
Questions: パティ・マースによる 「第六感」デバイス のデモ。ゲームの流れを変える着用可能な技術

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What is the name of the device?
  2. How much is the cost of the device?
  3. What is the device look like?
  4. How does the device work?
  5. Who was the genius who implemented and designed the whole system?
  6. How does the camera works?
  7. What are the other features a device could recognize?
  8. How long does Pranav Mistry worked on the device?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Do you think that everybody will use this kind of technology?
  2. How useful is this to everybody?
  3. How completely that this device will be portable to used?
  4. What is seamless?
  5. What is your opinion about Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry that this technology can be a very seamless information to each and everyone?
  6. How does the SixthSense works?
  7. What do you think will happen if this technology will be use in the future?
  8. Does it shows relevance to the people?
  9. What do you think is the price of the device in the future?
  10. Do you think it’s convenient to use?
  11. What do you think is the negative sides of the device?
  12. Does professor Pattie Maes live demonstration of the technology?
  13. Do you think sixthsense technology is existing today?
  14. How does applied coding theory relate to SixthSense?
  15. Is SixthSense project a fraud?
  16. What famous inventors do you know?
  17. What are the best and the most useful inventions of the mankind in the 20th and 21st centuries?
  18. What do you think is the worst invention of the mankind?
  19. Can you name some inventions are you looking forward to?
  20. Are you looking forward for the SixthSense technology soon be available in the market?


Part 3   (Activity):  MULTIPLE CHOICE

ted 33

TEDライブラリー 一覧

人生の傍観者になるな━ トレイシー・エドワーズ (11分05秒)


役立たずなものを作る理由━ シモーン・イェッツ (11分48秒)


知性を持つ機械を恐れるな、協働せよ ━ ガルリ・カスパロフ(14分41秒)


ストレスと友達になる方法━ケリー・マクゴニガル (14分28秒)








有名人が実際には言っていないことを言っているように見せかけた偽映像を、あなたはうまく見分けられますか? この驚くべき講演とデモで、それがどのように作られるのかを

不可能だったものを建てる : ゴールデン・ゲート・ブリッジ ━アレックス・ジェンドラー (5分7秒)


夢を見ることの驚くべき健康への効果 ━マット・ウォーカー (2分3秒)




モナ・リザは、なぜこれほどまでに有名なのか :ノア・チャーニー(5分20秒)



あなたは宇宙貨物輸送機の機長で、宇宙基地に向かう途中、遭難信号を受信しました。1機目は 労働者を乗せていて酸素が欠乏しはじめています。

ダニエル・スパーリングとジル・タル :電気自動車の驚くべき程長い歴史(5分3秒)



2013年、ある研究者グループは、アタリ社のゲームすべてをクリアできるAIシステムを作りたいと考えました。彼らはDeep Q Networks(DQN)というシステムを開発し、それから2年も経たないうちに

ベネデッタ・ベルティとエヴェリーン・ボルグマン :難民になるとはどういうことか?(5分28秒)


キャロル・ファルボトコ:20年後に住むことができるのはどこか? (4分48秒)




グレアム・ショー :絵が描けないと思い込んでいるのはなぜ? これで描ける

自分は絵が描けないと思っている人は実に多いのですが、それはなぜでしょう? 私たちはいつから、そう信じ込むようになってしまったのでしょう?

ジョディー・スタニスロー :砂糖はご褒美ではない


ビル・ゲイツ: もし次の疫病大流行(アウトブレイク)が来たら?


グレアム・アリソン: 米中戦争は不可避か?


キャロル・キャドウォラダー:ブレグジットにおけるFacebookの役割とは ― 民主主義に対する脅威







スチュワート・ラッセル: 安全なAIの為の3原則
超知的な人工知能(AI)の力を享受しながら、機械に支配される破滅的な未来を避けるというのは、どうしたらできるのでしょう? 全知の機械の到来が近

バーバラ・ホロウィッツ: 獣医が知っていて医師が知らないこと



ローラ・ガランテ:  ネット情報の裏に潜む真の意図から身を守るには

リサ・ジェノヴァ: アルツハイマー病を予防するために出来ること

ジョナサン・マークス: 政府は企業と協力するのではなく争うべきである


ステイシー・スミス:  ハリウッドに潜む性差別のデータ

リカルド・セムラー: (ほぼ)ルールなしで会社を経営する方法

エレン・マッカーサー: 私が世界一周単独航海で学んだ意外なこと

ランドール・マンロー: 「もし、こうだったら?」をマンガで問う
ウェブ漫画家のランドール・マンローは「もし こうだったら?」という内容のシンプルな質問に答えています(例えば、「もし光速で移動するボールを打ったら?」)。


スティーブン・ペトラネック: 火星に移住する子供達が生き抜く方法

セルゲイ・ブリン: なぜグーグル・グラスなのか?

アンジェラ・リー・ダックワース: 成功のカギは、やり抜く力

ビル・ゲイツ: 教師へのフィードバックでもたらせる変化

スザーナ・エルクラーノ=アウゼル: 人の脳は、何がそんなに特別なのでしょうか?


アマンダ・パーマー: “お願い”するということ
音楽にお金を出させるのではなく、払いたい人が払えるようにしてあげればいいんだとアマンダ・パーマーは言います。「2メートル半の花嫁 (!)」

マイケル・サンデル: なぜ市場に市民生活を託すべきではないのか?

パメラ・メイヤー: 嘘の見抜き方
私たちは1日に10~200回ほど嘘をつかれており、嘘を見抜く手掛かりはとてもとらえにくく、また直感で自然に分かるものでもありません。「しょっちゅうウソをつかれてしまうあなたへ 」

ゲリー・コバックス: 追跡者の追跡

ジェニファー・ヒーリー: もし車が話せたら事故は避けられる

ジュリアン・トレジャー: 人を惹きつける話し方
せっかく話しているのに、誰も話を聞いていない ― そんな経験はありませんか?そんなあなたに、ジュリアン・トレジャーが救いの手を差し伸べます。

パティ・マース: 「第六感」デバイスのデモ。ゲームの流れを変える着用可能な技術です。

フレデリック・カプラン: 情報の世界をめぐる、タイムマシンの制作

マーガレット・グールド・スチュワート: あなたの(そして何十億人の)ための巨大なウェブデザインの方法

エド・ヨン: 自殺するコオロギ、ゾンビ化するゴキブリ、その他の寄生生物にまつわる話

リサ・ブー: 読書で心が広がる
子どもの頃の夢が…叶わなかったとき、何をしますか? リサ・ブーはアメリカでの新しい生活に慣れるにつれて、視野を広げて彼女の新しい道を作るため、本に頼りました。

BLACK 「ヨーヨーの達人への道」
ヨーヨーをただ回らせるだけでも四苦八苦していた日を覚えていますか? うまい人なら「犬の散歩」もできたかもしれませんね

セバスチャン・サルガド: 写真が見せるサイレントドラマ

エイミー・カディ: ボディランゲージが人を作る


ジュディ・マクドナルド・ジョンストン 「人生で良い終わりを迎えるためにするべきこと」

サイモン シネック: 優れたリーダーはどうやって行動を促すか
サイモン シネックがシンプルで強力なモデルを使って周りを動かすリーダーシップについて説明します。

シ―ナ・アインガ―: 選択術 

セス・ゴーディン: “スライスしたパン”



ジャレド・ダイアモンド: よりよく老いる社会とは?



デレク・シヴァーズ: 社会運動はどうやって起こすか

ラリー・ペイジ: グーグルが向かう未来

ジョン・ハンター: 世界平和ゲーム
ジョン・ハンターは世界中の問題を縦120センチ x 横150センチのべニヤ板の上に広げ、小学4年生の児童たちに解かせます。

クリス・アームソン: 自動運転車は周りの世界をどう見ているのか

Questions : エイミー・カディ: ボディランゲージが人を作る

Part 1  ( Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What are those two (2) hormones to become high-power alpha males in primate hierarchies powerful and effective leaders?
  2. How our bodies change our minds?
  3. What is the meaning of social quicksand?
  4. How to manipulate the person with a minimal level?
  5. How to mediate the effect?
  6. What is ―power posing‖ by Amy Cuddy?
  7. What happened to Amy when she was 19?
  8. Who was that teacher of hers in college who encourage her to become an impostor of her own self?
  9. After all the hard work and pain, who is she now in the society?
  10. What is that very thing Amy is trying to persuade ?


Part 2  (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. How your body language influences other people’s perceptions of you?
  2. How it affects your mind and hormones?
  3. How ―power posing‖ can help you ―fake it till you become it.‖?
  4. Why do you think body language is important?
  5. How do you use body language in your daily life?
  6. How does body language help you to communicate?
  7. How can you misinterpret someone’s body language?
  8. Do you try to use body language when you communicate in English?
  9. What actions are friendly? 10. What actions are not allowed?
  10. How do you signal that you’re bored? tired? angry?
  11. What are some gestures that you used when you were a child that you don’t use anymore?
  12. What gesture in your culture do you think is unique from other cultures?
  13. Do gestures help you to understand others and express yourself, or are they sometimes confusing and distracting?
  14. Can you say anything in sign language?
  15. Do you think body language is important?
  16. Can you understand something about a person’s personality by looking at their body language?
  17. Does your eye contact change according to the situation?
  18. Is body language different between men and women?
  19. Some people say ―you can know a person by their handshake‖. Do you agree? Part


Part 3 (Activity):  Vocabulary Match

ted 21ted 22

Questions: 教師へのフィードバックでもたらせる変化-ビルゲイツ

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. Who is the bridge couch of the speaker?
  2. How many percent of teachers got the same feedback of satisfactory?
  3. In what rank does U.S. Is tied for reading, science and math?
  4. What province is considered as best academic performer?
  5. What is the key to Shanghai’s incredible success?
  6. What are their ways in keeping their teachers keep improving?
  7. What is the helpful diagnostic tool in improving teachers’ ways of teaching?
  8. What did Sarah Brown Wessling ideas after she took video in her class?
  9. Does the system require a considerable investment?
  10. What is the importance of having that system?


 Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Do you agree that teachers don’t receive real feedback? Explain.
  2. What do you think on Bill Gates’ presentation on video recording a class. Do you think it’s effective? Why or why not?
  3. In your opinion, what are the other ways on how can teachers improve their performance?
  4. How can we expect teachers (and therapists) to improve and provide the best for our students if they’re not receiving feedback (positive or negative) on their performance?
  5. Would you like to watch videos of yourself teaching or providing therapy?
  6. Does anyone ever observe you or provide you with feedback?
  7. Is it possible to develop reliable measures that identify great teaching?
  8. What different kind of teachers can you name?
  9. Do you enjoy spending time with your teachers?
  10. If you were going to be a teacher, where would you like to teach?
  11. Young people spend a lot of their “formative years” with teachers. On the whole, is this time well-spent?
  12. What kind of formal training do teachers need in your country?
  13. Would you rather learn from a young teacher or an older teacher?
  14. How are you a teacher to someone else?
  15. What do you think it takes to be a good teacher?


Part 3 (Activity):


 Vocabulary: Multiple Choice

1.  Systematic        a. Efficient b. Chaotic c. Confused d. Disorderly
2. Revamp            a. Break b. Damage c. Destroy d. Clean
3,  Satisfactory     a  Unacceptable b. Adequate c. Inappropriate d. insufficient
4,.  Variation       a. Agreement b. Harmony c. Uniformity d. Innovation
5.  Incredible      a Believable b. Plausible c. Ridiculous d. Sensible
6.  Effective        a.  Useful b. Unable c. Weak d. Helpless

Questions : ローレンス・レッシグ「皆で共和国本来の国民の力を取り戻そう」

Part 1 (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What is Lesterland?
  2. what can we say about democracy in Lesterland?
  3. There are three things that he wants us to see when he described Lesterland; what is the first one?
  4. How about the 2nd one?
  5. Now tell me about the 3rd one?


Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Have you tried attending and Election day?
  2. What do you think could have gone wrong during the election day?
  3. Have you ever thought about being a President of your country?
  4. How would you fix the country?
  5. What should be the qualification on becoming a president in your country?
  6. Do you think it is useful to ask the voters these questions?
  7. Do you want to cheat to win the election?
  8. Have you ever caught someone cheating to any situation?
  9. Is a good leader important for the country’s future?
  10. What in your view is the biggest and most urgent problem facing the country? How do you propose to address it?


Part 3 (Activity):  VOCABULARY

ted 20

Questions  マーガレット・グールド・スチュワート: あなたの(そして何十億人の)ための巨大なウェブデザインの方法

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):

  1. What was the speaker trying to talk about regarding the design?
  2. What is really hard about designing?
  3. What was the most favorite Tech Crunch headline of the speaker?
  4. What are the good practices for designing at scale?
  5. What does it mean to design at a global scale?


Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. What is the purpose of the website?
  2. Describe the style of the website you want.
  3. Do you have specific company colors that need to be used?
  4. Are there any websites with designs that you like?
  5. What about those websites would you like to be incorporated into your website?
  6. What types of things do you see on other websites that you really like?
  7. What types of things do you see on other websites that you really hate?
  8. Name the 3 things that are most important in the design of your new website.
  9. Name the 3 things that are least important in the design of your new website.
  10. Who or how will you be managing website upkeep?
  11. Do you have a tagline you wish to use or do you need help creating one for your site?
  12. 12. Do you have any specific photos you plan to use?
  13. Do you require online chat features?
  14. Does your site need a blog or a forum?
  15. What features, sections or information do you want emphasized on the site?


Part 3  (Activity): VOCABULARY

ted 20

Questions 「情報の世界をめぐる、タイムマシンの制作」

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. What does earth look like based on Frederic Kaplan’s speech?
  2. What is information mushroom?
  3. What is digitization?
  4. What are the two things we need to do if we construct a time machine?
  5. What is the project of the EPFL and the University of Venice Ca’Foscari?
  6. Tell me something about The Venice Time Machine.
  7. How should we communicate this new research to a large audience?


Part 2 (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. Tell me something you know about time machines.
  2. Do you believe we can make such thing?
  3. How would you know this machine works?
  4. Do you want to use the time machine?
  5. What time would you want to go back if you have a time machine?
  6. How about in the future what year would you want to travel?
  7. Do you think it can ruin our present life if we travel through time?
  8. What can you say about changing your destiny by going back to your past?
  9. Do you like to invent things?
  10. What do you want to invent?
  11. Do you love science?
  12. Is science that important to our world?
  13. If you have a messy life in the present would you go back in time? Or you’ll solve the solution to make things right without using time machine?
  14. What do you think are the disadvantage of having a Time machine?
  15. If you could change the world, how will you change it?


 Part 3  (Activity): VOCABULARY MATCH

ted 19

Questions ゲリー・コバックス 「追跡者の追跡」

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):


  1. Who is tracking us?
  2. What is Collusion?
  3. How did Gary experimented collusion?
  4. How much do they really know about our life?
  5. What makes Gary Kovacs amazed to think about?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):


  1. What do you think about Gary Kovacs Speech?
  2. Do you think its true?
  3. What would you do if you knew someone is tracking you?
  4. Have you tried having a stalker?
  5. Have you tried stalking someone?
  6. What is the good thing about stalking someone?
  7. What is the bad thing about stalking someone?
  8. Do you want to try what Gary Kovacs did?
  9. How would you let the tracker track you?
  10. What would you show them?
  11. If you don’t like being track, what would you do?
  12. Do you think telling a police can help?
  13. Do you want to know other people’s information?
  14. What are the information would you want to know from others?
  15. Why do you think the trackers are tracking us?


Part 3   (Activity): FIND THE SYNONYM OF A WORD

ted 18

Questions セルゲイ・ブリン: なぜグーグル・グラスなのか?

Part 1  (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):

➡ Choose the letter of the correct answer

1) What is a Google Glass?
a)  It’s an optical head-mounted display that is designed in the shape of a pair of eyeglasses. It was developed with the mission of producing a ubiquitous computer.
b)  Are a form of protective eyewear designed primarily to prevent bright sunlight and high-energy visible light from damaging or discomforting the eyes.
c)  A single lens for correcting or assisting defective eyesight, especially a monocle.
d)  None of the above
2) Sergey Brin said that the sound goes through, conducts straight to the bones in where?
a) Femur
b) Cranium
c) Rib
d) Mandible
3) When did Google started if we base it during his speech?
a)   10 years ago
b)   30 years ago
c)    15 years ago
d)   20 years ago

  1. What is the reason why they made Google glass?

a)   Project Google Glass
b)   Project Ultimate
c)   Project Eyes
d)   Project Glass

  1. Do you think Google glass will be a success? Yes or No? Why?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):

1) Do you think Google Glasses is much better than smart phones? Yes or No? Why?
2) What roll will technology play in saving live?
3) Is today’s technology good (yes), or bad (no)?
4) Is robots going take over the world one day?
5) What do you think about banning technology?
6) Tell me something about technology 10 years ago.
7) Tell me something about technology today.
8) Do you think the advancement of technology, (such as the inventions of computers and cell phones), could lead to health repercussions, like obesity?
9) Tell me on how the new generation uses technology. (Kids, Teenager, Adults)
10) How important technology is for you?

Part 3   (Activity): VOCABULARY

ted 17

Questions 「ジェニファー・ヒーリー: もし車が話せたら事故は避けられる」

Part 1   (Comprehension Questions with Sample Answer):

  1. What is the topic about?
  2. Tell me something about Car accident in United States.
  3. What did Jennifer Healy’s’ said about her Accident.
  4. “I think we can transform the driving experience by letting our cars talk to each other.” What does she mean about this?
  5. What did she suggest to do for everyone to experience what driving is like now?
  6. Why do we need to do these?


Part 2   (Express Yourself Questions):

  1. Have you ever seen a traffic accident?
  2. Have you been involved in a traffic accident?
  3. Do you know someone who has been involved in a traffic accident?
  4. Have you been injured in a traffic accident?
  5. Do you think talking on cell phones can help cause traffic accidents?
  6. Do you think a motorcycle rider should be required to wear a helmet?
  7. Do you think a person should be required to wear a seat belt?
  8. What kind of insurance do you have on your car?
  9. Have you ever hit an animal at night when you were driving your car?
  10. What kind of safety features in a car would help you if you had a traffic accident?
  11. Are traffic accidents a major cause of death in your country?
  12. Who dies in traffic accidents more? Young? Old? Children? Boys? Girls?
  13. How can traffic accidents be prevented?
  14. What are people not doing that they should to prevent deaths in traffic accidents?
  15. What are you not doing that you should to prevent deaths in traffic accidents?
  16. What should be done in order to prevent traffic congestion in your city?
  17. How do you feel about spending time in rush hours?


Part 3   (Activity): VOCABULARY

ted 16