▮ Course Name: Let’s Go Book 5 ▮ Number of Lessons: 18 to 36 lessons (72 pages) (The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.) ▮ Level: Eiken Grade 4, 2nd Year Junior High School Students
▮ Course Overview:
Future tense, comparative and superlative forms, understanding opinions of others Students will learn to express quantities using amounts and units, and learn expressions like ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’.
They will also learn expressions for comparing speed and size, among others.
They will memorize expressions for sensory perceptions like sweetness, tastiness, smell, hardness, and so on.
Questions like ‘Have you ever experienced this?’ will also be learned.
▮ Course Name: Let’s Go Book 4 ▮ Number of Lessons: 18 to 36 lessons (72 pages) (The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.) ▮ Level: Eiken Jr. Gold to Eiken Grade 5, 1st Year Junior High School Students
▮ Course Overview:
Future tense, basic comparative and superlative forms, expressing one’s opinion
Students will learn to ask and answer questions about their dreams and hopes, memorize names of professions, and more.
They will learn about specific time expressions and comparative adjectives such as bigger and smaller, longer and shorter.
Students will study expressions related to future plans, health conditions, household chores, leisure activities, and more
▮ Course Name: Let’s Go Book 3 ▮ Number of Lessons: 18 to 36 lessons (72 pages) (The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.) ▮ Level: Eiken Jr. Gold, Elementary to Junior High School Students
▮ Course Overview:
Present and past tense, sentences using When/Where/Who/Whose/What/Which Students will learn vocabulary related to clothing, and expressions for asking about and describing locations.
They will learn to form interrogative sentences like ‘when’, ‘where with whom’, ‘which’, ‘what’, and will study expressions for present and past time such as ‘today’ and ‘yesterday’.
▮ Course Name: Let’s Go Book 2 ▮ Number of Lessons: 18 to 36 lessons (72 pages) (The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.) ▮ Level: Eiken Jr. Silver, Elementary to Junior High School Students
▮ Course Overview:
Time, third person, ‘s’ in third person singular, present continuous tense
Students will memorize things like greetings and the names of items used at school.
They will learn the usage and differences of expressions like ‘This/That’, the grammar of general verbs and telling time, things about food, daily routines, actions, and so on, to be able to express themselves about these topics.
▮ Course Name: Let’s Go Book 1 ▮ Number of Lessons: 18 to 36 lessons (72 pages) (The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.) ▮ Level: Eiken Jr. Bronze, Elementary to Junior High School Students
▮ Course Overview:
Self-introduction, introduction of others, singular and plural forms. The course content is designed for acquiring basic conversation skills and vocabulary, and students will memorize words such as names of objects, colors, and shapes.
Students will learn about singular and plural forms, weather and climate, wants and needs, and verbs like eating and drinking.
Expressions of likes and dislikes will also be learned
▮ Course Name: Let’s Go Begin ▮ Number of Lessons: 18 to 36 lessons (72 Pages) (The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.) ▮ Level: Toddlers to Early Elementary School Students
▮ Course Overview:
‘Let’s Begin’ allows you to learn various English expressions, focusing on basic numbers, colors, and shapes. As it uses simple and familiar objects, it can be used effectively even by children from around 3 years old. Moreover, with cute songs, even little ones can enjoy learning.
It covers content like parts of the body and names of shapes, making it enjoyable even for adult beginners or those who have not taken middle school English very seriously and thus lack confidence in their English abilities.
You will be able to learn the very basics needed to start English conversation♪
● Unit 3 – Shapes(形) How are you today?I’m fine, thank you.の挨拶の受け答え、動作を表すWalk. Run.、ものの形、形について聞く、答えるなどの表現を学習します。フォニックスはEe, Ff, Gg, H
● Unit 4 – Numbers(数字) May I come in? Sure! Please come in!の受け答え、動作を表す、Go. Stop.、1〜10の数字、How many?と質問し答える表現などを学習します。フォニックスはIi, Jj, Kk, Ll
● Unit 5 – Animals(動物) Here you are. Thank you.のここにあるよ、ありがとうの受け答え、動作を表すJump. Skip.、動物の名前、動物の数を数え複数形にするなどの表現を学習します。フォニックスはMm, Nn, Oo, Pp
● Unit 6 – Food(食べ物) How old are you? I’m 6.の年齢に関する受け答え、動作を表すMake a line. Make a circle.、様々な食べ物の名前、I like cake. Do you like fish? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.などの表現を学びます。フォニックスはQq, Rr, Ss, Tt
● Unit 7 – My Body(体) Oops! I’m sorry.That’s OK.のごめんね、いいよの受け答え、動作を表すStamp your feet. Clap your hands.、体の部位の名前、単数形、複数形の表現、What can you do? I can touch my head.などの会話を学びます。フォニックスはUu, Vv, Ww
● Unit 8 – I Can(動作) Let’s play.OK. Let’s play~の表現、動作を表す、Point to the board. Go to the board.自転車に乗る、歌を歌うなど、〜を〜するという動作に関する表現を学びます。フォニックスはXx, Yy, Zz
▮ Course Name: Starter English ▮ Number of Lessons: 22 lessons (The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of the course.) ▮ Level: Elementary School Beginners, Short Conversations
▮ Course Overview: This course is designed for elementary school students starting English conversation for the first time. It is also compatible with the ‘Children’s English Test 「Jido EIKEN」” . Students will be able to use everyday greetings and have simple conversations in English
▮ Course Name: Jr. English (Junior Basic English 1) ▮ Number of Lessons: Between 12 to 24 Lessons (The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of progress.) ▮ Level: Lower elementary school beginner, words + short greetings This is a course for lower elementary school students who are just starting English conversation. Using flashcards, students will learn and pronounce simple greetings, numbers, animals, fruits, expressions of emotions, etc., and be able to answer simple questions.
▮ Lesson Overview:
Following the Flash Card Lessons, we have prepared our original course ‘Jr. English 1 12-24 Lessons’ for those who wish to take their learning to a slightly higher level than the Flash Card Lessons. The course focuses on learning the names of objects, expressions, greetings, etc., along with simple sentences using illustrations. The sentences used are very limited and simple, making it a lesson where you can get a little accustomed to English conversation.
More than 600 Essential English Words for Kids (Corresponding to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s English Notebook 1 & 2)
▮ Course Name: Flash Card Class ▮ Number of Lessons: Between 43 to 50 Lessons (The number of lessons may vary depending on the student’s level and the pace of progress.) ▮ Level: Lower elementary school, first experience with English
▮ Lesson Overview:
A flashcard is a card with a picture, such as an apple, on the front and its English spelling on the back.
The key point of the lesson is to directly associate the image of the item with the English word in your mind, without translating it into Japanese.
Instructor: What is it? (Showing the student the flashcard with an apple) Student: Apple.
Following that, we correct the student’s response to a full sentence, like ‘It is an apple’, and have the student repeat the pronunciation. It is important not to make them remember by translating into Japanese, such as apple = apple, but to directly recognize the picture of the apple = apple.