
Lesson 9. Your Ideal Job (理想の仕事)

Lesson 9.  Your Ideal Job (理想の仕事)

▮ Explanatory Text:
An ideal job is not just about earning a salary but finding a role that matches your interests, values, and skills, where you can contribute positively and feel fulfilled. It varies greatly from person to person because what makes a job ideal for one might not be the same for another. Discussing your ideal job can help you understand your own aspirations better and learn about diverse career paths and possibilities that exist in the world.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. My ideal job would involve…
2. I would love to work in…
3. The most important thing for me in a job is…
4. I am passionate about…
5. In my ideal job, I would be able to…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. My ideal job would involve helping people improve their mental health.
2. I would love to work in the field of renewable energy.
3. The most important thing for me in a job is having a good work-life balance.
4. I am passionate about environmental conservation.
5. In my ideal job, I would be able to travel and explore different cultures.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss what your ideal job looks like. Describe the sector or industry you are interested in, the kind of work you would like to do, and why these choices appeal to you. Share what values and passions drive your career aspirations. Also, talk about what steps you are planning to take or are already taking to make this dream job a reality. This is a chance to explore and articulate your professional goals and ambitions.

Lesson 8. Learning English (英語を学ぶこと)

Lesson 8.  Learning English (英語を学ぶこと)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Learning English opens up a world of opportunities, from being able to communicate with people from different cultures to accessing a vast amount of information and entertainment. It can be challenging but also incredibly rewarding. Sharing experiences and strategies for learning English can help motivate others and provide valuable insights into overcoming common obstacles. It’s a journey that requires patience, practice, and perseverance.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. One strategy I use to learn English is…
2. I find English challenging because…
3. My favorite way to practice English is…
4. I started learning English because…
5. A helpful tool for learning English is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. One strategy I use to learn English is watching movies with subtitles.
2. I find English challenging because of the irregular verbs.
3. My favorite way to practice English is by speaking with native speakers.
4. I started learning English because I wanted to travel the world.
5. A helpful tool for learning English is language exchange apps.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your journey of learning English. Share what motivated you to start, the challenges you’ve faced, and how you’ve overcome them. Talk about your favorite tools and strategies for learning and practicing English. If you have any tips for fellow learners, share those as well. This is an opportunity to reflect on your progress and inspire others with your story.

Lesson 7. Childhood Memories (子供の頃の思い出)

Lesson 7.  Childhood Memories (子供の頃の思い出)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Childhood memories are some of the most precious treasures of our lives. These memories often include first experiences, adventures with friends, family vacations, and simple moments that felt magical through the eyes of a child. Reflecting on and sharing these memories can bring joy, laughter, and sometimes a touch of nostalgia. It helps us reconnect with our past and the people who have shaped who we are today. Talking about childhood memories can also strengthen bonds with others by revealing our roots and the journey we’ve taken to grow up.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. When I was a child, I used to…
2. One of my favorite childhood memories is…
3. I’ll never forget the time when…
4. As a kid, I loved…
5. My family and I often…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. When I was a child, I used to climb trees in our backyard.
2. One of my favorite childhood memories is going fishing with my grandpa.
3. I’ll never forget the time when I got lost at a carnival but found my way back with the help of a kind stranger.
4. As a kid, I loved collecting colorful leaves in the fall.
5. My family and I often went on picnics in the local park during summer weekends.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your most cherished childhood memories. Describe the people, places, and activities involved. Share how these experiences made you feel and why they are unforgettable. If there are any lessons you learned or funny anecdotes from those times, feel free to share them as well. This is a chance to revisit the joys of your childhood and share a piece of your history with others.

Lesson 6. Best Friends (親友)

Lesson 6.  Best Friends (親友)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Best friends are the people in our lives who know us deeply and accept us unconditionally. They are our confidants, our support system, and often feel like family. The bond with a best friend is built on trust, mutual respect, shared experiences, and countless memories. Talking about our best friends helps us appreciate the special connection we have with them and can also reveal what we value most in friendships.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. My best friend and I always…
2. I met my best friend when…
3. Something unique about my best friend is…
4. We have a tradition of…
5. My best friend helps me…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. My best friend and I always have a movie night on Fridays.
2. I met my best friend when we were both in kindergarten.
3. Something unique about my best friend is her ability to make anyone laugh.
4. We have a tradition of exchanging handmade gifts every birthday.
5. My best friend helps me stay positive during tough times.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the relationship you have with your best friend. Share how you met, what you enjoy doing together, and what makes your friendship strong. Talk about a memorable moment you’ve shared and how your best friend has impacted your life. If you have any traditions or inside jokes, feel free to share those as well.

Lesson 5. Family Traditions (家族の伝統)

Lesson 5.  Family Traditions (家族の伝統)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Family traditions are the rituals, practices, and beliefs handed down from generation to generation. They play a significant role in shaping our identity and sense of belonging. These traditions can vary widely from family to family and culture to culture, encompassing holidays, celebrations, daily routines, and even the way we greet or say goodbye to each other. Talking about family traditions is a wonderful way to learn about diverse backgrounds and share the values that are important to us.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. In my family, we always…
2. One tradition we have is…
3. Every year, we…
4. A special tradition in my family involves…
5. My favorite family tradition is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. In my family, we always have a big dinner together on Sunday nights.
2. One tradition we have is going apple picking every fall.
3. Every year, we celebrate the New Year by writing down our wishes and hopes.
4. A special tradition in my family involves baking cookies together on Christmas Eve.
5. My favorite family tradition is the storytelling night we hold every summer under the stars.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the traditions your family holds dear. Explain how these traditions started, if you know, and why they are important to you and your family. Share how these traditions make you feel and any particular memories associated with them. If there are any traditions you would like to start in your family, feel free to share those ideas as well.

Lesson 4. Shopping Experiences (ショッピングの経験)

Lesson 4.  Shopping Experiences (ショッピングの経験)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Shopping can be a fun and exciting activity, whether it’s for clothes, groceries, gadgets, or souvenirs. People shop for various reasons: necessity, leisure, or the thrill of finding a good deal. Shopping experiences can greatly differ from one person to another, influenced by preferences, budget, and the shopping environment. Sharing stories about shopping can reveal personal tastes, budgeting skills, and even cultural differences in shopping habits.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I usually shop at…
2. I prefer shopping online/in-store because…
3. The best deal I ever got was…
4. I’m looking for…
5. Shopping for… can be challenging.

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I usually shop at local markets for fresh produce.
2. I prefer shopping online because it’s convenient and I can compare prices easily.
3. The best deal I ever got was on a winter coat during an end-of-season sale.
4 I’m looking for a gift for my friend’s birthday.
5 Shopping for shoes can be challenging because I have a common shoe size and it’s often sold out.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your shopping experiences, including where you like to shop and why. Share a story about the best deal you’ve ever found or a time when shopping was particularly memorable for you. Talk about the challenges you face while shopping and how you overcome them. If you have any tips or strategies for effective shopping, share them with your classmates.

Lesson 3. Favorite Foods (好きな食べ物)

Lesson 3.   Favorite Foods (好きな食べ物)

▮ Explanatory Text:

Food is a universal language that brings people together. Everyone has their favorite foods, dishes that remind them of home, celebrations, or special moments. These can range from simple home-cooked meals to exotic dishes from far-off places. Talking about your favorite foods can not only be a mouth-watering experience but also a way to learn about different cultures, traditions, and personal stories.

▮ Common Phrases:

1. My favorite food is…
2. I love eating…
3. The best meal I’ve ever had was…
4. I have a sweet tooth for…
5. I enjoy cooking…

▮ Example Sentences:

1. My favorite food is sushi, especially salmon nigiri.
2 I love eating homemade pizza with lots of toppings.
3. The best meal I’ve ever had was a seafood paella in Spain.
4. I have a sweet tooth for chocolate cake.
5. I enjoy cooking Thai curry because it’s flavorful and spicy.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your favorite foods and why they hold a special place in your heart. Describe the flavors, textures, and any memories associated with them. Share if there’s a story behind how you came to love these foods. If you enjoy cooking, talk about a dish you love to prepare and the ingredients that make it special.

Lesson 2. A Day at the Park (公園での一日)

Lesson 2.  A Day at the Park (公園での一日)

▮ Explanatory Text:
A day at the park is a simple pleasure enjoyed by people of all ages. Parks offer a refreshing escape into nature, where one can relax, play, or engage in various activities. Whether it’s picnicking under a tree, jogging along scenic paths, or watching children play, parks provide a backdrop for creating joyful memories. Discussing your experiences and activities in the park can reveal common interests and encourage outdoor activities among friends and family.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I love going to the park to…
2. My favorite activity at the park is…
3. Whenever I visit the park, I always…
4. The best time to go to the park is…
5. Going to the park helps me…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I love going to the park to feel the breeze and listen to the birds sing.
2. My favorite activity at the park is playing frisbee with my friends.
3. Whenever I visit the park, I always take some time to read a book by the lake.
4. The best time to go to the park is early in the morning when it’s peaceful and quiet.
5. Going to the park helps me unwind and recharge from a busy week.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your ideal day at the park. Describe the activities you enjoy, who you go with, and what makes these moments special for you. Share any memorable experiences you’ve had at the park and why they are meaningful.

Lesson 1. Your Dream Vacation (理想の休暇)

Lesson 1 :  Your Dream Vacation (理想の休暇)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Everyone dreams of a perfect vacation. It could be exploring the bustling streets of a city, relaxing on a tropical beach, or hiking through breathtaking mountains. Vacations allow us to escape from our daily routines, experience new cultures, and create memories that last a lifetime. Talking about your dream vacation can inspire others and might even help you plan your next getaway.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. My dream vacation is to…
2. I’ve always wanted to visit…
3. I would love to experience…
4. On my dream vacation, I would spend my time…
5. One thing I must do on my dream vacation is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. My dream vacation is to explore the ancient temples of Kyoto, Japan.
2. I’ve always wanted to visit the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
3. I would love to experience the Northern Lights in Iceland.
4. On my dream vacation, I would spend my time sampling local cuisines.
5. One thing I must do on my dream vacation is go on a safari in Kenya.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your dream vacation. Describe where you want to go, what you want to see or do, and why it appeals to you. Share any specific activities or experiences that would make your vacation unforgettable.

Topic Discussion for Daily

English Site

▮ レッスンコース名:  Topic Discussion for Daily   

▮ レベル    :   準中級~中級者  CEFR A2~B1 , 英検3級~2級, TOEIC 400 ~700 

▮ レッスン数  :    50 レッスン (必要な分だけ受講してください)

▮ レッスンの特徴・効果

☑ 日常生活で遭遇する可能性のあるシチュエーションをカバー                ☑ 様々なトピックについて英語で自分の意見・主張が話せるようになります。         ☑ レッスン時間は、トピックについてのスピーキングが中心になります。

※ 初級者が日常生活で遭遇する可能性のあるシチュエーションをカバーしており、生徒が自分自身について話す機会を提供します。これにより、語彙を増やし、文法を実践し、自信を持って英語を話す力を養うことができます

▮ レッスン アクティビティ

  1. 1つのトピックについての短い解説を読みます。
  2. トピックでよく使われる表現や語彙を5つ覚えます。             
  3. 表現や語彙を用いて短い英文を作成します。
  4. トピックについての質問に答えた後、講師とディスカッションを行います

Topic 一覧  (レッスンコース 目次)

Lesson 1. Your Dream Vacation (理想の休暇)
Lesson 2. A Day at the Park (公園での一日)
Lesson 3. Favorite Foods (好きな食べ物)
Lesson 4. Shopping Experiences (ショッピングの経験)
Lesson 5. Family Traditions (家族の伝統)
Lesson 6. Best Friends (親友)
Lesson 7. Childhood Memories (子供の頃の思い出)
Lesson 8. Learning English (英語を学ぶこと)
Lesson 9. Your Ideal Job (理想の仕事)
Lesson 10. Movies You Love (好きな映画)
Lesson 11. Music and Bands (音楽とバンド)
Lesson 12. Sports You Play or Watch (するまたは見るスポーツ)
Lesson 13. Your Hometown (故郷について)
Lesson 14. Pets and Animals (ペットと動物)
Lesson 15. Technology and Gadgets (技術とガジェット)
Lesson 16. A Book You’ve Read (読んだことのある本)
Lesson 17. A Memorable Trip (思い出深い旅行)
Lesson 18. Healthy Living (健康的な生活)
Lesson 19. Environmental Issues (環境問題)
Lesson 20. Festivals and Celebrations (祭りとお祝い)
Lesson 21. Learning to Cook (料理を学ぶ)
Lesson 22. Public Transportation (公共交通)
Lesson 23. Your Daily Routine (日常のルーチン)
Lesson 24. A Special Gift (特別なプレゼント)
Lesson 25. Plans for the Weekend (週末の計画)
Lesson 26. Favorite Season and Why (好きな季節とその理由)
Lesson 27. Your First Job (最初の仕事)
Lesson 28. A Hobby You Want to Start (始めたい趣味)
Lesson 29. Places You Want to Visit (訪れたい場所)
Lesson 30. Languages You Want to Learn (学びたい言語)
Lesson 31. Favorite TV Shows (好きなテレビ番組)
Lesson 32. Using Social Media (ソーシャルメディアの使用)
Lesson 33. Staying Fit and Exercise (フィットネスと運動)
Lesson 34. Important Life Lessons (人生の大切な教訓)
Lesson 35. Your Role Models (あなたの手本)
Lesson 36. Traditional Dishes from Your Country (あなたの国の伝統料理)
Lesson 37. The Importance of Family (家族の重要性)
Lesson 38. Online Learning Experiences (オンライン学習の経験)
Lesson 39. Managing Stress (ストレスの管理)
Lesson 40. Future Technologies (未来の技術)
Lesson 41. The Joy of Cooking (料理の喜び)
Lesson 42. Volunteering and Helping Others (ボランティアと他人を助けること)
Lesson 43. School and Education (学校と教育)
Lesson 44. Cultural Differences (文化の違い)
Lesson 45. Art and Creativity (芸術と創造性)
Lesson 46. Traveling Abroad (海外旅行)
Lesson 47. Personal Growth (個人の成長)
Lesson 48. Celebrating Successes (成功を祝う)
Lesson 49. Overcoming Challenges (課題を乗り越える)
Lesson 50. Dreams and Ambitions (夢と野望)