各コマにつき、「いつ」「誰が」「何をした」で1文、 「誰が」「何と言った」で1文、「誰が」「どのように感じた」 で1文という調子で、3文ずつ話すとよいでしょう。 2~4コマめには A week later などの時間の推移 を表す語句がよく書かれています。 ストーリーの流れが明快になるので、 各コマ第1文の冒頭はこの時間表現で始めるようにしましょう。
―― 問題例 ――
You have one minute to prepare.
This is a story about a married couple who worked in a big city.
You have two minutes to narrate the story.
Your story should begin with the following sentence:
One weekend, a couple was visiting the man’s parents’ farm in the countryside.
出典: 英検準1級二次試験 2017年度第2回
One weekend, a couple was visiting the man’s parents’ farm in the countryside. They looked concerned to hear that the parents thought they were getting too old for farming.
A week later, the couple was back at their apartment in the city. They were talking in the living room, and the man suggested that they quit their jobs and go to the farm to help with the farm work. The man’s wife looked unsure about whether that was a good idea.
The following year, the couple had returned to the farm. They were working outside, and the man was pleased to see that his parents were enjoying the opportunity to spend time with their grandchildren.
A few months later, however, the man’s wife told him that she missed city life as they were sitting at the table.
Airlines miss most of their climate change targets
A new report says airlines in the U.K. have missed all their climate change targets since 2000, except one. The U.K. aviation industry has set more than 50 climate targets in the past two decades. These included using greener fuels for airplanes and making fuel more efficient. The climate group Possible did research on the airline industry. It said the aviation industry has failed to reduce its carbon footprint. Leo Murray from Possible told the BBC: “Companies set grand-sounding targets with a lot of fanfare.…They talk about them for a couple of years. Then the targets sink without trace, never to be seen again.” Mr Murray said the industry’s climate record “is exceptionally poor”