
Lesson 44. Cultural Differences (文化の違い)

Lesson 44.  Cultural Differences (文化の違い)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Cultural differences enrich our world, offering diverse perspectives, traditions, and ways of life. Understanding and respecting these differences can enhance our communication, foster global awareness, and promote inclusivity. Exploring various cultures can be an enlightening experience, allowing us to appreciate the uniqueness of each and the common humanity that binds us.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. In my culture, we typically…
2. A unique tradition in my country is…
3. Compared to other cultures, we…
4. One cultural difference I’ve noticed is…
5. It’s interesting to see how different cultures…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. In my culture, we typically celebrate New Year by…
2. A unique tradition in my country is the festival of…
3. Compared to other cultures, we place a lot of importance on family.
4. One cultural difference I’ve noticed is how people greet each other.
5. It’s interesting to see how different cultures approach mealtimes and food.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the cultural practices and traditions from your country or a culture you are familiar with. Share insights on how these practices compare with those from other cultures you’ve learned about. Talk about any cultural differences that surprised or intrigued you, and why. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to express your thoughts and experiences.

※ This lesson plan is aimed at fostering an understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity among students. It encourages the sharing of personal experiences and observations related to cultural practices, promoting a classroom environment where diversity is celebrated and respected.

Lesson 43. School and Education (学校と教育)

Lesson 43.  School and Education (学校と教育)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Education plays a crucial role in shaping our future, providing us with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the world. School experiences vary widely across different cultures and education systems, offering a rich area for discussion. Sharing about our school experiences, favorite subjects, and educational aspirations can help us appreciate the value of education and the opportunities it provides for personal growth and development.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I study at…
2. My favorite subject is…
3. I hope to…
4. A challenge I face in school is…
5. Education is important because…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I study at Green Valley High School.
2. My favorite subject is science because it’s fascinating to learn how the world works.
3. I hope to attend university to study engineering.
4. A challenge I face in school is keeping up with all my homework.
5. Education is important because it opens doors to new opportunities.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your school and educational experiences. Talk about where you study, your favorite subjects, and any challenges you face. Share your aspirations for the future and how education can help you achieve your goals. If you have had any memorable experiences or teachers, feel free to share those stories as well. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to articulate your thoughts on education.

※ This lesson plan is designed to encourage students to share and reflect on their educational journeys. It aims to build vocabulary related to school and learning, and fosters discussions on the broader impact of education on individual lives and society. It’s an opportunity for students to practice expressing opinions, preferences, and future plans in a supportive learning environment.

Lesson 42. Volunteering and Helping Others (ボランティアと他人を助けること)

Lesson 42.

Volunteering and Helping Others (ボランティアと他人を助けること)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Volunteering and helping others are powerful ways to make a difference in the community and the world. These actions can bring joy, fulfilment, and a sense of purpose to both the giver and the receiver. Engaging in volunteer work or simple acts of kindness can teach us valuable life skills, foster empathy, and build stronger, more compassionate communities. Sharing experiences about helping others can inspire and motivate us to continue making positive changes.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I volunteer at…
2. Helping others makes me feel…
3. One way I like to help is by…
4. A memorable experience I had while volunteering was…
5. Volunteering has taught me…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I volunteer at a local food bank every weekend.
2. Helping others makes me feel connected and useful.
3. One way I like to help is by tutoring children in my neighborhood.
4. A memorable experience I had while volunteering was when I helped organize a community clean-up day.
5. Volunteering has taught me the importance of teamwork and compassion.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss any experiences you have with volunteering or helping others. Describe where and how you have volunteered, how these experiences made you feel, and what you learned from them. If you haven’t had the chance to volunteer yet, talk about ways you would like to help in your community or causes you feel passionate about. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to share your thoughts and encourage a culture of giving back.

※ This lesson plan aims to engage students in meaningful conversations about the impact of volunteering and acts of kindness. It helps build vocabulary related to community service and personal development, and encourages reflective thinking about the broader social impact of individual actions.

Lesson 41. The Joy of Cooking (料理の喜び)

Lesson 41.  The Joy of Cooking (料理の喜び)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Cooking is not just a daily necessity for many; it’s a way to express creativity, share culture, and bring people together. The joy of cooking comes from experimenting with new recipes, tasting flavors from around the world, and the satisfaction of sharing a meal with loved ones. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, cooking can offer a fulfilling experience and a way to show care and love.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I enjoy cooking because…
2. One of my favorite dishes to make is…
3. A cooking tip I learned is…
4. Cooking allows me to…
5. I love sharing meals because…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I enjoy cooking because it relaxes me after a long day.
2. One of my favorite dishes to make is spaghetti carbonara.
3. A cooking tip I learned is to always taste your food as you cook.
4. Cooking allows me to explore different cultures through their cuisine.
5. I love sharing meals because it brings my family and friends closer together.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your experiences with cooking. Share why you enjoy cooking or what challenges you face in the kitchen. Talk about your favorite dishes to prepare, any cooking tips you have, and how cooking impacts your relationships with others. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to express your thoughts and feelings about cooking.

※ This lesson plan encourages students to share personal stories and experiences related to cooking, fostering a conversation that is both engaging and educational. It aims to build vocabulary related to food and cooking, while also promoting the use of expressive language to discuss personal preferences and experiences.

Lesson 40. Future Technologies (未来の技術)

Lesson 40.  Future Technologies (未来の技術)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Technology is advancing at an incredible pace, shaping the way we live, work, and communicate. From artificial intelligence to space travel, the possibilities seem endless. Discussing future technologies not only fuels our imagination but also helps us consider the impact these innovations might have on society and the environment. This topic invites learners to explore the realm of what could be possible in the years to come.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. In the future, I believe we will see…
2. One technology I’m excited about is…
3. I wonder how… will change our lives.
4. A potential benefit of… is…
5. We need to consider the impact of… on…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. In the future, I believe we will see cars that drive themselves.
2. One technology I’m excited about is virtual reality.
3. I wonder how artificial intelligence will change our lives.
4. A potential benefit of renewable energy technologies is reducing our environmental footprint.
5. We need to consider the impact of advanced robotics on employment.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss what future technologies you find most interesting or important and why. Consider how these technologies could benefit or challenge society. If you have concerns about future technologies, share those as well. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to express your thoughts on how technology will shape our future.

※ This lesson plan encourages students to engage with the topic of future technologies, promoting the use of speculative language and expressions of possibility. It helps learners practice discussing predictions and hopes for the future, fostering a classroom environment that is both imaginative and critically engaged with upcoming technological advancements.

Lesson 39. Managing Stress (ストレスの管理)

Lesson 39.  Managing Stress (ストレスの管理)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Stress is a common experience in everyone’s life, affecting us both physically and mentally. However, managing stress is crucial for maintaining our health and well-being. There are various techniques to manage stress, including exercise, meditation, hobbies, and time management. Sharing how we deal with stress can provide valuable strategies for others and help create a supportive community.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. When I feel stressed, I…
2. A good way to relieve stress is to…
3. I find… to be a great stress reducer.
4. To manage my stress, I…
5. One technique I learned for handling stress is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. When I feel stressed, I go for a long walk.
2. A good way to relieve stress is to practice deep breathing exercises.
3. I find painting to be a great stress reducer.
4. To manage my stress, I make sure to plan my week ahead.
5. One technique I learned for handling stress is to meditate for a few minutes every day.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the methods you use to manage stress in your daily life. Describe any activities or techniques you have found effective and how they have helped you. Share any advice you have received about stress management and how it has impacted you. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to articulate your strategies for managing stress.

※ This lesson plan aims to open a dialogue about stress management, encouraging students to share personal experiences and coping mechanisms. It focuses on building vocabulary related to health and wellness, and promotes the development of speaking skills through personal reflection and exchange of ideas.

Lesson 38. Online Learning Experiences (オンライン学習の経験)

Lesson 38.

Online Learning Experiences (オンライン学習の経験)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Online learning has become increasingly popular and essential, offering flexibility and access to a wide range of subjects from anywhere in the world. While it brings many advantages, such as convenience and the ability to learn at one’s own pace, it also presents unique challenges like maintaining motivation and the need for self-discipline. Sharing experiences about online learning can help us discover new strategies for success and understand the diverse ways people adapt to digital education.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I took an online course on…
2. The biggest challenge for me was…
3. One advantage of online learning is…
4. To stay focused, I…
5. A useful tip I learned for online learning is…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I took an online course on digital marketing.
2. The biggest challenge for me was avoiding distractions at home.
3. One advantage of online learning is being able to watch lectures at any time.
4. To stay focused, I set up a dedicated study space in my house.
5. A useful tip I learned for online learning is to take regular breaks to keep my mind fresh.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss your experiences with online learning. Talk about any courses you have taken, what you liked and disliked, and the challenges you faced. Share any strategies or tips you found helpful for staying engaged and motivated. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to articulate your experiences and advice.

※ This lesson plan encourages students to reflect on their online learning journeys, sharing both the positive aspects and the hurdles they’ve encountered. It aims to build vocabulary related to education and technology, and fosters a supportive environment where students can learn from each other’s experiences and suggestions for effective online study habits.

Lesson 37. The Importance of Family (家族の重要性)

Lesson 37.  The Importance of Family (家族の重要性)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Family plays a crucial role in our lives, providing support, love, and a sense of belonging. Whether it’s the family we’re born into or the one we choose, these relationships shape our identity, values, and how we interact with the world. Discussing the importance of family helps us appreciate the bonds we share and understand different cultural perspectives on family.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. My family means…
2. I value my family because…
3. Family traditions include…
4. A lesson I learned from my family is…
5. Spending time with my family…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. My family means everything to me.
2. I value my family because they always support me in my decisions.
3. Family traditions include gathering for a big meal every Sunday.
4. A lesson I learned from my family is the importance of honesty and integrity.
5. Spending time with my family helps me feel connected and grounded.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss the importance of family in your life. Describe what family means to you, why your family is important, and any special traditions or lessons learned from your family. Share how your family has influenced the person you are today. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to express your thoughts and feelings about family.

※ This lesson plan is designed to encourage students to speak about their personal experiences and cultural background related to family. It helps build vocabulary related to family relationships and values, and fosters a deeper understanding and respect for diverse family structures and traditions.

Lesson 36. Traditional Dishes from Your Country (あなたの国の伝統料理)

Lesson 36.

Traditional Dishes from Your Country (あなたの国の伝統料理)

▮ Explanatory Text:
Every country has its traditional dishes, which are a significant part of its culture and heritage. These dishes are often passed down through generations and are a source of pride and joy for many. Sharing about traditional dishes can teach us about the diversity of world cuisines and the stories behind them. It’s a wonderful way to explore cultural identities and culinary traditions.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. One traditional dish from my country is…
2. It is typically made with…
3. This dish is often eaten during…
4. The unique thing about this dish is…
5. To prepare this dish, you need to…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. One traditional dish from my country is sushi.
2. It is typically made with vinegared rice, seafood, and vegetables.
3. This dish is often eaten during celebrations and special occasions.
4. The unique thing about this dish is its presentation and the variety of ingredients used.
5. To prepare this dish, you need to have a good understanding of how to balance flavors.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss a traditional dish from your country. Describe what it is, what ingredients are used, and any special occasions it is associated with. Explain how it is prepared and why it is important to your country’s culture. If possible, share any personal stories or memories you have related to this dish. Use the vocabulary and phrases introduced in this lesson to make your description as vivid and informative as possible.

※ This lesson plan invites students to share and learn about the rich culinary traditions from around the world. It encourages the use of descriptive language, cultural expressions, and the past tense when sharing personal stories or the history of a dish. It’s an engaging way for students to practice speaking while celebrating the diversity of their backgrounds.

Lesson 35. Your Role Models (あなたの手本)

Lesson 35.  Your Role Models (あなたの手本)

▮ Explanatory Text:
A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people. Everyone has someone they admire and look up to. This could be a family member, a historical figure, a teacher, or even a public personality. Discussing our role models can inspire us and others to strive for success and make positive changes in our lives.

▮ Common Phrases:
1. I admire… because…
2. My role model is… due to their…
3. One thing I learned from… is…
4. … inspires me to…
5. I aspire to be like… because…

▮ Example Sentences:
1. I admire my mother because of her strength and kindness.
2. My role model is Nelson Mandela due to his resilience and dedication to justice.
3. One thing I learned from my teacher is the importance of perseverance.
4. Malala Yousafzai inspires me to advocate for education.
5. I aspire to be like my older brother because he has always been a hard worker and a caring person.

▮ Discussion Instructions:
Discuss who your role model is and explain why you admire them. Describe the qualities or achievements that make them stand out to you, and how they have influenced your life or goals. Share any specific stories or quotes from your role model that have left a significant impact on you. Use the phrases introduced in this lesson to articulate your admiration and the lessons you’ve learned.

※ This lesson plan is designed to encourage students to express admiration and the positive influence of role models in their lives. It helps build vocabulary related to personal development and virtues, and it fosters a positive discussion environment where students can share and learn from each other’s experiences and aspirations.