
Speak Japan (Basic) + Middle School Grammar(中学英文法) 

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★ 全ての講師が担当します。

▮ レッスンコース名: Speak Japan (Basic) + Middle School Grammar(中学英文法)    

▮ レベル    :   初級~中級者  CEFR A1~B1 , 英検3級~2級, TOEIC 200 ~650 

▮ レッスン数  :    70 レッスン (必要な分だけ受講してください)

▮ レッスンの特徴・効果

☑ 外国人から日本についてよく聞かれる質問に容易に回答できるようになります。
☑ レッスンの後半は中学英文法(Basic Grammar)を効率よく学べます。
☑ 豊富な音読トレーニングと瞬間英作文で英会話スキルが爆上げ。                         ☑ TOEIC, 英検3~2級などスピーキングテストのスコアアップ。                              

▮ レッスン アクティビティ

  1. 日本に関する質問(Topic Question)に対して、自分の考えを回答する。
  2. サンプル回答から重要語彙・表現を使って瞬間英作文。
  3. サンプル回答についての質問に回答する。
  4. 中学英文法をテーマ別に学ぶ。
  5. 学んだ中学英文法とサンプル回答を使って瞬間英作文。

▮ 教材 :  Lesson Contents

Lesson 64  Monjayaki

Lesson 64  Monjayaki

Topic Question: Please tell me about Monjayaki.

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Think about what monjayaki is, including its ingredients, how it is prepared, and where it is commonly eaten.

▮ Sample Answer

“Monjayaki is a popular Japanese dish similar to okonomiyaki but with a runnier consistency. It is made with finely chopped ingredients mixed into a liquid batter and cooked on a hot griddle. Ingredients often include seafood, vegetables, and meat. It’s a specialty of the Tokyo area, particularly in the Tsukishima district, where you can find many restaurants serving this savory pancake. Diners usually cook the monjayaki themselves at the table, using tiny spatulas to eat it directly from the griddle.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer

  1. Ingredients (材料): The foods that are used to make a dish.
  2. Batter (生地): A mixture of flour, liquid, and other ingredients that is used for cooking.
  3. Griddle (鉄板): A flat surface or pan on which food is cooked.
  4. Savory (風味の良い): Having a spicy or salty quality without being sweet.
  5. Spatula (へら): A small tool with a broad, flat, flexible blade used to mix, spread, or lift material.

Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. What is monjayaki?
  2. How is monjayaki different from okonomiyaki?
  3. Where is monjayaki commonly found?

Mastering Middle School English Grammar

next to, between, under, etc.

Next to / between / in front of/ in back of

Alice is next to Bob. or Alice is beside Bob.
Bob is between Alice and Carla.
Don is in front of Bob.
Eric is in back of Bob.

Alice is on the left.
Carla is on the right.
Bob is in the middle (of the group).

Across from I in front of

Anne is sitting in front of Bruce.
Anne is sitting across from Chris.
Chris is sitting across from Anne

By (= next to)

Who is that man standing by the window?
Our house is by the ocean. (= next to the ocean)
If you feel cold, why don’t you sit by the fire?


The cat is under the table.
The girl is standing under a tree.
I’m wearing a jacket under my coat.

Above and below

The pictures are
above the shelves.

The shelves are
below the pictures.

3 Example Sentences Based on the Sample Answer and Grammar Practice:

  1. The monjayaki batter is poured onto the griddle, which is in the middle of the table.
  2. You can find a wide variety of ingredients for your monjayaki next to the griddle.
  3. People enjoy cooking monjayaki on the griddle that sits under the smoke extractor to keep the air clean.

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself:

Speak Japan (Basic) + Middle School Grammar -Contents

ー Contents -

Lesson 1   Anime アニメ- 5 Sentence Patterns 5文型 (1)
Lesson 2   Japanese Cinema 映画-5 Sentence Patterns 5文型 (2)
Lesson 3   Kabuki or Noh 歌舞伎 能-5 Sentence Patterns 5文型 (3)
Lesson 4   J-Pop artist or band Jポップ-present continuous 現在進行形
Lesson 5   Video Games ビデオゲーム-present continuous questions 進行形 疑問文
Lesson 6   Japanese Festivals 日本の祭り- simple present 現在形
Lesson 7   Fashion trends ファッション流行-present negative 現在否定形
Lesson 8    Book or author 小説家- present continuous 現在進行形
Lesson 9   Television Shows テレビ番組- I have.. . and I’ve got…
Lesson 10    Famous Landmarks 観光地- was/were 過去形
Lesson 11    Historical Sites 史跡-  simple past 過去形
Lesson 12    Natural Scenery 自然風景- I didn’t… Did you… ?
Lesson 13    Japanese Gardens 日本庭園- past continuous 過去進行形
Lesson 14    Capital of Japan -past continuous 過去進行形
Lesson 15   Shop for traditional Japanese items 伝統工芸品店-I used to…
Lesson 16   Japanese Cuisine 日本食- Have you ever… ?

Lesson 17   Public Transportation 交通機関- How long have you… ?
Lesson 18   Sumo Wrestling 相撲-  for  since   ago
Lesson 19   Baseball 野球-I have done and I did 完了形 1
Lesson 20   Martial Arts (Judo, Karate, Kendo)just, already, and yet  完了形 2
Lesson 21   Soccer サッカー-present perfect and simple past 完了形 3
Lesson 22    Olympics オリンピック-is done / was done 受動態 1
Lesson 23    Traditional Sports 伝統スポーツ- is being done / has been done 受動態 2
Lesson 24   Cherry Blossom (Sakura) Viewing 桜-be/have/do in present and past
Lesson 25    Summer Festivals (Matsuri) 祭り- Regular and irregular verbs 動詞
Lesson 26    Autumn leaves (Koyo) 紅葉- What are you doing tomorrow?
Lesson 27    Snow Festivals (Yuki Matsuri) 雪祭り- I’m going to…現在進行形
Lesson 28    Golden Week ゴールデンウイーク- will  1 未来形
Lesson 29    Fireworks (Hanabi) 花火- will 2 未来形
Lesson 30    Hot Springs (Onsen) 温泉- might 
Lesson 31    Seasonal Foods 旬の食材- can and could
Lesson 32    Samurai Warriors 侍- must
Lesson 33    Innovators and Inventors 発明家- should
Lesson 34    Artists and Writers アーティストと作家- I have to…
Lesson 35    Female Historical Figures 歴史上の女性- Would you like… ? / I’d like…
Lesson 36   Heroes and Heroines ヒーロー- I’d rather…
Lesson 37   Sushi and sashimi 寿司刺身- Do this! Don’t do that! Let’s do this!
Lesson 38    Japanese Breakfast 朝食- There’s   
Lesson 39   Bento Boxes 弁当箱- have been, there will be
Lesson 40   Ramen ラーメン- It…
Lesson 41   Street Food 屋台- I am, I don’t, etc.
Lesson 42   Japanese Sweets and Snacks 和菓子-You have? Have you? 
Lesson 43   Traditional Weddings 結婚式-too/either so am I / neither do I
Lesson 44   Funeral Rites お葬式isn’t, haven’t, don’t, etc.
Lesson 45   Coming of Age Day (Seijin Shiki)成人式- is it…? have you…? 
Lesson 46   Children’s Day (Kodomo no Hi)こどもの日-Who saw you? Who did you see?
Lesson 47   Kimono and Traditional Dress 着物- Who is she talking to? 
Lesson 48   New Year Celebrations (Shogatsu)新年- What… ?  Which…?  How… ?
Lesson 49   Obon Festival お盆- How long does it take…?
Lesson 50   End of Year Parties (Bonenkai) 忘年会- Do you know where… ?
Lesson 51   Automotive Industry 自動車会社- She said that…   He told me that…
Lesson 52   Technology and Electronics テクノロジー-work/working go/going do/doing
Lesson 53   Video Game Companiesビデオゲーム会社- to . . (I want to do) and -ing
Lesson 54   Fashion and Retail ファッションと小売-I want you to… / I told you to…
Lesson 55   Food and Beverage 食品飲料- I went to the store to…
Lesson 56   Traditional Crafts and Goods 伝統工芸品- have
Lesson 57   High-tech toilets ウオシュレット-article  冠詞(2)
Lesson 58   Pocket tissues ポケットティッシュ- article  冠詞(1)
Lesson 59   Pedestrians 歩行者- some and any

Lesson 60   Lost wallets return 財布が見つかる- (a) little (a) few
Lesson 61   Noise when eating noodles 麺を食べる音- comparative 比較級
Lesson 62   ”Itadakimasu”いただきます- not as… as
Lesson 63   Dogeza 土下座- superlative 最上級
Lesson 64    Monjayakiもんじゃ焼き- next to, between, under, etc.
Lesson 65   Seppuku 切腹- subjunctive 仮定法
Lesson 66   Election 選挙- If I had…  If we went…, etc.
Lesson 67   Live longer 長生き- relative clauses 関係節
Lesson 68    People’s blood type 血液型- from … to  until  since  for
Lesson 69    Take off shoes 靴を脱ぐ- relative pronoun 関係代名詞
Lesson 70   Earthquake 地震- still , yet, already  副詞

Lesson 70  Earthquake

Lesson 70  Earthquake

Topic Question: Japan has earthquakes, right?

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Think about Japan’s geographical location and how it affects the country’s experience with natural disasters, especially earthquakes.

Sample Answer

“Yes, Japan experiences earthquakes frequently due to its position along the Pacific Ring of Fire. This geographic area is known for its high levels of seismic activity, leading to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Japan has developed advanced technology and strict building codes to mitigate the impact of these natural events.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer

  1. Geographical location (地理的位置): The specific place where something is located on the Earth’s surface.
  2. Seismic activity (地震活動): Movements within the Earth’s crust that cause earthquakes.
  3. Pacific Ring of Fire (太平洋火山帯): An area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.
  4. Mitigate (軽減する): To make something less severe, serious, or painful.
  5. Building codes (建築基準法): Regulations that specify the standards for constructed objects such as buildings and nonbuilding structures.

Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. Why does Japan experience earthquakes frequently?
  2. What is the Pacific Ring of Fire?
  3. How has Japan worked to mitigate the impact of earthquakes?

Mastering Middle School English Grammar

still   yet   already


still = something is the same as before:
● I had a lot to eat, but I’m still hungry. (= I was hungry before, and I’m hungry now)
● “ Did you sell your car?” “ No, I still have it.”
● “ Do you still live in Los Angeles;” “No, I live in San Francisco now.”


yet = until now
We use yet in negative sentences (He hasn’t come yet.) and in questions (Has he come yet?).

Yet is usually at the end of a sentence:

● A: Where’s Emma?
 B: She isn’t here yet. (= she will be here, but until now she hasn’t come)
● A: What are you doing tonight?
  B: I don’t know yet. (= I will know later, but I don’t know now)
● A: Are you ready co go yet?
  B: Not yet. In a minute. (= I will be ready, but I’m not ready now)
● A: Have you decided what to do yet?
  B: No, I’m still thinking about it.

Compare yet and still:
● She hasn’t left yet. = She’s still here. (not she is yet here)
● I haven’t finished my homework yet.= I’m still doing it.

Already = earlier than expected:
● “ What time is Joe coming?” “He’s already here.” (= earlier than we expected)
● “ I’m going to tell you what happened.” “That’s not necessary. I already know.”

3 Example Sentences Based on the Sample Answer and Grammar Practice:

  1. The government is still evaluating the damage from the last earthquake.
  2. Have you felt any tremors yet today?
  3. The emergency response team has already been dispatched to the affected areas.

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself:

Lesson 69  Take off shoes

Lesson 69  Take off shoes

Topic Question: Why do people take off their shoes inside the house in Japan?

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Think about the reasons behind this Japanese custom. Consider its implications for cleanliness, tradition, and respect for the home.

Sample Answer

“In Japan, people take off their shoes before entering a house as a sign of respect and to maintain cleanliness. This custom is deeply rooted in the tradition of preserving the purity of the indoor living space, preventing dirt and germs from outside from contaminating the home.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer

  1. Custom (習慣): A traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time.
  2. Cleanliness (清潔さ): The state or quality of being clean and free from dirt.
  3. Tradition (伝統): The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation.
  4. Purity (純潔): The condition or quality of being pure; freedom from contaminants.
  5. Contaminate (汚染する): To make something impure or unsuitable by contact or mixture with something unclean, bad, etc.

Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. What is the main reason people in Japan take off their shoes before entering a house?
  2. How does this custom affect the cleanliness of the home?
  3. What does this tradition signify in terms of respect?

Mastering Middle School English Grammar

a person who… a thing that/which…

Who is for people (not things):

A thief is a person who steals things.
Do you know anybody who can play the piano?
The people who work in the office are very friendly

That is for things or people.
An airplane is a machine that flies.
Emma lives in a house that is 100 years old.
The people that work in the office are very friendly.

You can use that for people, but who is more common

Which is for things (not/ people):
An airplane is a machine which flies. (not a machine who…?)
Emma lives in a house which is 100 years old.

Do not use which for people
●Do you remember the woman who played the piano at the parry’
(not the woman which . ..)

3 Example Sentences Based on the Sample Answer and Grammar Practice:

  1. A tatami is a type of flooring that requires you to remove your shoes to prevent damage.
  2. The person who cleans the house appreciates this custom greatly.
  3. Shoe cabinets, which are found in the genkan, store shoes neatly away from the living spaces.

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself:

Lesson 68  People’s blood type

Lesson 68  People’s blood type

Topic Question: Why do Japanese people like to ask people’s blood type?

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Think about the reasons behind this unique Japanese cultural practice. Consider how it relates to personality traits and compatibility in relationships and social interactions.

Sample Answer

“In Japan, asking someone’s blood type is common because many believe it can predict personality traits and assess compatibility with others. This belief is similar to horoscopes in Western cultures. For example, Type A is thought to be diligent and kind, whereas Type O is seen as outgoing and sociable.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer

  1. Cultural practice (文化的慣行): A habit or tradition that is part of the culture of a group of people.
  2. Personality traits (性格特性): Characteristics that help to define how a person behaves, feels, and thinks.
  3. Compatibility (相性): The ability of two things or people to exist or live together without problems or conflict.
  4. Diligent (勤勉な): Showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.
  5. Sociable (社交的な): Willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly.

Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. What is the reason Japanese people ask about blood type?
  2. What can blood type predict according to Japanese belief?
  3. Give examples of personality traits associated with two blood types.

Mastering Middle School English Grammar

from … to   until  since  for

From… to…
● We lived in Japan from 1996 to 2005.
● I work from Monday to Friday.

You can also say from… until… :
● We lived in japan from 1996 until 2005.


● They’re leaving town tomorrow.
  They’ll be away until Friday.

● I went to bed early, but I wasn’t tired.
I read a book until 3:00 a .m.

●  Wait here until I come back.

You can also say till (= until):
● Wait here till I come back.


● ‘How long will you be away)” “Until Monday.”
● “When are you coming back?” “On Monday.”

Since + a time in the past (to now)
We use since after the present perfect (have been/ have done, etc.):

● Joe is in the hospital. He has been in the hospital since Monday.
(= from Monday to now)

● Sue and Dave have been married since 2002.
(= from 2002 to now)

● It has been raining since I arrived.

● We lived in Japan from 1996 to 2005
  We lived in Japan until 2005.
● Now we live in Denver. We came to Denver in 2005.
  We have lived in Denver since 2005. (= from 2005 until now)

We use for (not/ since) + a period of time (three days / 10 years, ere.):
● Joe has been in the hospital for three days. (not since three days)

For + a period of time

● Gary stayed with us for three days.
● I’m going away for a few weeks.
● They’ve been married for 10 years.

3 Example Sentences Based on the Sample Answer and Grammar practice:

  1. Let’s find out our blood types and see if we are compatible.
  2. Don’t rely only on blood type to understand someone’s personality.
  3. We’ve been discussing the importance of blood types in Japanese culture since the beginning of our lesson.

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself:

Lesson 67  Live longer

Lesson 67  Live longer

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Consider the various factors that contribute to the longevity of Japanese people, such as diet, healthcare system, lifestyle, and social cohesion.

Sample Answer

“Japanese people live longer due to a combination of factors including a healthy diet rich in fish and vegetables, a robust healthcare system, regular physical activity, and strong community ties that contribute to lower stress levels.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer

  1. Longevity (長寿): A long duration of life.
  2. Diet (食生活): The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
  3. Healthcare system (医療制度): The organization of people, institutions, and resources to deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations.
  4. Physical activity (身体活動): Any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure.
  5. Community ties (地域社会との結びつき): The relationships and connections among individuals in a community.

Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. How does diet contribute to the longevity of Japanese people?
  2. In what ways does the healthcare system in Japan support longer life spans?
  3. Why are community ties important for reducing stress and promoting longevity?

Mastering Middle School English Grammar

the people we met
the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses)

You can say:
● The bag that he is carrying … or The bag he is carrying… (with or without that)
● …the money that Kate won? or … the money Kate won?

You do not need that/who/which when it is the object:

● Did you find the books you wanted'(or . .. the books that you wanted?)
● The people we met were very friendly. (or The people who we met. ..)
● Everything I said was true. (or Everything that I said …)

We say
● The movie we saw was very good. (110/ The movie we saw it was . . .)

Sometimes there is a preposition (to/in/at, etc.) after the verb:

We say:
. .. the books I told you about. (not the books I told you about them)

You can say (a place) where
● The hotel where we stayed was near the station. (= The hotel we stayed at…)

You must use who/that/which when it is the subject

● l met a woman who can speak six languages. (who is the subject)
● Jack was wearing a hat that was too big for him. (that is the subject)

Example Sentences Based on the Sample Answer and Grammar Practice:

  1. The exercises they regularly engage in, which include walking and biking, contribute to their physical well-being.
  2. The traditions they practice, which focus on mindfulness and gratitude, have a positive impact on their mental health.
  3. The social support networks they have, which provide emotional and practical support, are vital for their overall happiness and longevity.

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself:

Lesson 66  Election

Lesson 66  Election

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Think about the factors that might influence the lack of interest among Japanese young people in elections, such as social, economic, and educational aspects.

Sample Answer

“Japanese young people might not be interested in elections due to a feeling of disconnection from the political process, a perception that their vote does not make a difference, and the lack of political education that connects their daily lives to policy making.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer

  1. Disconnection (切断): The feeling of not being connected or involved with something.
  2. Perception (認識): The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.
  3. Political process (政治過程): The steps and methods involved in making and implementing government policies and decisions.
  4. Vote (投票): A formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action.
  5. Policy making (政策立案): The process of creating laws, regulations, and guidelines that govern a community or society.

Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. What are some reasons Japanese young people might feel disconnected from elections?
  2. How does the perception of the effectiveness of one’s vote influence interest in elections?
  3. Why is the connection between daily life and policy making important for increasing interest in elections?

Mastering Middle School English Grammar

If I had… If we went…, etc.

You can say:

● If he had the money, he would buy a car.
  or   He would buy a car if he had the money.

I’d/ she’d / they’d, etc. = I would / she would/ they would, etc.:

● I don’t know the answer. If I knew the answer, I’d tell you.
● It’s raining, so we’re not going out. We’d get wet if we went out.
● Jane lives in a city. She likes cities. She wouldn’t be happy if she lived in the country.
● If you didn’t have a job, what would you do? (but you have a job)
● I’m sorry I can’t help you. I’d help you if I could. (but I can’t)
● If we had a car, we could travel more. (but we don’t have a car, so we can’t travel much)

If (I) was/ were… I wouldn’t go out if I were you.

You can say if I/he/she/it was or if I/he/she/it were:
● It’s not a very nice place. I wouldn’t go there if I were you. (or… if I was you)
● It would be nice if the weather was better.(or… if the weather were better)
● What would Tom do if he were here? (or… if he was here)


if I have / if it is, etc.
● I wane to go and see Helen.
  If I have time, I w ill go today.
(= maybe I’ll have time, so maybe ‘ll go)

● I like that jacket.
  I’ ll buy it if it isn’t too expensive.
(= maybe it will not be too expensive)

● I’ll help you if I can. ( = maybe I can help)


if I had / if it was, etc.
● I want to go and see Helen .
If I had time, I would go today.
(= I don’t have time today, so I will not go)

● I like that jacket, but it’s very expensive.
I’d buy it if it wasn’t so expensive.
(= it is expensive, so I’m not going to buy it )

● I’d help you if I could, but I can’t.

Example Sentences Based on the Sample Answer and Grammar Practice:

  1. If the political process were more transparent, young people might feel a stronger connection to it.
  2. Young individuals would likely participate more in elections if they understood how policies affected their futures.
  3. If there were more initiatives to make voting easier and more accessible, we might see an increase in young voters.

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself:

Lesson 65   Seppuku

Lesson 65   Seppuku

Topic Question : Why do samurai commit seppuku?

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Consider the cultural, historical, and personal reasons why a samurai would choose to commit seppuku.

Sample Answer

“Samurai commit seppuku as a way to preserve their honor or take responsibility for their actions. It was seen as a method of dying with dignity rather than falling into the hands of enemies or living in disgrace.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer

  1. Honor (名誉): A sense of ethical conduct and duty, highly valued by samurai.
  2. Responsibility (責任): The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
  3. Dignity (尊厳): The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.
  4. Disgrace (不名誉): Loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonorable action.
  5. Enemy (敵): A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.

Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. What is the main reason samurai commit seppuku?
  2. How does seppuku relate to a samurai’s honor?
  3. What alternatives does seppuku present to living in disgrace or captivity?

Mastering Middle School English Grammar

If we go… If you see…, etc.

If can be at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle:

If at the beginning

If we take the bus, it will be cheaper.
If you don’t hurry, you’II miss the train.

                    if in the middle

It will be cheaper if we take the bus.
You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry.

In conversation, we often use the if-part of the sentence alone:

● Are you going to the concert?” “Yes, if I can get a ticket.

If you see Ann tomorrow…, etc.

After if, we use the present (not will). We say if you see… (not if you will see) ・
● If you see Ann tomorrow, can you ask her to call me?
● If I ‘m late tonight, don’t wait for me. (not if I will be)
● What should we do if it rains? (not if it will rain)

If and when

If I go out = it is possible that I will go out, but I’ m not sure:
● A:  Are you going out later?
  B:  Maybe. If I go out, I’ll close the windows.

When I go out= I’m going out (for sure):

● A: Are you going out later?
  B: Yes, I am. When I go out, I’ll close the windows.

Compare when and if:

When I get home tonight, I’m going to take a shower.
 If I’m late tonight, don’t wait for me. (not When I’m late)
● We’re going to play basketball if it doesn’t rain. (not when it doesn’t rain)

Example Sentences Based on the Sample Answer and Grammar practice:

  1. If a samurai faced disgrace, he might consider seppuku to preserve his honor.
  2. Don’t disrespect the complexity of samurai culture by oversimplifying their traditions.
  3. Let’s research more about how the practice of seppuku evolved over time.

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself:

Lesson 63  Dogeza

Lesson 63  Dogeza

Topic Question:   What is dogeza?

Try Answering the Question Yourself
Think about the cultural significance and the context in which dogeza is performed in Japan.

Sample Answer

“Dogeza is a traditional Japanese form of deep apology or request, which involves kneeling directly on the ground and bowing deeply until one’s forehead touches the floor. It symbolizes extreme regret or the earnestness of a request, showing a high level of respect and humility.”

Words to Learn and Their Meanings about Sample Answer
Pronounce the Words Correctly (Pronunciation Training) + Make Sentences Using the Words Instantly

  1. Apology (謝罪): An expression of regret for having caused inconvenience or harm.
  2. Kneeling (ひざまずく): The action of staying in a position in which the body is supported on a knee or knees, as a sign of respect.
  3. Bowing (お辞儀): Bending the body or head forward as a sign of respect.
  4. Regret (後悔): A feeling of sadness or disappointment over something that has happened or been done.
  5. Earnestness (真剣さ): Serious intention or effort.

Answer the Instructor’s 3 Questions Based on the Sample Answer

  1. What does dogeza involve physically?
  2. In what situations is dogeza typically performed?
  3. How does dogeza express one’s feelings?

Mastering Middle School English Grammar:

the oldest  the most expensive

The superlative form is -est (oldest) or most … (most expensive).

Short words (old/cheap/nice, etc.)→the -est
old→the oldest cheap→the cheapest
but good→the best bad→the worst

Words ending in -y (easy/heavy, etc.)→the -iest:
nice→the nicest heavy→the heaviest pretty→the prettiest

Long words (careful/ expensive/interesting, etc.)→the most . . . :
careful→the most careful    interesting→the most interesting

We say the oldest … I the most expensive …, etc. (with the).
● The church is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town.
  (= it is older than all the other buildings)
● Money is important, but it isn’t the most important thing in life.

You can use the oldest / the best / the most expensive, etc. without a noun:
● Ken is a good player, but he isn’t the best on the team.
  (the best = the best player)

You can use superlati11e + I’ve ever … / you’ve ever …, etc.:
● The movie was very bad. I think it’s the worst movie I’ve ever seen.
● What is the most unusual thing you’ve ever done?

Example Sentences Based on the Sample Answer and Grammar Practice:

  1. Dogeza is considered one of the most sincere forms of apology in Japanese culture.
  2. This tradition may not be the oldest in Japan, but it’s among the most respected.
  3. The gesture of dogeza is seen as the most humble way to express apology or request.

Make Sentences Based on the Above Example Sentences Yourself: