
「DESCRIBE THE PICTURE 写真描写」 完全攻略 9. 知識・理解を述べる

9. 知識・理解を述べる

なにかに関する理解を示すことで、話を聞いている相手に情報がうまく伝わる場合があります。知識や理解に言及するには、know「わかる;知っているJ、tell「わかる;知る;見分ける」、see「わかる」、realize「…だと気づく;… だとわかる」などの動詞を使って表現できます。

◎I know…「… がわかる; … と知っている」
I know how she feels.

I know this is Ochanomizu.

◎We know…「(われわれには)…とわかる」
We know it is wintertime, because there’s snow on the ground.

We know it’s Christmas because there’s a Christmas tree behind them.

◎We can tell …「…だとわかる;見分けがつく」
We can tell she is a geisha because of her makeup and hair style.

◎We can see that …「…だとわかる」
We can see that this woman is upset.

◎ realize…「… だと気づく;わかる」
On the other hand, perhaps she realizes she was overcharged.

「DESCRIBE THE PICTURE 写真描写」 完全攻略 8. 意見・感想を述べる

8. 意見・感想を述べる

自分の意見を述べるときにもっともよく使われるのはI (don’t) think … [私は…だと思います/ …だとは思いません」というフレーズです。また、in my opinion…「私の意見では・・・;私に言わせれば・・」というフレーズを文頭や文末において使うこともよくあります。このほか動詞believeにも「…だと思う」という意味があります。

◎I think (that)…「…だと思う」
I think ifs a grandfather and his grandson.

I think she’s a very experienced hiker.

Since the teacher is smiling, I think he enjoys his job.

◎I don’t think (that)…「…ではないと思う」
I don’t think bad weather caused the accident.

◎I believe (that)…「…だと思う;信じる」
I believe they are in their mid-30’s.

◎In my opinion,…「私に言わせると…;私の意見では…」
In my opinion, green tea is much healthier than coffee.
In my opinion, they look too young to be married.

The music was fantastic, but there were too many people in my opinion.

「DESCRIBE THE PICTURE 写真描写」 完全攻略 7. 追加する

7. 追加する

見たものを説明する場面では、さらになんらかの情報を追加したいときがあります。そのようなときには、「その上…」「さらに… 」[加えて・・・」といった意味合いになる表現が便利です。Not only that….「それだけでなく・・・」のようにフレーズで表現したり、Furthermore,…「その上… 」のように副詞1語で表現するものなどがあります。

◎Not only that., ..「それだけでなく… ;その上…」
Not only that, all or most of the shoes have heels.

◎On top of that,…「その上…」
On top of that, I can see a famous clock called “Big Ben” in the background.

◎In addition,…「加えて・・・;その上…」
In addition, their shirts and backpacks are identical.

◎Furthermore,…「さらに… ;その上…」
Furthermore, some accidents might not be reported.

◎Moreover  『….「その上… ;さらに… ;加えて… 」
Moreover, hot springs are also thought to cure certain ailments.

◎Also,…「その上… ;さらに・・・」
Also, you can make hotpot a vegetarian dish.

Plus, there’s a “happy birthday· sign on the wall.


In Japan, besides soft drinks, you can buy cigarettes or even alcohol.

「DESCRIBE THE PICTURE 写真描写」 完全攻略 6. 仮定する

6. 仮定する

なんらかの場合を設定したり、仮定を設けながら話を進める方法を学習しましょう。 場合や仮定を表すIf … 「もし・・・ならば」の節を使うのがもっとも代表的な方法です。
また、現実にはそうなっていないことを仮定して希望を述べるときに使うI wish I could…卜できたらなあ」や、I wish I were…「•••だったらなあ」といった初歩的な仮定法も身につけましょう。

◎If A, B「もしAならばB」
If they aren’t twins, they are certainly brothers.もし彼らが双子でないなら、 確実に兄弟です。

If a station is nearby, it’s not a busy one.
もし駅が近くにあるのなら、 それは混雑していない駅です。

If the baby is sick, it’s not serious because the women are both smiling.
もし赤ちゃんが病気なら、 重病ではありません。 なぜなら、 女性たちがふたりともほほえんでいるからです。

If they are in Japan, they must be at least 20 since they are drinking alcohol.彼らが日本にいるのなら、
少なくとも20歳のはすです。 なぜなら、 アルコールを飲んでいるからです。

◎as long as…「…である限り」
In my opinion outdoor concerts are much better, as long as the weather is nice.

私の意見では、 天気がいい限りは、屋外のコンサートのほうがはるかにいいと思います。

◎I wish I could…「•••できたらなあ」

I wish I could do it more often.

◎I wish there were…「•••があったらなあ」
I wish there were more import stores in my neighborhood.

◎I wish we had…「…を持っていたらなあ」
I wish we had a bigger house, so we could host parties like this one.

「DESCRIBE THE PICTURE 写真描写」 完全攻略 5. 逆接・順接で述べる

5. 逆接・順接で述べる

「AなのでBだjとか「AだがBだ」と順接や逆接の表現を使って話を進める方法を学習します。順接を表すものには、A, so B「AなのでB」、Therefore,…/As such,…「それゆえ・・・」などが、逆接を表すものにはA,but B「AだがBJ、Although A, B「AだけれどもB」、While A, B「AだがB ;AなのにB」、However,…「しかしながら…」といった表現があります。

◎A, so B「AなのでB; AだからB」
They are dressed warmly and moving around, so they probably feel quite warm.

◎As such/Therefore,…「それゆえ…」
There are many volcanoes in Japan. As such/Therefore,」apanese have enjoyed
hot springs for centuries.

◎A, but B「AだがB」
There’s snow, but it doesn’t appear very cold.

The tickets can be very expensive, though.

◎Although A, B「AだけれどもB」
Although this is hard work, many of the workers are women.

◎While A,B 「AだがB;AなのにB」
While I have never tried it, I hear that it’s really dangerous.

◎Even though A,B 「たとえAであってもB」
Even though sushi is a traditional Japanese food, some Japanese don’t like

However, they are too expensive tor me.

◎(But)Then again,「しかしながら… ;とは言え… ;一方で」
(But) Then again. the model might change clothes several times during the

◎Despite this,…「これにもかかわらず…」
Despite this. in my opinion, green tea is much healthier than coffee.

「DESCRIBE THE PICTURE 写真描写」 完全攻略   4. 順序立てて説明する 

4. 順序立てて説明する

順序立ててなにかの理由を説明したり、動作の手順を話したりする場面では序数を使った表現が多用されます。Fi「stly「まず第一に」、Secondly… 「第二に」、Finally…「最に・・・」といった具合にセットで用いられることに注意しましょう。Firstly,Secondly … は既出の事柄の理由などを説明する場面で、First. Second,…は手順を説明するときに多く用いられます。

◎ First,…/Firstly,…「最初に… ;まずは…」
First, you mix eggs, flour, butter, sugar and milk.

Firstly, because they are both wearing the same shorts.

Second, you knead the dough.

Secondly, their back packs are very similar.

◎ Afet 『that,…「そのあと …」
After that, you roll the dou gh.

Finally, you cut them into shapes and put them in the oven.

Lastly, their haircuts are the same.

◎One reason is.. Another reason is…

One reason is because of the writing on the chalkboard. Another reason is
because the teacher is wearing a lab coat.

「DESCRIBE THE PICTURE 写真描写」 完全攻略 3. 対照する

3. 対照する

ふたつあるいはそれ以上の物事を対比しながら話せば、それぞれの事物をより具体的に説明することができます。「…の一方…」とか「一方は…で、他方は••だ」といった説明を行うための表現をチェックしましょう。on the one hand,…「一方で…」、on the other hand,…「他方で…」という表現がその代表格です。while…. whereas…「だが一方で…」といった接続詞を使う言い方もあります。

◎On the other hand,…「(しかし)他方では… ;あるいは…」

They could be on their honeymoon. On the other hand, they could be on a date.
I believe they are in their mid-30’s. On the other hand, they could be younger.

  • in one’s mid-30’sで「30代半ばの」という意味。
    It appears she is using her credit card. On the other hand, she’s holding a coin purse.
  • coin purse「小銭入れ」。

◎On the one hand,…「一方で…」
On the one hand, outdoor concerts are exciting. On the other hand, the sound isn’t as good.

  • on the one hand,…とon the other hand,…が、対になった表現。

◎Some of -s…Others…「~のいくつかは…。ほかのものは…」
Some of the planes are moving. Others are parked at the gates.

  • parkedは「駐車した;停止した」。

◎Sometimes…,and other times…「ときには…、またほかのときには…」
Sometimes we use chicken, and other times we use seafood.

◎A, while/ whereas B 「Aだが、 一方でB」
The big boat is moving, while the smaller boat is sitting still.

  • sit stillで「じっとしているj。
    In the wintertime New York City is very cold, whereas Miami is q uite warm.
「DESCRIBE THE PICTURE 写真描写」 完全攻略 2. 目立つ点•特徴を述べる

2. 目立つ点•特徴を述べる

なにかについて説明する場面では、目立つ点や特徴などを挙げて説明することも重要です。notice「気づく」という動詞を使ったり、be known for…「…で知られている」、be famous for…「••で有名だ」、be popular「人気があるjといったフレーズを使ったりしながら、特色を述べる言い方を学習しましょう。

◎I notice…「…がわかる;気づく…に注目する」
I notice there are a lot of packages.

◎The first thing you notice about A is B 「Aに関して最初に気づくのはBだ」
The first thin g you notice about the picture is the large cruise ship.

This picture features a Japanese woman.

◎be the most prominent of…「…の中でもっとも目立っている;際立っている」
Roller coasters are the most prominent of many amusement park rides.

◎be known for…「…で有名だ」
London is known for its bad weather.

Shibuya is known for its scramble crossings.
Japan is famous for having g many vending machines.

◎A is a (very) popular B「Aはとても有名なBだ」
A hot pot is a popular Japanese meal

「DESCRIBE THE PICTURE 写真描写」 完全攻略 1. 全体像を述べる

1. 全体像を述べる

目で見たものに関して話すときには、全体像の描写からスタートすると、状況が相手に伝わりやすくなります。This is a picture of…にれは…の写真だ」、This photo is of…「この写真は…に関するものだ」といった、全体像を語りながら話を切り出す表現を身につけましょう。

◎This is a picture of…「これは…の写真だ」
This is a picture of an airport terminal.

◎This photo is of…「この写真は…に関するものだJ
This photo is of a woman hiking in the mountains.

◎This picture shows…「この写真は…を示している」
This picture shows a birthday party.

◎Here is…「ここに…がいます;あります」
Here is a man and woman lying on the beach.

◎Here we can see…「ここには…が見える」

Here we can see a mother cradling her baby.

◎The people in this picture …「写真の人々は…にいる」

The people in this picture are at an amusement park.

◎This is…「これは…だ」
This is a group of people at a bar.

◎In this picture…「この写真では…」
In this picture a group of friends are sharing a laugh.

◎This pictures was taken in…「この写真は…で撮られた」
This picture was taken in a store.

DESCRIBE THE PICTURE (Intermediate)- Sample Picture & Flow of the Lesson


  1. 受講者は写真について説明します。短文だけでなく、複合文を作るようにしましょう。
  2. 講師は受講者の説明を聞きながら、訂正や言い換えなどのアドバイスをします。
  3. 受講者の説明が一通り終わったら、写真について講師が質問しますので、回答してください。

<Flow of the Lesson>

  1. Student should describe the picture, not only with short sentences but also by constructing complex sentences.
  2. The instructor will listen to the students’ descriptions and provide advice on corrections, paraphrasing, and other aspects.
  3. Once the student have finished their descriptions of the picture, the instructor will ask questions about it, which the student should answer.

Sample 1  「 A Birthday Party」

Speech 1
This picture shows a birthday party. It looks like these kids are
about elementary-school age. It’s probably not a very big party,
because there are only five children in the picture. The party
could be at a restaurant. Or, it might be at one of the kids’

Speech 2
Only four of the children are wearing hats. All five of them are laughing,
though. I wonder whose birthday it is. It’s hard to tell. Perhaps the one
in the middle. Certainly, they are all having a good time.

Speech 3
There are several bottles of sodas on the table. Some coffee
cups are in front of the bottles. This is strange, since children
don’t usually drink coffee. It’s possible the cups were for soup.
However, the picture doesn’t show the most important thing, a

Question 1 :

What does the picture show?

• The picture shows a birthday party.

• The picture shows children laughing.

• The picture shows a group of kids at a table.

Question 2 :

Where do you think the party is (at)?

• The party could be at a restaurant.

• It could be at one of the kids’houses.

• Maybe the party’s at the birthday boy/girl’s house.

Question 3 :

Is it a big party?

• Probably not. There are only five kids in the picture.

• It looks like a small gathering of friends or family.

• I think it’s a small celebration.

Question 4 :

Whoses birthday is it?

● It’s hard to tell.
● Perhaps the one in the middle.
● I’m not sure.

Question 5 :

What’s on the table?

● There are several bottles of soda on the table.
● Some coffee cups are in front of the bottles.
● There is a plate of food in the center.

Sample 2   「Cherry Blossom Viewing」

Speech 1
In this picture, people are boating on a river or a lake. It must
be spri ng, because the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Most of
the people in the boats are couples. Many of them are likely on
date. The boats are all the same size and shape, so they are almost
certainly rental boats.

Speech 2
It’s a very nice day. The sun is shining brightly. It looks a little
chilly, because most of the people are wearing jackets or sweaters.
There are only a few clouds in the sky. What a relaxing way to spend the day!

Speech 3
This park is definitely in 」apan. It’s li kely somewhere in Tokyo,
since there are tall buildings in the background. Cherry blossomviewing
is an important tradition in 」apan. My friends and I enjoy
hanami every year. There’s a great place near my office.

Question 1 :

What are the people in the picture doing?

●  People are boating on a river or a lake.

●  They are enjoying the cherry blossoms.

● They are spending the day in a park.

Question 2 :

What season is it?

• It must be spring.

• It’s probably spring.

•lt looks like it is March or April.

Question 3 :

What is the w eather like?

• The sun is shining brightly.

• It’s a clear day.

• It looks a little chilly.

Question 4 :


• This park is definitely in Japan.

• It’s probably in a city.

• It’s likely somewhere in Tokyo.

Question 5 :

Do you ever go cherry-blossom viewing?

• Of course. My friends and I go every year.

•Absolutely.I usually go with my co-workers.

•Certainly. There’s a great place near my office.

Sample 3   「A Fender-bender」 

Speech 1
It appears these people were in a car accident. The woman looks
angry. She has her hands on her hips. The man seems apologetic.
It’s not snowing or raining, so I don’ t think bad weather caused
the accident.

Speech 2
The man’s car is badly damaged. The picture doesn’t show the
woman’s car clearly. I think it was the man’s fault. Maybe the
man was following too closely. Perhaps the woman stopped suddenly.
Then again, the man was possibly texting and driving.

Speech 3

It looks like it was a minor accident. Neither of them seem injured.
The man’s car is badly damaged. I imagine they will call a
tow truck. The police will probably give the man a ticket. Surely,
both of them wish this didn’t happen.

Question 1 :

What are these people talking about?

● It appears these people were in a car accident.
● It looks like they had a traffic accident.
● Obviously, there was an accident.

Question 2 :

How do you think they feel?

• The woman looks angry.

• The man seems apologetic.

• Both of them must be unhappy.

Question 3 :

Whose fault was it?

• It was probably the man’s fault.

• I think it was the man’s fault.

• The man’s (fault), since he was behind her.

Question 4 :

Was it a bad accident?

• It looks like it was just a minor accident.

• No. Neither of them seem injured.

• No, because the lady’s car isn’t badly damaged.

Question 5 :

What do you think will happen next?

• They’ll likely call the police.

• I imagine they’ll call a tow truck.

• They’ll probably share insurance information.