
ネイティブのリアル英語   fall head over heels あなたに首ったけ


ネイティブのように話せるようになるのも”in no time”(あっという間)!


  fall head over heels あなたに首ったけ

「  首ったけ 」って英語ではどう言うんでしょか?

アメリカでは  ”    fall head over heels   といいます。


When he first heard her lovely voice over the phone, he fell head over heels for her.


head over heelsは、元々は「逆さま」という意味のみで使われていました。




い、fall head over heels となります。

fall head over heels 首ったけ 」習得・攻略

ネイティブのリアル 英語:

When I met your father forty years ago, we fell head over heels for each other.


 When I met your father forty years ago, we fell in love with each other.


 When I met cher father fordy years ago, we fell head over heels fer each other.

「 head over heels 」 を使ったその他のイディオム

    1. Head over heels in love : 深く恋に落ちる、夢中になる
      He fell head over heels in love with her the moment they met.

    2. Go head over heels : ひっくり返る、転ぶ
    He tripped on the stairs and went head over heels.

    3. Be head over heels with excitement : 興奮しすぎる、大喜びする
    The kids were head over heels with excitement when they saw the fireworks.

    4. Tumble head over heels : ぐるぐる回りながら倒れる、転がる
    The snowboarder tumbled head over heels down the slope.

    IELTS リーディング アカデミックの問題形式 「Short Answer Questions」 完全攻略

    IELTSリーディング アカデミック: Short Answer Questions(短答問題)の攻略


    • 短い質問文に対して、テキストから直接情報を見つけて1〜3語以内で回答する問題形式。
    • 必要な情報を迅速かつ正確に見つけ出すリーディングスキルが問われる。
    • 回答にはスペルミスや文法的な誤りが許されない。


    1. 設問を先に読む:
      • 設問文を注意深く読み、どのような情報が必要なのか理解します。
      • 質問文のキーワード(日時、場所、固有名詞など)を特定し、それを手がかりに本文を読む。

    2. スキャニングを活用:
      • 質問文のキーワードや関連する語句をテキスト内でスキャンして、該当箇所を特定します。

    3. パラフレーズを認識:
      • 設問とテキストが異なる表現で同じ意味を伝えていることが多いため、同義語や関連する表現に注意します。

    4. 必要最低限の回答を:
      • 指定された単語数(1〜3語)以内で回答を記述し、余計な情報を含めないようにします。

    5. 文法とスペルを確認:
      • 文法的に正しい語形で、スペルミスがないよう慎重に書きます。


    例題 1:

    Question: Where did the first modern Olympic Games take place?

    Text: “The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896.”

    Answer: Athens


    • 質問の”Where”に注目し、場所を探します。
    • テキストの”held in Athens, Greece”が該当部分で、”Athens”が最も簡潔な答え。

    例題 2:

    Question: What is the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for adults?

    Text: “According to health experts, the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for adults is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men.”

    Answer: 75 mg / 90 mg


    • 質問の”recommended daily intake”と”Vitamin C”を手がかりにします。
    • 性別による違いがあるため、どちらか一方、または両方を書くのが適切。

    例題 3:

    Question: How long does it take for a plastic bottle to decompose?

    Text: “Studies show that a single plastic bottle takes approximately 450 years to decompose in a landfill.”

    Answer: 450 years


    • 質問の”How long”が期間を問うものであることを理解します。
    • テキストの”450 years”が直接的な答え。


    1. 正確に必要な情報を特定する:
      • 設問文が何を尋ねているのかを正確に理解し、それに対応する情報のみを抽出する。

    2. 単語数制限を厳守する:
      • 指定された単語数を超えた場合、正解でも不正解とされるため注意。

    3. 同義語・パラフレーズを練習:
      • よく使われる同義表現に慣れることで、本文と設問の関連性を素早く見抜けるようになります。

    4. 時間配分を意識する:
      • 短答問題は比較的解きやすい形式のため、時間をかけすぎず効率的に進める。


    IELTS リーディング アカデミックの問題形式 「Table/Flowchart/Note/Diagram Completion」 完全攻略

    IELTSリーディング アカデミック: Table/Flowchart/Note/Diagram Completion 攻略

    IELTSリーディングのアカデミックモジュールでは、Table、Flowchart、Note,Diagram Completionという形式の問題が出題されることがあります。これらの問題は、与えられた情報を適切に理解し、空欄に最適な語句を埋める(空所穴埋め問題)スキルを測定するものです。 解答は,ほとんどが名詞です。 


    1. Table Completion(表完成)


    • 情報が表形式で整理されている。
    • 空欄には1〜2語または数値が求められる。
    • 同義語やパラフレーズが多用されるため、リスニングスキルも間接的に重要。


    1. 見出しを確認する: 表全体のテーマや構造を理解する。
    2. 文法に注目: 空欄の前後を見て適切な文法構造を推測する。
    3. キーワードを特定: テキスト内の該当箇所を見つけるための手がかりを探す。


    YearEventNumber of Participants
    2005Launch of X______

    Question: Complete the table using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER.


    • テキスト内で”2005″と”Launch of X”を含む箇所を探す。
    • “The launch of X in 2005 attracted 10,000 participants.”という記述があれば、答えは”10,000″。

    2. Flowchart Completion(フローチャート完成)


    • 解答がバラバラに出現する場合もある
    • 矢印を参考に文の繋がりを把握する
    • 解答の品詞を事前に考えると回答しやすい
    • スキャニングが有効
    • 解答は文字数の制限がある


    1. フローチャートの構造を理解する

    • フローチャートは一連のステップやプロセスを示しています。矢印や順序を確認し、どのような流れになっているのかを把握しましょう。
    • 文章の流れに沿って情報を探すのではなく、プロセスの前後関係を理解することで、回答の位置を予測しやすくなります。

    2. スキャニングを活用する

    • フローチャートのキーワード(名詞や動詞など)を素早く特定し、それに関連する情報を本文から探します。
    • 特に時間や手順に関する語(e.g., “next,” “then,” “after,” “process”)がヒントになるため、これらを意識してスキャンしましょう。

    3. 品詞を意識して解答を予測する

    • フローチャートの空所の前後を見て、求められる単語の品詞(名詞、動詞、形容詞など)を推測します。
    • 例えば「Monarchs search for ______」のような文なら、空所には名詞が入ると予測できます。

    4. 文字数制限に注意する

    • 問題の指示に従い、「NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER」などの制限に注意してください。
    • 不要な単語を入れずに、本文にある単語をそのまま使うことが重要です。

    5. シノニム(同義語)を活用する

    • 本文ではフローチャートに使われている単語とは異なる表現が使われることがあります。
    • 例えば、「travel」という単語が問題にあった場合、本文では「migrate」という表現が使われている可能性があります。そのため、同義語を意識しながら読むことで、正確な回答を見つけやすくなります。


    1. The Migration Patterns of Monarch Butterflies

    Monarch butterflies undertake one of the most remarkable migration journeys in the natural world, traveling thousands of kilometers across North America every year. Their migration is primarily driven by seasonal changes and the search for suitable breeding and feeding grounds. The migration cycle spans multiple generations, with different groups of butterflies contributing to the overall journey.

    In the spring and summer months, monarch butterflies begin their journey northward from overwintering sites in Mexico and the southern United States. They travel to regions in the northern United States and Canada, seeking milkweed plants, which serve as both a food source and a breeding ground. The butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed leaves, ensuring that the next generation has access to nourishment upon hatching.

    The northward migration occurs over several generations, each with a lifespan of a few weeks. As the butterflies progress further north, they reproduce and continue the cycle. The final generation to emerge in late summer is unique, as it does not reproduce immediately but instead prepares for the long journey back to warmer climates.

    During autumn, the monarchs begin their southward journey. This generation, known as the migratory generation, is physically distinct from the earlier generations. They possess larger bodies and longer wings, which enable them to cover greater distances. Environmental cues such as temperature and daylight guide their navigation towards the forests of central Mexico.

    Once they arrive in Mexico, the butterflies cluster in trees to survive the winter months. They enter a state of reduced metabolic activity to conserve energy. This period of dormancy is critical, as it allows them to survive until the return of warmer conditions.

    Monarch butterflies face numerous challenges during their migration. Habitat destruction, climate change, and the reduction of milkweed plants due to agricultural expansion pose significant threats to their survival. Conservation initiatives focus on habitat restoration and public awareness campaigns to protect these vital pollinators.

    Scientists study monarch migration using various methods, including tracking devices, citizen science initiatives, and genetic analysis. These approaches help researchers understand migration routes, monitor population trends, and identify critical habitats for conservation efforts.

    Flowchart Completion Questions

    Complete the flowchart below.
    Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

    1. Monarch butterflies leave (1) __________ in spring. ↓
    2. Travel northward in search of (2) __________ plants. ↓
    3. Multiple generations reproduce and continue migration. ↓
    4. The (3) __________ generation begins the southward journey. ↓
    5. Arrive in Mexico and cluster in (4) __________. ↓
    6. Enter a state of reduced (5) __________ to survive winter. ↓
    7. Threats include habitat loss and decline of (6) __________.

    Answer Key and Explanation

    1. overwintering sites
      Hint: Second paragraph. The passage states that “Monarch butterflies begin their journey northward from overwintering sites in Mexico and the southern United States.”

    2. milkweed
    Hint: Second paragraph. Monarchs seek milkweed plants as both a food source and breeding ground.

    3. migratory
    Hint: Fourth paragraph. The passage mentions that the migratory generation is the one that embarks on the journey back south.

    4. trees
    Hint: Fifth paragraph. Monarchs cluster in trees to survive the winter months.

    5. metabolic activity
    Hint: Fifth paragraph. The passage describes how monarchs enter a state of reduced metabolic activity.

    6. milkweed
    Hint: Sixth paragraph. The passage highlights the reduction of milkweed plants as a major threat to their survival.


    3.  Note Completion (メモ – 空欄穴埋め)


    ● 用意されたNote(メモ)の抜けを埋めて完成させる形式です。
    ● 設問の順番は、本文に記載されている順番通りで解答できる場合が多い。

    ● ONE WORD ONLY もしくは NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS という語数の指定があります。


    The Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment

    Air pollution has become a critical issue affecting human health and ecosystems worldwide. It is primarily caused by emissions from industries, vehicles, and agricultural activities, releasing harmful substances like particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the atmosphere. These pollutants have far-reaching consequences for both human health and the environment.

    One of the most concerning impacts of air pollution is its effect on respiratory health. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) can penetrate deep into the lungs, causing inflammation and exacerbating conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Long-term exposure to polluted air is linked to severe diseases such as lung cancer and cardiovascular complications. Vulnerable populations, including children and the elderly, are particularly at risk. For instance, studies have shown a significant increase in hospital admissions for respiratory issues during periods of high air pollution.

    Air pollution also has a substantial impact on the environment. Acid rain, formed when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water vapor, damages soil, water bodies, and vegetation. It alters the pH of aquatic ecosystems, making them unsuitable for many species. Additionally, the deposition of pollutants on leaves and soil can inhibit plant growth and reduce crop yields. Ozone, a secondary pollutant formed through the reaction of sunlight with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides, is particularly harmful to plant life. High levels of ozone can damage the leaves of plants, affecting their ability to photosynthesize and reducing agricultural productivity.

    Another significant issue caused by air pollution is its contribution to climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), both greenhouse gases, trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. Short-lived pollutants like black carbon also play a role in heating the atmosphere. Black carbon, produced from the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass, not only absorbs heat but also accelerates the melting of snow and ice in polar regions.

    Efforts to combat air pollution include government regulations and technological advancements. Policies such as the implementation of emission standards for vehicles and industries aim to reduce the release of harmful pollutants. For example, the introduction of cleaner fuels and electric vehicles is helping to lower air pollution in urban areas. Technological innovations like air purifiers and carbon capture systems are also playing a significant role in mitigating the effects of air pollution.

    Raising awareness about the dangers of air pollution is crucial for its prevention. Public campaigns and educational initiatives can help individuals adopt eco-friendly practices such as using public transportation, conserving energy, and supporting renewable energy sources. Collaborative efforts between governments, industries, and communities are essential to address this global challenge effectively.

    Note Completion Task

    Complete the notes below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

    Effects of Air Pollution on Health:

    • Fine particulate matter can cause (1) __________ in the lungs.

    • Long-term exposure is linked to diseases like lung cancer and (2) __________ complications.

    • (3) __________ populations are especially at risk, including children and the elderly.

    Environmental Consequences:

    • Acid rain damages (4) __________, water bodies, and vegetation.

    • High levels of (5) __________ inhibit plant growth and reduce crop yields.

    • Black carbon contributes to the melting of (6) __________ in polar regions.


    Answer Key

    1. inflammation

      • Hint: Paragraph 2 describes how fine particulate matter causes inflammation in the lungs.

      • Reason: Inflammation is a direct consequence of PM2.5 exposure, as mentioned in the text.

    2. cardiovascular

      • Hint: Paragraph 2 links long-term air pollution exposure to cardiovascular complications.

      • Reason: This is a specific disease category associated with air pollution effects.

    3. vulnerable

      • Hint: Paragraph 2 highlights that vulnerable populations, such as children and the elderly, are at greater risk.

      • Reason: “Vulnerable” is the term used to describe these groups in the passage.

    4. soil

      • Hint: Paragraph 3 discusses how acid rain affects soil, water bodies, and vegetation.

      • Reason: Soil is explicitly mentioned as one of the elements damaged by acid rain.

    5. ozone

      • Hint: Paragraph 3 explains the harmful effects of high ozone levels on plants.

      • Reason: Ozone inhibits photosynthesis and agricultural productivity.

    6. ice

      • Hint: Paragraph 4 refers to how black carbon accelerates the melting of snow and ice in polar regions.

      • Reason: Ice is explicitly mentioned as being affected by black carbon.

    4. Diagram Completion(図表完成)


    • イラストや図表が与えられ、それを基に空欄を埋める。
    • 形状や位置関係、説明文を理解する力が求められる。


    1. 図を分析: 図のラベルや注釈を確認して、全体像を把握する。
    2. 位置関係を意識: 空欄が図のどの部分に対応するかを明確にする。
    3. 関連語句を抽出: 図とテキストの対応箇所を正確に見つける。


    Diagram of a Water Cycle:

    • Evaporation
    • Precipitation

    Question: Label the diagram using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.


    • テキスト内で”evaporation”と”precipitation”の間に当たる段階を探す。
    • “After evaporation, condensation occurs as water vapor cools.”という記述があれば、答えは”Condensation”。


    1. 時間配分を意識: 問題ごとに2〜3分を目安に解く。
    2. 設問を先に読む: 質問内容を理解した上で、本文を読み始める。
    3. パラフレーズに注意: 出題者は同じ単語を繰り返さないことが多い。
    4. スペルミスに注意: 誤字は失点につながるため、慎重に書く。

    これらのアプローチとTIPSを実践することで、Table/Flowchart/Diagram Completionのスコア向上が期待できます。練習を重ね、効率的に解くスキルを磨きましょう!