IELTSスピーキング 試験官はここをチェックしている! ディスコースマーカー

Fluency and coherence 流暢さと首尾一貫性
まずは、評価基準最初のカテゴリーFluency and coherence : 流暢さと首尾一貫性では、
● 長いポーズ(沈黙)や言葉のつかえなしに自然なスピードで話しているか。
● 考えを明確に、同じことを繰り返さずに、わかりやすく伝えられているか。
● ディスコース・マーカー(繋ぎ語)を適切に使って話に一貫性があるか。
Fluencyとは、”速すぎず遅すぎない” 自然なスピードです。 残念なことに、受験者の中で、
ディスコース・マーカー を使った回答例
質問: Does your name have a special meaning?

質問: What are some places of interest in your town?

質問: What are some places of interest in your town?


- Well
- Uhh
- Mmm
- Oh
- You know
- I mean
- Now
■論理的・構成的に話を伝える / 話題展開
- 一般的な文 (General Statement)
- Generally, …
- In general, …
- Generally speaking, …
- As a rule, …
- On the whole, …
- In many cases, …
- 対比 (Contrast)
- but
- however
- yet
- nevertheless
- instead
- oppositely
- although
- even though
- while
- whereas
- even if
- in spite of
- 比較 (Comparison)
- in contrast
- on the other hand
- while
- whereas
- however
- yet
- similarly
- likewise
- In the same way
- unlike
- 理由 (Cause)
- because
- since
- as
- because of
- thanks to
- due to
- 効果 (Effect)
- now that
- therefore
- so
- thus
- hence
- consequently
- 付加/追加 (Addition)
- in addition
- besides
- moreover
- then
- also furthermore
- 再説明 (Explanation Rephrase)
- in other words
- that is to say
- i.e.
- namely
- to put it differently
- in short
- 制限 (Limitation)
- As far as I know
- As far as I am concerned
- 例 (Example)
- for example
- for instance
- to illustrate
- リスト (Listing)
- First
- Second
- Third
- To begin with
- 要約 (Sum-up)
- To conclude
- To sum up
- To summarize
- In short
- In brief