
受講プランと料金 — IELTS Speaking & Writing  5.5➤6.0

試験名称:   IELTS

受講科目:  Speaking, Writing (2科目)

現在スコア:   Overall  5.5 (英検準1級、TOEIC 700~800)

目標スコア:   Overall  6.0

学習期間:    6ヶ月

標準必要学習時間 : 4科目  200 h +  / 1科目 50 h +
  ★各試験目標スコア達成に必要な時間 についてはこちらから➤

 <受講プラン / 料金>  1レッスン=25分

IELTS Speaking (Mock Test)50 レッスン
2IELTS Writing Academic50 レッスン1+2  63,800 円
受講料 合計  100 レッスン63,800 円 (税込)

★ 目標達成のためには、予習・復習と自主学習をしっかりと行うことが重要です。
★ 最終的に受講するコースは、受講者様自身でご判断ください。
★ IELTS 対策 レベル別コースの選び方(中級-Intermediate)についてはこちらから➤

受講プランと料金 — IELTS 4科目  5.5➤6.0

試験名称:   IELTS

受講科目:  Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading  (4科目)

現在スコア:   Overall  5.5 (英検準1級、TOEIC 700~800)

目標スコア:   Overall  6.0

学習期間:    6ヶ月

標準必要学習時間 : 4科目  200 h +  / 1科目 50 h +
  ★各試験目標スコア達成に必要な時間 についてはこちらから➤

 <お勧め受講プラン / 料金> 1レッスン=25分

IELTS Speaking (Mock Test)50 レッスン
2IELTS Writing Academic50 レッスン1+2 63,800 円
3IELTS Reading Academic 25レッスン 
4IELTS Listening Past Exam25レッスン 1+2 34,800 円
受講料 合計  150 レッスン98,600 円(税込)

★ 目標達成のためには、予習・復習と自主学習をしっかりと行うことが重要です。
★ 最終的に受講するコースは、受講者様自身でご判断ください。
★ IELTS 対策 レベル別コースの選び方(中級-Intermediate)についてはこちらから➤

ネイティブのリアル英語 take a dip ひと泳ぎする


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!

ネイティブのリアル英語    take a dip ひと泳ぎする

今回取り上げる表現は “take a dip” です。

“take a dip”は、「…がひと風呂浴びる」「…がひと泳ぎする」という熟語です。



“take a dip in the sea” では, 海でひと浴びする様子を表します。




“take a + (動詞と同形の)名詞” のイディオムは下のように


 take a bite(…がひと口食べる)

 take a look(…が見る)

 take a walk(…が散歩をする)

< 例文 1 >

   I might go down to the sports club and take a dip at lunchtime.


< 例文2 > 

   Summer is almost here, and one of the ways to stay out of the heat

   is to take a dip in the pool.



「 take a dip          ひと泳ぎする 」 習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

It’s such a beautiful warm day today.

I think I’ll take a dip.


It’s such a beautiful warm day today.

I think I’ll go swimming.


It’s such a beaudif’l warm day daday.

I think ah’ll take a dip.

「dip」 を使ったイデオム

● Dip your toe in the water : 慎重に試す、少しずつ試す

I’m not sure if I’d like to move to another city for a new job, but I could always dip my toe in the water by commuting there for a few weeks first.

● Dip your pen in company ink : 職場で恋愛する

It’s usually not a good idea to dip your pen in company ink; it could lead to complications down the line.

● Dip in the road : 一時的な困難、小さな障害

Despite the recent dip in the road, our company has continued to be successful in its endeavors.

● Be in a dip :  下降期にある、悪い状況にある

Our sales are in a dip this quarter, but we’re confident we can turn things around.

● Skinny-dip : 水着を着ずに泳ぐ

They decided to skinny-dip in the lake, as there was no one else around.

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Advance (2)- English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name:  TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Advance (2) – Sample Material

▮ Level:      CEFR C1, TOEIC 900 and above, Eiken 1st Grade

▮ Number of Lessons:          41 Lessons (Take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:  41 Lessons – Contents

▮ Teaching material: You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:
● Aimed at TOEFL advanced students aiming for 25 points in the Speaking section
● Unique question composition that guides to model answers step by step
The difference between ‘TOEFL Speaking (Intensive Seminar)’ and ‘Perfect Master

▮ Lesson Overview:

Using more challenging problems, we proceed with different types of problems (Independent / Integrated).
We guide you to model answers with our unique question composition (Step by Step Guide).
With the learning method along the guide that leads to model answers, it is a training that can respond to various topics.

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Advance-English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Title:  TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Advance – Sample Material

▮ Level:     CEFR C1, TOEIC 900 and above, Eiken Level 1

▮ Number of Lessons:  52 lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:   52 lessons – Contents

▮ Teaching material: You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:

● Designed for learners aiming for a target score of 100 (25 in the Speaking section)
● The course covers relatively difficult topics
Explains the differences between the TOEFL Speaking Intensive Seminar and the ‘Perfect Master’

▮ Course Overview:

This course uses relatively difficult topics and proceeds according to question type (Independent/Integrated). We will create the necessary elements for responses while answering the questions. The guide to the question format that leads to responses is relatively difficult. We will thoroughly practice Note Taking in listening during the main subject. By listening to the model answers, you will compare them with your own answers and consider areas for improvement.”

▮ Lesson Flow

   Perfect Master (Advance) Question 1 Lesson Flow

   Perfect Master (Advance) Question 2 Lesson Flow

   Perfect Master (Advance) Question 3 Lesson Flow

   Perfect Master (Advance) Question 4 Lesson Flow

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Intermediate (2)- English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name:  TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Intermediate (2) – Sample Material

▮ Level:      CEFR B1~B2, TOEIC 700~900, Eiken Grade 2 ~ Pre 1

▮ Number of Lessons:    41 Lessons (Take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:     41 Lessons – Contents

▮ Teaching material: You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:
● Aimed at TOEFL Intermediate students aiming for 20 points in the Speaking section
● Unique question composition that guides to model answers step by step
The difference between ‘TOEFL Speaking (Intensive Seminar)’ and ‘Perfect Master’

▮ Lesson Overview:

Using shorter and simpler problems than the actual test, we proceed with different types of problems (Independent / Integrated).
We guide you to model answers with our unique question composition (Step by Step Guide).
With the learning method along the guide that leads to model answers, it is a training that can respond to various topics.
Intermediate is for those who have fair English skills but struggle to utilize it due to the lack of strategy, and for those whose vocabulary knowledge is sufficient but not enough

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Intermediate-English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name: TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Intermediate – Sample Material

▮ Level: CEFR B1~B2, TOEIC 700~900, EIKEN Grade 2 ~ Pre 1

▮ Number of Lessons: 40 lessons (Please take as many as needed)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons: 40 Lessons – Contents

▮ Teaching material: You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:
● Aimed at students aiming for a target score of 80 points (20 points in the Speaking section)
● The topics covered in the questions are relatively easy
Difference between TOEFL Speaking (Intensive Seminar) and “Perfect Master”

▮ Overview of Lessons:

We use relatively easy topics and proceed by question type (Independent/Integrated). The guide in the form of question leading to the answer is relatively easy to respond to. In the main topic listening, we rigorously train Note Taking. Listen to the model answer, compare it with your own answer, and consider improvements.

▮ Lesson Flow

   Perfect Master (Intermediate) Question 1 レッスンの流れ

   Perfect Master (Intermediate) Question 2 レッスンの流れ

   Perfect Master (Intermediate) Question 3 レッスンの流れ

   Perfect Master (Intermediate) Question 4 レッスンの流れ

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Basic (2)

Japanese Site

▮ Lesson Course Name:  TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Basic (2) – Sample Material

▮ Level:         CEFR B1~, TOEIC 600700, EIKEN Grade Pre-2~

▮ Number of Lessons:      41 Lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:   41 Lessons  Contents

▮ Teaching material: You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:
● Aimed at TOEFL beginners aiming for a score of 15 in the Speaking section
● Unique question structure that leads to a model answer step by step
Differences between TOEFL Speaking (Special Training Seminar) and ‘Perfect Master

▮ Lesson Overview

Using problems that are shorter and simpler than the actual exam, we will proceed by question format (Independent/ Integrated).
Our unique question structure (Step by Step Guide) leads you to the model answer.
This is a training method that can respond to various topics by learning along the guide that leads to the model answer.
The Basic level is aimed at students who have never taken the exam or who have taken the exam but have little to no knowledge of how to strategically progress through the exam – suitable for beginner level students.

TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Basic- English Site

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name: TOEFL Speaking Perfect Master Basic  Sample Materials

▮ Level:     CEFR B1~, TOEIC 600~700、英検2級~ 
▮ Number of Lessons:  100 lessons (Please take only the necessary lessons)
▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:   100 lessons  Contents

▮ Teaching material: You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:

Designed for students aiming for a target score of 61 (15 in the Speaking section)
Shorter and easier questions compared to the actual exam
Differences between “TOEFL Speaking” and “Perfect Master”

▮ Lesson Overview:
Using shorter and simpler questions than the actual exam, we will progress through Independent and Integrated tasks based on question formats. By referring to model answers, we will gradually guide you towards achieving the ideal response. Through guided learning methods, we will practice various topics.

▮ Lesson Flow

  Perfect Master (Basic) Question 1 Lesson Flow

  Perfect Master (Basic) Question 2 Lesson Flow

  Perfect Master (Basic) Question 3 Lesson Flow

  Perfect Master (Basic) Question 4 Lesson Flow

TOEFL Speaking Starter— English Site 

Japanese Site

▮ Course Name: TOEFL Speaking Starter

▮ Level:     Beginner (CEFR A2, Equivalent to EIKEN Pre-2)

▮ Number of Lessons:  50 Lessons (Take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:   50 Lessons  Sample Material

▮ Teaching material: The teaching materials will be provided by the instructor during the lesson time. For those who need to prepare or review, you will receive the materials for the next session (multiple sessions possible) at the end of the lesson, as instructed by the tutor.

▮ Characteristics: All question formats are gently explained, and problems are designed to focus on speaking, without listening, for beginners.

▮ Course Overview:

We gently explain each task from “Question Task 1” to “Question Task 4”. The practice problems are specialized for speaking, without listening.

Based on the learners’ responses, the instructor makes corrections and guides them towards the model answers.