1. My friend is getting married this weekend as a result I need to find a dress and take a leave to prepare for the occasion. 2. You’ve done such a great job, hence, the immediate promotion. 3. My children ate chocolate cake after dinner. For that reason, they weren’t able to sleep early. 4. The important papers that she sent to the immigration got there almost late. For some reason or another, they had to cram going to the embassy to settle the rest of the requirements. 5. John and Marge have won the dance competition because of their long hours of practice, dedication and creativity.
Well, the word I want to describe it has just slipped my mind. (度忘れする), anyway, the tool to make musical sounds (musical instrument) と表現を変えて説明すればその場を切り抜けることができます。
試験官: Are there any environmental problems in your country?
受験者 A : Yes … we have a serious issue with pollution levels in some of our big cities … exhaust fumes from cars and lorries are definitely one reason for the problem but we also have a lot of heavy industry in some areas and this also results in poor air quality …
試験官 : Do you take an interest in nature?
受験者 B : Well … I’m a city person through and through and don’t get back to nature very often I’m afraid … but like everyone else I’m fascinated by the natural world and I like watching documentaries showing wild animals in their natural habitat …
air quality: the cleanliness of the air we breathe
to become extinct: to no longer exist
to be under threat: to be in danger of becoming extinct
climate change: the change in worldwide weather patterns
to die out: see ‘to become extinct’
endangered species: categories of animals or plants that are in danger of becoming extinct
energy conservation: the careful management of energy resources to ensure they last as long as possible
environmentally friendly: behaviour and products that do not harm the environment
exhaust fumes: the toxic gases given off by vehicles powered by petrol
flash floods: floods that happen quickly
fossil fuels: energy resources like gas and oil that are produced deep below the ground over millions of years
future generations: the people who live after us
to get back to nature: to live a life that is closer to nature
global warming: the increasing temperature of the world brought about by gases such as carbon dioxide
heavy industry: the manufacture of heavy articles and materials in large numbers
humanitarian aid: the act of showing support to people struggling to survive
impact on: the effect on
loss of habitat: the decline in areas of land where animals and plants would normally exist
man-made disaster: widespread damage or loss of life brought about by the action of humans
natural disaster: an event such as an earthquake, flood or hurricane which causes widespread damage or loss of life
natural environment: the place where animals and plants would normally be found in nature
the natural world: the world of nature
oil spill: waste usually deposited in the seas and oceans after an accident at sea
poaching: to hunt and kill wild animals illegally
pollution levels: the amount of toxic waste
pressure group: a group of people who try to raise awareness of issues and try to affect the views and actions of people and organisations
toxic waste: poisonous, unwanted rubbish often produced by industrial processes
wildlife conservation: to protect animals and plants and their habitats
IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で
▮ディスコースマーカー 機能表現 順序(SEQUENTIAL ORDER)
for starters
first of all
to begin/start with,
in the first・second place
next, then
for one・another thing de
let’s move on
let’s finish by
at the end
▮ ディスコースマーカー 機能表現 要約(SUMMARY)
In summary
To wrap up
As a result
All in all
In brief
In sum
In the end
● 問題
1. What’s your typical weekday? Use ‘finally’ in your answer.
● 回答
My weekday routine can be described as monotonous. I follow the same schedule the whole time.
I start my day by taking a peek at my mobile phone for any important messages. Then, I rise to switch on my PC to get ready for work. Sometimes, if I wake up too early, I take time to make breakfast for me and my husband, but on most days, we just have brunch. I start work at 6:30 am until 11:00 am. After that, I take a break until 3:00 pm during which I do my house chores or catch some sleep.
Once my work ends in the late afternoon, around 5:00 pm, I begin preparing for supper. My husband and I eat and do the dishes together afterward. Then, either we’d go for a walk, try to watch a movie or catch up on our readings before finally hitting the sack.
It could get a little boring sometimes. When it does, there’s nothing a bottle or bottles of beer that can’t solve.
(1) Before we begin, we have to check some important details. (2) First, we have to name the people of the committee – their names, titles, and responsibilities. (3) Second, we need to get the exact date and time of the event. Let’s also double check if our venue is final. (4) Last, we have to get the program, the names of our guests and their background and credentials. (5) If we have all of these, let’s move forward.
IELTS スピーキング バンドスコア 7+ 対策法 ディスコースマーカー 1 追加(adding more points)
IELTS スピーキングの採点基準「Fluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性」で
試験で使える文章 追加(adding more points)
● Sample 1:
I don’t think it’s a good idea. She was very specific that the red chair on the left is awful. Besides, you don’t even like it.
Explanation: In the sentence, the idea is that she said about one red chair on the left. Then, use ‘besides’ to add another idea that the other person doesn’t like it too.
● Sample 2:
My family and I like to do quite a few things together. We like to go jogging as well as having dinner together on the weekends.
Explanation: The speaker tells about activities that he/she does with the family. The person mentions one activity and adds another using a discourse marker, as well as.
1. She is leaving her car to her sister when she migrates to another country. Also, her brother will have her house.
2. It’s part of her job to analyze the training needs of the company. Also, she needs to make sure that the training can create change and have good ROI.
3. This is given to the staff. Then, they also get a free mug and pen before they start.
4. It doesn’t matter if she took the TV with her to the new house. Besides, she already left her parents laptops.
5. Getting a job is important to us because I’d like to help out. But studying for my master’s degree is also important.
There are several reasons why travel can be a powerful tool for personal development. Traveling can feel empowering when surrounding yourself with people who don’t know the encyclopedia of your past. It reinforces your willingness to broaden your horizons, to get unstuck and to move in new directions. It provides learning and education about places and history and connects us to other cultures and people. Another importance that few people think about is that travelling gives us a chance to face one’s fears of the unknown, which enables us to test ourselves.
質問:What type of places do you recommend people to visit on vacation? (自分の意見)
Well, it depends. For example, if l have to give advice to a person who is an introvert at heart, which means he or she tends to crave one-on-one conversations, personal time for reflection, and really getting away from it all when they travel. then I would recommend Laos as an acceptably good choice. Laos is a landlocked country with rugged mountains and an enduring favorite of introverted travelers. Travelers can walk through the markets without being overly hassled and feel comfortable dining alone in restaurants while exploring the area.
質問:Do people in your country prefer to travel by car or by train?
I’m not sure but I guess they would choose trains over cars. First, for a person who has motion sickness, travelling by train is much more comfortable compared to travelling by car. Second, some people find the rhythmic motion and noise of this mode of transport whilst viewing the changing scenery totally enthralling. It is suitable for a landscape loving type of person. And finally, the most common reason is the economic material benefit. Traveling by train is obviously cheaper.
質問:What are the advantages of travelling with a group of people ? (自分の意見)
Taking in the sights with a group of people surely has tons of benefits. Safety in numbers is the first one I think of Travelling to unfamiliar destinations can sometimes seem daunting. A group of tourists is less of a target than a single person. Also, if you get sick or hurt, there are people around to help you out. The second one is that it’s cost – effective. Holidaying with a group can help you reduce travel expenses since everyone will be sharing the costs of accommodation, transportation, food, and even tour tickets. It also allows you to take advantage of group rates and discounts.
┃Part 3でよく出題される 質問タイプ
1 Opinion- 自分の意見
What do you think about ‘this’? Remember to say why you think that way and give examples.
2 Evaluate– 他人の意見と行動
What do you think about someone else’s opinion?
3 Future– 未来
What do you think will happen in the future?
4 Cause and Effect– 原因と結果
What caused ‘this’ and/or what effects has ‘it’ had?
5 Hypothetical– 仮説
Talk about imaginary or unreal situations.
6 Compare and Contrast– 比較
Talk about the difference and/or similarities between two things.
7 Past– 過去
How were things different in the past and how have they changed?
また、友人の体系(body )について話すときに「She is thin」と言えば、試験官は痩せているとだけ理解します、thinは、それ以上の表現ではありませんが、「she is skinny」と言うと、友人が痩せすぎている(から心配だ)とネガティブな発言と理解してしまいます。 一方で「she is slim」と言えば、あなたが友人の体系を好意的(positive)に思っていると理解します。
ここでは、3つ目の採点基準『文法の知識と正確さ(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)』
完了形PERFECT TENSES について解説します。
▮ 完了形 の活用は IELTSスピーキングでは必須です!
IELTSスピーキング テストでは、試験官の質問に、過去から今まで継続している
問題・解答 例
Q: Do you enjoy going to museums?
A: Yes, I have been to many museums. When I lived in New York I went to a museum every week. When I went to Italy I also spent a lot of time at museums because they are famous there. I think it’s great to go to museums and see works of art that we don’t get to see every day.
1. “I’ve always loved ~” - 現在完了形の使用
「have +過去分詞+名/動詞+ing」 “I’ve always/never enjoyed… “I’ve always/never been interested in…”.という表現で、過去のことが今でも続いている時に使う現在完了形です。
Q: What books do you enjoy reading?
A: I love reading books. I have always loved reading science fiction and horror. I have read every book by Robert Anson Heinlein . The last book I read by him was Stranger in a Strange Land. I read it and scared myself before I fell asleep every night.
2. “I’d never done it before.” 過去完了形の使用
“it was my first time”(初めてでした)という代わりに過去完了形が使えます。
Q: “What is the most important quality in a good teacher ?”
A : Well, my high school French teacher was just so passionate about the language. I’d never enjoyed French, but he changed my mind about it.