STEP 1 | Reading 読解| Read the following an academic subject.
Creative Categorization
Marketing experts do their utmost to induce customers to purchase their products. Often, when faced with a product that, for whatever reason, does not appeal to a large segment of the population,marketers merely change the category it is in. This process is called creative categorization. By doing this, marketers can increase the appeal of a product. The two most common methods of creative categorization are to change the cost or design of a product. By doing so, products may go from being ones purchased by a small number of people to ones with mass appeal.
STEP 2 | Comprehending 読解力テスト | Answer the following questions to make sure you understand the reading
1. What do marketers attempt to do?
2 What do some marketers do when their products do not appeal to many people?
3 What is creative categorization?
4 What are the two most common ways marketers use creative categorization?
5 According to the passage, what is often the end result of creative categorization?
1 __________________________
2 __________________________
3 ____________________
4 ____________________
5 _________________________
Comprehending 解答例
1. Marketers attempt to get people to buy their products.
2. Marketers change the category of their products in these cases.
3. Creative categorization is making a product more appealing by changing the category in which it is included.
4. Marketers often alter either the price of design of a product to change its category.
5. The end result of creative categorization is that the product often develops mass appeal.
▮ Listen
STEP 3 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture about the same topic, and take notes.
Imagine you’re a marketing executive and you have some products to sell. There may even be a huge section of society which doesn’t purchase your products. Well, there are a couple of ways to break into that market.You might try changing the price of your product. Did you know, for example, that watches were once regarded as expensive pieces of jewelry? Timepieces used to cost too much for most people. But most of you have watches, right? What happened? Well, one brilliant marketer started touting watches as fashion accessories. Sales of watches leaped dramatically. You can get watches for less than ten dollars nowadays, and they come in all kinds of styles. By changing the category into which watches fell, they began appealing to a greater number of people. Here’s another. Think about cell phones. At first, their use was limited, and only rich people or businessmen used them. However, companies began marketing them to the masses. Now you’ve got kids and grandparents with cell phones these days. Does a six-year-old kid need a phone? Not at all. But marketers have made it so that phones are no longer outrageously expensive. Likewise, they aren’t considered tools only for the rich or for businessmen anymore. They’re fashion devices now, almost like accessories for many people.
The professor describes how two different products began to appeal to a greater number of people. Explain how they are related to creative categorization.
STEP 4 | Organizing 解答の組み立て | Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas.
1 What does the professor say about a problem marketing executives may have?
2 According to the professor, what used to be true about watches?
3 How have people’s perceptions of watches changed today?
4 At first, who used to use cell phones?
5 What is true about cell phone usage today?
1 ___________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _______________________________________________
4 _______________________________________
5 _______________________________________________
1. According to the professor, people often need an explanation when they do not understand something
2. The professor wanted to save some numbers on his cell phone but did not know how.
3. The professor’s friend showed him how to save numbers on his phone step by step.
4. The show .talked about cell phones; however, ultimately, the professor still had no idea how to use his phone.
5. He knew the theory behind how cell phones work but could not put it into practice.
STEP 5 | Response 解答作成| Make your response using the above information.
The subject of the talk is ____________________________________
STEP 6 | Speaking 解答| Now say your response out loud, and record your time. While you are speaking, do not look at the written response.
Response time 45 seconds Your speaking time seconds
STEP 7 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
Sample Response 模範解答
The subject of the talk is how marketing executives can transform a product with low appeal to one that has mass appeal. The professor states that watches actually used to be very expensive and were considered jewelry. However, this changed when marketers began promoting them as fashion accessories, so now they’re both cheap and prevalent. The second example given is that of cell phones. The professor declares that they were once expensive and used exclusively by rich people and businessmen. However, once companies began marketing them to the masses, now even young children and the elderly have them, often as fashion accessories. As described in the reading, these are both examples of creative categorization. The reading mentions that this is putting an existing product into a new category, often by changing its price or design, in order to make it attractive to more people.
STEP 8 自己採点
1 How clearly did you speak your response?
Language Use
2 How well did you control language structures to convey your ideas?
3 How appropriately did you use vocabulary to convey your ideas?
STEP 1 | Reading | Read the following an academic subject.
Keystone Species
Some animals have disproportionate, yet positive, effects upon their environments for a number of reasons. These animals are referred to by scientists as keystone species. They receive this moniker because, just like the keystone is the crucial stone in an arch that keeps it from falling, without the presence of a keystone species, a particular habitat would be changed considerably, often for the worse. Animals can be keystone species for many reasons. The most prominent keystone species are predators, but other animals can positively change their habitats in other ways like changing the environment or spreading nutrients through their habitats.
STEP 2 | Comprehending 読解力テスト | Answer the following questions to make sure you understand the reading
1 What is a keystone species?
2 What is the importance of the word “keystone”?
3 What would happen to a habitat without the presence of a keystone species?
4 What is the main way in which animals serve as keystone species?
5 What are some other ways in which animals can be keystone species?
1 __________________________
2 __________________________
3 ____________________
4 ____________________
5 _________________________
Comprehending 解答例
1. A keystone species is an animal that has a greater than normal effect on its environment.
2. The keystone is the most important stone in an arch, so a keystone species is the most important animal in its environment.
3. A habitat would change in a negative way without its keystone species.
4. The major way animals serve as keystone species is as predators.
5. Other ways animals can be keystone species are by changing their environments and spreading nutrients in their areas.
▮ Listen
STEP 3 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture about the same topic, and take notes.
We’ve talked about some of the animals in Africa and the roles they play in their environments, but let me tell you about the most important one. Are you ready? It’s … the elephant. Really. I’m serious. Actually, the elephant is a keystone species in its part of Africa. Here, let me explain it. First, elephants have prodigious appetites. Do you know how much they eat daily? They chow down about 500 pounds of vegetation. Wow. Thanks to elephants, the areas in which they live don’t get overrun with plants. Why is this important? Well, if elephants weren’t there, their habitat would be filled with vegetation, which would cause most other animal species either to migrate or simply become extinct. They wouldn’t be able to handle the resulting new environment. Since they eat lots, elephants also defecate a lot. Because elephants are somewhat nomadic, they spread nutrients for the soil to absorb, and, through their waste, they essentially plant seeds, which will grow up to be plants that other animals can feed upon. Clearly, then, elephants are crucial to their environment.
Q The professor describes the importance of elephants to their habitats. Explain how the elephant’s importance relates to keystone species.
STEP 4 | Organizing 解答の組み立て | Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas.
1 What is the keystone species in Africa?
2 What is the importance of elephants eating so much vegetation daily?
3 What is the importance of elephants defecating in various places?
4 How do keystone species relate to elephants?
▮ Speak
STEP 5 | Response 解答| Make your response using the above information
The professor begins by telling__________________________________ _________________________________ According to the lecturer,____ ____________In the reading, ___________________________________
___________________________This represents the idea of___________
Something else to remember is ___________________________________
1. Elephants are the keystone species in Africa.
2. Elephants eat vegetation and keep plants from overrunning the region, which makes for a comfortable environment for many animals.
3. When elephants defecate in different places, they provide the soil with nutrients, and they spread different plants’ seeds, which will grow and then feed other animals.
4. Without elephants, Africa would be a drastically different place, so this makes them a keystone species.
STEP 6 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
Sample Response 模範解答
The professor begins by telling the students that the keystone species in Africa is the elephant. He states that a keystone species is defined as an animal that has an incredibly large effect on its environment. While the most common keystone species are predators, there are other ways in which animals can serve as a keystone species. This is the case of the elephant. To begin with, elephants eat around 500 pounds of vegetation a day. This keeps the forest from expanding too much, something which would inconvenience other animals to the point that they would either migrate from the region or merely die off. Also, when elephants wander and defecate, they enrich the soil and plant seeds that will become other plants and trees. Animals can then use these new plants as food sources.
STEP 1 | Reading | Read the following an academic subject.
Animal Domestication
Animal domestication is done by asserting dominance. In accordance to their natural instincts, wild animals follow the dominant member of their herd. So people domesticate them by assuming the role of the dominant member .
STEP 2 | Note Taking メモ取り | Take notes on the reading
① Animal domestication : done by asserting dominance
② Possible : because animal’s instinct is to follow dominant member
STEP 3 |Organizing 解答の組み立て | Answer the following question using the above information.
Q : According to the passage, how is animal domestication done?
A : People act like the dominant member of the herd. That way, the other animals will follow them.
▮ Listen
STEP 4 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture about the same topic, and take notes.
① Feral horses : have instinct to follow dominant male
② Domestication : done by taking dominant status out of male
All right. .. Let’s take a look at feral horses that live in the wild. Feral horses live in herds and are led by the dominant male horse. In order to domesticate these animals, humans have altered this behavior by eliminating dominant males. This means that no horse is dominant.
▮ Speak
STEP 5 | Response 解答| Make your response using the above information
Q : The professor describes feral horses. Example illustrates the principle of domestication
Your Response
People domesticate horses by becoming the dominant member of the herd. This is possible because horses are animals that the principles of animal domestication can apply to.
STEP 6 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
Feral horses live in herds. And people domesticate the horses by eliminating the dominant males and taking the dominant position. This process is in line with the principles of domestication. According to the principle, animal domestication can be done by assuming the role of the dominant member.
Some people like to watch films. Others like to attend concerts. Which activity do you prefer to do? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
STEP 1 |Organizing 解答の組み立て|Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas.
1 Do you prefer to watch films or attend concerts?
2 Why do you enjoy doing this activity?
3 What features of films or concerts are so attractive to you?
1 My preferred activity ____________________________________
2-1 First reason ___________________________________________
1.As for me, I prefer watching films to attending concerts.
2- 1. First of all, watching films is a very relaxing activity.
3- 1. They usually last around two hours, so, during that time, I can forget about what is going on in my life and get lost in the movie, especially if it is an action movie, which I love.
2-2. Secondly, I think of films as artwork, so I try to appreciate them as works of art when watching them.
3-2. When they come together successfully, like in Citizen Kane, for example, I realize I am watching something more than a movie.
解答例 B
1 I would say I prefer attending concerts rather than watching films.
2-1. One of the main reasons is that there are so many different genres of music I like.
3-1. In the past few months, I have attended concerts performed by musicians in three different genres, thereby enabling me to hear some of my favorite songs performed live.
2-2. Another reason why I like attending concerts is that the music is much better when I hear it performed live.
3-2. My family went to a classical music concert recently.Attending the concert in person was so much better than listening to the same music on a CD.
STEP 2 |Response 解答文作成| Make your response using the above information.
As for me, I prefer _______ One of the main reasons is ________________
STEP 3 |Speaking 解答| Now say your response out loud, and record your time. While you are speaking, do not look at the written response
Response time: 45 seconds Your speaking time: ___ seconds
STEP 4 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
解答例 A films
As for me, I prefer watching films to attending concerts. First of all, watching films is a very relaxing activity. They usually last around two hours, so, during that time, I can forget about what’s going on in my life and get lost in the movie, especially if it’s an action movie, which I love. For example, no matter how many times I watch movies like Spiderman and Pirates of the Caribbean, I get lost in the stories and forget about the outside world. Secondly, I think of films as artwork, so I try to appreciate them as works of art when watching them. For example, the acting, camerawork, lighting, and many other aspects of a film are all important. When they come together successfully, like in Citizen Kane, for example, I realize I’m watching something more than a movie. This makes me appreciate watching the film even more.
解答例 B concerts
I’d rather travel in a group than alone. To begin with, traveling in a group is safer than traveling alone. If I were alone, I might have some problems, yet no one could help me, especially in a foreign country where I don’t speak the language. If I’m with a tour group, the leader almost always speaks the local language. In addition, traveling with a group can give you and your travel partners man shared experiences and lots of good memories from the trip. Since it’s more interesting to travel with others, you can get memories from your trip that will last a lifetime. That is why I prefer traveling with a group of people.
Some people take trips by themselves. Others take trips with groups of people. Which kind of trip do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your preference.
STEP 1 |Before you start(1)|Listen to the dialogue. Then, answer the questions to get some ideas about the subject.
W: What are you going to do for your spring break vacation, Henry?
M: I haven’t made any plans yet.
W: There’s a group from our dorm going skiing in Vermont.
M: Sounds good. Who’s going?
W: Let’s see, I think ten people. David, Alan, Joe, Steve,Tom …
M: Tom? No way. I’m not going anywhere with him.
W: Why not?
M: He’s cheap and never wants to spend his money. Besides, he can never make up his mind about anything. Anyway, in a group that size, there’s bound to be a problem.
W: Maybe you’re right. So what are you going to do?
He doesn’t want to go because of Tom’s character and because the group is too big.
Yes, he enjoys skiing because he said it sounded like a good idea.
STEP 2 |Before you start(2) | Now listen to the lecture. Then, answer the questions to get some ideas about the subject.
Tourism is big business all over the world. The package trip with a tour group is the most popular way to travel for the elderly, with almost 85% of tour group travelers being 50 years and older. Many hotels give discounts of up to 20% for large groups. On the other hand, for young travelers, backpacking remains popular, especially in Europe. Some travel alone while others go with friends, but young travelers almost never join tour groups. In a recent survey, the main reasons for not joining tour groups were the cost and desire to have a flexible schedule. However, young travelers, especially women, are advised to travel with others to avoid dangers.
1 Which two groups of people does the lecturer compare?
STEP 5 | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.
解答例 A by myself
Of the two options, I would choose to travel alone than in a group. Firstly, by traveling alone, I can decide where to go and what to do. I don’t have to agree to do something just to make others happy. Also, I can be more flexible and change my mind. My trip can be more exciting and interesting than it would be if I had to follow a tour group’s set schedule. Secondly, I may not get along with the other people I’m traveling with. Everyone has different personalities. Some are lazy or cheap, and others can never make up their minds. If we have an argument, it could ruin the trip or even our friendship. So, I prefer to travel alone.
解答例 B with groups
I’d rather travel in a group than alone. To begin with, traveling in a group is safer than traveling alone. If I were alone, I might have some problems, yet no one could help me, especially in a foreign country where I don’t speak the language. If I’m with a tour group, the leader almost always speaks the local language. In addition, traveling with a group can give you and your travel partners man shared experiences and lots of good memories from the trip. Since it’s more interesting to travel with others, you can get memories from your trip that will last a lifetime. That is why I prefer traveling with a group of people.
When you go to Paris for the week, just take a carry-on. That way you can avoid the long line at baggage claim.
When you go to Paris for the week, just take a small bag which you can easily carry with you on the airplane. That way you can avoid the long line at baggage claim.
When ya go da Paris fer the week, jus’ take a carry-on. That way you c’n avoid the long line ’it baggage claim.
a small bag which one can easily “carry on” and place in the airplane.