
Business Special Curriculum Beginner (実践型標準ビジネスコース)

English Site

● 全ての講師が担当します。

▮ レッスンコース名: Business Special Curriculum Beginner

▮ レベル    :  TOEIC L&R 150~500 , CEFR A2,  英検3級~準2級 

▮ レッスン数  :  15 ~ 20 レッスン  (1レッスン=25分)

  ★ 受講者のレベルやレッスンの進行速度によってレッスン数が変わります。

▮ 教材: マイページ上部メニュー「オリジナル教材」→「BUSINESS」からダウンロードできます。    教材 Sample

▮ レッスンの概要 : 


◆25分/1レッスン マンツーマン・オンライン英会話向けに作られたオリジナル教材。


Table of Contents

Lesson Number               Topics
Lesson 1Common Questions and Answers
Lesson 2Introducing Oneself and Another Person
Lesson 3Self-Introduction
Lesson 4Useful Adjectives
Lesson 5Location
Lesson 6Daily Routine
Lesson 7Asking for Help-Accepting, Declining and Suggesting
Lesson 8Skills and Qualifications
Lesson 9Pay and Benefits
Lesson 10Career Ladder
Lesson 11Asking Information and Evidence
Lesson 12Common Problems
Lesson 13Problem At Work
Lesson 14Communicating
Lesson 15Communicating 2

受講プランと料金 — Business Special Curriculum (中級⇒中上級)

レッスンコース名 : Business Special Curriculum (実践型標準ビジネスコース)

現在レベル : 中級  (TOEIC L&R 500~700 , CEFR B1,  英検2級)

目標レベル : 中上級  (TOEIC L&R 700~900 , CEFR B2,  英検準1級) 


 <受講プラン / 料金>  1レッスン=25分

Business Special Curriculum Intermediate 15 レッスン
2Business Special Curriculum Advance15 レッスン1+2 23,800 円
受講料 合計  30 レッスン23,800 円 (税込)

★ 目標達成のためには、予習・復習と自主学習をしっかりと行うことが重要です。
★ 最終的に受講するコース・レッスン数は、受講者様自身でご判断ください。


受講プランと料金 ― Business Course

Business Special Curriculum (初級⇒中級)

Business Special Curriculum (中級⇒中上級)

6 Business Scene (6つのビジネスシーン)2 Scenes

6 Business Scene (6つのビジネスシーン)4 Scenes

6 Business Scene (6つのビジネスシーン)6 Scenes

Course Plans and Fees

Japanese Site

Lesson Course Summary (レッスンコース 概要一覧)はこちら➤

<About Course Plans and Fees>

▮ We provide recommendations on the required study time to move from your current score to your target score, the best lesson courses, and tuition fees. The proposed course plans and prices are provided as reference examples. Depending on the student’s situation and requirements, the course, number of lessons, and fees may vary.

▮ The prices mentioned are for when using the “Point-Based Plan”. All lesson courses can also be taken under the “Monthly Subscription Plan.



TOEFL Junior

TOEFL Primary

EIKEN (英検)


TOEIC Speaking

TOEIC Writing

受講プランと料金(Course Plans and Fees)

English Site

Lesson Course Summary (レッスンコース 概要一覧)はこちら➤


▮ 現在のスコアから目標スコアまでに必要な学習時間、おすすめのレッスンコース、及び受講料を提案しています。提示される受講プランと料金はあくまで参考例としてのものです。受講者の状況や要望に応じて、コースや受講回数、料金は異なる場合がございます。 CEFR/IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC/英検のスコア換算表

▮ 料金は「ポイント制プラン」を利用した場合のものです。すべてのレッスンコースは、「月額制プラン」での受講も可能です。



TOEFL Junior

TOEFL Primary

EIKEN (英検)


TOEIC Speaking

TOEIC Writing

受講プランと料金 ― TOEFL Primary

TOEFL Primary Course Summary (概要)➤

TOEFL Primary Step 1 60 Lessons

TOEFL Primary Step 2 60 Lessons 

受講プランと料金 — TOEFL Primary Step 2

試験名称:   TOEIC Primary Step 2

受講科目:  Reading, Listening, Speaking

注意:Speakingが必要ない方はスキップしてください。Speaking Skipを講師に伝えるか、事務局までご連絡ください。

現在スコア : スケールスコア 106~110 (英検3級~準2級、CEFR A1~A2)

目標スコア : スケールスコア 115 (英検2級、CEFR B1) 

学習期間:    6ヶ月

標準必要学習時間 :   50 h~100 h+  

 <受講プラン / 料金>  1レッスン=25分

TOEFL Primary Step 2  Book 1 ~360 レッスン47,600 円
受講料 合計  60 レッスン47,600 円 (税込)

★ 目標達成のためには、予習・復習と自主学習をしっかりと行うことが重要です。
★ 最終的に受講するコース・レッスン数は、受講者様自身でご判断ください。


TOEFL Primary スコア レベル (Score Level)

TOEFL Primary Course Summary (概要)➤

出典:Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd.

受講プランと料金 — TOEFL Primary Step 1

試験名称:   TOEIC Primary Step 1

受講科目:  Reading, Listening, Speaking

注意:Speakingが必要ない方はスキップしてください。Speaking Skipを講師に伝えるか、事務局までご連絡ください。

現在スコア : スケールスコア 102未満 (英検4級以下、CEFR A1以下~A1)

目標スコア : スケールスコア106~108 (英検3級~準2級、CEFR A2) 

学習期間:    6ヶ月

標準必要学習時間 :   50 h~100 h+  

 <受講プラン / 料金>  1レッスン=25分

TOEFL Primary Step 1  Book 1 ~360 レッスン47,600 円
受講料 合計  60 レッスン47,600 円 (税込)

★ 目標達成のためには、予習・復習と自主学習をしっかりと行うことが重要です。
★ 最終的に受講するコース・レッスン数は、受講者様自身でご判断ください。


TOEIC Writing Score Range Descriptors

Japanese Site


Score Range Descriptors

Your scaled score is 200. Test takers with this scaled score typically can communicate straightforward information effectively and use reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion.
When using reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion, their writing is well-organized and well-developed. The use of English is natural, with a variety of sentence structures and appropriate word choice, and is grammatically accurate.
When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, their writing is clear, coherent, and effective.

Your scaled score is between 170 and 190. Test takers in this score range typically can communicate straightforward information effectively and use reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion. When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, their writing is clear, coherent, and effective.
When using reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion, their writing is generally good. It is generally well-organized and uses a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary. It may also include one of the following weaknesses:
● occasional unnecessary repetition of ideas or unclear connections between ideas
● noticeable minor grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices

Your scaled score is between 140 and 160. Test takers in this score range typically can effectively give straightforward information, ask questions, give instructions, or make requests, but are only partially successful when using reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion. When attempting to explain an opinion, their writing presents relevant ideas and some support.
Typical weaknesses include:
● not enough specific support and development for the main points
● unclear connections between the points that are made
● grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, their writing is clear, coherent, and effective.

Your scaled score is between 110 and 130. Test takers in this score range typically are partially successful when giving straightforward information or supporting an opinion with reasons, examples, or explanations.
When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, the message omits important information or is partly unintelligible. When attempting to explain an opinion, their writing presents relevant ideas and some support.
Typical weaknesses include:
● not providing enough specific support and development for the main points
● unclear connections between the points that are made
● grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices

Your scaled score is between 90 and 100. Test takers in this score range typically are at least partially successful when giving straightforward information. However, when supporting an opinion with reasons, examples, or explanations, they are mostly unsuccessful.
When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, the message omits important information or is partly unintelligible.
When attempting to explain an opinion, significant weaknesses that interfere with communication occur, such as:
● not providing enough examples, explanations, or details to support the opinion or they are inappropriate
● inadequate organization or connection of ideas
● limited development of ideas
● serious grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices

Your scaled score is between 70 and 80. Test takers in this score range typically have some developing ability to express an opinion and to give straightforward information. However, communication is limited.
When attempting to explain an opinion, significant weaknesses that interfere with communication occur, such as:
● not providing enough examples, explanations, or details to support the opinion or they are inappropriate
● inadequate organization or connection of ideas
● limited development of ideas
● serious grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, the responses do not successfully complete the task because of:
● missing information
● missing or obscure connections between sentences and/or
● many grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
Test takers in this score range have some ability to produce grammatically correct sentences, but they are inconsistent.

Your scaled score is between 50 and 60. Test takers in this score range typically have limited ability to express an opinion and to give straightforward information. When attempting to explain an opinion, the responses show one of the following serious flaws:
● serious disorganization or underdevelopment of ideas
● little or no detail or irrelevant specifics
● serious and frequent grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, the responses do not successfully complete the task because of:
● missing information
● missing or obscure connections between sentences and/or
● many grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
Test takers in this score range have some ability to produce grammatically correct sentences, but they are inconsistent.

Your scaled score is 40. Test takers with this scaled score typically have only very limited ability to express an opinion and give straightforward information. When attempting to explain an opinion, the responses show one of the following serious flaws:
● serious disorganization or underdevelopment of ideas
● little or no detail or irrelevant specifics
● serious and frequent grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
Test takers with this scaled score cannot give straightforward information. Typical weaknesses include:
● not including any of the important information
● missing or obscure connections between ideas
● frequent grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
Test takers with this scaled score are unable to produce grammatically correct sentences

Your scaled score is between 0 and 30. Test takers in this score range typically left part or parts of the TOEIC® Writing test unanswered. Test takers in this score range may need to improve their reading ability in order to understand the test directions and the content of test questions.

Source :  Institute for International Business Communication (IIBC).

TOEIC L&R / TOEIC SW / EIKEN Score Conversion Chart

    Listening  Reading  Speaking  Writing      Grade 
C1     490~455~180~180~1
B1275~275~120~120~2 -Pre1