ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!

like pulling teeth 困難を極める
「 困難を極める 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?
アメリカでは ” like pulling teeth ” といいます。
Trying to get money from her was like pulling teeth.

「pull teeth」を直訳すると「歯を抜く」という意味から、「like pulling teeth」は
「 like pulling teeth 困難を極める 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:
Ed is so lazy that getting him to help me do a little work is like pulling teeth.

Ed is so lazy that getting him to help me do a little work is extremely difficult.
Ed’s so lazy th’t gedding ’im da help me do a liddle work is like pulling teeth.
said of something extremely difficult to do.
「teeth」 を使ったその他のイディオム
- In the teeth of ~(~に逆らって / ~に直面して)
They continued their journey in the teeth of a violent storm.
- By the skin of one’s teeth(かろうじて / ギリギリで)
He passed the exam by the skin of his teeth.
- Grit one’s teeth(歯を食いしばる / 我慢する)
She gritted her teeth and finished the marathon despite the pain in her legs.
4. Fight tooth and nail(全力で戦う / 必死に抵抗する)
The company fought tooth and nail to protect its reputation.
5. Cut one’s teeth on ~(~で経験を積む / 初めて学ぶ)
He cut his teeth on coding by working on small projects in high school.