals of maintaining a work-life balance, how should everyone work together as a team?
  10. Why shouldn’t an employee worry too much about reputation based on the speaker’s point of view?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Do you usually have the enthusiasm to do something fun before/after work?
  2. Do you ever work from home on your days off?
  3. Do you always use all of your vacation days each year?
  4. Which has a bigger priority for you, your personal life or your work?
  5. How do you feel about working overtime?
  6. Are you satisfied and happy with your job?
  7. Do you think many people are happy at work?
  8. Do you agree that salary is the most important factor in work satisfaction? Please explain your answer.
  9. What do you like most about your work, besides your income?
  10. Which of the following things would have a big or minimal impact on your work performance? (Praise, Commission, Good colleagues, A hard-working boss, Working for a company with a good reputation, Promotion opportunities)



Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. What was the speaker’s recurring dream?
  2. What is the speaker’s job, and what is one thing he really enjoys doing?
  3. What were the characters he got to do voice-over?
  4. What was the feedback which for him was constructive?
  5. What were the two things he emphasized about his accent?
  6. How did he compare audio editing with?
  7. What were the illustrations the speaker gave about normal?
  8. How many percent of books had character of color found in 2014, as stated by the speaker?
  9. What were the two big issues the speaker cited?
  10. What for him is the preexisting notion of normal?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What is your personal definition of “normal”?
  2. What do you think is the reason behind discrimination
  3. Did you experience being discriminated because of your traits?
  4. Have you been physically hurt by a racist?
  5. Did you ever have racist thoughts?
  6. Do you think racism will ever vanish from this world?
  7. What punishments should be given for those guilty of racism?
  8. Why do you think favoritism is inevitable?
  9. What’s the worst example of racism you’ve witnessed or experienced?
  10. What would you do at work when racism or discrimination happens between colleagues?

グレアム・ショー :絵が描けないと思い込んでいるのはなぜ? これで描ける


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. What was his reason upon saying this “But I think you can.”?
  2. What were the two things the audience need to do to be able to achieve the ability to draw, as stated by the speaker?
  3. What is the name of the first cartoon character they were going to draw?
  4. According to the speaker, what did they actually learn more than learning how to draw one cartoon?
  5. What’s the name of the fourth cartoon character they drew which had a couple of triangle shapes to make a little bow?
  6. Who are the three examples of people he had worked with, who’ve learned to draw, that actually surprised them, too?
  7. What could be the metaphor of the speaker’s illustration of “couple of wavy lines, little boat (and people inside)”?
  8. What was the speaker’s definition of Aphasia?
  9. What did the speaker not realize until even after his session with the stroke patients?
  10. What did Doctor Mike Jordan say that the speaker quoted?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What is the essence of art for you?
  2. In your view, what is the difference between “modern art” and “conventional art”?
  3. Should art need to be “explained”?
  4. We often consider art in terms of drawing, and painting. What other things come under the term “art”?
  5. It is sometimes claimed that “Art is something which generates an emotional reaction.” What is your opinion?
  6. Should the message of art always be “beautiful”?
  7. Is it possible to use art to communicate our emotions?
  8. Do you own any interesting pieces of art or would you like to own one? What kind of art would you buy/collect?
  9. How great is your interest in art?
  10. What’s the best art gallery you’ve been to?

ジョディー・スタニスロー :砂糖はご褒美ではない


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. What kind of doctor is the speaker?
  2. What is inside the pancreas, according to the speaker?
  3. Based on her speech, what is the responsibility of beta cells and insulin?
  4. What is scary about eating cake, ice cream, even highly-refined carbohydrate foods, like yogurt and granola, cereal, bread, pasta, alcohol- even in moderation?
  5. What was she diagnosed with when she was just seven years old?
  6. According to her speech, how many companies own the entire world’s food brands?
  7. If we keep consuming sugar and keep doing this over a lifetime, what kind of diseases can we possibly acquire as stated by the speaker?
  8. What did the speaker recommend her patient Pam to eat for breakfast before running all those expensive tests?
  9. According to the World Health Organization, how many people today have type 2 diabetes as claimed by the speaker?
  10. When working with her patients, what does she teach them?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

1.Are you afraid of diabetes?

2. Do you know someone suffering from diabetes?

3. What is your opinion to the lifestyle of people who are obese?

4. Do you think you can take eating only protein for breakfast?

5. Do you think it is really wrong to eat “sugar” as a treat?

6. Do you regularly check your blood sugar level?

7. Do you have a sweet tooth?

8. Do you love drinking soda or fruity drinks?

9. How often do you use sugar in a day?

10. What would the world be like without sugar?

ビル・ゲイツ: もし次の疫病大流行(アウトブレイク)が来たら?


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions ):

  1. What were they supposed to do when the nuclear attack came?
  2. According to Bill Gates, what was something people actually invested very little?
  3. What did they not had in order to see how far the virus had spread?
  4. What organization did a great job in orchestrating volunteers?
  5. What can be put back in people in order to protect them which was never tried, according to Bill Gates?
  6. What were the three reasons why Ebola didn’t spread more?
  7. Where and when was the last time germ game was done?
  8. What was the score in the said “germ game”?
  9. What was the World Bank’s estimation if the world would have worldwide flu epidemic?
  10. What could be one positive thing that can come out of the Ebola epidemic which Gates mentioned?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

1. What do you think you can do to prevent your chance of being infected in a pandemic?

2. What would you react if a colleague came in to work showed symptoms of being infected?

3. What is your opinion on how the government should or could do to reduce people’s chance of infection?

4. What difference do you foresee that closing borders would make?

5. Do you agree that wearing a mask makes much difference or does it just give psychological support?

6. How much difference do you think that sanitizing and washing your hands would make?

7. Do you share the same opinion that vaccinations are useful or dangerous?

8. Do you often receive a vaccination for flu in the winter? How is the vaccination given to you?

9. What is your stance about travelling to a country with a significant outbreak?

10. In what ways do you think a pandemic would affect the world’s economy?

グレアム・アリソン: 米中戦争は不可避か?


Part 1 (Comprehension Questions):

  1. What is the challenge mentioned by the speaker on the impact of China’s rise?
  2. In the speaker’s pop quiz, he mentioned that China set out its march to market at 1978. What percentage of China’s population were struggling to survive on less than two dollars a day?
  3. According to the speaker, 40 years later, how much is the percentage of the citizens on the extreme poverty level?
  4. What is the challenge, according to the speaker, will shape our world?
  5. Who is Thucydides?
  6. What is Thucydides’s Trap, and its relevance to USA-China rivalry today, according to the speaker?
  7. What did the former Czech president say upon reacting to the China’s flipping of poverty pyramid, based on the speaker’s speech?
  8. How long did it take China to renovate the Sanyuan Bridge in 2015?
  9. What did the speaker say Chinese President Xi Jinping’s goal was when he became the president six years ago?
  10. What are the good news and bad news mentioned by the speaker about the Thucydidean dynamic?

Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

1. How is the country China perceived by the different media in your country?

2. What aspects of Chinese culture are found in your country?

3. What do you know about China’s politics?

4. Do you agree that China should get more involved in giving solution to the global problems?

5. What can other countries learn from China?

6. How do you personally feel about China?

7. Do you purchase products with the “Made in China” label?

8. In your opinion, do expect that China will become the strongest nation in the world?

9. What do you most appreciate about China?

10. What do you see to be China’s biggest dilemma?


Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent | Safwat Saleem



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