2024年度 実用英語技能検定(英検) 問題形式リニューアル
論理性の構築 ⇒ 因果関係等に気を付けて、本文と同じ論理的な構造を維持します。主張を中心に本文の流れをシンプルに提示していきます。 Paragraph One の要約 → Paragraph Two の要約 → Paragraph Three の要約
2024年度 実用英語技能検定(英検) 問題形式リニューアル
論理性の構築 ⇒ 因果関係等に気を付けて、本文と同じ論理的な構造を維持します。主張を中心に本文の流れをシンプルに提示していきます。 Paragraph One の要約 → Paragraph Two の要約 → Paragraph Three の要約
受講目的: TOEFL IBT Speaking, Writing, Listening (3科目)
テスコスコア履歴: TOEIC L&R 800
TOEFL対策 レベル別コースの選び方(中級者) を参考にコースをお選びただくことをお勧めします。
体験レッスンでご希望のレッスンがございましたらレッスン内容を「講師への連絡」からお伝えください。 例:TOEFL Speaking Mock Test (英字で入力してください。)
渋谷教育学園 幕張中学 帰国子女枠入試-英語試験 面接対策コース
Makuhari Junior High School Returnee Students Quota Entrance Exam – English Test Interview
About Shibumaku Interview (渋幕の面接対策について)
Communication skills, proactivity, and the ability to clearly express one’s opinions are key factors evaluated. Although Shibumaku does not have group discussions, in situations where group discussions are present, it’s not only about expressing one’s opinion but also about listening to others’ opinions, and being able to draw out those opinions.
The content of interviews for returning middle school students generally falls into five patterns:
① Small talk
② General questions asking for an opinion
③ Group discussions
④ Current affairs
⑤ Questions about a pre-submitted short essay/essay
In particular, for Shibumaku interviews, the actual questions asked were 1. Small talk (normal conversation), 2. General questions asking for an opinion, and 5. Questions about a pre-submitted pre-essay. When I took the exam, it started with small talk, like ‘How did you get here today?’ This type of conversation is, I believe, to assess basic communication skills. Then, there were general questions, such as ‘Do you think time is important?’ or ‘Should wearing school uniforms be mandatory during commutes?’ The ability to express an opinion, and logically explain the reasoning is crucial. This is followed by questions about the pre-essay submitted with the application form. A pre-essay, for example, could be about ‘Writing about your favorite character, including the reasons why you like them.’ You might be asked why you chose that character and what you learned from them.
渋幕中学 帰国子女枠入試面接試験 対策コース
Course Name: Shibumaku Junior High School Interview Course
― Contents ―
① Whom do you most admire?
② Do you enjoy watching movies?
③ What was the most important invention of the last decade?
④ How do you spend your free time?
⑤ What goals do you have for the future?
⑥ Which English books would you recommend to non-returnee students?
⑥ What club would you like to join?
⑦ What was the biggest difference between Japan and another country you
have lived in or visited?
⑧ 8Please tell us about your background.
⑨ What is a technological innovation you would like to see in your lifetime?
⑩ Which historical event should students know more about?
⑪ What recent news story has interested you most?
⑫ What other activities do you do in your free time?
⑬ What advice would you give to other returnees about returning to Japan?
⑭ What do you want to achieve in junior high school?
⑮ What books do you enjoy reading?
⑯ Which author’s style do you like?
⑰ If you were to give a title to your life story, what would it be?
⑱ What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
⑲ Who is someone who has had an impact on your life?
⑳ Who is a fictional character who has had an impact on your life?
㉑ What is your favorite quote?
「Topic Discussion for Teen」と「英検準2級対策 (EIKEN G-Pre2 Textbook Class」へのご関心を承知しました。
※ EIKEN G-Pre2 Textbook Class(市販教材:英検準2級をひとつひとつわかりやすく(学研) )レッスン中は講師が教材を共有画面でお見せしながらになりますが、予習復習で必要になりますので、後日、受講者ご自身でご用意いただくようお願い申し上げます。
例:Topic Discussion for Teen Lesson 1 (英字で入力してください。)
「Topic Discussion for Teen」と「英検準2級対策」2科目を同時進行で学ぶためには、各科目ごとにアカウントを作成することをおすすめします。そのため、2つのアカウントを作成いただくことが最適です。
Lesson Course Name: EIKEN Grade Pre 1 Writing Summary Task
Number of Lessons: 50 Lessons – 50 Questions [Standard: 1 question = 1 lesson (25 minutes)]
(Please take as many lessons as you need based on your judgment.)
Features: Original teaching materials will be used, with test-like questions.
Lesson Overview
Preparatory Type: Students are recommended to prepare their answer in advance. During the lesson, the instructor will revise and advise based on the student’s answer, working together to create a model answer.
Practice Type: Like in the actual test, without prior preparation, students create their answer with guidance from the instructor, receiving revisions and advice while forming the model answer.
The answers will be revised based on four criteria: content, structure, vocabulary, and grammar.
━━ How the Lesson Proceeds ━━
① It is recommended to prepare in advance. Create your answer in a file such as Word. (For those who prefer the tension of the actual test situation, please proceed without preparation.)
② The standard is to complete one question in 25 minutes (one session).
③ During the lesson, the student drops their written answer into the instructor’s chat box for revision.
The instructor will revise the answer paragraph by paragraph, sharing the screen with the student.
At the end, the instructor will give advice on the entire completed document.
④ If the answer is not completed during the lesson, the instructor will provide the student with the partially completed answer in a document file (Word or OpenOffice Writer).
⑤ The student is to complete the answer by the next lesson and pass it to the instructor during the lesson time.
⑥ In the second lesson, the instructor will revise the completed answer on the shared screen. The revision, advice, and completion of the answer will be tailored to the student’s level in this writing lesson.”
「5 Tips for Answering Summary Questions」
① Identifying the Main Argument ⇒ After reading the entire paper, the author’s main argument is identified. The summary revolves around this main argument.
② Abstracting Specific Terms ⇒ Specific terms and proper nouns are paraphrased into more general or abstract expressions. For example, specific names like “Lake X” or “River Y” are changed to words like “water bodies” and abstracted.
③ Constructing Logical Structure ⇒ Care is taken to establish a logical structure, including causal relationships, to maintain the same logical flow as the original text. The summary simplifies the presentation of the main argument and the flow of the original text. Paragraph One Summary → Paragraph Two Summary → Paragraph Three Summary
④ Eliminating Redundancy ⇒ Redundant information and repetitions are removed, focusing on essential information. By consolidating repeated sentences or similar words into more general terms, the summary is made concise.
⑤ Confirming Coherence ⇒ Checking if the summary conveys the author’s main argument without requiring prior knowledge.
※ Instructors, please receive the Answer Key from the manager.
▮ レッスンコース名: EIKEN Gade Pre 1 Writing Summary Task
▮ レッスン数 : 50 レッスン―50 問 [ 標準:1問=1レッスン(25分)]
※ 受講者のレベルにより1問=2レッスン(50分)の場合もあります
▮ 特徴 : オリジナル教材 試験類似問題を使います。
▮ レッスンの概要
予習型: 受講者は予習で解答文を作り、レッスン時間では、受講者の解答文を基に、講師が添削、アドバイスをしながら模範回答を作り上げていきます。
実践型: 本番同様、予習をせず講師の誘導で解答文を作り、添削、アドバイスを受けるながら模範解答を作り上げていきます。
※ 解答は4つの観点(内容、構成、語彙、文法)で添削されます。
▮ 教材(問題): 教材(問題)一覧はこちらからご覧ください
━━ レッスンの進め方 ━━
① 事前に予習されることをお勧めします。解答文をwordなどのファイルで作っておきましょう。
② 標準で1問を25分(1コマ)で完了となります。
③ レッスンでは、受講者が作った解答文を講師のチャットボックスに
④ レッスン中に完成できない場合、途中までの解答文を文書ファイル(word 又は
OpenOffice Writer)で受講者に渡します。
⑤ 受講者は次のレッスンまでに回答文を完成させ、レッスン時間に講師へ渡します。
⑥ 2 回目のレッスンでは共有画面で講師が完成文を添削していきます。 添削、アドバイ
「 解答のコツ 」
① 主張の特定 ⇒ 論文全体を読んで、筆者の主張を特定します。要約文はこの主張を中心にまとめます。
② 具体的な用語の抽象化 ⇒ 具体定な用語や固有名詞は、総称的な言葉や抽象的な表現に言い換えます。例えば、「~湖、~川」のような具体名称は「水源 water bodies」のような言葉にし、抽象化します。
③ 論理性の構築 ⇒ 因果関係等に気を付けて、本文と同じ論理的な構造を維持します。主張を中心に本文の流れをシンプルに提示していきます。 Paragraph One の要約 → Paragraph Two の要約 → Paragraph Three の要約
④ 冗長部分の排除 ⇒ 冗長な情報や繰り返しをなくし、本質的な情報に焦点を当てます。繰り返される文や、似たような言葉を、総称的な言葉にまとめることで、要約を簡潔にします。
⑤ 完結性の確認 ⇒ 前提知識を要求せずに、要約文だけを読んで、筆者の主張が伝わっているかを確認する。
EIKEN Grade Pre 1 Writing Added ‘Summary’ task to existing ‘Opinion’ task.
Sample question
● Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.
● Suggested length: 60–70 words
● Write your summary in the space provided on your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.
Constructing Logical Structure ⇒ Care is taken to establish a logical structure, including causal relationships, to maintain the same logical flow as the original text. The summary simplifies the presentation of the main argument and the flow of the original text. Paragraph One Summary → Paragraph Two Summary → Paragraph Three Summary
Model Answer
Evaluation Criteria
Answers will be graded on four aspects: content, structure, vocabulary, and grammar.
Each perspective is evaluated on a 5-point scale from 0 to 4 points, with a maximum score of 16 points.
2024年度 実用英語技能検定(英検) 問題形式リニューアル
論理性の構築 ⇒ 因果関係等に気を付けて、本文と同じ論理的な構造を維持します。主張を中心に本文の流れをシンプルに提示していきます。 Paragraph One の要約 → Paragraph Two の要約 → Paragraph Three の要約
Skype コンタクトリクエスト承認方法についてはこちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。
Skypeコンタクトリクエストの承認が得られない場合や、Skypeにコールしても受信いただけない場合、講師は「講師への連絡」チャットボットからメッセージを送ります。 受講者はメッセージに返答して、Skype コールアイコンをクリックすることで講師とSkypeが繋がります。
体験レッスンでご希望のレッスンがございましたらレッスン内容を「講師への連絡」からお伝えください。 例:IELTS Speaking (英字で入力してください。)
レッスンコース 概要一覧はこちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。
IELTS、TOEFL、TOEFL Jr.、TOEIC、英検、TEAPの試験対策をご利用の方は、事前にマイページに現在のレベル、目標スコア、テストのスコア履歴を入力していただくと、より個別に合わせた指導を受けることができます。
試験対策以外でご利用の場合でも、できれば現在のレベルをご入力ください。 また、レッスンへの全般的なご要望があればご連絡ください。 ご要望は全講師が共有します。
Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.
Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)
● Write one grammatically correct sentence.
● Use the given two words (phrases).
● The sentence should match the photo.
(There’s no need to write a long sentence.
● When describing objects, the present tense is fine, but when it comes to people or animals, since it’s an action happening right now, please write in the present continuous tense
Picture 1
Library / Studying
Sample Answer:
In the library, students were deeply engrossed in studying, surrounded by towering rows of books.
Picture 2
Coffee Shop / Customers
Sample Answer:
In the cozy coffee shop, customers relaxed at their tables, savoring their drinks as the barista expertly prepared coffee.
Picture 3
Library / Reading
Sample Answer:
The library reading room was filled with the quiet concentration of people engrossed in their books, surrounded by rows of knowledge.
Picture 4
Classroom / Lesson
Sample Answer:
In the classroom, students listened intently as the teacher
explained the lesson on the chalkboard.”
Picture 5
Train Station / Commute
Sample Answer:
At the busy train station, commuters gathered on the platform, waiting for the next train to arrive.
Picture 6
Park / Relaxation
Sample Answer:
In the park, people enjoyed relaxation as they strolled with their dogs under the shade of tall trees.
Picture 7
presentation / strategy
Sample Answer:
As the presentation unfolds, the team collaboratively refines their business strategy.
During the strategy meeting, the presenter is highlighting the company’s growth on the whiteboard.
The woman listens intently as the man discusses the presentation’s strategic outcomes.
Picture 8
Flip chart / Discussion
Sample Answer:
The team engages in a discussion about the strategies outlined on the flip chart.
Ideas flow freely as one member takes notes on the flip chart during the vibrant discussion.
During a critical discussion, the flip chart becomes a canvas for their innovative concepts.
Picture 9
Lecture / Technology
Sample Answer:
The trainer delivers an engaging lecture using the latest technology to illustrate key points.
Employees are absorbed in the lecture, where technology enhances the learning experience.
The technology at the trainer’s fingertips brings the lecture to life for the attentive audience.
Picture 10
Coffee / Conversation
Sample Answer:
The two friends are enjoying a lively conversation over coffee at the cafe.
Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.
Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)
Picture 11
Library / Study
Sample Answer:
The student is studying intently in the quiet environment of the library.
Picture 12
Jogging / Park
Sample Answer:
People are jogging through the park, enjoying the fresh outdoor air.
Picture 13
Meeting / Office
Sample Answer:
The group of businessmen are engaged in a serious meeting at the office.
Picture 14
City / Pedestrians
Sample Answer:
Pedestrians bustle along the busy city street, surrounded by the urban landscape.
Picture 15
Chef / Cooking
Sample Answer:
The chef is busily cooking in the restaurant’s kitchen, preparing exquisite dishes.
Picture 16
Teacher / Classroom
Sample Answer:
The teacher is giving a lesson in the classroom, engaging the attentive students.
Picture 17
Family / Picnic
Sample Answer:
A family enjoys a relaxing picnic in the scenic park, surrounded by nature.
Picture 18
Construction / Machinery
Sample Answer:
The construction worker operates heavy machinery at the bustling construction site.
Picture 19
Doctor / Consultation
Sample Answer:
The doctor is consulting with a patient in the medical office, providing professional care.
Picture 20
Artist / Painting
Sample Answer:
The artist is absorbed in painting a colorful canvas in her bright, sunlit studio.
Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.
Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)
Picture 21
Tourists / Landmark
Sample Answer:
A group of tourists are taking photos in front of the famous landmark, capturing memories.
Picture 22
Gardener / Flowers
Sample Answer:
The gardener is carefully tending to the beautiful flowers in the vibrant garden.
Picture 23
Musician / Guitar
Sample Answer:
The musician plays his guitar on a city street corner, entertaining passersby.
Picture 24
Yoga / Park
Sample Answer:
A group of people are practicing yoga in the peaceful park, enjoying the serene environment.
Picture 25
Fisherman / Lake
Sample Answer:
A group of people are practicing yoga in the peaceful park, enjoying the serene environment.
Picture 26
Baker / Bread
Sample Answer:
The baker proudly displays freshly baked bread in the bakery, filling the air with a delicious aroma.
Picture 27
Mechanic / Car
Sample Answer:
The mechanic is working diligently on a car in the auto repair shop, ensuring it runs smoothly.
Picture 28
Florist / Bouquet
Sample Answer:
The florist is arranging a stunning bouquet in the flower shop, showcasing her artistic talent.
Picture 29
Bartender / Drinks
Sample Answer:
The bartender is skillfully mixing drinks in the trendy bar, creating delightful cocktails.
Picture 30
Pilot / Takeoff
Sample Answer:
The pilot is meticulously preparing for takeoff in the airplane’s cockpit.
Picture 31
Hikers / Exploring
Sample Answer:
A group of hikers are exploring a scenic mountain trail, surrounded by nature.
Picture 32
Photographer / Sunset
Sample Answer:
The professional photographer is capturing stunning landscape photos at sunset.
Picture 33
Performer / Juggling
Sample Answer:
The street performer is skillfully juggling in the bustling public square, attracting a crowd.
Picture 34
Chef / Gourmet
Sample Answer:
The chef and his team are preparing a gourmet meal in the high-end restaurant kitchen.
Picture 35
Architect / Blueprints
Sample Answer:
The architect is carefully reviewing blueprints at the construction site.
Picture 36
Children / Playground
Sample Answer:
A group of children are joyfully playing in the playground, full of laughter and energy.
Picture 37
Veterinarian / Examining
Sample Answer:
The veterinary doctor is examining a pet with care and attention in the clinic.
Picture 38
Librarian / Organizing
Sample Answer:
The librarian is quietly organizing books in the serene atmosphere of the library.
Picture 39
Farmer / Harvesting
Sample Answer:
The farmer is harvesting crops in the vast field, working diligently under the sun.
Picture 40
Dancer / Practice
Sample Answer:
The professional dancer is practicing gracefully in the dance studio.
Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.
Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)
Picture 41
laptop / glasses
Sample Answer:
The glasses are placed next to the open laptop on the desk.
There is a laptop with a pair of glasses on the table.
The laptop and glasses on the table suggest someone is working from home.
Picture 42
boat / beside.
Sample Answer:
The boat is moored beside the tranquil lake.
A red and white boat rests beside the reeds.
Beside the calm waters, the boat awaits its next journey.
Picture 43
scooter / against
Sample Answer:
The scooter is parked against the backdrop of a serene river.
A vintage scooter stands against the rustic cabin.
Against the calm of the riverside, the scooter awaits its rider.
Picture 44
leaf / falls
Sample Answer:
A single leaf falls gently beside the closed window.
The leaf falls silently to the ground, signaling the change of season.
As the leaf falls, it passes by the window, drifting slowly downwards.
Picture 45
clock / ticking.
Sample Answer:
The clock is ticking on the wall, marking the passage of time.
A solitary clock, ticking steadily, hangs above the empty table.
In the quiet room, the only sound is the clock ticking.
Picture 46
leaves / falling.
Sample Answer:
Leaves are falling gently onto the empty park bench.
The park is quiet with leaves falling around the silent fountain.
Falling leaves cover the pathways in the deserted park.
Picture 47
cat / sleeping
Sample Answer:
The cat is sleeping peacefully on the windowsill.
A lone cat, sleeping soundly, is curled up in the corner.
In the quiet room, the only movement is the cat sleeping on the chair.
Picture 48
bird / perching
Sample Answer:
The bird is perching quietly on the tree branch.
A lone bird, perching atop the fence, surveys the area.
In the still garden, a bird perches on the birdbath’s edge.
Picture 49
train / under
Sample Answer:
The train is passing under the old steel bridge.
A solitary train travels under a bridge, cutting through the quiet landscape.
Under the expansive bridge, the train moves silently along the tracks.
Picture 50
path / through
Sample Answer:
The path winds through the dense forest, creating a sense of mystery.
A narrow path cuts through the forest, leading to unknown destinations.
Through the thick trees, the path meanders quietly, untouched.
Directions: Write ONE sentence base on the picture. Use the TWO words or phrases under the picture. You may change the forms, or the words and you may use them in any order.
Practice: (Apart from the actual test mentioned above, please create three sentences.)
Picture 51
chimney / above
Sample Answer:
The chimney rises above the house, standing out against the sky.
Above the quaint house, the chimney is a prominent feature.
The house, with its chimney towering above, has an old-world charm.
Picture 52
smartphone / beside
Sample Answer:
The smartphone lies beside the notebook on the desk.
Beside the pile of papers, the smartphone remains untouched.
The smartphone, placed beside the window, catches the morning light.
Picture 53
boat / floating
Sample Answer:
The boat is floating gently on the calm water.
A solitary boat, floating near the shore, creates a peaceful scene.
The boat floats silently, anchored in the tranquil bay.
Picture 54
crops / growing
Sample Answer:
The crops are growing densely in the vast field.
Rows of crops growing uniformly cover the entire field.
The crops, growing tall, dominate the landscape of the field.
Picture 55
screen / displaying
Sample Answer:
The computer screen is displaying a blank page, ready for work.
On the desk, the screen is displaying a series of charts and graphs.
The computer’s screen, displaying a colorful image, stands out in the room.
Picture 56
pen / notebook
The pen rests on the open notebook, ready for use.
A pen and a notebook are placed neatly on the table.
The notebook lies open next to the pen, filled with written notes.
Picture 57
because / sit
Sample Answer:
The park is crowded because many people are sitting on the grass enjoying the sunny day.
Picture 58
boy / but
Sample Answer:
The boy is running on the beach, but he seems careful to avoid the water.
Picture 59
snow / over
Sample Answer:
Children are playing over the freshly fallen snow, building snowmen and making snow angels
Picture 60
camping / star
Sample Answer:
Camping beneath the stars, they felt close to nature.
Picture 61
moon / above
Sample Answer:
The full moon shines brightly above the serene lake at night.
Picture 62
shop / in front of
Sample Answer:
There is a small shop in front of the towering office building, offering snacks and drinks.
Picture 63
because / sit
Sample Answer:
She decided to sit at the cafe because it had a beautiful view of the river.
Picture 64
dog / under
Sample Answer:
A small dog is sleeping under the bench in the sunny park
Picture 65
car / near
Sample Answer:
A red car is parked near the entrance of the modern building.
Picture 66
woman / beside
Sample Answer:
A woman is reading a book beside the calm lake.====================================================
Picture 67
bike / against
Sample Answer:
There is a bike leaned against the old brick wall.
Picture 68
cat / on
Sample Answer:
A fluffy cat is sitting on the windowsill, basking in the sun.===================================================
Picture 69
flowers / around
Sample Answer:
Beautiful flowers are blooming around the fountain in the center of the garden.==================================================
Picture 70
bird / above
Sample Answer:
A bird is flying above the lake, casting a shadow on the water.
Picture 71
people / between
Sample Answer:
A street performer is entertaining people standing between the two statues.
Picture 72
train / through
Sample Answer:
The express train is passing through the countryside at high speed.
Picture 73
tree / next to
Sample Answer:
A wooden bench is placed next to an old, large tree.
Picture 74
river / across
Sample Answer:
A small bridge runs across the river, connecting the two villages.
Picture 75
rain / during
Sample Answer:
People are rushing with umbrellas during the sudden rain.
Picture 76
building / opposite
Sample Answer:
The new cafe is located opposite the historic building.
Picture 77
book / beside
Sample Answer:
The old book lies forgotten beside the coffee mug on the desk.
Picture 78
guitar / against
Sample Answer:
A guitar rests against the couch in the cozy living room.
Picture 79
dog / run
Sample Answer:
The playful dog runs through the sprinkler in the garden.
Picture 80
Sample Answer:
bus / next to
Sample Answer:
A school bus is parked next to the playground, waiting for students.
Picture 82
Sample Answer:
Picture 83
Sample Answer:
Picture 84
Sample Answer:
Picture 85
Sample Answer:
Picture 86
Sample Answer:
Picture 87
Sample Answer:
Picture 88
Sample Answer:
Picture 89
Sample Answer:
Picture 90
Sample Answer:
Picture 91
Sample Answer:
Picture 92
Sample Answer:
Picture 93
Sample Answer:
Picture 94
Sample Answer:
Picture 95
Sample Answer:
Picture 96
Sample Answer:
Picture 97
Sample Answer:
Picture 98
Sample Answer:
Picture 99
Sample Answer:
Picture 100
Sample Answer:
Picture 101
Sample Answer: