
TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Intermediate – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name:  TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Intermediate – Sample Material

▮ Level:       CEFR B1~B2,  TOEIC 700~900,  EIKEN Grade 2 ~Pre 1 

▮ Number of Lessons:      33 lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:    33 lessons – Contents

▮ Teaching material:  You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Characteristics:
● Targeting TOEFL advanced learners who aim for 20 points in the Listening section
● Unique question composition with Gist-Content Question and helpful hints that guide to the correct answers
● The ‘Listening Mock Test Seminar’ uses similar problems and past questions to provide instruction tailored to the level of the students. On the other hand, ‘Perfect Master’ provides unique training created to accurately understand the Gist-Content (Main Point-Content) of lectures and conversations.

▮ Course Overview:

Using average level questions, the ‘Lecture’ and ‘Conversation’ are advanced by different types of problems.
We guide you to the correct answer with our unique question composition (Gist-Content Question).
With a study method that follows the guide and helpful hints, this is a training to accurately answer the questions.
It focuses on how well the students understand the entire story. As the students are asked to understand the main point of the story, they are required to recognize the main points of the lecture and the reason why people are having a conversation.

TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Basic – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name:  TOEFL Listening Perfect Master Basic – Sample Material

▮ Level:       CEFR B1, TOEIC 600 ~ 700, Eiken Grade 2

▮ Number of Lessons:   33 lessons (Please take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:  33 lessons – Contents

▮ Teaching material:   You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Characteristics:
● Targeting TOEFL advanced learners who aim for 15 points in the Listening section
● Unique question composition with Gist-Content Question and helpful hints that guide to the correct answers
● The ‘Listening Mock Test Seminar’ uses similar problems and past questions to provide instruction tailored to the level of the students. On the other hand, ‘Perfect Master’ provides unique training created to accurately understand the Gist-Content (Main Point-Content) of lectures and conversations.

▮ Course Overview:

Using easy questions, the ‘Lecture’ and ‘Conversation’ are advanced by different types of problems.
We guide you to the correct answer with our unique question composition (Gist-Content Question).
With a study method that follows the guide and helpful hints, this is a training to accurately answer the questions.
It focuses on how well the students understand the entire story. As the students are asked to understand the main point of the story, they are required to recognize the main points of the lecture and the reason why people are having a conversation.

TOEFL Listening Mock Test – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name: TOEFL Listening Mock Test

▮ Level: CEFR B1 and above, TOEIC 550 and above, Eiken Grade 2 and above

▮ Number of Lessons: 53 lessons (Please take only the necessary number of lessons)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons: 50 lessons

▮ Teaching material:  You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:

● Following the format of the actual exam, the lessons cover both “Lecture” and “Conversation” sections.
● The estimated time required per lesson varies based on the proficiency level of the learner.
    Advanced learners: 1 mock test = 1 lesson (25 minutes)
    Beginner to intermediate learners: 1 mock test = 2 lessons (50 minutes)

Lesson Overview:
Please solve (preparation) the materials (questions) to be used in the lesson in advance. During the lesson, you will engage with the instructor in checking the answers, learning how to approach the questions, and discussing important points and vocabulary related to the passages.

TOEFL Reading Regular – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name:  TOEFL Reading Regular   Sample Material

▮ Level:  CEFR B1 and above, TOEIC 550 and above, Eiken Grade 2 and above

▮ Number of Lessons:  70 lessons (Please take only the necessary number of lessons)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons:  50 lessons

▮ Teaching material:  You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:

The passages used in the lessons have the same word count and difficulty level as actual test questions.
Practical exercises using the same question types as the actual exam.

Lesson Overview:
Please solve (preparation) the materials (questions) to be used in the lesson in advance. During the lesson, you will engage with the instructor in checking the answers, learning how to approach the questions, and discussing important points and vocabulary related to the passages.

TOEFL Reading Basic – English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

 Lesson Course Name: TOEFL Reading Basic  Sample Material

▮ Level:        CEFR A2, TOEIC 400-550, Eiken Grade Pre-2~2

 Number of Lessons:           50 Lessons (take as many as you need)

 Recommended Number of Lessons:  50 Lessons

▮ Teaching material:  You will receive the teaching materials during the lesson time from the instructor. Those who need to prepare in advance can request the materials for the next lesson (or for multiple lessons) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first five lessons can be downloaded from this link

Lesson 1~ 5

▮ Features:

● We use passages that are shorter and easier than the actual exam questions
● Since lessons are designed for each question type, you can easily get used to the TOEFL’s question format

▮ Overview of Lessons:

Please complete all the materials (questions) used in the lesson in advance (as preparation). The lesson will be a session with the instructor to review the answers, learn how to tackle the questions, and discuss important points in the passage and vocabulary-related lessons.

TOEFL Writing Mock Test― English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it

▮ Course Name:     TOEFL Writing Mock Test

 Level:     CEFR B1, TOEIC 550 and above, Eiken Grade-2 and above

▮ Number of Lessons:
 ● Integrated Advance: 85 questions (170 lessons) sample material
 ● Academic Discussion: 100 questions (100 lessons)

 Recommended Number of Lessons:    50 to 100 lessons

▮ Teaching material: Teaching materials will be provided by the instructor during lesson time. If you need materials for preview, please request the next lesson’s materials (multiple sessions are possible) from the instructor at the end of the lesson. The materials for the first to the tenth session can be downloaded from this link

 Features:  This course uses similar or past exam questions.
 ● One Mock Test progresses in the order of Integrated → Academic Discussion.
 ● Standard required time: Integrated 1 question = 50 minutes (2 lessons) / Academic Discussion 1 question = 25 minutes (1 lesson)
 ● One Mock Test (Integrated → Academic Discussion) typically takes 3 lessons.

▮ Lesson Overview

For Integrated tasks, the standard time is 50 minutes (2 periods) for one question, and for Academic Discussion tasks, it is 25 minutes (1 period) for one question. Students create answer sentences as homework, and during the lesson, we correct them based on the student’s answer sentences and create model answer sentences. Please try to book the same teacher for Integrated tasks (1 question = 50 minutes).

━━ How the lesson proceeds ━━

① We recommend doing homework beforehand. Please create answer sentences in a file such as Word. (If you want to conduct the lesson with the same tension as the real thing, please proceed without preparation.)

② It usually takes 50 minutes (2 periods) to complete one question. Please take the same question (topic) with the same teacher as much as possible. (It can be handed over even if the teacher changes)

③ In the lesson, the teacher will correct the sentences by dropping them into the teacher’s chat box.

The teacher will correct each sentence while showing the answer sentence on the shared screen to the student.

Finally, we will give advice on the entire text regarding the completed sentences.

④ If it cannot be completed during the lesson, the answer sentence up to that point will be handed over to the student in a document file (Word or OpenOffice Writer).

⑤ The student will complete the answer sentence by the next lesson and hand it to the teacher during lesson time.

⑥ In the second lesson, the teacher will correct the completed sentence on the shared screen. From correction, advice, to the completion of the answer sentence, it will be a writing lesson tailored to the student’s level.

TOEFL Speaking ― English Site

Japanese Site

※ All instructors will handle it.

▮ Course Name: TOEFL Speaking

▮ Level: CEFR B1, Equivalent to EIKEN Grade 2

▮ Number of Lessons: 160 Lessons (Take as many as you need)

▮ Recommended Number of Lessons: 50-100 lessons

▮ Teaching material: The teaching materials will be provided by the tutor during the lesson time. For those who need to prepare or review, you will receive the materials for the next session (multiple sessions possible) at the end of the lesson, as instructed by the tutor.

▮ Characteristics: Using exam-like questions, we create model answers based on the learners’ responses. This is the most standard lesson for TOEFL Speaking preparation.

▮ Course Overview:

Using similar questions, we proceed according to the actual question format, from “Question Task 1” to “Question Task 4”. The instructor corrects the learners’ answers based on the grading criteria. Then, we ask you to write the corrected answer. Repeat recitation until you can memorize it entirely. The lesson ends with the instructor checking pronunciation, intonation, and speaking pace.

EIKEN Gade 1 Writing Summary Task ― English Site

Japanese Site

Lesson Course Name:   EIKEN Grade1 Writing Summary Task

Number of Lessons:   100 Lessons – 50 Questions [Standard: 1 question = 2 lesson (50 minutes)]

     ※ Depending on the learner’s level, one question may equal one lesson (25 minutes)

(Please take as many lessons as you need based on your judgment.)

Features:      Original teaching materials will be used, with test-like questions.

Lesson Overview

Preparatory Type: Students are recommended to prepare their answer in advance. During the lesson, the instructor will revise and advise based on the student’s answer, working together to create a model answer.

Practice Type: Like in the actual test, without prior preparation, students create their answer with guidance from the instructor, receiving revisions and advice while forming the model answer.

The answers will be revised based on four criteria: content, structure, vocabulary, and grammar.

━━ How the Lesson Proceeds ━━

① It is recommended to prepare in advance. Create your answer in a file such as Word. (For those who prefer the tension of the actual test situation, please proceed without preparation.)

② The standard is to complete one question in 50 minutes (one session).

③ During the lesson, the student drops their written answer into the instructor’s chat box for revision.

The instructor will revise the answer paragraph by paragraph, sharing the screen with the student.

At the end, the instructor will give advice on the entire completed document.

④ If the answer is not completed during the lesson, the instructor will provide the student with the partially completed answer in a document file (Word or OpenOffice Writer).

⑤ The student is to complete the answer by the next lesson and pass it to the instructor during the lesson time.

⑥ In the second lesson, the instructor will revise the completed answer on the shared screen. The revision, advice, and completion of the answer will be tailored to the student’s level in this writing lesson.

「5 Tips for Answering Summary Questions」

① Identifying the Main Argument ⇒ After reading the entire paper, the author’s main argument is identified. The summary revolves around this main argument.

② Abstracting Specific Terms ⇒ Specific terms and proper nouns are paraphrased into more general or abstract expressions. For example, specific names like “Lake X” or “River Y” are changed to words like “water bodies” and abstracted.

③ Constructing Logical Structure ⇒ Care is taken to establish a logical structure, including causal relationships, to maintain the same logical flow as the original text. The summary simplifies the presentation of the main argument and the flow of the original text.     Paragraph One Summary → Paragraph Two Summary → Paragraph Three Summary

④ Eliminating Redundancy ⇒ Redundant information and repetitions are removed, focusing on essential information. By consolidating repeated sentences or similar words into more general terms, the summary is made concise.

⑤ Confirming Coherence ⇒ Checking if the summary conveys the author’s main argument without requiring prior knowledge.

※ Instructors, please receive the Answer Key from the manager.

Sample Question and Answer

EIKEN G-1 Writing Summary Task ― (英検1級 英作文 要約問題)

English Site

▮ レッスンコース名: EIKEN Gade 1 Writing Summary Task 

▮ レッスン数  :   100 レッスン―50 問  [ 標準:1問=2 レッスン(50 分)]

            ※ 受講者のレベルにより1問=1レッスン(25分)の場合もあります 


▮ 特徴 :  オリジナル教材  試験類似問題を使います。

▮ レッスンの概要 

予習型: 受講者は予習で解答文を作り、レッスン時間では、受講者の解答文を基に、講師が添削、アドバイスをしながら模範回答を作り上げていきます。

実践型: 本番同様、予習をせず講師の誘導で解答文を作り、添削、アドバイスを受けるながら模範解答を作り上げていきます。

※ 解答は4つの観点(内容、構成、語彙、文法)で添削されます。

▮ 教材(問題):  教材(問題)一覧はこちらからご覧ください

━━ レッスンの進め方 ━━

① 事前に予習されることをお勧めします。解答文をwordなどのファイルで作っておきましょう。

② 標準で1問を50分(2コマ)で完了となります。

③ レッスンでは、受講者が作った解答文を講師のチャットボックスに




④ レッスン中に完成できない場合、途中までの解答文を文書ファイル(word 又は

  OpenOffice Writer)で受講者に渡します。

⑤ 受講者は次のレッスンまでに回答文を完成させ、レッスン時間に講師へ渡します。

⑥ 2 回目のレッスンでは共有画面で講師が完成文を添削していきます。 添削、アドバイ

「 解答のコツ 」


① 主張の特定 ⇒ 論文全体を読んで、筆者の主張を特定します。要約文はこの主張を中心にまとめます。

② 具体的な用語の抽象化 ⇒ 具体定な用語や固有名詞は、総称的な言葉や抽象的な表現に言い換えます。例えば、「~湖、~川」のような具体名称は「水源 (water bodies) 」のような言葉にし、抽象化します。

③ 論理性の構築 ⇒ 因果関係等に気を付けて、本文と同じ論理的な構造を維持します。主張を中心に本文の流れをシンプルに提示していきます。 Paragraph One の要約 → Paragraph Two の要約 → Paragraph Three の要約

④ 冗長部分の排除 ⇒ 冗長な情報や繰り返しをなくし、本質的な情報に焦点を当てます。繰り返される文や、似たような言葉を、総称的な言葉にまとめることで、要約を簡潔にします。

⑤ 完結性の確認 ⇒ 前提知識を要求せずに、要約文だけを読んで、筆者の主張が伝わっているかを確認する。


目的-IELTS 2科目 テスト履歴なし-無料体験予約がこれからの方 (ZOOM)




受講目的:      IELTS Speaking 7、Writing 7

テスコスコア履歴:  記載なし

まずは IELTS Speaking (Mock Test) を受講いただくことをお勧めします。
IELTS レッスン概要はこちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。



2科目(例:Speaking, Writing)を同時に受講する方法









体験レッスンでご希望のレッスンがございましたらレッスン内容を「講師への連絡」からお伝えください。 例:IELTS Speaking Mock Test(英字で入力してください。)


レッスンコース 概要一覧はこちらのリンクからご覧いただけます。







