
Finance 1 目次 サンプル教材

Finance 1

市販教材:Oxford English for Careers   ネット通販などでお買い求めください

Oxford University Press 2011

First published 2011


  1. Choosing job
  2. Personal finance
  3. Company financial services
  4. Economic indicators
  5. Economic cycles
  6. Economic sectors
  7. Banking
  8. Stock markets
  9. Company internal finance
  10. Company reporting
  11. Accounting and auditing
  12. Insurance and risk


IELTS スピーキング Part 1 試験官に託された2つの目的

IELTS スピーキング Part 1 試験官に託された2つの目的

IELTS スピーキング  Part 1 では、Part 2及びPart 3で必要なスキルが試されます。

Part 1 で、あなたは、スピーキングの基本的なスキルがあることを試験官に示す必要があります。

Part 1     試験官に託された2つの目的

スピーキング Part 1では、試験官は2つのことが託されています。


試験の初めでは、受験者は緊張しています。 試験官は何とか受験者を落ち着かせるために、


簡単で身近な質問ですが、この質問は、次に用意された難易度の高いPart 2, 

Part 3 に繋がる質問であることを理解しておく必要があります。



Part 1    質問内容は受験者の身近なこと

スピーキング Part 1では、あなたの家、生活、家族、国について聞かれます。


試験官は決して” Who wants to be a billionaire? “ ,  “ who was the 15th president of the United States?” とは聞きません。

簡単で身近な 3つのトピックに答えるだです。



E:  Good morning. My name is Harry Brown. Can you tell me your full name, please?

C: Yes, my name is Haruko Nakamura.

E: Can I check your identification,please?

C: yes, here you are.  [笑顔でパスポートを試験官に渡す]

E: Thank you. Okay, that’s fine,thank you.

C: Thank you.

E: Now, I’d like to begin by asking you some questions about yourself.

C: Okay.



スカイプ 通話音声テスト


STEP 1. ヘッドセット接続

STEP 2. Skypeテスト通話へ発信

連絡先にある「Echo/Sound Test Service」を選択し、青の受話器のアイコンをクリックしてください。


STEP 3 音声の入出力確認


TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Advance) Q6 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング Question 6 学習ステップ

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Advance)」

カリキュラムでは、Question 6  対策として、



目標スコアー 100点(Speakingセクション 25点)を目指す受講者に適した



ステップ   1  リスニング &メモ取り アカデミックなトピックの講義を聞き概要をメモします。

ステップ   2   解答の構成  解答へ導くため用意された5つの質問に解答します。

ステップ  3   解答の作成 テンプレートを使い解答文を作り、スピーチをします。

ステップ   4   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  

▮ Listen

STEP 1 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture , and take notes.


I’d like to point out something about art from the past. In previous eras, making art was expensive. Most artists required patrons merely to afford the paint, canvas, and everything else they needed, and these patrons, naturally, kept most of the artwork in their homes for their own personal viewing. This made art inaccessible to most people. The artists, quite understandably, didn’t appreciate this, so they came up with two ways to enable the public to admire their work.For one, many artists began using cheaper materials. This let them work without a sponsor. This way, they could produce the art they wanted to and also retain possession of their art. They were then free to display it wherever they wanted to. This, naturally, permitted many more people to see their work. Of course, one drawback to this approach was that the lower quality of the paint and other materials meant their work often faded quickly. Fortunately, many of these works can now be restored using modern methods.Another thing artists did was to display their art both outdoors and in public places. Remember that artists didn’t just do paintings. They did statues, sculptures, and many other kinds of art. Take a look at any cathedral. There is art everywhere. Look at the statues and the stained glass window in them. They’re all works of art. And consider one of the greatest examples of art anywhere-Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel. How many thousands or millions of people have seen his artwork? He attained what most artists strive for: for the greatest number of people to admire his work.








Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the two methods artists used to enable more of the public to view their work.

 STEP 2  |Organizing 解答の組み立て| Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas

  1. What idea does the professor try to convey in the lecture?
  2. How did artists guarantee they would own the works they created?
  3. What benefit did artists gain from being the owners of their works?
  4. What is the second way that artists made their works available for public viewing?
  5. What examples does the professor give of works that could be seen in public?

  1. ____________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________
  3. _____________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________
  5. ______________________________________________________


1. The main idea of the lecture is that artists did not want their work to be viewed by a limited number of people but instead desired for as many people as possible to see it.

2. In her first example, she says that artists utilized cheaper materials to avoid having patrons, who would keep the artists’ works for themselves.

3. What happened is that artists owned their own works, so they were at liberty to display them anywhere they wanted.

4. The professor then discusses how artists made sure their works were displayed outdoors or in public places.

5. She states that cathedrals are full of art like statues and stained glass windows, and she also mentions Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel.


STEP 3 |Response 解答| Make your response using the organized ideas.

The main idea of the lecture is______________________________ _

In her first example, she says________________________________

_________________________The professor then discusses how___ _________________________________________________________
In her view, _______________________________________________


STEP 4  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

Sample Response 模範解答

The main idea of the lecture is that artists didn’t want their work to be viewed by a limited number of people but instead desired for as many people as possible to see it. The professor covers a couple of steps artists took to ensure that this happened. In her first example, she says that artists utilized cheaper materials to avoid having patrons, who would keep the artists’ works for themselves. What happened is that artists owned their own works, so they were at liberty to display them anywhere they wanted. The professor then discusses how artists made sure their works were displayed outdoors or in public places. She states that cathedrals are full of art like statues and stained glass windows,and she also mentions Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel. In her view, doing art like this enabled the greatest number of people to see the artists’ works.

STEP 5 自己採点


1 How clearly did you speak your response?

Language Use

2 How well did you control language structures to convey your ideas?

3 How appropriately did you use vocabulary to convey your ideas?

Topic Development

4 How fully did you answer the question?

5 How coherently did you present your ideas? 


Zoomアプリを使って レッスンを受ける




2.  ZOOMアプリをインストールせずにZOOM招待リンクから参加する


お勧めしています。  ここでは、ZOOMアプリを使ったレッスンの流れをご案内します。

1.    Zoom PCアプリを起動する



2.  Zoomアカウントにサインイン

サインイン画面 の サインインをクリック

続いて 受講者のメールアドレスとパスワードを入力して サインインをクリック


3.   Zoomアカウントで講師からのコールを待ちます。



4.   初めての講師から届いたコンタクトリクエストを承認




*ZOOM アプリの仕様で招待メールが受講者のメールアドレスに届く場合がございますが、講師から送られたものではございません。また、招待メールからはレッスンに参加できません。




5.   講師からのコールを受信




6.    Zoomアカウントのサインアウト





(上部はアカウント登録者名、 下部にサインアウト)

ネイティブのリアル英語  red-eye  (飛行機の)夜行便



ネイティブのリアル英語  red-eye     (飛行機の)夜行便

アメリカ人は(飛行機の)夜行便のことを 「red-eye」又は「red-eye flight」と呼びます。











例文 1

A: What is the cheapest flight from New York to Detroit?


B: There’s a red-eye flight for only $300.


例文 2

The only flight available is a red eye flight next week.


「 red-eye     (飛行機の)夜行便 」 習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

I’m taking the red-eye to New York instead of taking a flight during the daytime because I can save a lot of money.


I’m taking the overnight flight to New York instead of taking a flight during the daytime because I can save a lot of money.


I’m taking the red-eye ta New York instead of taking a flight during the daytime ’cuz I c’n save a lod ’a money.


an overnight airplane flight

TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Intermediate) Q6 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング Question 6 学習ステップ

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Intermediate)」

カリキュラムでは、Question 6  対策として、試験問題標準レベルで様々な



目標スコアー 80点(Speakingセクション 20点)を目指す受講者に適した



ステップ   1  リスニング &メモ取り アカデミックなトピックの講義を聞き概要をメモします。

ステップ   2   解答の構成  解答へ導くため用意された5つの質問に解答します。

ステップ  3   解答の作成 テンプレートを使い解答文を作り、スピーチをします。

ステップ   4   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  

▮ Listen

STEP 1 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture , and take notes.








Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the two different theories on why the dinosaurs became extinct.

 STEP 2  |Organizing 解答の組み立て| Ask yourself the following questions and organize your ideas

  1. What is the topic of the professor’s lecture?
  2. According to the professor, what happened when a meteor or asteroid struck Earth?
  3. Why do people believe that this strike caused the dinosaurs to become extinct?
  4. What do scientists say were the results of the eruption of a super volcano?
  5. How did the greenhouse effect make the dinosaurs extinct?

  1. ____________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________
  3. _____________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________
  5. ______________________________________________________


1.  The professor describes two of the more popular theories on why the dinosaurs became extinct.

2.  After an object from space hit Earth, lots of dirt and debris were thrown into the air, which decreased the amount of sunlight getting through to Earth.

3.  Because there was less sunlight, plants died, so herbivorous dinosaurs no longer had a food source and died, and then the carnivores died soon afterwards.

4.  After a super volcano erupted, it spewed carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which caused global warming to occur rapidly.

5.  The dinosaur eggs reacted badly to the heat, so more males were born, which meant that the dinosaurs could not reproduce.


STEP 3 |Response 解答| Make your response using the organized ideas.

The professor states that dinosaurs once ____________________ _


________ The first is that _________________________________ _

The second theory Is that __________________________________ _

So ________________________________________________________


STEP 6  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

Sample Response 模範解答

The professor states that dinosaurs once ruled Earth but suddenly became extinct. She gives two different theories to explain their disappearance. The first is that a meteor or asteroid struck Earth. She even says that some scientists know where it hit. The strike sent dirt up into the”atmosphere, which hid the planet from the sun. It got colder, and there was no sunlight, so all the plants died. Without food sources, the dinosaurs all died. The second theory is that there was an eruption of a super volcano. This filled the air with carbon dioxide, which caused the greenhouse effect to start on Earth. When subjected to heat, lizard and dinosaur eggs change. Females in eggs become males. So there were no more females being born, which meant that the dinosaurs couldn’t reproduce.

「添削くん」受講者自身が用意した問題を投稿する方法(例:TOEFL Task 2)

過去問など、受講者ご自身が用意した問題の解答文を問題の種類・質問を添えて投稿できます。 解答文の文字数により添削結果をお届けする際ポイントが消化されます(~180 words – 1ポイント、 181~350 words – 2ポイント、351~500 words – 3ポイント)

投稿ファイルは最大 3ファイルまで投稿できます。

FREE Writing (受講者が問題を用意する)投稿の手順

1 . マイページ 「添削くん」をクリック


2.  名前、メールアドレスを入力、FREE WRITINGを選んで 「Next」をクリック


4.  直接回答を入力を選び 問題の種類(例:TOEFL Independent Task)

と 問題文を入力した後で解答文(エッセイ)を入力して「Next」をクリック

* 「直接入力」の他にファイルを投稿する方法もございます。


★ IELTS,TOEFL、英検などは問題文を上段入稿ボックスに入稿してください。

★ 回答文を下段入稿ボックスに入稿してください

(例:TOEFL Independent Task (種類)の問題と回答文を投稿) 


★ 投稿できるファイルは最大3つです。問題文を忘れずに投稿してください。

▮ 「Yes 質問ページに進み、回答をファイルで送信する」を選択して、Next ボタンをクリックする。

▮  メッセージボックスに問題文のタイトルを入力します。(例: IELTS Writing Task 1 )


(問題文が多い場合は 問題文と回答文を分けて(2つのファイルで)投稿しても構いません。


5.  講師を指名しない(No)を選んで 「Submit」をクリック

TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Basic) Q6 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL スピーキング Question 6 学習ステップ

マイチューター 「TOEFL スピーキング Perfect Master (Basic)」

カリキュラムでは、Question 6  対策として、試験問題に比べ、




目標スコアー 61点(Speakingセクション 15点)を目指す受講者に適した


TOEFL初級者(例:英検準2級以下、TOEIC 500点以下)で

リスニングが苦手な方はリスニングのない「TOEFL特訓ゼミ Starter」



ステップ   1  リスニング &メモ取り アカデミックなトピックの講義を聞き概要をメモします。

ステップ   2   解答の構成  メモを使ってKey sentencesを書き出します。

ステップ  3   解答のスピーキング  質問に対し、メモを参考に解答します。

ステップ   4   比較と復習  模範解答を聞いて、自分の解答と比較します。  

▮ Listen

STEP 1 | Listening & Note Taking | Listen to a lecture , and take notes.


Have you heard about the positive externality effect? The positive externality effect is kind of a difficult theory to explain. Basically, it means that certain actions in society can help society as well as the individual. Let’s see. A common example is the flu shot. People can help themselves by getting a flu shot and keeping healthy. They might save some money by not missing work, avoiding the doctor and not having to pay for medicine. They also help society as a whole by not getting others sick. This is the positive externality effect. Of course, sometimes people don’t care about society and don’t get their shots. This hurts all of society, not just the individual. The government can help by reducing the costs of the shots or forcing people to get their shots.


Subject: Positive externality effect



Detail: Help self and society at same time



 STEP 2  |Organizing 解答の組み立て| Make key sentences using the above notes

Key sentences

❶ __________________________________________________________

❷ __________________________________________________________


STEP 3 |Response 解答| Make your response using the above information.


Using points and examples from the talk, explain the positive externality effect.

Your Response _________________________________________________



STEP 6  | Compare 比較 | Listen to a sample response, and compare it with yours.

Sample Response 模範解答

The positive externality effect is a theory that when one person or a group of people is helped by something, the effect that it has on them will positively affect society as a whole. When a person gets a flu shot for example, it helps the person who won’t get the flu and it also helps everyone else that the person might have infected to.

発音トレーニング Pronunciation Pairs

┃ Pronunciation Pairs     Second Edition

( 全 50レッスン )



▮ レッスンの特徴

初級上から中級レベルの学習者を対象とする、発音のテキストとして好評のPronunciation Pairsの第2版です。 音と綴りの対応やイントネーション、ストレスはもちろん、英語の音声全般を扱っています。ミニマルペア、対話文、ゲーム、パズル、会話文などを使った豊富なアクティビティを収録しています。


Contents  & サンプル教材

使用テキスト:Pronunciation Pairs   Second Edition(Cambridge University Press)


使用テキストAmerican Accent Trainingを使ったレッスンの詳細はこちら