
Debate is Fun ― Topics for Middle School

Middle school is a great time to start developing debate skills. Like most abilities that bud during this period, the experience is likely to stay with students well into adulthood and serve them in settings beyond debate class. Here are some funny and relatable topics for this age group that are bound to spark a stimulating discussion.


  1. Are smartphones making students smarter or dumber?
  2. Are video games making children smarter?
  3. Are video games harmful to students’ health?
  4. Should children be allowed to keep secrets from parents?
  5. Should students be allowed to skateboard or roller skate in school?
  6. Do parents have a right to spy on their children?
  7. Should students be able to give their teachers grades?
  8. Are the things students learn in math class ever going to come in handy?
  9. Should junk food be banned in schools?
  10. Can computers ever replace teachers?
  11. Are zoo visits valuable for education, or should children just watch animal videos on YouTube?
  12. Are boarding schools helping students learn?
  13. Is Harry Potter better than Lord of the Rings?
  14. If Harry Potter magic existed, would it be ethical to use it?
  15. Do nursery rhymes contain hidden messages?
Debate is Fun ―Topics for High school Students

High school years come with many questions, as young adults become less and less inclined to believe everything they’re told, start to look at the world more critically, and begin to have experiences away from the family. Naturally, many of the issues that grab this demographic’s attention have to do with the high school experience.


  1. Should students be banned from using smartphones in class?
  2. Should teens be allowed to get tattoos?
  3. Is cheating on a test ever justifiable?
  4. Should teachers be required to wear a school uniform?
    5 Is peer pressure doing more harm than good?
  5. Should yearbook quotes be funny or serious?
  6. Is it important to have an expensive prom outfit?
  7. Is it important to have a prom date?
  8. Should schools hold beauty pageants?
  9. Is the Barbie doll a good role model for young girls?
  10. Is there any point in going back to in-person learning after the pandemic?
  11. Should school lockers be considered students’ personal space?
  12. Should high school students wear whatever they want to school?
  13. Are movies creating an unrealistic idea of what high school is like?
  14. Is there too much pressure on high school students to pick a career path?
Debate is Fun ― Topics for College Students

What’s the best way to grab the attention of college students? Beer pong? Well, that’s one option, but it’s out of our jurisdiction. To keep university students engaged in a debate, it may work best to give them a relatable topic – something that has to do with their life in college!

大学生の注意を引く最良の方法は何でしょうか?ビールポンゲーム?まあ、それも一つの選択肢ですが、それは我々の管轄外です。大学生たちをディベートに夢中にさせるためには、彼らに関連性のある話題を提供するのが最善かもしれません – 大学生活に関連する何かです!

  1. Would you rather be good at exams or good at sports?
  2. Is finals week too stressful for students?
  3. Are graduation ceremonies too boring?
  4. Are college degrees overrated?
  5. Which is a more valuable degree – medicine or engineering?
  6. Is STEM education more valuable than training in humanities?
  7. Is there any point in having a business degree?
  8. Have college campuses become too ‘woke’?
  9. Should every campus have a ‘safe space’?
  10. Should dorms be mixed gender?
  11. Is spring break overrated?
  12. Should alcohol be allowed in dorms?
  13. Are college students drinking too much alcohol?
  14. Is it better to be one of the “jocks” or one of the “nerds”?
    15 Are athletic scholarships giving an unfair advantage to some students?
  15. Is cheerleading a sport?
Debate is Fun ― Universal Topics

we’ve put together a list of funny topics from across the board. Below you’ll find questions related to everything from time travel to hot dogs. The only connection these issues have with each other is that they are all two-parts funny and three-parts thought provoking.


  1. Do men gossip more than women?
  2. Are women more complicated than men?
  3. Would the world be a better place if women were in charge?
  4. Are there any advantages to being a man over a woman or vice versa?
  5. Is the age difference between two partners important in adult relationships?
  6. Would you rather be poor and honest or rich and dishonest?
  7. Would you rather be the main superhero or the sidekick?
  8. Would you rather travel 100 years forward or back in time?
    9 Would you rather be able to fly or read people’s minds?
  9. If you could have one superpower, which one would you choose?
  10. Would you rather be deaf or blind?
  11. Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
  12. Is it OK to ask the genie for infinite wishes?
  13. Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?
  14. Is it possible for a boss and a subordinate to be good friends?
  15. Are humans meant to eat to live or live to eat?
  16. Is social media making us more connected or just making it easier for people to stalk each other?
  17. Is Twitter creating a toxic culture or helping us stay connected?
  18. Is it better to be TikTok famous or Instagram famous?
  19. Should Facebook add a ‘dislike’ button?
  20. Is iOS better than Android?
  21. Is DC better than Marvel?
  22. Is Coca-Cola better than Pepsi?
  23. Are hotdogs sandwiches?
  24. Are square pizza slices better than triangles?
  25. Is the law too easy on celebrities?
  26. Which is the best Star Wars character?
  27. Are books better than movies?
  28. Does intelligent alien life exist?
  29. Is Friends better than How I Met Your Mother?
  30. What’s the best television show of all time?
  31. Is beauty more important than brains?
  32. Is rock n roll better than hip hop?
  33. Are introverts too quiet, or are extroverts too loud?
  34. Which is the real football – soccer or American football?
  35. Is music getting better or worse over time?
Agree or Disagree

English Site

★ 全ての講師が担当します。

▮ レッスンコース名:  Agree or Disagree  サンプル教材 

▮ レベル    :   CEFR B2~  TOEIC 800~、 英検準1~ 

▮ レッスン数  :    40 レッスン (必要な分だけ受講してください)

▮ 教材 : こちらでご用意した教材になります。 レッスン中は講師が画面共有を行います。

▮ レッスンの特徴

☑ 英語のことわざや格言について賛成か反対かを選び、理由と自分の意見を述べる。
☑ 英文の組み立て、ボキャブラリー、語彙の用法が身につきます。

▮ レッスン アクティビティ

● 英語の諺や格言を聞きます。
● 諺や格言の意味を考えます。
● 諺や格言について賛成か反対を選び、その理由を説明します。
● 説明の中で、語彙、文法、構文の間違えを訂正します。
● こちらのレッスン教材は市販教材となります。

100% Graphic Language (Advance)

English Site

★ 全ての講師が担当します。

▮ レッスンコース名:  100% Graphic Language (Advance)  サンプル教材 

▮ レベル    :   CEFR A2~B2  TOEIC 500~850、 英検準2級~準1級 

▮ レッスン数  :    28 レッスン (必要な分だけ受講してください)


▮ レッスンの特徴

☑ 100% グラフィック・ランゲージ教材使用 ― 全体が全て絵に表現された教材を使います。絵の与える効果は、「見る直ちに内容がわかる」+「右脳を刺激して記憶を定着させる」
☑ Basic編やIntermediate編で学習した語彙を繰り返し使いながら新たな語彙も加えて、より 長い文が用いられます。絵の内容を英語で表現する練習をします。

▮ レッスン アクティビティ

● 単語や語句付きの絵を見ながら講師と2~3回音読します。
● 講師から指示された番号の絵だけを見て単語・語句を解答します。
● 回答に詰まったりしたら、講師からヒントになるジェスチャーや語句が与えられます

100% Graphic Language (Advance) – Sample Material

Narration using Comic Strips [連続コマ漫画]

English Site

★ 全ての講師が担当します。

▮ レッスンコース名:  Narration using Comic Strips [連続コマ漫画]  サンプル教材 

▮ レベル    :   CEFR A2~B2  TOEIC 500~850、 英検準2級~準1級 

▮ レッスン数  :    40 レッスン (必要な分だけ受講してください)

▮ 教材 : こちらでご用意した教材になります。 レッスン中は講師が画面共有を行います。

▮ レッスンの特徴

☑ 連続コマ漫画を見て、漫画のストーリーを話してもらいます。
☑ 英文の組み立て、展開、語彙の用法が身につきます。

▮ レッスン アクティビティ

● 連続コマ漫画を3分間見た後、指示されたセンテンスを使いストーリーを話していきます。
● ストーリーの中で語彙、文法、構文の間違えを訂正します。
● 連続コマ漫画について講師からの質問に答えていきます。  

Questions for Discussion

English Site


★ 全ての講師が担当します。

▮ レッスンコース名:  Questions for Discussion   サンプル教材

▮ レベル    :   CEFR A2~B2  TOEIC 500~850、 英検準2級~準1級 

▮ レッスン数  :    25 レッスン (必要な分だけ受講してください)

▮ レッスンの特徴

☑ 身近なことや社会問題について質問に答えるだけでなく自分の意見を述べます。
☑ 様々なトピックについて英語で自分の意見・主張が話せるようになります。
☑ レッスン時間は、トピックについてのスピーキングが中心になります。

▮ レッスン アクティビティ

● 身近なことや社会問題についての短い解説を読みます。
● トピックについての質問に答え、その理由や自分の意見を述べていきます。
● 答えの中で、文法や表現の間違えを訂正していきます。
● トピックについて講師とディスカッションしていきます。

Questions for Discussion ― Sample Material