STEP 1 | Reading 読解| Read the following passage about a campus situation.
Seniors Eligible to Teach Freshman Classes
Central University is beginning a new program in the fall semester Eligible seniors may now co-teach certain classes alongside a professor in their department. Students must have a 3.5 GPA both overall and in their major to qualify as teachers. This program should be of particular interest to students considering pursuing teaching careers-although that is not a requisite to become an instructor. Student-teachers will need to prepare lesson plans and make themselves available for office hours for their students as well. Inquire at the Student Services Office for more information.
STEP 2 | Comprehending 読解力テスト | Answer the following questions to make sure you understand the reading
1 What is the topic of the notice?
2 How can a student become eligible for this program?
3 What kind of GPA does a student need to participate in the program?
4 Which students in particular may be interested in this program?
5 What will students accepted to the program have to do?
1 __________________________
2 __________________________
3 ____________________
4 ____________________
5 _________________________
Comprehending 解答例
1. The topic of the notice is a new student-teaching program that the university has decided to create.
2. Students who are excelling academically both in their majors and overall may participate in the program.
3. Students must have GPAs of at least 3.5 in their major and overall in order to qualify as teachers.
4. Students considering teaching careers may be particularly interested in the program.
5. Students will have to turn in lesson plans and conduct office hours, which will give them valuable teaching experience.
▮ Listen
STEP 3 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a conversation on the same topic, and take notes.
W: What a silly idea! I can’t believe the school is
entertaining the notion of letting students teach classes.
M: It sounds intriguing to me.
W: You think so?
M: Why not? First, like the announcement says, it would be a great way to get some teaching experience. Think about it. .. It’d look great on an application to graduate school. It might help some students get accepted.
W: Okay, that’s good for the student-teacher, but what about the students taking the classes? I can tell you this … I wouldn’t want a student teaching my class. The student wouldn’t have nearly as much knowledge as a real professor.
M: Well, there is the prospect of that, but the student will just be co-teaching, so I’m not terribly concerned. Anyway, you know, I like the part about the student keeping office hours.
W: Because?
M: My professors are always busy and often don’t have time to chat. It’d be easier and, frankly, more comfortable, going to a student to ask my questions. It’s not like my questions are so difficult that an upperclassman wouldn’t be able to answer them.
The man expresses his opinion of the co-teaching program the university is creating. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
STEP 4 | Organizing 解答の組み立て | Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas.
1 What is the man’s opinion of the new co-teaching program?
2 What does he think a result of the program will be?
3 In what way will that help the students in the future?
4 What does he feel about the student-teachers having to keep office hours?
5 How does he compare the time professors have to the time students have?
1. In the man’s mind, the program is a good idea and is worth supporting.
2. First, he thinks that doing student-teaching will benefit the students in the program.
3. He feels that putting it on their resumes will look good when they apply to graduate schools and might even help some of them get accepted.
4. Another reason is that he is encouraged by the fact that the student-teachers would have to keep office hours.
5. He mentions that most of his professors have no time , to chat, but he thinks students would.
▮ Speak
STEP 5 | Speaking 解答| Now say your response out loud, and record your time. While you are speaking, do not look at the written response.
Response time 45 seconds Your speaking time seconds
STEP 6 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
Sample Response 模範解答
The topic of the notice is a new student-teaching program the university has decided to create. In the man’s mind, the program is a good idea and is worth supporting. He cites a couple of reasons to defend his opinion. First, he thinks that doing student-teaching will benefit the students in the program. He feels that putting it on their resumes will look good when they apply to graduate schools and might even help some of them get accepted. Another reason is that he’s encouraged by the fact that the student-teachers would have to keep office hours. He believes students having office hours is better than professors having them. He mentions that most of his professors have no time to chat, but he thinks students would. Also, most of his questions could be answered by upperclassmen, so he wouldn’t have to bother his professors so much.
STEP 7 自己採点
1 How clearly did you speak your response?
Language Use
2 How well did you control language structures to convey your ideas?
3 How appropriately did you use vocabulary to convey your ideas?
STEP 1 | Reading | Read the following passage about a campus situation.
University Tutoring System
The new university tutoring system begins on August 22. Students will no longer have face-to-face tutoring sessions. Instead, an online tutoring system will be implemented. The computer-based r tutoring system will allow students to receive tutoring help twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, instead of only during regular school hours, Students will benefit from expanded access to tutors. Also, the computer-based system will relieve students of stress from the crowded tutoring centers. Students will no longer need to be present on campus for tutoring. They will be able to access the computer-based system from any computer with an Internet connection.
STEP 2 | Comprehending 読解力テスト | Answer the following questions to make sure you understand the reading
1 What is the notice about?
2 What is the first reason for the new tutoring system?
3 According to the notice, how will it benefit the students?
4 What is another reason for the new tutoring system?
5 According to the notice, how will it benefit the students?
1 Issue __________________________
2 First reason __________________________
3 Details ____________________
4 Second reason ____________________
5 Details _________________________
Comprehending 解答例
1 . The notice is about how the university will change from
face -to-face tutoring to a computer-based tutoring
2. One reason for the changes is that only offering
tutoring services during regular school hours is not
enough for the students.
3. Students will have access to tutoring twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week.
4. Another advantage for the change in the tutoring
system is that it will eliminate crowded, stressful
tutoring centers.
5. Students will be able to access the tutoring network
from any computer with the Internet connection.
▮ Listen
STEP 3 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a conversation on the same topic, and take notes.
M: This new tutoring system will be great.
W: I’m not so sure about that.
M: Really? What do you mean?
W: First of all, a lot of students don’t even know how to
type very fast. Some cannot even type at all. This will
make the tutoring sessions really slow.
M: Right. Ty ping skills will be really important.
W: Sure they will. When students are tutored face to
face, they don’t have to worry about typing though.
They can just focus all of their energy on what they’r
learning. I think that’s more efficient.
M: You may be right.
W: There’s something else, too. Students must have
a good computer at home in order to access the
computer-based system. Many students will have to
upgrade their current computer or even buy a new
one. I know a lot of students who don’t even have a
computer at home. It will be very expensive for a lot
of students to get access to tutoring now_
M: That’s a good point.
W: I think it might be better to stick with the old system.
Q The woman expresses her opinion of the new computer-based tutoring system. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
STEP 4 | Organizing 解答の組み立て | Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas.
1 What is the woman’s opinion of the new tutoring system?
2 What does the woman say about students’ typing skills?
3 Why is this important to the new tutoring system?
4 What does the woman say about computers?
5 Why does she think it will be difficult for some students to buy new computer?
STEP 6 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
Sample Response 模範解答
The notice describes a new university tutoring system.The woman is against the university’s decision to replace face-to-face tutoring with a computer-based tutoring system. First, she believes that students will require excellent typing skills in order to take advantage of the new tutoring system. However, she states that many students lack the ability to type well enough, so the new tutoring system will be much slower than the face-to-face system. To her, the inability to type well will hinder the learning process for some students. Second of all, she believes many students will have to upgrade their computers or even buy new ones. According to the woman, this will be very expensive for many students. She believes the former face-to-face method of tutoring is better for students than the new computer-based tutoring system.
STEP 1 | Reading | Read the following passage about a campus situation.
Additional Writing Course
Attention, science students. Starting next semester, the school will be offering two writing classes: Basic Writing for Science and Intermediate Writing for Science. These classes have been made in response to the recent complaints about the writing abilities of science students. Students who want to take either of these two classes should meet Professor Johnson first and get an application form.
STEP 2 | Note Taking | Take notes on the reading
① Topic: New writing courses for science students
② Reason: To increase science students’ writing abilities
STEP 3 |Organizing 解答の組み立て | Answer the following question using the above information.
Q : What is the school going to do?
A : The school will offer two writing classes to help improve its science students’ writing.
▮ Listen
STEP 4 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a conversation on the same topic, and take notes.
Woman Opinion Likes the classes
Reason : The classes will teach him how to write and be more
persuasive,and they may help him get into graduate school.
Man Opinion: Dislikes the classes
Reason: These classes are a waste of time since she can already write.
M : Did you hear about the new writing class? I think this is a waste of time considering that all of us can already write. Why do we need to learn writing? We will become scientists,not writers!
W : Oh, do you think so? Well, I disagree with you. I think these new classes are great. I always hated English classes, so I never developed any writing skills. You know, these classes will not just be about writing but will also teach us how to be more persuasive. Hopefully, taking these classes can help me get into graduate school.
▮ Speak
STEP 5 | Response 解答| Make your response using the above information
Q The man expresses his opinion about the new classes the school will offer. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for having that opinion.
Your Response
The man thinks the new classes are great. Because he hated English class, he doesn’t have any skills. So he wants to take the class in order to go to graduate school.
STEP 6 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
the man likes the classes because he wants to improve his writing skills to get into graduate school. He always hated English classes, so his skills have not improved.
Do you prefer traveling alone or traveling with a companion? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
Do you prefer to live in places that have the same weather or live in areas where the weather changes several times a year? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effective through doing other activities like completing projects, which one do you think is more effective?
Do you prefer long-term trips or short-term trips? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
Do you prefer to go someplace you have never been before or someplace you have been before? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
If you had a small amount of money, would you spend it right away or save it? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
When going to a restaurant, do you prefer to meet your friends at home or at the restaurant? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
Do you like to spend time alone or spend time with your friends? Use details and examples to support your explanation.
When going on a trip, do you prefer to drive or take a train? Use details and examples to support your explanation.